
Cybercriminals are using ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ as bait by creating fake websites that claim to offer free access to the film. In reality, the websites try to trick you into handing over your credit card information.

网络犯罪分子利用 “星球大战:天行者的崛起” 作为诱饵,创建了声称免费提供电影访问权的假网站。 实际上,这些网站试图欺骗您交出您的信用卡信息。

By Michael Kan


Desperate to watch the new Star Wars film? Don’t get too desperate. The movie is the latest pop-culture phenomenon to be exploited by cybercriminals trying to trick people into installing malware or handing over credit card information.

ðesperate观看新的星球大战电影? 不要太绝望。 这部电影是网络犯罪分子利用的最新流行文化现象,试图欺骗人们安装恶意软件或移交信用卡信息。

Antivirus provider Kaspersky Lab has already uncovered more than 30 fake websites and social media profiles that pretend to be official movie accounts. The scam works by offering users free streaming access to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but only if they first register with the fraudulent site by typing in their credit card information.

防病毒提供商卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab)已经发现了30多个假冒官方电影帐户的假冒网站和社交媒体资料。 该骗局的工作原理是为用户提供免费的流媒体访问《星球大战:天行者的崛起》的访问权限前提是他们必须先输入信用卡信息在欺诈网站上注册。

“To further support the promotion of fraudulent websites, cybercriminals also set up Twitter and other social media accounts, where they distribute links to the content,” Kaspersky Lab said in a report. So far, Kaspersky Lab has detected 65 malicious fake copies of the film infecting 83 users.

卡巴斯基实验室在一份报告中说:“为进一步支持欺诈性网站的推广,网络罪犯还建立了Twitter和其他社交媒体帐户,它们在其中分发指向内容的链接。” 到目前为止,卡巴斯基实验室已检测到该电影的65个恶意假冒副本,感染了83位用户。

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“It is typical for fraudsters and cybercriminals to try to capitalize on popular topics, and Star Wars is a good example of such a theme this month,” said Kaspersky Lab security researcher Tatiana Sidorina in the report.

卡巴斯基实验室安全研究员塔蒂亚娜·西多里娜(Tatiana Sidorina)在报告中说:“欺诈者和网络犯罪分子通常试图利用热门话题,而《星球大战》是本月此类主题的一个很好的例子。”

Indeed, hackers routinely use pirated copies of popular TV shows, such as Game of Thrones, as a way to fool users into installing malware. In some cases, the hackers can place the malicious code inside a Trojan application or shortcut within a torrent disguised to contain the pirated episode.

确实,黑客经常使用流行电视节目(例如权力的游戏)的盗版副本来欺骗用户安装恶意软件。 在某些情况下,黑客可以将恶意代码放置在特洛伊木马程序中,也可以将快捷方式放置在伪装成包含盗版情节的洪流中。

According to Kaspersky Lab, Star Wars has become a popular lure as well. This year, the company detected 285,103 Star Wars-related malware infection attempts on users, who were trying to watch the sci-fi series. The infection attempts amount to a 10 percent rise from last year.

根据卡巴斯基实验室的说法,《星球大战》也很受欢迎。 今年,该公司发现了285103次与“星球大战”相关的恶意软件感染尝试,这些用户正试图观看科幻小说系列。 感染尝试比去年增加了10%。

You can find the scam Star Wars sites with a simple Google search, using keywords like “star wars the rise of skywalker free download.” The scam sites probably won’t fool Star Wars fans, who will want to watch the new film in theaters anyways. Nevertheless, certain markets such as Vietnam and the Philippines won’t get access to the film until early next year. Others may prefer to pirate the movie rather than pay for tickets.

您可以使用简单的Google搜索来找到“星际大战”骗局网站,并使用“星际大战崛起的天行者免费下载”之类的关键字。 这些骗局可能不会愚弄《星球大战》的粉丝,无论如何他们还是想在剧院里观看这部新电影。 不过,越南和菲律宾等某些市场要等到明年初才能上映。 其他人可能更喜欢盗版电影,而不是支付门票。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com on December 24, 2019.

最初于 2019年12月24日 发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/here-come-the-star-wars-scams-don-t-fall-for-them-7781b1b72e44





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