

Many black people presume that the comment, “they all look alike to me”, is the way the rest of the world sees us.


But research has shown that, although this facial ambiguity is a problem, it’s not unique to black people.


The human brain de-individualizes faces belonging to groups that we don’t belong to. This behavior is known as the cross-race effect.

人脑将属于我们不属于的组的面Kong去个体化。 这种行为称为交叉竞赛效应

Now, if I didn’t know better, I’d have sworn that scientists were doing their best to all-lives-matter the conversation, but there is evidence that, to people of a different race, people of another race do look alike.


That said, the well-documented shortcomings of modern facial recognition technologies are forcing scientists to consider a different, but ultimately, related set of questions.


At a basic level, the goal of artificial intelligence is to simulate the human brain — General AI, or even exceed its intelligence — Super AI.

从根本上讲, 人工智能的目标是模拟人脑-通用AI,甚至超越其智能-超级AI。

But so far, what we’ve been able to do is simulate a subset of human functions — Narrow AI.

但是到目前为止,我们已经能够做的是模拟人类功能的一个子集-Narrow AI。

This field of AI operates within a pre-determined, pre-defined range, and replicates a specific human behaviour based on specific parameters and contexts.


While this is no doubt an impressive feat, the cross-race effect isn’t extensible to lower forms of intelligence. What we’ve found, instead, is that the deep learning algorithms that we use in narrow AI might have inherited some deep racial biases.

尽管这无疑是一项令人印象深刻的壮举,但交叉种族效应无法扩展到较低形式的智力。 相反,我们发现,在狭窄的AI中使用的深度学习算法可能继承了一些深深的种族偏见

Facial recognition technology has been around since the mid-’60s. But in recent years, the emergence of deep learning has accelerated its adoption in numerous use cases including law enforcement.

面部识别技术自60年代中期开始出现。 但是近年来,深度学习的出现加速了其在包括执法在内的许多用例中的采用。

However, it’s still an imperfect technology.


US government tests found that, as recently as 2019, even top-performing facial recognition systems misidentified blacks at rates five to ten times higher than they did whites.


Depending on the use case, the effects of misidentification can be anything from mildly irritating — like in 2009, when an HP webcam designed to track people’s faces, tracked a white worker but not her black colleague — to deeply insulting, like in 2015, when Google Photos classified some black people as gorillas.

视使用情况而定, 误识别的影响可能从轻度的刺激(例如在2009年,当时是设计用于追踪人脸的HP网络摄像头,追踪了白人而不是黑人同事)到深深的侮辱(例如2015年) Google相册将一些黑人归为大猩猩。

But in the context of law enforcement, while it has been successful in fighting crime in some locales, a single case of mistaken identity could be the difference between freedom and incarceration, or worse still, between life and death.


In what might be the first known case of a wrongful arrest caused by inaccurate facial recognition technology, Robert Julian-Borchak Williams was recently arrested in Detroit, after a facial recognition system falsely matched his photo with security footage of a shoplifter.

在什么可能是造成错误的面部识别技术错误逮捕的第一个已知的情况下, 罗伯特·朱利安-威廉姆斯Borchak最近逮捕在底特律,面部识别系统后,错误匹配他的商店扒手的安全录像照片。

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Robert Julian-Borchak Williams (Source: NY Times)

Williams is African-American.


His story is, coincidentally, coming at the height of tensions between Black America and the police force.


The charged atmosphere has forced multiple western tech companies, including IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon, to announce that they’ll be pausing or stopping their facial recognition work for the police.


Even though there have been advancements in the space, the margin for error when identifying black faces is still far too high. And it was only a matter of time before an incident like this occurred.

即使空间有所进步,识别黑脸时的误差幅度仍然过高。 发生这样的事件只是时间问题。

The decision of the tech giants to put their programs on hold is the biggest indictment on current facial recognition systems. The reason why the technology performs so differently for darker skin tones is still unclear, but there are at least two plausible explanations:

科技巨头决定暂停其程序是当前面部识别系统的最大指控。 尚不清楚该技术对深色肤色有如此显着差异的原因,但至少有两个合理的解释:

1.黑人人数不足 (1. Black people are underrepresented)

MIT researcher and digital activist Joy Buolamwin has made racial biases in facial recognition technology her life’s work. She’s put forward the theory that, in the datasets used to test or train facial recognition systems, black people are not properly represented.

麻省理工学院的研究员和数字活动家Joy Buolamwin使面部识别技术中的种族偏见成为了她一生的工作。 她提出了一种理论,即在用于测试或训练面部识别系统的数据集中,黑人没有得到适当的代表。

An AI system is only as good as its data. Respected AI researcher Robert Mercer famously said:

一个AI系统仅与其数据一样好。 备受尊敬的AI研究员Robert Mercer曾有句著名的话:

“There’s no data like more data.”


The easiest place to “harmlessly” harvest large amounts of photos of faces is the web. Being the largest contributors to the global internet economy, online content tends to skew very male, very white, and very western. It also doesn’t help that it’s that same demo that’s largely responsible for building western AI algorithms.

网络是“无害”采集大量面部照片的最简单的地方。 作为全球互联网经济的最大贡献者,在线内容倾向于偏向非常男性,非常白人和非常西方的人群。 同样的演示主要负责构建西方AI算法,这也无济于事。

2.黑色的光致缺陷 (2. The black photogenicity deficit)

There’s another argument that the lower accuracy on darker skin can be traced back to the beginnings of color film. Photographic technology has always been optimized for lighter skin, and the digital photography we use today is built on the same principles that shaped early film photography. According to this school of thought, narrow AI is having difficulty recognizing black faces simply because modern photography wasn’t designed with the facial features of black people in mind.

还有一个论点是,深色皮肤上较低的准确度可以追溯到彩色胶卷的开始。 摄影技术一直以来都针对较轻的皮肤进行了优化,而我们今天使用的数字摄影基于塑造早期胶片摄影的相同原理。 按照这个思想流派,狭窄的AI很难识别黑脸,这仅仅是因为现代摄影并非在设计时就考虑到了黑人的面部特征。

In western countries where blacks are in the minority, these built-in biases significantly impact the quality of facial recognition-assisted law enforcement. However, in the continent with the largest population of black people, the potential for harm is exponentially greater.

在黑人占少数的西方国家,这些内在偏见极大地影响了面部识别辅助执法的质量。 但是,在黑人人口最多的大陆上,潜在的危害成倍增加。

The US and China are locked in a war over AI dominance.


According to renowned AI researcher and investor Kai-Fu Lee, there are 7 giants of the AI age, namely:

根据著名的AI研究人员和投资者Lee Kai-Fu的说法,有7个AI时代的巨人:

  1. Google

  2. Facebook

  3. Microsoft

  4. Amazon

  5. Tencent

  6. Baidu

  7. Alibaba


Currently, it’s almost an even split between the US companies and the Chinese companies. Some analysts believe that Africa could be the final battleground.

目前,这几乎是美国公司和中国公司之间的差距。 一些分析人士认为,非洲可能是最后的战场。

If so, then it’s a battle that US businesses are currently losing.


There have been interesting, one-off developments, like Google opening its first AI lab in Ghana last year, but the US has largely been cool on exploring the continent’s AI and data potential.


This has handed China a significant advantage, particularly in face recognition.


In recent years, the Chinese tech giant, Huawei, has been pushing its flagship public safety solution: Safe City. Built on CCTV and facial recognition technologies, the solution provides local authorities with modern tools for law enforcement.

近年来,中国科技巨头华为一直在推动其旗舰产品公共安全解决方案:安全城市。 该解决方案以闭路电视和面部识别技术为基础,为地方当局提供了现代化的执法工具。

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a US-based think tank, there are currently twelve Safe City programs operational in sub-Saharan Africa, including in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa.


Questions have been raised about privacy, data protection, and aiding and abetting authoritarian regimes. But, on the other hand, there have also been success stories. Like in Nairobi, where Huawei claims that the initiative led to a 46% reduction in the crime rate.

有关隐私,数据保护以及协助和教,威权政权的问题已经提出。 但是,另一方面,也有成功的故事。 就像内罗毕一样,华为声称该倡议使犯罪率降低46%

It’s, however, instructive that information about false positives and wrongful arrests has, so far, been opaque.


In 2018, Chinese AI startup, CloudWalk, signed a deal with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Mnangagwa has shown a tendency to use digital tools and the power of the law to restrict civil liberties but that’s not the only thing troubling about the CloudWalk deal.

2018年,中国AI初创企业CloudWalk与津巴布韦总统埃默森·曼纳格格瓦(Emmerson Mnangagwa)签署了一项协议 。 Mnangagwa已经显示出倾向于使用数字工具和法律的力量来限制公民自由的趋势,但这并不是CloudWalk协议唯一令人困扰的事情。

As part of the agreement, Harare has been sending data on millions of black faces to the Chinese company, this is helping to train their technology toward darker skin tones.


It’s a brazen data-for-dollars swap on a national level.


The CloudWalk-Zimbabwe agreement offers a glimpse into the deficit in global facial recognition technology that Chinese companies are trying to make up. These companies are benefiting from the general absence of laws that cover biometric data and cross-border flows of sensitive information.

CloudWalk-Zinbabwe协议可以窥见中国公司试图弥补的全球面部识别技术的不足。 这些公司受益于普遍缺乏涵盖生物识别数据和敏感信息的跨境流动的法律。

As Chinese AI companies continue to support local law enforcement, and conduct business with oppressive regimes, while simultaneously using black faces to train their datasets, there’s no telling how many Robert Julian-Borchak Williams there had been before there was Robert Julian-Borchak Williams.

随着中国AI公司继续支持当地执法部门,并在压迫性政权下开展业务, 同时使用黑脸训练他们的数据集,在罗伯特·朱利安·伯查克·威廉姆斯(Robert Julian-Borchak Williams)之前,并没有告诉我们有多少罗伯特·朱利安·伯查克·威廉姆斯(Robert Julian-Borchak Williams)。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/getdotafrica/facial-recognition-racial-bias-and-african-law-enforcement-9e85b4e39a3f


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