
This article is a response to the article “Ocean Protocol Review” by cryptomedication, published on Aug. 9, 2020.

本文是对2020年8月9日发表的密码医学文章《 海洋协议评论 》的回应。

Thank you very much for the interest in Ocean Protocol! We appreciate the time and energy that it took to learn about Ocean, explore some of our software components, and write a review that includes thoughtful feedback.

非常感谢您对海洋协议的关注! 我们感谢您花费大量时间和精力来学习Ocean,探索我们的某些软件组件以及撰写包含周到反馈的评论。

At Ocean Protocol, we take all feedback seriously. We consider it in our planning and execution on both technical and community fronts. We also see it as an opportunity to help raise our community’s knowledge about various facets of Ocean. We’re happy to respond to your article.

在《海洋议定书》中,我们认真对待所有反馈。 我们在技术和社区方面的规划和执行中都考虑到了这一点。 我们也认为这是一个机会,可以帮助我们提高社区对海洋各个方面的了解。 我们很高兴回复您的文章。

This response is organized as follows:


  • Context on useful AI, data, and Ocean founding

  • Context on Ocean roadmap status

  • Context on Ocean and identity

  • A response to the article’s summary

  • A detailed response to each of the 14 points raised in the article


Let’s proceed.


关于有用的AI,数据和海洋建立的上下文 (Context on Useful AI, Data, and Ocean Founding)

This section will describe useful AI, and AI’s relation to data, with examples of the experience of one of our founders (Trent McConaghy).

本节将以其中一位创始人(Trent McConaghy)的经验为例,介绍有用的AI以及AI与数据的关系。

Useful AI. Trent first started AI work professionally in 1997 at the Government of Canada (while still in university). There, he designed AI models to automatically classify audio radar signals. After university he founded ADA, which used AI to help analog designers to size their circuits more quickly. ADA grew its customer base and was acquired in 2004 by industry leader Synopsys Inc.

有用的AI。 特伦特(Trent)于1997年在加拿大政府(当时还在大学里)首次开始从事AI专业工作。 在那里,他设计了AI模型来自动对音频雷达信号进行分类。 大学毕业后,他创立了ADA,它使用AI帮助模拟设计师更快地确定电路尺寸。 ADA扩大了客户群,并于2004年被行业领导者Synopsys Inc.收购。

He went on to found Solido, which used AI to help circuit designers to estimate the effect of manufacturing variation on yield. By the time Siemens acquired Solido in 2017, its software was used by 19 of the world’s top 20 semiconductor companies, including Nvidia, Sony, Qualcomm, Apple, Samsung, and TSMC, for designing chips used in phones, tablets, cars, GPUs, and more.

他接着创立了Solido,该公司使用AI来帮助电路设计人员估计制造差异对良率的影响。 西门子在2017年收购Solido时,其软件已被Nvidia,索尼,高通,苹果,三星和台积电(TSMC)等19家全球前20大半导体公司所采用,用于设计用于手机,平板电脑,汽车,GPU,和更多。

AI & Data. Much of Trent’s AI work involved building AI models, such as:

人工智能与数据 Trent的大部分AI工作涉及建立AI模型,例如:

  • classifiers for audio radar signals.

  • a regression model-based optimizer for sizing analog circuits.

  • a density estimator for modeling probability distributions from which to estimate circuit yield.

  • regression models for mapping random variables to circuit performances, from which rare-event estimates could be made.

  • Gaussian Process Models used in an optimization loop to identify worst-case performance across various temperatures and load conditions. And so on.

    在优化循环中使用的高斯过程模型可确定各种温度和负载条件下的最坏情况性能。 等等。

All of these models needed data to get built. The goal was to get sufficiently accurate models given time and budget constraints. One way would have been to somehow get 10x or 100x more data, since AI model error decreases with more data. But this was not possible in these particular applications. For the radar work, due to the government processes it was extremely hard to get more data. The circuit applications used SPICE simulation data, but because each simulation was time-consuming there was a simulation budget and therefore a data limit. Because of this, the goal was to find the best AI approach (AI modeling and maybe adaptive sampling) given the data limit.

所有这些模型都需要数据才能构建。 目标是在时间和预算约束下获得足够准确的模型。 一种方法是以某种方式获得更多10倍或100倍的数据,因为AI模型错误随着更多数据而减少。 但这在这些特定的应用程序中是不可能的。 对于雷达工作,由于政府程序的原因,很难获得更多数据。 电路应用程序使用SPICE仿真数据,但是由于每次仿真都很耗时,因此存在仿真预算,因此数据有限。 因此,目标是在给定数据限制的情况下,找到最佳的AI方法(AI建模以及自适应采样)。

Trent’s experience on the usefulness of data for AI was not unique. In fact, the AI industry has long known the benefit of data. In 2001, Microsoft researchers published the plot below, showing how accuracy increased (error decreased) as the amount of data increased. In 2007, Google wrote a paper called “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data” gave many more examples. In a recent “Voices of the Data Economy” podcast, Andrew Trask underscored how much data is needed to power AI.

Trent在数据对AI有用性方面的经验并非独一无二。 实际上,人工智能行业早就知道数据的好处。 在2001年,Microsoft研究人员发布了以下图表,显示了随着数据量的增加,准确性如何提高(错误减少)。 2007年,Google撰写了一篇名为“数据的不合理有效性”的论文,给出了更多示例。 在最近的“数据经济之声” 播客中 ,安德鲁·特拉斯克强调了为人工智能提供动力需要多少数据。

In short: AI loves data. It improves model accuracy, and in turn improves business and research outcomes.

简而言之:AI喜欢数据。 它提高了模型的准确性,进而改善了业务和研究成果。

But there’s a problem: the data is locked, or concentrated in the hands of the few. Our inaugural blog post on Ocean from nearly three years ago elaborates:

但是有一个问题:数据被锁定或集中在少数几个人的手中。 我们近三年前在海洋上的首篇博客文章详细阐述了:

“Many enterprises have plenty of data but don’t know how to make it available to the world. Latent value lurks everywhere. Conversely, many startups know how to turn data in to value using AI, but they’re starving for data.

“许多企业拥有大量数据,但不知道如何将其提供给全世界。 潜在价值潜伏在各处。 相反,许多创业公司都知道如何使用AI将数据转化为价值,但他们却渴望获得数据。

Only a handful of companies in the world — Google, Facebook, and the like — have both massive datasets and the AI knowledge to turn it into value. Their moat is data, not AI algorithms. They’ve used the combination of data * AI to become the most powerful companies in the world.

世界上只有少数公司-Google,Facebook等-具有海量数据集和AI知识,可以将其转化为价值。 他们的mo病是数据,而不是AI算法。 他们利用数据* AI的组合,成为世界上最强大的公司。

It’s 2017. Society runs on data, yet much of it is controlled by a handful of companies with more power, resources, and reach than most nations. How can we equalize access to data, and therefore opportunity to make the most of modern AI and compute?”

到了2017年。社会依靠数据运行,但是其中的大部分是由少数几家公司控制的,这些公司拥有比大多数国家更大的权力,资源和影响力。 我们如何才能平衡对数据的访问,从而有机会充分利用现代AI和计算技术?”

And in this last sentence lies Ocean’s goal. AI models unlock the value of data. Ocean is all about unlocking data — especially data for AI models because that’s where so much value lies.

最后一句话就是海洋的目标。 AI模型释放了数据的价值。 海洋就是关于解锁数据的一切,尤其是用于AI模型的数据,因为这就是价值所在。

海洋路线图进展情况 (Context on Ocean Roadmap Progress)

Ocean has made great progress towards this mission. From Ocean’s 2020 Product Update:

海洋在实现这一使命方面已经取得了很大进展。 来自Ocean的2020产品更新

  • Goal 1 (V1) — We shipped version 1.0 (V1) in mid 2019 … building the decentralized technology foundation. It provides a flexible, open architecture to accommodate many data exchange scenarios. This includes functionality to build data commons; for example, we implemented and deployed commons.oceanprotocol.com to demonstrate. Version 1.0 also includes functionality to build decentralized data marketplaces, where the marketplace does not control or see the data. … We released version 1.1 in fall 2019 [which] added IPFS support.

    目标1(V1)- 我们在2019年中期发布了1.0版(V1)…建立了去中心化的技术基础。 它提供了一种灵活的开放式体系结构,可以容纳许多数据交换方案。 这包括建立数据共享的功能; 例如,我们实施并部署了commons.oceanprotocol.com进行演示。 1.0版还包含用于构建分散的数据市场的功能,该市场无法控制或查看数据。 …我们在2019年秋季发布了1.1版,其中增加了IPFS支持。

  • Data Marketplaces. To facilitate exchange of data at the “last mile” user level, we’ve also built and deployed a decentralized / non-custodial marketplace. It can be deployed in a whitelabel fashion by data providers. We shipped the beta in March 2020 with a strategic partner.

    数据市场。 为了促进“最后一英里”用户级别的数据交换,我们还建立并部署了去中心化/非托管市场。 数据提供者可以以白标的方式部署它。 我们在2020年3月与战略合作伙伴一起发布了Beta版。

  • Goal 2 (V2) — to unlock private data using compute-to-data. [We released this in May 2020.]

    目标2(V2) -使用计算到数据来解锁私人数据。 [我们于2020年5月发布了此文件。]

  • Goal 3 (V3) and Goal 5 (V5) — We’re working on data tokens, which wrap access controls with tokens. … The design will have incentives to maximize the supply and sharing of data. There will be elements of staking. … Achieve permissionlessness. [This is on schedule to be released at the end of Q3 2020.]

    目标3(V3)和目标5(V5) -我们正在研究数据令牌,这些令牌将访问控制包装在令牌中。 ……设计将有动力使数据的提供和共享最大化。 会有抵押的元素。 …实现无许可。 [按计划将于2020年第三季度末发布。]

  • Goal 4 (V4). Goal 4 is to ensure that the community and project are self-sustaining through a community funding process. [This is on schedule to be released during Q4 2020.]

    目标4(V4)。 目标4是确保社区和项目通过社区资助流程实现自我维持。 [按计划将于2020年第四季度发布。]

We’ve also been working on commercial projects to deploy the technology, such as a proof-of-concept with Daimler for a decentralized data sharing platform.


海洋与身份的语境 (Context on Ocean and Identity)

Ocean has a notion of identity for actors, and for data assets.


  • Actors like data providers and consumers have Ethereum addresses, aka web3 accounts. These are managed by crypto wallets, as one would expect. There are opportunities for functionality to get built on top using e.g. 3Box or verifiable credentials.

    像数据提供者和消费者行为者 复仇的地址 ,又名WEB3账户。 正如人们所期望的那样,它们由加密钱包管理。 有机会使用例如3Box或可验证的凭证建立功能。

  • Each data asset has a decentralized identifier (DID) that resolves to a DDO for associated metadata. The DDO is essentially JSON filling in metadata fields (information about data assets). This use of DID / DDO also does not require heavy identity management / authentication modules.

    每个数据资产都有一个分散的标识符 ( DID ),该标识符可解析为关联元数据的DDO 。 DDO本质上是在元数据字段(有关数据资产的信息)中填充的JSON 。 DID / DDO的这种使用也不需要繁重的身份管理/身份验证模块。

对文章摘要的回应 (Response to Article’s Summary)

> [cryptomedication wrote] I think the idea of artificial intelligence on the blockchain (in the way that Ocean Protocol proposes they will implement it), is far-fetched at best (more than likely not possible in the least bit).

> [cryptomedication写道]我认为,关于区块链上人工智能的想法(以海洋协议提出的实现它们的方式)充其量是牵强的(至少有可能是不可能的)。

> … If I were in contact with the team, I would urge them to: Scrap the A.I. idea altogether ; its not ever going to be used by anyone and it won’t work anyway. I get it — this sounds very impressive and like something that will move the needle forward on convincing people that this token is radically different than anything we’ve ever seen before, but it won’t have that impact. Instead, you’ll just end up with assholes like me that give your project a super harsh critique.

>…如果我与团队保持联系,我会敦促他们:完全放弃AI想法; 它永远不会被任何人使用,反正也不会起作用。 我明白了–这听起来非常令人印象深刻,就像可以使人们相信该令牌与我们之前所见过的任何事物完全不同的东西一样,将向前迈进了一步。 相反,您最终会遇到像我这样的混蛋,这些混蛋使您的项目变得极度苛刻。

No. AI and AI modeling has been in practical industry usage for decades. AI models love data, because it improves model accuracy, and in turn improves business and research outcomes. For example, we need to look no further than the experience of our founder, Trent McConaghy.

否。AI和AI建模已在实际行业中使用了数十年。 人工智能模型喜欢数据,因为它提高了模型的准确性,进而提高了业务和研究成果。 例如,我们只需要了解创始人Trent McConaghy的经验即可。

We recognized a key challenge that the AI industry had: how to get more data. We’ve built Ocean to help solve that, by leveraging tools from cryptography and blockchain.

我们认识到AI行业面临的一个关键挑战:如何获取更多数据。 我们构建了Ocean,以利用加密和区块链中的工具来帮助解决这一问题。

It’s also worth noting that Ocean’s focus is not AI on the blockchain. Rather, its focus is how to get more data for building models, especially AI models. However, there is also great value in decentralized AI agents (“AI on the blockchain) and projects like SingularityNet and Fetch.ai are doing excellent work here. They are complementary to Ocean, because Ocean can supply data to their AI technologies.

还值得注意的是,Ocean的重点不是区块链上的AI。 相反,它的重点是如何获取更多数据以构建模型,尤其是AI模型。 但是,去中心化AI代理(“区块链上的AI”)也具有巨大价值,SingularityNet和Fetch.ai等项目在这里做得很好。 它们是Ocean的补充,因为Ocean可以为其AI技术提供数据。

> The fact that the team is aware of the DID Protocol (which involves sidetree deployment), tells me that this concept is not foreign to them. However, since there is no valid authentication scheme embedded within the project, it almost feels like this integration / usage of the DID is a complete waste.

>团队了解DID协议(涉及边树部署)的事实告诉我,这个概念对他们而言并不陌生。 但是,由于项目中没有嵌入有效的身份验证方案,因此几乎感觉到DID的这种集成/使用完全是浪费。

DIDs (and DDOs) emerged in 2016 at a RWOT workshop. Sidetrees came after. Sidetrees depend on DIDs, not the other way around.

DID(和DDO) 于2016年RWOT研讨会上出现 。 侧树来了 。 辅助树取决于DID,而不是相反。

As discussed, Ocean uses DIDs (and DDOs) for data assets. In the Ocean context, data assets are bought and sold, i.e. transferred among various parties.

如前所述,Ocean使用DID(和DDO)来存储数据资产。 在海洋环境中,买卖数据资产,即在各方之间转移。

We like the Sidetree protocol, and respect the people behind it. However, it assumes that DIDs are non-transferable. This means we cannot use it for our context — data assets. Here are details on the transferability constraint:

我们喜欢Sidetree协议,并尊重其背后的人们。 但是,它假定DID是不可转让的。 这意味着我们不能将其用于上下文-数据资产。 以下是有关可传递性约束的详细信息:

“DIDs are assumed to be non-transferable, and the protocol provides no means for one logical entity to give, purchase, or acquire a DID from another entity who originated it. This is something that works for the DID/DPKI case, but would not for the monetary double-spend case (if it did, we wouldn’t need a blockchain to ascertain decentralized, deterministic lineage).”

“ DID被认为是不可转让的,并且该协议没有提供任何方法让一个逻辑实体从发起它的另一实体提供,购买或获取DID。 这是适用于DID / DPKI案例的方法,但不适用于货币双花的案例(如果可行的话,我们将不需要区块链来确定分散的确定性谱系)。

As an aside, DIF recommends IPFS as the content-addressable storage block. Ocean integrates IPFS. Ocean uses best-in-class protocols and technologies where possible (e.g. DID, IPFS) but not where it doesn’t make sense (Sidetree for data assets).

另外,DIF 建议将 IPFS作为内容可寻址存储块。 海洋集成了IPFS 。 Ocean在可能的情况下(例如DID,IPFS)使用一流的协议和技术,但在没有意义的地方(数据资产的侧面树)则使用此类协议和技术。

Also, BigchainDB (the team building Ocean) is a founding member of Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), the main organizing body behind DIDs.

而且,BigchainDB(Ocean的团队建设)是DID背后的主要组织机构, 分散身份基金会 (DIF)的创始成员。

> To be clear, the integration of the DID scheme is a complete waste because the sidetree protocol was originally designed / created within Ethereum! There are even online, open demos of how the sidetree protocol works. This should be removing the need for all of these external API calls / JupyterLab notebooks etc. (unless they’re being used explicitly to communicate with the sidetree and extract relevant information; remember this is a protocol in itself and it also serves as an effective keystore!)

>显然,DID方案的集成完全是浪费,因为sidetree协议最初是在以太坊内部设计/创建的! 甚至还有关于侧树协议如何工作的在线开放式演示。 这应该消除了对所有这些外部API调用/ JupyterLab笔记本等的需求。(除非它们被明确用于与边树进行通信并提取相关信息;请记住,这本身就是一个协议,它也可以有效地密钥库!)

The Sidetree protocol was designed to work for many underlying blockchain substrates. Ion is the reference implementation on top of Bitcoin. Element is the reference on top of Ethereum.

Sidetree协议旨在用于许多基础区块链基础设施。 离子是比特币之上的参考实现。 Element是以太坊之上的参考。

As mentioned, Sidetree assumes that DIDs are non-transferable, which means Ocean Protocol cannot use them with its data-based DIDs, therefore “removing” to replace with Sidetrees is not an option.

如前所述,Sidetree假定DID是不可转让的,这意味着Ocean Protocol无法将其与基于数据的DID一起使用,因此“移除”以用Sidetrees代替不是一种选择。

> [cryptomedication wrote] However, they could do something interesting if they decided to take this in another direction entirely.

> [cryptomedication写道]但是,如果他们决定完全朝另一个方向发展,他们可能会做一些有趣的事情。

> There is a lot of opportunity here to integrate an authentication / identification schema / protocol with Ocean. That alone would be a huge money earner — and I mean that outside of the context of markets.

>这里有很多机会可以将身份验证/身份验证模式/协议与Ocean集成在一起。 仅此一项就可以赚钱,这是我的意思,我的意思是在市场范围之外。

Ocean’s focus is to unlock data. Its focus is not authentication schemes. If you think you see an opportunity using Ocean technology, by all means go for it. Ocean software is open-source, ready for you to leverage.

海洋的重点是解锁数据。 它的重点不是身份验证方案。 如果您认为使用海洋技术有机会,那就一定要抓住机会。 Ocean软件是开源的 ,随时可供您使用。

对文章中每个关注点的逐点响应 (Point-by-Point Response to Each Concern in the Article)

> [cryptomedication wrote] the screenshot above contains text stating:

> [cryptomedication写道]上面的屏幕截图包含文字说明:

> “Ocean Protocol helps developers build marketplaces and other apps to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data.”

>“ Ocean协议可帮助开发人员构建市场和其他应用程序,以私密,安全地发布,交换和使用数据。”

With this definition, the initial impression that I got of this project was that it was a SDK provider of some sort (sort of like Tendermint/Cosmos).

有了这个定义,我对该项目的最初印象是它是某种形式的SDK提供程序(类似于Tendermint / Cosmos)。

> The API in question = “squid”

>有问题的API =“乌贼”

Squid is a library (in Python or in JS) that contains tools for developers to build decentralized data marketplaces.


We don’t use “API” because that tends to refer to http endpoints, nor “SDK” because that implies a full-fledged platform that you must switch to (and away from another platform — which is zero-sum). From a developer perspective, Ocean is simply tools for the developer toolbox. Ocean provides the tools, giving capabilities that weren’t possible before, such as marketplaces to buy & sell private data while preserving privacy.

我们不使用“ API”,因为它倾向于引用http端点,也不使用“ SDK”,因为这意味着您必须切换到一个成熟的平台(并且远离另一个平台,即零和)。 从开发者的角度来看,海洋是简单地为开发者工具箱中的工具 。 Ocean提供了工具,提供了以前无法实现的功能,例如在保护隐私的同时买卖私人数据的市场。

To help you find developer resources, simply click on the “DEVELOPERS” link displayed prominently at the top of the oceanprotocol.com homepage. From there you will find information to more easily onboard.

为了帮助您找到开发人员资源,只需单击oceanprotocol.com主页顶部显眼显示的“ DEVELOPERS”链接。 从那里您将找到信息,以便在船上更轻松地进行操作。

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For example, here is the information in the first screen of oceanprotocol.com/developers, where you see example code snippets of how to publish, discover, and buy datasets. Also included are links to the Python and JS libraries, as well as the React hooks and a related tutorial.

例如,这是oceanprotocol.com/developers的第一个屏幕中的信息 ,您可以在其中看到有关如何发布,发现和购买数据集的示例代码段。 还包括指向Python和JS库的链接,以及React挂钩和相关教程。

Image for post

> [cryptomedication wrote] The idea of a ‘decentralized exchange’ premised on sharing data (presumably data gathered from cookies / trackers that analyze user habits, clicks, behaviors & preferences) is nonsensical.

> [cryptomedication写道]以共享数据为前提的“去中心化交换”的想法(可能是从分析用户习惯,点击,行为和偏好的cookie /跟踪器收集的数据)是荒谬的。

> There are already very well-established channels for advertisers / others that are seeking to purchase said information.


> Any company with any level of repute is extracting that information for themselves or at the very least, using a 3rd-party / contracted entity in order to obtain such information. I’m not sure how one could expect that a user / entity on the ‘open market’ would have curated data that Coca Cola would be interested in (that Coca Cola has not already hired a firm to obtain directly).

>任何享有声誉的公司都将使用第三方/合同实体为自己或至少提取信息,以获取此类信息。 我不确定人们如何期望“开放市场”上的用户/实体会策划可口可乐感兴趣的数据(可口可乐尚未雇用一家公司来直接获取)。

Thanks for your description of the state of the advertising / marketing data vertical.


Currently, whenever you browse the web, every new website you visit gives a popup that prominently says “we value your privacy”, in small print says “we use cookies”, and in a link to a 20-page terms of service essentially says “we’re recording all your information and we’re going to use it how you like”. It gives a big button that says “Accept”. Your brain thinks “cool, they value my privacy, I’m ok with that” and you click the button. Then they mine your browsing data, to try to sell you stuff you probably don’t need. And they sell it to “well-established channels” like you point out. Hundreds of companies buy this information. It’s a data economy, but one that is in the shadows.

当前,每当您浏览网络时,您访问的每个新网站都会弹出一个窗口,突出显示“我们珍视您的隐私”,小字体显示“我们使用Cookie”,并在指向20页服务条款的链接中基本上说: “我们正在记录您的所有信息,我们将按照您的喜好使用它”。 它带有一个大按钮,上面写着“接受”。 您的大脑认为“很酷,他们重视我的隐私,我同意”,然后单击按钮。 然后,他们会挖掘您的浏览数据,以尝试向您出售您可能不需要的东西。 就像您指出的那样,他们将其出售给“完善的渠道”。 数百家公司购买此信息。 这是一种数据经济,但还处于阴影之中

This is not ok. The companies take advantage of customers, who don’t really understand the implications of clicking “Accept”, and definitely don’t understand the value of the data that they are giving up. It’s an arbitrage that is anti-consumer, pro-surveillance. If you don’t know what the product is, *you* are the product [link].

不好 这些公司利用了客户,他们根本不了解单击“接受”的含义,并且绝对不了解他们放弃的数据的价值。 这是反消费者,有利监视的套利。 如果您不知道产品是什么,*您*就是产品[ 链接 ]。

It doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine instead where you, the consumer, can get the majority of the ad revenue, and a middleman helps to connect the dots for a small cut. We support Brave because they’re trying to solve this problem. Their approach is to introduce a new browser. What about the millions that use Chrome, Safari, Firefox and other browsers? Ocean tools can be used to build browser plug-ins that help these users better control the information they share, and if they choose, to monetize their data without requiring trusted middlemen.

不必一定是这种方式。 想象一下,您可以从消费者那里获得大部分广告收入,而中间人则可以帮助您实现点点滴滴的收获。 我们支持《 勇敢传说》,因为他们正在努力解决这个问题。 他们的方法是引入新的浏览器。 数百万使用Chrome,Safari,Firefox和其他浏览器的人呢? 海洋工具可用于构建浏览器插件,这些插件可帮助这些用户更好地控制他们共享的信息,并且可以选择在不需要信任的中间商的情况下通过其货币获利。

> [cryptomedication wrote] When it comes to blockchain (which is the space we’re in), most information / API data is freely available all over the place.

> [cryptomedication写道]关于区块链(这是我们所处的空间),大多数信息/ API数据可在各地自由使用。

> If that information is not freely available, then there are no shortage of data analytics firms, projects, geeks, incubators etc., that are pedaling [sic] their data distribution / connecting services.


This is a good starting point to discuss the blockchain data vertical. It has some useful characteristics: there is a lot of public blockchain data, it’s quite clean, and it’s easier to retrieve than broader web data which needs to be crawled then scraped.

这是讨论垂直区块链数据的一个很好的起点。 它具有一些有用的特性:有很多公共区块链数据,非常干净,并且比需要抓取然后抓取的更广泛的Web数据更容易检索。

And it’s great that blockchain data analytics firms are on the rise. Right now, each of these firms needs to peddle its data directly: they not only need to create their data product (derived from raw public data), they need to do direct distribution to sell their data. That’s because it’s still the early days. It’s like tomato farmers only being able to sell tomatoes at the side of the road. As the market matures, tomato farmers sell to the tomato distributors, and the tomatoes eventually find their way onto supermarket shelves. Or, closer to home, it’s like a crypto project hawking their own tokens, without any DEXes or CEXes.

很棒的区块链数据分析公司正在崛起。 目前,这些公司中的每一个都需要直接兜售其数据:他们不仅需要创建自己的数据产品(从原始公共数据派生),而且还需要直接分发以出售其数据。 那是因为还很早。 就像西红柿农民只能在路边卖西红柿。 随着市场的成熟,番茄种植者向番茄分销商出售产品,番茄最终找到了进入超市货架的途径。 或者,在离家较近的地方,这就像一个加密项目,在没有任何DEX或CEX的情况下兜售自己的令牌。

For data assets, let’s get beyond roadside stands, and get proper distribution. Ocean helps, by making it easy to create data DEXes.

对于数据资产,让我们超越路边的立场,并进行适当的分配。 通过轻松创建数据DEX,Ocean提供了帮助。

We’ve discussed two verticals for data: advertising / marketing, and blockchain. There are many more as well, such as health care data, automotive / mobility data, supply chain and smart cities. Each of these verticals represent an exciting opportunity in its own right.

我们已经讨论了两个垂直的数据:广告/营销和区块链。 还有更多信息,例如医疗保健数据,汽车/出行数据,供应链和智慧城市。 这些垂直领域本身都代表着令人兴奋的机会。

> [cryptomedication wrote] There is no protection of the buyer in this situation [buying marketing information]. Since it is promoted as a ‘decentralized’ structure, there is no provision / workaround in place to give buyers any level of confidence that they’re purchasing quality information / data / analytics.

> [cryptomedication写道]在这种情况下[购买营销信息],买主没有任何保护。 由于它被推广为“分散式”结构,因此没有提供/变通方法来使购买者对他们正在购买质量信息/数据/分析的信心大增。

This is a great point, and correct. It’s decentralized the way that DEXes are decentralized: there is no single point of failure for the middleman that connects buyers and sellers.

这是一个很好的观点,而且是正确的。 它分散了DEX分散的方式:连接买卖双方的中间人没有单点故障。

But just as there can be bad actors that sell scammy coins (sell side), there can be bad actors that sell scammy data (sell side). This is where curation can be extremely helpful. For crypto, there are things like Messari to help people identify quality coins. For data, Ocean has affordances for curation: in the current Ocean marketplace technology, curation is on a star-rating system; and in V3 it will be based on staking for an even more authentic signal of quality.

但是就像可能有坏人出售骗子的硬币(出售方)一样,也可能有坏人出售骗子的数据(出售方)。 在这里, 策展会非常有帮助。 对于加密货币,有诸如梅萨里(Messari)之类的东西可以帮助人们识别优质硬币。 对于数据,Ocean有能力进行策展:在当前的Ocean市场技术中,策展是采用星级评分系统; 在V3中,它将基于对更真实信号质量的关注。

> [cryptomedication wrote] Ocean Protocol’s Idea Has Gone Off the Rails

> [cryptomedication写道]海洋协议的想法已经脱离轨道

> Artificial Intelligence?


> Perhaps ‘DeFi’ is a hard sale for most people (and for good reason), but artificial intelligence should be out of the question.

>对于大多数人来说(也许有充分的理由)“ DeFi”也许很难卖,但是人工智能应该不成问题。

> This isn’t Science Fiction


> To be clear, artificial intelligence is in existence currently but to leverage the sharing of data premised on discoveries in the field of artificial intelligence (or perhaps A.I. itself) onto blockchain, sorry, no, a token breaches the realm of possibility and lands us squarely within the frame of science fiction.


> Sadly, this appears to be where Ocean Protocol is going with their idea here.


> Ocean Protocol Doubles Down on Their Preposterous Proposal to Integrate Artificial Intelligence With Blockchain


No. Let’s review the facts that we discussed earlier. AI has had broad practical usage for many years. Data helps AI modeling. We discussed this both for the broader AI world, with an example of Ocean founder Trent’s experience over two decades.

否。让我们回顾一下我们先前讨论的事实。 人工智能已经有广泛的实际应用多年。 数据有助于AI建模。 我们以更广泛的AI世界为例进行了讨论,并以海洋创始人Trent在过去20年中的经验为例。

You are free to hold your opinions against AI.


> Below is a screenshot from a recently released article (June 4th) by Ocean Protocol (on Medium), titled, ‘Ocean Compute-to-Data in Jupyterlab’ [link]

>以下是海洋协议(中型)最近发布的文章(6月4日)的屏幕截图,标题为“ Jupyterlab中的海洋计算数据” [ 链接 ]

> … Chasing the link to ‘datascience.oceanprotocol.com’. …

>…链接到“ datascience.oceanprotocol.com ”。

> We can, however, evaluate the purpose of the Jupyter Lab notebook presented to us …

>但是,我们可以评估提供给我们的Jupyter Lab笔记本的目的……

> It is re-posted below for convenience:


Image for post

> [cryptomedication wrote] Apparently, these services will require the integration of:

> [cryptomedication写道]显然,这些服务将需要集成:

> [1] Identity Management / Authentication Modules: Reflected in the requirements of the publisher, which must, “manage permissioned access to the compute resource that si [sic] allowed to access the private data.”

> [1]身份管理/身份验证模块:反映在发布者的要求中,该要求必须是“管理对我可能允许访问私有数据的计算资源的允许访问”。

No. As discussed, all Ocean needs to know for “identity” is the Ethereum address, aka web3 account. Crypto wallets handle this; no more is needed.

不需要。正如讨论的那样,Ocean需要了解的所有“身份”就是以太坊地址,也就是web3帐户。 加密钱包可以解决这个问题; 不再需要。

Going from Ocean homepage -> to “technology/access control” page discusses: “Each dataset registered in an Ocean Protocol marketplace has a Web3 account as owner attached to it, based on the account used to publish the data set. Only that owner can modify or transfer ownership for the data set. Likewise, only Web3 accounts can consume your data, once they have been granted access to it.”

从Ocean主页->转到“ 技术/访问控制 ”页面,讨论:“在Ocean Protocol市场上注册的每个数据集都有一个Web3帐户作为所有者,该帐户基于用于发布数据集的帐户。 只有该所有者才能修改或转让数据集的所有权。 同样,一旦被授予访问权限,只有Web3帐户才能使用您的数据。”

As previously mentioned, Ocean does use DIDs, for data assets, and this use of DID / DDO also does not require heavy identity management / authentication modules.

如前所述,Ocean 确实将DID用于数据资产,并且这种DID / DDO的使用也不需要繁琐的身份管理/身份验证模块。

> [2] Resource Publishing Capabilities: This is reflected in the mandate that the publishing of an asset consists of, “Make files URLs or identifiers that can be used to identify the data files when running compute jobs.”

> [2]资源发布功能:资产发布包含以下任务:“使文件URL或标识符在运行计算作业时可用于标识数据文件。”

> To be clear, number two [2] could be facilitated by the creation of hashes on the blockchain (i.e., by delineating various hash outputs to a corresponding file), but that would also require one to establish this fact (whilst remaining private, because everything that is published on the blockchain is done so publicly and in clear text; hashes only obfuscate information — not encrypt it). But the purpose here would only be for identification, explicitly, which makes me question how this would be implemented (it also doesn’t appear to be addressed within the context of the Jupyter Notebook either — but I could be wrong — welcoming the team’s critique on any facet of this analysis here).

>要清楚,可以通过在区块链上创建哈希来促进第二个[2](即,将各种哈希输出描绘到相应的文件中),但这也需要一个人来建立这一事实(虽然保持私有,因为在区块链上发布的所有内容都是公开且以明文形式进行的;仅散列混淆信息(不加密)。 但是这里的目的只是明确地进行标识,这使我怀疑如何实现(也似乎没有在Jupyter Notebook的背景下解决它,但我可能是错的,欢迎团队的批评。在此分析的任何方面)。

For [2] — providers need to run a service to make the data available, with an associate url. Ocean holds urls to the data in encrypted form. In purchasing the data, you get access to data content, and never the URL.a. And — correct — hashing would not accomplish this.

对于[2],提供商需要运行服务以使数据可用,并带有关联的url。 Ocean以加密形式保存数据的URL。 购买数据时,您可以访问数据内容,而不能访问URL。 而且-正确-散列无法完成此任务。

More information about publishing can be found from Ocean homepage -> developers page which leads with “Publish a Dataset” and links to a tutorial.

有关发布的更多信息,请访问Ocean主页-> 开发人员页面,该页面以“发布数据集”开头并指向教程

> [cryptomedication wrote] Mention of Aquarius

> [cryptomedication写道]水瓶座

> This seems to be another moving part within the ‘Ocean Protocol’ ecosystem that is intertwined in the setup proposed her, but we haven’t encountered any information about Aquarius yet.


> However, a quick visit to Ocean Protocol’s documentation provides us with more information (located here: https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/references/aquarius/)

>但是,快速访问海洋协议的文档可为我们提供更多信息(位于此处: https : //docs.oceanprotocol.com/references/aquarius/)

Key developer information about Ocean can be found by going to https://oceanprotocol.com/developers.


> Screenshot of Aquarius GitHub page with text: “Aquarius provides an off-chain database store for metadata about data assets”

> Aquarius GitHub页面的屏幕截图,其中包含以下文本:“ Aquarius为数据资产的元数据提供了链下数据库存储”

> [cryptomedication wrote] Hmm. Another off-chain process and database store? (isn’t the purpose of blockchain to function as a decentralized, distributed relational database of sorts, too?)

> [密码疗法写道]嗯。 另一个脱链流程和数据库存储? (区块链的目的也不是充当分散的,分布式的各种关系数据库吗?)

Blockchains offer many potential benefits: decentralized, immutable, assets, incentives, more. But blockchains also have disbenefits, such as latency and cost of storage. Any given use case should carefully consider which benefits to leverage, while minimizing exposure to the negatives. This is how we approach blockchain usage for Ocean. Ocean uses blockchain for connecting data buyers and sellers in a DEX-like way, and not for storage because of the negatives. But we still need metadata stored somewhere; that’s where Aquarius helps.

区块链提供许多潜在的好处:去中心化,不变,资产激励机制等等。 但是,区块链也有弊端,例如延迟和存储成本。 任何给定的用例都应仔细考虑可利用的好处,同时最大程度地减少负面影响。 这就是我们处理海洋区块链使用的方式。 海洋使用区块链以类似于DEX的方式连接数据买卖双方,而不是因为存在负面因素而不用于存储。 但是我们仍然需要将元数据存储在某个地方。 那就是水瓶座的帮助。

> [cryptomedication wrote] Again, remember there must be some sort of identity management integrated into the protocol (by the publisher, according to the specifications here).

> [cryptomedication写道]同样,请记住,必须将某种身份管理集成到协议中(由发布者,根据此处的规范)。

> And I’m failing to see where that authentication would come from.


> [many things on authentication]

> [有关身份验证的许多内容]

No. Web3 identity in the form of an Ethereum address is all that is needed.


> [cryptomedication wrote] JSON Web Token is in use, it can either become a JWS (Web Signing) or JWE (Web Encryption). The latter can also contain information form the former within it (this is important to remember).

> [cryptomedication写道] JSON Web令牌正在使用中,它可以成为JWS(Web签名)或JWE(Web加密)。 后者也可以包含前者的信息(记住这一点很重要)。

These two different token standards are used in different contexts, but information is handled by both of them through the use of JSON — which actually makes the idea of authentication via the blockchain far from implausible.


> I’ll stop things right here, because we’re going to get a little too far off the beaten path.

> 我将在这里停止事情,因为我们将走得太远了。

No problem! You’re clearly passionate about this. We appreciate that:)

没问题! 您显然对此充满热情。 我们对此表示感谢:)

> Why I’m Harping On API Endpoint Security


> If we move just a bit farther down the Jupyter Notebook, we can see the following directives:

>如果我们在Jupyter Notebook的下方稍微移动一点,我们可以看到以下指令:

Image for post

> My points of contention specifically are:


> 1. Publisher account address must be created and relayed over the API here ; this could be susceptible to a MITM attack without any authentication

> 1.必须在此处创建发布者帐户地址并通过API进行中继; 如果不进行任何身份验证,可能会受到MITM攻击

> 2. [discussed separately below]

> 2. [在下面单独讨论]

> 3. The fact that the continuation of the protocol is premised on a call for the account balance (but I’m not entirely sure how that call is made because its not within the logic of a smart contract since we’re off-chain now); my qualm is not necessarily that this can’t be done or that there would be any difficulties in doing so, but there is already logic that exists on Ethereum to facilitate such a process, why introduce greater counterparty risk by circumventing the smart contract standards altogether for the sake of deploying these functions outside of the protocol? (off-chain)

> 3.协议的延续是以要求帐户余额为前提的事实(但是我不完全确定该调用是如何进行的,因为它不在智能合约的逻辑之内,因为我们处于脱链状态现在); 我的想法不一定是无法做到这一点或这样做会有任何困难,但是以太坊上已经存在促进这种过程的逻辑,为什么通过完全规避智能合约标准而引入更大的交易对手风险为了在协议之外部署这些功能? (链下)

Ocean leverages existing standards and technologies. It follows a standard and secure approach to creating, signing and sending transactions.

海洋利用了现有的标准和技术。 它遵循标准,安全的方法来创建,签名和发送交易。

Ocean uses Ethereum technology, and leverages standards where possible. The Ocean token follows the ERC20 standard. Therefore to get an OCEAN balance, people can directly call the contract’s balanceOf() method.

Ocean使用以太坊技术,并在可能的情况下利用标准。 Ocean令牌遵循ERC20标准 。 因此,要获得OCEAN余额,人们可以直接调用合同的balanceOf()方法。

Then, Ocean provides libraries on top of the smart contracts to facilitate integration with Python (squid-py) and Javascript (squid-js). These libraries use web3.py and other libraries (logic that already exists).

然后,Ocean在智能合约之上提供库,以促进与Python(squid-py)和Javascript(squid-js)的集成。 这些库使用web3.py和其他库(已存在的逻辑)。

These libraries create transactions on the client side, sign on the client side, then submit the signed transaction to the blockchain. It’s only this last step which is going to the network. Middlemen would only be able to intervene by catching the signed transaction, but if they modify anything about it, it breaks the validity of the digital signing. So, there’s no issue; if there was then every blockchain on the planet would not work.

这些库在客户端创建交易,在客户端签名,然后将签名的交易提交到区块链。 只有这最后一步才可以进入网络。 中间人只能通过捕获已签名的交易来进行干预,但是如果他们对其进行任何修改,则会破坏数字签名的有效性。 因此,没有问题。 如果有,那么地球上的每个区块链都将无法工作。

> 2. The fact that there are addresses being produced here (which inherently requires the use of some cryptography library), but there is no authentication scheme premised on JWT that’s included as well! (that’s another missed opportunity and a point off of the design here for me)

> 2.这里产生了一个地址(实际上需要使用一些加密库),但是也没有包含以JWT为前提的身份验证方案! (这是另一个错失的机会,对我来说这里的设计有一点不足)

Web3 Ethereum addresses are all that is needed. No need to make things more complex.

仅需Web3以太坊地址。 无需使事情变得更复杂。

结论 (Conclusion)

Once again, thank you for the interest in Ocean Protocol. We appreciate the time and energy that it took to learn about Ocean and write a review.

再次感谢您对《海洋议定书》的关注。 我们感谢您花时间和精力来学习海洋并撰写评论。

This article addresses each of your points from both a macro level, as well as point-by-point.


If you choose to build on Ocean Protocol based on the opportunities you see, we encourage it. You may even qualify for a developer grant. Feel free to apply to our Shipyard program.

如果您选择根据所看到的机会在《海洋协议》上构建,我们鼓励您这样做。 您甚至可能有资格获得开发人员补助。 随时申请我们的造船厂计划

Follow Ocean Protocol on Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Reddit, GitHub & Newsletter for project updates and announcements. And chat directly with other developers on Discord or Port.

Twitter, TelegramLinkedInRedditGitHubNewsletter上关注Ocean Protocol 以获取项目更新和公告。 并直接与DiscordPort上的其他开发人员聊天。

翻译自: https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/response-to-librehash-review-of-ocean-protocol-80bdd4d53149





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