cdo 用法_在covid 19时代如何成功成为一名cdo

cdo 用法

When COVID-19 hit the U.S. in March 2020, the first role hired for by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) was a Chief Data Officer. Not surprisingly, COVID-19 and GDPR, it’s close cousin in terms of cultural relevance, were top of mind for everyone at this year’s all-virtual MIT Chief Data Officer Symposium.

当2020年3月COVID-19登陆美国时 ,疾病控制中心(CDC) 雇用的第一个职位 是首席数据官。 毫不奇怪,在今年的全虚拟 MIT首席数据官座谈会上 ,COVID-19和GDPR(就文化意义而言是近亲)是每个人的头等大事

In this article, I share three key takeaways from the event and propose next steps for CDOs to retain their competitive edge in this remote-first, data-obsessed world.


It’s day one, hour four of MIT’s annual Chief Data Officer Symposium and, despite being entirely virtual, the conversations couldn’t be more real.


My first “too true” moment came during a panel featuring the CDOs of some of the world’s most impressive companies, from McDonalds to the Bank of the U.S., in the form of a nugget of wisdom from Milind Kamkolkar, CDO of Cellarity:

我的第一个“太真实”的时刻是在一个小组讨论会上,该小组讨论了从麦当劳到美国银行等世界上最令人印象深刻的一些公司的CDO,其中包括Cellarity CDO Milind Kamkolkar的智慧:

“In today’s world, being a data-driven business simply means being a business.”


Yes! If I was in the audience, I would have started clapping. (And maybe I did, just a little bit, in front of my computer screen).

是的 ! 如果我是观众,我会开始鼓掌。 (也许我只是在计算机屏幕前做了一点)。

At the symposium, Milind’s comments and many others made by other data leaders spoke to the undeniable truth that data — and the role of the CDO — are becoming increasingly important for every enterprise.


As the event progressed, one major theme emerged: that COVID-19 and GDPR (two of 2020’s buzziest topics) have forever altered what success looks like for CDOs, and that, regardless of industry, data teams must respond to their demands to succeed in their roles.


As highlighted by Randy Bean, CEO of NewVantage, during his aptly titled panel, “Ensuring the Success in the Chief Data Officer Role,” the responsibilities of the modern CDO are still nascent and evolving. Over the course of the symposium, speakers presented their own arguments for what a CDO should focus on and how they should set their strategy to meet the demands of COVID-19, GDPR, and other industry seachanges.

正如NewVantage首席执行官Randy Bean在其标题恰当的小组“确保首席数据官角色中的成功”中所强调的那样,现代CDO的职责仍在萌芽和发展中。 在座谈会期间,发言人就CDO应该关注的重点以及如何制定战略以满足COVID-19,GDPR和其他行业变化的需求发表了自己的观点。

Despite their differences (just like snowflakes, no two CDOs are the same) I found that they all agreed on three key things: the importance of a robust and automated approach to data governance, the need for data quality solutions, and the promise of data democratization. Importantly, data democratization has the potential to truly scale the impact of the former two initiatives and many others at the company-wide level.

尽管存在差异(就像雪花一样,没有两个CDO是相同的),但我发现它们都在三个关键方面达成了一致:强大且自动化的数据治理方法的重要性,对数据质量 解决方案的需求以及对数据的承诺民主化。 重要的是, 数据民主化有潜力在整个公司范围内真正扩大前两项计划以及许多其他计划的影响。

数据治理应自动化 (Data governance should be automated)

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To keep up with evolving compliance needs, teams should prioritize automating data governance tasks. Image courtesy of Scott Graham on Unsplash.
为了跟上不断发展的合规性需求,团队应优先考虑自动化数据治理任务。 图片由 Scott GrahamUnsplash提供

COVID-19 and GDPR have put data governance front and center for many CDOs, but a manual approach to compliance is no longer cutting it. Manual cataloging and monitoring of upstream and downstream data dependencies make it difficult for teams to stay on top of PII handling requirements.

COVID-19和GDPR已将数据治理放在许多CDO的首位和中心位置,但是手动遵循法规的方法不再适用。 手动对上游和下游数据依赖性进行分类和监视,这使得团队很难满足PII处理要求。

Although all industries have been forced to adapt to this new norm, perhaps none have been affected as much as the financial services sector or the federal government. Just ask Cara Dailey, CDO of Silicon Valley Bank, and Eileen Vidrine, CDO of the U.S. Air Force. In two separate talks, Cara and Eileen detailed the need for a more advanced data governance approach that leverages ML to solve these issues, relieving data staff of tedious, error-prone tasks that are more effectively tackled by automation.

尽管所有行业都被迫适应这一新规范,但可能没有一个行业像金融服务部门或联邦政府那样受到太大影响。 只需问一下硅谷银行CDO的Cara Dailey和美国空军CDO的Eileen Vidrine 。 在两个单独的谈话中,Cara和Eileen详细介绍了需要一种更高级的数据治理方法,该方法可以利用ML解决这些问题,从而使数据人员摆脱繁琐且容易出错的任务,这些任务可以通过自动化来更有效地解决。

According to Cara, an automated data catalog is foundational to her organization’s data governance strategy.


“The role of CDO is not for the faint of heart,” Cara said. “Data governance is a massive undertaking for many companies who have not invested in foundational data infrastructure, practices around data management, and data quality. As a result, CDOs are often coming into a blank slate or fixing a data governance program that went wrong.”

卡拉说:“ CDO的作用不是胆小。” 对于许多尚未投资基础数据基础架构,数据管理实践和数据质量的公司而言,数据治理是一项艰巨的任务。 结果,CDO常常陷入一片空白,或者修复出问题的数据治理程序。”

Similarly, Eileen Vidrine shared that the U.S. Air Force invested in a homegrown, federated data catalog, referred to as VAULT, to handle data governance.

同样,艾琳·维德林(Eileen Vidrine)表示,美国空军投资了一个本土的联合数据目录,称为VAULT,以处理数据治理。

“Our ultimate goal is to make the VAULT platform available to every air-person as-infrastructure-as code,” she said. “To achieve this, we’ll really be investing in self-serve, automated data governance so that we can make decisions about our data in sync across each area of the Air Force.”

她说:“我们的最终目标是使VAULT平台可用于每个航空人员的基础设施即代码。” “为实现这一目标,我们将真正投资自助服务,自动数据治理,以便我们可以在空军的各个领域同步做出有关数据的决策。”

优先考虑数据质量 (Prioritize data quality)

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If data breaks and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Image courtesy of Image courtesy of studiostoks on Shutterstock .
如果数据中断并且没有人听到,它会发出声音吗? 图片由 Shutterstock studiostoks 提供

It’s a poorly kept secret that bad data spares no one.


Just ask Dr. Lauren Gardner, one of the creators of Johns Hopkins’ legendary COVID-19 Global Dashboard, which tracks the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases, recoveries, and deaths. The map has been widely attributed as a leading source of information about the status of the pandemic in real time, giving communities worldwide a user-friendly way to know how the disease is affecting their regions.

只需问问约翰·霍普金斯大学传奇性COVID-19全球资讯主页的创建者之一Lauren Gardner博士 即可 ,该网站追踪已确认的冠状病毒病例,康复和死亡人数。 该地图已被广泛认为是实时了解大流行状况的主要信息来源,它为全世界的社区提供了一种易于使用的方式,以了解该疾病如何影响其所在地区。

According to Lauren, accurate data is central to the efficacy of the map, but disparities in how data is tracked and reported in different countries has affected various metrics, including the case-fatality ratio (in other words, mortality rates).


“These rates vary anywhere from well-under one percent to 25 percent, depending on the country,” she said. “It’s unlikely that there is actually this much variance. More likely, it’s an issue of multiple factors, namely data quality of the data being reported.”

她说:“根据国家的不同,利率从不到1%到25%不等。” “实际上不太可能有如此大的差异。 这很可能是多个因素的问题,即所报告数据的数据质量。”

During a panel with other data leaders, Richard Goldberg, CDO of the Bank of China, noted that the difference between offensive and defensive data strategies is the ability to recognize and address data quality issues before they become a problem.

在与其他数据负责人的小组讨论中,中国银行CDO 理查德·戈德堡 ( Richard Goldberg)指出,进攻性和防御性数据策略之间的区别在于能够识别和解决数据质量问题,而不会成为问题。

“It’s important to implement a data strategy that recognizes the CDO is not just a firefighter,” he said. “Ultimately, we need to start using data in a knowledgeable and healthful way and leverage data with a high degree of confidence. To truly be innovative, we need to have accountability for data consistency.”

他说:“重要的是实施一项数据战略,以承认CDO不仅仅是一名消防员。” “最终,我们需要以一种知识丰富且健康的方式开始使用数据,并高度自信地利用数据。 要真正进行创新,我们需要对数据一致性负责。”

在公司范围内推动数据民主化 (Push data democratization at the company-wide level)

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Data democratization is your key to scaling data‘s impact at the company-wide level. Image courtesy of Annie Spratt on Unsplash.
数据民主化是您在公司范围内扩展数据影响的关键。 图片由 Annie SprattUnsplash提供

From the U.S. Air Force to Capital One, a decentralized approach to data analytics is rapidly becoming the new norm. Long gone are the days of keeping insights generation under lock and key by a specialized team of practitioners.

从美国空军到Capital One,分散式数据分析方法正Swift成为新的规范。 由专业从业人员锁定洞察力并产生关键见解的时代已经一去不复返了。

Danielle Crop, CDO of American Express, notes that her team’s prioritization of data democratization is helping scale the use (and impact) of data at the company-wide level. This democratization gives all data teams at Capital One the tools necessary to unlock the potential of their data, and in turn make smarter decisions with it.

美国运通CDO的丹妮尔·克罗普 ( Danielle Crop)指出,她的团队对数据民主化的优先次序正在帮助扩大公司范围内数据的使用(和影响)。 这种民主化为Capital One的所有数据团队提供了必要的工具,以释放其数据的潜力,并据此做出更明智的决策。

“The important aspect is to centralize the data management as much as is practical and then decentralize/federate the analytics, ML, and BI aspects of data,” said Danielle, not unlike a data mesh.

“重要的方面是尽可能实际地集中化数据管理,然后分散/联合数据的分析,ML和BI方面,” Danielle说,与数据网格不同。

Another element of data democratization is the cross-functional evangelization of data best practices across the company.


According to Eileen Vidrine, data is a team sport.

根据Eileen Vidrine所说,数据是一项团队运动。

“It’s not about one office doing work in the area of data,” she said. “It’s about building those partnerships. In order to move and move quickly, I need change champions across the department.”

她说:“这与一个办公室在数据领域的工作无关。” “这与建立这些伙伴关系有关。 为了Swift行动,我需要整个部门的变革支持者。”

Still, nearly all data leaders emphasized that much work still needs to be done to implement data democratization at scale, particularly given how COVID-19 has put a heightened emphasis on data to drive decision making.


Cindi Howson, Chief Data Strategy Officer at ThoughtSpot, delivered a talk on what it takes to develop a data-driven culture, echoed this necessity best.

ThoughtSpot的首席数据战略官Cindi Howson就发展数据驱动的文化需要做什么发表了演讲,并最充分地回应了这种必要性。

Per a survey her team at ThoughtSpot commissioned about a CDO’s main barriers to effectively using data, she said, “even during a pandemic, when it’s important to unlock the value of data, 82 percent of CDOs say that culture is their main barrier.”


My two cents: if we make it easier and more accessible to responsibly use data, there will be greater adoption of these tools, and in turn, more impactful applications of data to truly move the needle for your company.


CDO的下一步是什么? (What’s next for the CDO?)

The role of the CDO is still evolving. At the end of the day, solving for these three pillars (data governance, data quality, and data democratization) is important, but above all else, you need to map your data organization’s priorities to the needs of your business. Barring that, no fancy new data catalog, exciting analytics tool, or cloud warehouse migration will bring you success.

CDO的作用仍在不断发展。 归根结底,解决这三个Struts(数据治理,数据质量和数据民主化)很重要,但是最重要的是,您需要将数据组织的优先事项映射到业务需求。 除非有任何新奇的数据目录 ,激动人心的分析工具或云仓库迁移,否则不会为您带来成功。

The needs of your business often boil down to what moves the bottom line, whether that means meeting revenue targets, sales quotas, or even new user sign-ups. You need to determine what data will help your company get there and how to set your team up for success to capture and utilize it quickly, compliantly, and most effectively.

您的业​​务需求通常归结为推动利润增长的因素,无论这意味着达到收入目标,销售配额,甚至是新用户注册。 您需要确定哪些数据将帮助您的公司实现目标,以及如何组建团队以取得成功,从而快速,合规和最有效地捕获和利用它们。

With that, I’ll leave you with another “too true” nugget of wisdom from the symposium, courtesy of Mastercard CDO JoAnn Stonier:

有了这个,在座谈会上,我将为您提供另一个“太真实”的智慧,这要归功于万事达卡CDO JoAnn Stonier

“You can align certain data skills between industries, but your data strategy absolutely follows your business strategy.”


For more updates and hot takes from the world of data, be sure to follow Monte Carlo’s Data Downtime Blog.

有关数据世界的更多更新和热点,请务必关注Monte Carlo的 Data Downtime Blog


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