
This content is released under a Creative Commons Attributions license. Feel free to use these ideas, but please attribute.

此内容是根据知识共享署名许可发布的。 随时使用这些想法,但请注明。

Current online systems are constructed from the top down. Developers and designers craft and build websites which people then use. This structure gives companies power in two ways. One way is from the aggregation of user data that enables companies to more effectively market to users. The second is from the “lock-in” effect where users become increasingly tied to platforms because they have invested time and energy adding their content to them.

当前的在线系统是自上而下构建的。 开发人员和设计师制作和构建供人们使用的网站。 这种结构以两种方式赋予公司权力。 一种方法是收集用户数据,从而使公司能够更有效地向用户推销产品。 第二个原因来自“锁定”效应,在这种效应中,用户越来越投入平台,因为他们投入了时间和精力在平台上添加内容。

People have little bargaining power against these companies because they do not control their data and would lose their work if they left these platforms. This inequitable dynamic of data ownership and transference is a subtle dynamic of the global economy that has contributed to worldwide inequality.

人们对这些公司没有讨价还价的能力,因为他们无法控制自己的数据,如果离开这些平台,将会失去工作。 数据所有权和转移的这种不公平的动态是导致全球不平等的全球经济的微妙动态。

There is a new way to architect the internet. Websites do not need to be formed from front-ends that people interact with and back-ends that companies own. Instead it is possible to create discrete modules composed of front and back-end where individuals own their own data that is separate from any one platform. These interoperable modules can be used simultaneously on many websites and can more easily transfer data across websites. They can be connected together to form modular networks, or modnets.

有一种构建互联网的新方法。 网站不必由人们与之交互的前端和公司拥有的后端组成。 相反,可以创建由前端和后端组成的离散模块 ,其中个人拥有与任何一个平台分离的自己的数据。 这些可互操作的模块可以在许多网站上同时使用,并且可以更轻松地跨网站传输数据。 它们可以连接在一起以形成模块化网络或Modnet。

The way information is structured in the digital world has far-reaching repercussions for social dynamics in the physical world. To give people both ownership over their data in a way that is transferable across networks and increase the ability for non-technical people to be able to create crowd-sourced networks can create a more equitable and collectively built world.

数字世界中信息的结构方式对于物理世界中的社会动态具有深远的影响。 以既可以跨网络传输的方式授予人们对数据的所有权,又可以提高非技术人员创建众包网络的能力,可以创建一个更加公平和集体构建的世界。

This, I believe, is the future after the internet.


当前结构 (Current Structures)

Traditional companies store user data within databases hosted on private servers. A user takes an action on the front-end that generates a query. Queries are sent from a user’s computer to a company’s API. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), or APIs, serve as a bridge between the company’s databases and a user’s computer. When the information is retrieved, it is then sent back to a user’s computer where it is rendered as a cohesive web page to the individual user.

传统公司将用户数据存储在专用服务器上托管的数据库中。 用户对生成查询的前端进行操作。 查询从用户的计算机发送到公司的API。 应用程序编程接口 (API)或API,充当公司数据库与用户计算机之间的桥梁。 检索到信息后,会将其发送回用户的计算机,在此将其作为具有凝聚力的网页呈现给各个用户。

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Information flows in a traditional website from front-end to API to database and back again.

Decentralized apps, also termed DApps, instead store data on peer-to-peer networks. A web page on a Decentralized Application looks like a traditional web page, but when a person generates a query it is processed through a wallet. This wallet turns users’ requests for data into smart contracts. Several smart contracts are packaged together and added to a long list of all the transactions that together form the activity of a peer-to-peer network. Instead of one server that holds on to all of a person’s data, it is dozens or hundreds of individual servers. A blockchain or other distributed ledger technology is usually utilized with this construction to make sure no individual can alter another person’s information on the network.

分散式应用程序(也称为DApps )将数据存储在对等网络上。 去中心化应用程序上的网页看起来像传统的网页,但是当一个人生成查询时,它将通过钱包进行处理。 该钱包将用户的数据请求转换为智能合约。 几个智能合约被打包在一起,并添加到一长串所有交易中,这些交易一起构成了对等网络的活动。 数十个或数百个单独的服务器,而不是一台保存一个人的所有数据的服务器。 通常在此结构中使用区块链或其他分布式分类帐技术,以确保没有人可以更改网络上其他人的信息。

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Structure of Decentralized Applications shows links between interface, Wallet, and blockchain.

DApps partially solve part of the problem of corporate control of user data by decentralizing the databases that stores individuals’ data. But even though user data is no longer in the hands of corporations, once user data is posted to a network, it is no longer fully controlled by an individual and is still not transferable across networks.

DApp通过分散存储个人数据的数据库来部分解决公司控制用户数据的部分问题。 但是,即使用户数据不再掌握在公司手中,但一旦用户数据发布到网络上,它就不再完全由个人控制,并且仍然无法跨网络传输。

模块化结构 (Modular Structure)

We need to move past DApps towards an architecture of individual control of data that is transportable across networks. This is the promise of modules.

我们需要超越DApp走向可跨网络传输单独数据控制架构。 这是模块的承诺。

A module can contain any set of code inside of it. But it also contains bridge-code that helps distinct modules interact with each other. Each module needs five different tags to enable its code to work with other modules: content type, structure, mechanics, boundary, and scale.

一个模块可以在其中包含任何代码集。 但是它也包含桥代码 ,可以帮助不同的模块相互交互。 每个模块需要五个不同的标记,以使其代码能够与其他模块一起使用:内容类型,结构,力学,边界和比例。

Content type identifies the use case for the modules. Is this a module that is meant to be for a person to upload their art, to keep track of their daily step allotment, a farmer to input their produce? Modules with the same content types can be manipulated together in the same way that similar classes in CSS can be manipulated. For example, a person can set all #produce modules into a list, or can gather all #art modules together into a portfolio.

内容类型标识模块的用例。 这是一个模块,旨在供人们上传自己的作品,跟踪他们的日常工作量分配,让农民输入他们的产品吗? 具有相同内容类型的模块可以以与CSS中类似类相同的方式一起操作。 例如,一个人可以将所有#produce模块设置为列表,或者可以将所有#art模块一起收集到公文包中。

Structure refers to a set of shared identifiers for the structure of the module. A Unified Design Language lays out the first words of a lexicon for structures of digital systems. There are small-scale structures of modules, blocks, and object-groups, as well as larger platform-wide structures such as matrices and Daisy architectures. Similarly to how all modules of a certain content type can be manipulated, a person can also manipulate all modules of a certain structure simultaneously.

结构是指模块结构的一组共享标识符。 统一设计语言为数字系统的结构列出了词典的第一个单词。 有模块,块和对象组的小规模结构,以及较大的平台范围结构,例如矩阵和雏菊体系结构。 与如何操纵某种内容类型的所有模块类似,一个人也可以同时操纵某种结构的所有模块。

Mechanics are cross-cutting dynamics of websites that impact user interaction. Upvote or downvote, karma, Likes, Follows, are all examples of ways to influence the user to do a certain action. Modules can contain Mechanic tags that identify whether certain mechanics can auto-populate into their interface when certain requirements are met. For example, an artist’s portfolio module on its own does not need an upvote or downvote mechanic, but if they connect their portfolio module to an exhibition platform, if their portfolio module is tagged with a mec.vote variable, their module will automatically include an upvote and downvote mechanic when connected to a structure that utilizes upvote and downvote metrics.

机制是影响用户交互的跨部门动态。 Upvote或downvote,业力,喜欢,关注等都是影响用户执行特定操作的方式的示例。 模块可以包含Mechanical标签,该标签用于标识在满足特定要求时是否可以将某些机械师自动填充到其界面中。 例如,一个艺术家的作品集模块本身不需要投票或降级机制,但是如果他们将作品集模块连接到展览平台,并且如果他们的作品集模块标记有am ec.vote变量,那么他们的模块将自动包含连接到使用upvote和downvote指标的结构时,upvote和downvote机械师。

Boundary identifies what information can be shared with other modules. Some simple variables here are all, none, or ask. If tagged with all, all information that a person places into a module can be shared with other modules. None means that no information entered into a specific module will be shared with other modules. Ask will mean that users will be asked if a network they connect to wants to use their data.

边界标识可以与其他模块共享的信息。 这里的一些简单变量是全部询问 。 如果标记为全部,则一个人放置在模块中的所有信息都可以与其他模块共享。 None表示输入到特定模块的信息不会与其他模块共享。 “询问”将意味着将询问用户所连接的网络是否要使用其数据。

Scale identifies how this module should interact with other modules. Modules are designed to be nested within each other. Scale can tell different modules how to nest within each other. Scale 1 is the smallest, and goes up. A module at Scale 3 would be nested into a module that is Scale 8. People can also put a Relative Scale variable, denoted by scale.rel to signify that scale does not matter. Anywhere where a module’s type is similar it will go there.

规模确定该模块应如何与其他模块进行交互。 模块被设计为彼此嵌套。 Scale可以告诉不同的模块如何相互嵌套。 规模1最小,并且上升。 比例为3的模块将嵌套到比例为8的模块中。人们还可以放置一个相对比例变量,用scale.rel表示,表示比例无关紧要。 模块类型相似的任何地方都将放在那里。

Together these basic rules form the Modnet Structural Standard (MSS). These standards will form the basis of a computer language that still needs to be developed. Above is a first look at how these modules might be architected; this is the first step in a much larger conversation.

这些基本规则共同构成了Modnet结构标准 (MSS)。 这些标准将构成仍需要开发的计算机语言的基础。 上面是对如何构建这些模块的初步了解。 这是更大范围对话的第一步。

Below is a schematic of a general module.


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Standard design structure of a module including Content, Structure, Boundary, Mechanic, and Scale.

以用户为中心的建设 (User-Centered Construction)

Modules are very simple patterns where people can upload content. Module examples include Portfolios, Articles, Lists, and Presentation templates. People can download these simple modules from a crowd-sourced repository of patterns that it is assumed everyone will want to use. Anyone can also design their own modules to upload to this repository if they meet the design standards and include a unique content type identifier.

模块是人们可以上载内容的非常简单的模式。 模块示例包括投资组合,文章,列表和演示模板。 人们可以从众包的模式库中下载这些简单的模块,假定每个人都想使用。 如果符合设计标准并且包含唯一的内容类型标识符,则任何人还可以设计自己的模块以上载到此存储库。

When a person downloads a module template they can begin adding their content to it. This data is stored either locally on their phones or on a private server.

当一个人下载模块模板时,他们可以开始向其添加内容。 此数据存储在本地电话中或私人服务器上。

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Basic Module Patterns

These modules can be connected to larger platform structures. When an individual updates information on their modules, their data is automatically updated on all of the networks that their module is connected to. The diagram below shows how one module that an individual owns can be linked to several different networks.

这些模块可以连接到更大的平台结构。 当个人更新其模块上的信息时,其数据将在其模块所连接的所有网络上自动更新。 下图显示了个人拥有的一个模块如何链接到几个不同的网络。

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For example, lets say a person created a presentation. They want to link this presentation to their own database of class projects. They can also link to a collaboration network of presentations from all of the students in their class. Simultaneously, they can link their presentation module to a platform for job seekers and another platform for showcasing high-quality presentations.

例如,假设某人创建了演示文稿。 他们希望将此演示文稿链接到他们自己的班级项目数据库。 他们还可以链接到班上所有学生的演讲协作网络。 同时,他们可以将其演示文稿模块链接到求职者平台和另一个用于展示高质量演示文稿的平台。

Any platform that accepts the scale and content type of the person’s module, they can plug their content into. The magic happens when a person wants to update their presentation. Instead of needing to edit their presentation on their computer, and then upload a new version to each platform where they initially put their work, they can edit their work and then it is altered on every network that their module is linked to. If people want to delete their work from a platform, they do not need to go to that network and delete their work. They can simply go to their module and delete the link between their module and the website.

任何接受人员模块的规模和内容类型的平台,他们都可以将其内容插入其中。 当一个人想要更新他们的演示文稿时,魔术就发生了。 他们无需编辑计算机上的演示文稿,然后将新版本上载到他们最初放置工作的每个平台上,而是可以编辑其工作,然后在其模块链接到的每个网络上对其进行更改。 如果人们想从平台上删除他们的工作,则不需要去那个网络并删除他们的工作。 他们可以简单地转到其模块并删除其模块与网站之间的链接。

If a website goes down or a company shuts down, a person does not lose all of the work that they did on this website. All of a sudden, the demise of a single company does not mean the disappearance of the knowledge and work that people have done on these plaforms. Few people think about how the lack of interoperability of content across websites has resulted in the loss both purely of information and the potential connections between disparate sets of knowledge. A more interoperable world is one where human knowledge is better preserved and connected.

如果网站关闭或公司关闭,一个人不会失去他们在该网站上所做的所有工作。 突然,一家公司的灭亡并不意味着人们在这些平台上所做的知识和工作的消失。 很少有人会想到跨网站的内容缺乏互操作性是如何导致纯粹的信息损失以及不同知识集之间潜在联系的损失。 更具互操作性的世界是人类知识得以更好地保存和联系的世界。

The next two sections looks at the impact of modules on large-scale collaborations and physical spaces.


众包网络 (Crowd-Sourced Networks)

Modular networks can enable communities of citizen-scientists to come together easier across the world by connecting individual modules to larger platform structures. Just like there would be a central repository of individual modules, there would need to be a central repository of larger blocks designed to be interoperable with individual modules. Below are a few examples of larger network structures.

通过将各个模块连接到更大的平台结构,模块化网络可以使公民科学家社区在全球范围内更轻松地聚在一起。 就像将有一个单独模块的中央存储库一样,也将需要有一个较大的模块的中央存储库,这些模块设计为可与各个模块互操作。 以下是一些较大的网络结构的示例。

These structures that modules can be plugged into can change the way science is done. Right now, if a researcher wants to conduct a study on people’s health habits, they would need to write a grant, find participants, and track their habits for years.

可以插入模块的这些结构可以改变完成科学的方式。 现在,如果研究人员想对人们的健康习惯进行研究,他们将需要写一份赠款,寻找参与者并追踪他们的习惯数年。

With modules, a person might have a health metric module that they can share with their doctor. This module if people want can be also connected to a platform structure that tracks health metrics over time. With this model, scientists can use data that people already input in the past and they do not need to worry about re-finding these people to track their data in the future.

使用模块,一个人可能会有一个健康度量模块,可以与医生共享。 如果人们需要,该模块也可以连接到随时间推移跟踪健康指标的平台结构。 通过此模型,科学家可以使用人们过去已经输入的数据,而不必担心将来会重新寻找这些人来跟踪他们的数据。

Another use case is connecting disparate discussions and moving discussion to action. Right now journalism and scientific studies on the topic of ocean patterns are spread across hundreds of different journals. A general research pattern that can connect all of this information in one place can help unite research to help global problems. There might not be the money or the capacity to create a special website for these kinds of discussions. With platform structures, there does not need to be a coordinating body.

另一个用例是将不同的讨论联系起来并将讨论付诸实践。 目前,关于海洋格局的新闻和科学研究已经散布在数百种不同的期刊上。 可以将所有这些信息集中在一个地方的一种通用研究模式可以帮助联合研究以解决全球性问题。 可能没有钱或没有能力为这类讨论建立一个特殊的网站。 有了平台结构,就不需要一个协调机构。

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Larger Modnet structures

The front-end of websites in this scenario would be less of a cohesive whole that data is plugged into, and more a set of interlinked different pages. The diagram below shows three different people who each have their own modules. When they connect their modules to a block, it auto-populates their data where the block pattern indicates modules that are structure type list.

在这种情况下,网站的前端将不是一个插入数据的内聚整体,而是一组相互关联的不同页面。 下图显示了三个不同的人,每个人都有各自的模块。 当他们将模块连接到块时,它将自动填充其数据,其中块模式指示模块属于结构类型列表。

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Individual modules nested into crowd-sourced blocks is the basic idea of modular networks, or Modnets. Modnets can allow communities to collaborate faster without the need for data to ever be aggregated by large tech firms. With this construction, value is captured at a smaller scale and lasts only as long as people decide to keep their modules connected to a network.

嵌套在众包块中的各个模块是模块化网络Modnet的基本思想 Modnets可以使社区更快地进行协作,而无需大型科技公司汇总数据。 通过这种结构,只有在人们决定将其模块连接到网络时,价值才能以较小的规模获得并持续存在。

Instead of being a music artist that puts a song on a network and then hopes that they are paid, musicians can run smaller music blocks that people can connect to. The same with stories, or news journalism. All of a sudden, interoperable modules make it so that people can better bargain with larger tech firms because now there are crowd-sourced alternatives. These patterns are likely to be highly general and so potentially not tailored to highly specific community needs. However, for 80% of communities, from neighborhoods, to research, to music sharing, having a general crowd-sourced alternative is good enough.

音乐家可以成为人们可以连接的较小的音乐块,而不必成为将歌曲放在网络上然后希望付费的音乐艺术家。 故事或新闻新闻也是如此。 突然之间,可互操作的模块使之成为现实,从而使人们可以更好地与大型科技公司讨价还价,因为现在有了众包的替代方案。 这些模式可能具有很高的通用性,因此可能无法适应高度特定的社区需求。 但是,对于80%的社区(从邻里到研究,再到音乐共享),有一个由大众提供的替代方案就足够了。

临时网络 (Ephemeral Networks)

Modnets also have the capability to change how people interact in physical spaces. In today’s world tech companies can track people’s individual locations in a way that is highly intrusive. In a world where it is easy to be tracked and followed, technology is used as a retreat. Modnets can enable ephemeral physical networks in a way that is not as intrusive as today’s networks because the networks only last as long as people stay connected and that specific platform continues running.

Modnets还具有改变人们在物理空间中交互方式的能力。 在当今世界,高科技公司可以以高度侵入性的方式跟踪人们的个人位置。 在易于跟踪和跟踪的世界中,技术被用作务虚之路。 Modnet可以以不像今天的网络那样侵入的方式启用临时物理网络,因为这些网络仅在人们保持连接并且该特定平台继续运行的情况下才能持续存在。

To understand how this can be used, a person can run a Meeting Place block that people can connect their reading list blocks to that are within the radius of a specific wifi or Bluetooth network. When a person steps away from the plaza or courtyard that is outside of the network’s range, their data disappears entirely from the platform.

要了解如何使用它,一个人可以运行一个Meeting Place块,人们可以将其阅读列表块连接到特定wifi或蓝牙网络范围内。 当人们离开网络范围之外的广场或庭院时,他们的数据将完全从平台上消失。

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A module designed to help people meet.

Remember, this reading list follows an individual. With this set-up, if a person’s module is set to public, as a person walks their content can be connected to dozens of ephemeral communities. That same reading list module that a person used to meet people in the park can be connected to a library as they go inside.

请记住,此阅读列表遵循个人。 通过此设置,如果将某个人的模块设置为公开,则当一个人走路时,其内容可以连接到数十个临时社区。 人们过去在公园里见面时使用的阅读清单模块可以连接到图书馆。

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Library module pattern.

While it may not seem like a lot of effort to re-type your top few books that you are reading, it might feel like effort to do so at every coffee shop and library you step foot into. By having this data already packaged into modules, it lowers the barrier for people to engage with each other in physical spaces.

重新输入您正在阅读的前几本书籍似乎不太费劲,但您踏入的每家咖啡店和图书馆似乎都需要努力。 通过将这些数据打包到模块中,可以降低人们在物理空间中彼此接触的障碍。

This same idea for books can also happen for art. A Parks and Rec department can host an exhibition platform. As you walk through a park there might be digital screens that display the art of anyone who connects their modules. The department does not need to spend months developing a website and marketing it. On the other side of the equation, artists do not need to spend hours uploading their work onto the department’s website.

同样的想法也可能发生在艺术上。 Parks and Rec部门可以举办展览平台。 当您穿过公园时,可能会有数字屏幕显示连接其模块的任何人的艺术品。 该部门无需花费数月的时间来开发网站并进行营销。 另一方面,艺术家无需花费大量时间将其作品上传到该部门的网站上。

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Portfolio of Claire Scherzinger: https://www.format.com/magazine/galleries/art/art-portfolio-website-examples-painters
克莱尔·舒辛格(Claire Scherzinger)的作品集: https : //www.format.com/magazine/galleries/art/art-portfolio-website-examples-painters

Artists can immediately see their work showcased, as top-voted exhibits are showcased either digital screens or a projector. This ability for public departments to be able to create these rich cultural experiences in a way that is cheaper and demands less organizational capacity can have immensely positive impacts on the ability for government to provide high quality services. On the other end, the ability for people to immediately see their work impacting the world around them can help people immediately get feedback and feel impactful. This is a world that is more co-created and everyone feels like they have a hand in building it….because they do.

艺术家可以立即看到他们的作品,因为票数最高的展品可以通过数字屏幕或投影仪进行展示。 公共部门以较低的成本和较少的组织能力来创造这些丰富的文化经验的能力,会对政府提供高质量服务的能力产生巨大的积极影响。 另一方面,人们能够立即看到他们的工作对周围世界产生影响的能力可以帮助人们立即获得反馈并产生影响力。 这是一个更加共同创造的世界,每个人都觉得自己在建设它……方面有帮助。

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Art exhibition in the park: https://www.visitljubljana.com/en/visitors/events/art-nouveau-architecture-in-slovenia/
公园艺术展览: https//www.visitljubljana.com/en/visitors/events/art-nouveau-architecture-in-slovenia/

为什么需要新网站 (Why A New Web is Needed)

There are lots of reasons for the rise in inequality in America and across the world. One of the subtle reasons for this increase in inequality is the agglomeration of the additive value of data in highly centralized networks.

在美国和世界范围内,不平等加剧的原因很多。 这种不平等加剧的细微原因之一是高度集中化的网络中数据附加值的聚集。

The internet has made it possible for large companies to obtain even more customers as acquisition can come with the click of a button rather than demanding a brick and mortar store. There is also less of a need for bank tellers, post office employees and travel agents as processes can be automated.

互联网使大公司有可能获得更多的客户,因为只需单击按钮即可进行收购,而不是要求实体店。 由于流程可以自动化,因此对银行出纳员, 邮局员工和旅行社的需求也越来越少。

For those left in these companies, the greater efficiencies gained can be better captured by those in the C-Suite. The result is that there are heightened inequities of monetary distribution within firms.

对于那些留在这些公司中的人来说,C-Suite中的人可以更好地捕捉到更高的效率。 结果是企业内部货币分配的不平等现象加剧。

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Technology creates lop-sided value capture.

The ability for people to better keep the content and data they produce and create crowd-sourced collaborations offers an alternative to the current construction of traditional organizations.


The tools that we use to build the world have a deep impact on the world created. Our current information systems are architected in a way that enables broad reach, but also inequity.

我们用于构建世界的工具会对所创建的世界产生深远的影响。 我们当前的信息系统的构建方式可以扩大影响范围,但也可以实现不平等。

While many see the Internet as a stable infrastructure, I think we are actually only seeing the Internet in Stage II on the technological growth curve. In Stage I of computer development, only specialists knew how to code, and computers were large and expensive. In Stage II, while millions of people are connected to the internet, only 3–5% of the population in highly developed nations are at involved in the design of the internet.

尽管许多人将互联网视为稳定的基础架构,但我认为我们实际上只是在技术增长曲线的第二阶段看到互联网。 在计算机开发的第一阶段,只有专家才知道如何编码,并且计算机又大又昂贵。 在第二阶段,虽然有数百万人连接到互联网,但高度发达国家中只有3–5%的人口参与了互联网的设计。

Stage III will emerge when normal people have the ability to create web structures with the ease of a child building Lego towers. This scenario will bring with it greater equity as communities can create the architecture they use and value from aggregate data can be better captured at the local and regional levels.

当普通人能够像建造乐高塔楼的孩子一样轻松地创建网络结构时,第三阶段就会出现。 当社区可以创建他们使用的体系结构时,此方案将带来更大的公平性,并且可以在本地和区域级别更好地捕获来自汇总数据的价值。

To read more about the structure of individual modules and the standards by which networks are built, visit here. To read more about how modnets can be created using emergent design techniques, visit here. To join in on building the architecture of the future world, please join the slack channel.

要了解有关各个模块的结构以及构建网络的标准的更多信息,请访问此处。 要了解有关如何使用紧急设计技术创建modnet的更多信息,请访问此处。 要加入构建未来世界的体系结构,请加入slack频道

翻译自: https://medium.com/@rachelaliana/past-the-internet-the-emergence-of-the-modnet-6ad49b7e2ee8

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