

I just wrapped up my first job hunt for a software engineering role. Over 7 weeks, I had 24 rounds of technical coding interviews at 11 companies in the Bay Area. The number of women I interviewed with? Zero!

我刚刚完成了第一次寻找软件工程职位的工作。 在7周的时间里,我在湾区的11家公司进行了24轮技术编码访谈。 我采访过多少位女性? 零!

The lack of women interviewers seemed odd at first, but quickly became off-putting, and eventually pretty outrageous. This made me do some research and think about things that I can do to help bridge the gender gap in software engineering, so I figured I’d share where I’ve gotten.

最初缺少女性面试官似乎很奇怪,但很快就令人反感,最终变得非常令人发指。 这使我进行了一些研究,并思考可以做些什么来帮助弥合软件工程中的性别鸿沟,因此我想与他人分享我的经验。

Contrary to my perception, the percentage of women in software engineering has not been rising.


I’m used to reading things like “the number of women CEOs of Fortune 500 companies is at a record high.” I’ve known that “record high” refers to the 37 women accounting for less than 8% of all Fortune 500 CEOs. Still, my perception was that the gender gap in tech was at least trending in the right direction, though far from being closed. Boy, was I wrong! This graph from Girls Who Code shows that only around 20% of computer scientists are women, and this fraction has actually been declining steadily since the 90s.

我曾经读过诸如“《 财富》 500强公司的女性CEO人数达到历史最高记录 ”之类的东西。 我知道,“最高记录”指的是37位女性,占所有《财富》 500强首席执行官的比例不到8%。 尽管如此,我的看法是,尽管还没有消除 ,但技术领域的性别差距至少在朝着正确的方向发展。 男孩,我错了! 这张来自《 Girls Who Code》的图表显示,只有约20%的计算机科学家是女性,而且这一比例实际上自90年代以来一直在稳步下降。

The percentage of women in software engineering has been declining
The percentage of women in software engineering is declining 女性从事软件工程的比例正在下降

为什么会这样呢? (Why is this the case?)

Not surprisingly, most software engineer roles require degrees in the field. Moreover, I learned that introductory undergrad courses are the single most important deterrent for women to pursue a degree in computer science.

毫不奇怪,大多数软件工程师的角色都需要该领域的学位。 此外,我了解到, 入门本科课程是女性攻读计算机科学学位的唯一最重要的威慑力量

Because female undergrads are less likely to have taken a computer science class in high school, they are at a disadvantage in college “intro” courses that inadvertently assume prior knowledge, which creates gender barriers and perpetuates this cycle.


我们该如何解决? (How do we fix it?)

We can think about this like a funnel. At the top of the funnel is every woman interested in computer science. Lower is every woman getting a degree in computer science. And lowest is every woman working as a software engineer. Based on my research, I believe growing the top of the funnel — for example, sparking interest in junior high and sustaining it throughout high school so women are set up for success in college — is one of the most important steps we can take to address the issue (though I acknowledge this is an oversimplification, and that there are myriad ways to address the problem).

我们可以像漏斗一样考虑它。 漏斗的顶部是每个对计算机科学感兴趣的女人。 较低的是每个获得计算机科学学位的女性。 最低的是每位担任软件工程师的女性。 根据我的研究,我认为,扩大渠道的顶部(例如,激发对初中的兴趣并在整个高中维持这种状态,使女性在大学中获得成功)是我们可以采取的最重要步骤之一问题(尽管我承认这过于简单,而且有多种方法可以解决该问题)。

Fortunately, there are non-profits attempting to do just that. Girls Who Code is an organization aiming to encourage young women from historically underrepresented backgrounds to pick up programming in high school. Their mission is to close the gender gap in new entry-level tech jobs by 2027.

幸运的是,有非营利组织正试图这样做。 《少女守则》是一个旨在鼓励历史上代表性不足的年轻女性参加高中课程的组织。 他们的任务是到2027年弥合新入门级技术工作中的性别差距。

While I continue to learn about ways to increase diversity among software engineers, I’m taking immediate action by donating to Girls Who Code. Please help me achieve my fundraising goal by making a donation through my page. The process is fast, easy and secure. I’d really appreciate the support (and feel free to send this page to any friends who might be interested in reading it or donating!).

在我继续学习如何增加软件工程师之间的多样性的同时,我正在通过向代码编写的女孩捐款来立即采取行动。 请通过我的页面捐款来帮助我实现筹款目标。 该过程快速,简单且安全。 非常感谢您的支持(并随时将页面发送给可能有兴趣阅读或捐赠的任何朋友!)。

It’s a shame that it took me this lived experience to realize how imbalanced some parts of our world are. But I appreciate the change in perspective, and I’m excited to help be a force for change. I’d also love to hear what are some of the steps YOU have taken or will take toward supporting women in tech.

可惜的是,我花了我如此丰富的经验,才意识到我们世界的某些部分是多么不平衡。 但是我很欣赏观点的变化,我很高兴能成为推动变化的力量。 我也很想听听您为支持女性从事技术工作而采取或将采取的一些步骤。

👩‍💻 https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/2841586

💻https //www.classy.org/fundraiser/2841586

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/wtf-none-of-the-24-software-engineers-i-interviewed-with-were-women-6bd65eecf024






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