

I picked up my turquoise Switch Lite back in April after scouring the internet for several days, desperate to finally try my favorite company’s current console. In retrospect, it feels sacrilegious that I waited so long to update the hardware I was playing on, but I just couldn’t let go of my Nintendo 3DS.

拿起四月我的绿松石开关精简版背在网上淘了好几天后 ,绝望终于尝试我喜欢的公司目前的控制台。 回想起来,我花了很长时间来更新自己正在使用的硬件,这是一种牺牲品,但我却放不下任天堂3DS。

The little guy was still going strong nine years after release, but with new releases completely avoiding the old handheld, I decided it was finally time to retire it and move on to the current device. The bigger question I asked myself was why it took so long to say goodbye to the 3DS? Was it the unique stereoscopic visuals, or the dual-screen creativity that Nintendo adopted in the mid-2000s for the original DS?

这个小家伙在发布9年后仍然保持坚挺,但由于新版本完全避免了旧掌上电脑的使用,我认为现在终于该退休了,继续使用当前设备。 我问自己一个更大的问题是,为什么要花这么长时间与3DS告别? 是任天堂在2000年代中期为原始DS所采用的独特的立体视觉效果还是双屏创意?

While both of those traits were memorable and attractive for the console, I decided that it was my unreal devotion to playing handheld devices that kept me from buying a Switch for so long. Despite the console having the ability to be used both on the TV and on the go, I felt it was too pricey to be bought just for the handheld aspect of it. In came the Switch Lite and the rest was history. But why do I refuse to play games in anything but a handheld setting for the last several years, and what does it say about a gamer depending on their preference for either television or portable gaming?

虽然这两个特征对于控制台来说都是令人难忘且有吸引力的,但我认为这是我对玩手持设备的不切实际的奉献,这使我长期无法购买Switch。 尽管该控制台既可以在电视上使用,也可以在旅途中使用,但我觉得它的价格太昂贵,无法仅用于手持设备。 Switch Lite来了,剩下的就是历史了。 但是,为什么在过去的几年中,我拒绝在手持设备之外的任何环境中玩游戏,而根据玩家对电视或便携式游戏的偏爱,它对玩家又有何影响呢?

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Nintendo Switch Lite. Source: Nintendo.
Nintendo Switch Lite。 资料来源:任天堂。

To dissect these questions, it would be wise to trace back my handheld gaming tendency from a much younger age. The first handheld I played was the Game Boy Advance in the early 2000s, but I never remember liking it any more than the home consoles. Sure, it was super cool to be able to take my electronic hobby with me in the car while riding along to the grocery store or the family reunion, but the quality of handheld games 15 years ago was nowhere near what you could play on the TV.

为了剖析这些问题,明智的做法是追溯年轻的掌上游戏趋势。 我玩过的第一台掌上电脑是2000年代初期的Game Boy Advance,但我从来不记得喜欢家用游戏机了。 当然,在杂货店或家人团聚时能带上我的电子爱好在车上真是太酷了,但是15年前掌上游戏的质量远不及电视上可以播放的水平。

I still played my GameCube and my Xbox just as much or more than my portable originator, and most of my fond memories of childhood gaming come from those two machines. My brother and I had to share the Game Boy Advance, as well as its successor, the Game Boy Advance SP. I finally got my own handheld device when the Nintendo DS Lite came out, and that electric blue beauty with a black matte finish on the bottom is still sitting on my bedroom dresser , packed full of nostalgia and irreplaceable moments.

我仍然玩我的GameCube和Xbox的次数与便携式游戏机差不多,甚至更多,而我对童年游戏的大部分美好回忆都来自这两台机器。 我和我的兄弟必须共享Game Boy Advance及其后续产品Game Boy Advance SP。 当Nintendo DS Lite问世时,我终于有了自己的手持设备,底部那是黑色磨砂的电蓝色美女仍然坐在我的卧室梳妆台上,充满了怀旧和不可替代的时刻。

This was the first console in my life that was completely mine. I didn’t have to worry about sharing it at different times of the day, I didn’t have to worry that my dad would get potato chip grease on the handles, none of that stuff. The DS was my symbol of independence as a youthful gamer. I have come to believe this is one of the largest boons for handheld gaming, most especially to underage gamers who don’t have many possessions of their own. While I now own more items of my own than just a video game console as an adult, playing a handheld device is still a symbol of what belongs to me, just in a broader sense.

这是我人生第一个控制台,这是完全矿井 。 我不必担心在一天的不同时间共享它,也不必担心我的父亲会在手柄上沾上土豆片油脂,而这些都不是。 DS是我年轻时独立的象征。 我已经相信这是手持游戏的最大好处之一,尤其是对没有很多个人财产的未成年游戏玩家而言。 尽管我现在成年人拥有的物品不只是视频游戏机,但从更广泛的意义上讲,手持设备的使用仍然是属于我的东西的象征。

Possession of a piece of entertainment can take on many different definitions. Sure, the first thing that possession means is actually owning a copy of the piece of work. A disc, a download, a cartridge, even a streaming service to watch TV. You don’t actually own the rights to the game, though. The intellectual property belongs to the creator of the IP, so in the case of Mario we could say that both Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo own our favorite mustachioed plumber. But it becomes much more symbolic than that.

拥有娱乐性可以有许多不同的定义。 当然,拥有的意思是,第一件事实际上是拥有该作品的副本。 光盘,下载,盒式磁带,甚至是观看电视的流媒体服务。 但是,您实际上并不拥有游戏的权利。 知识产权属于IP的创建者,因此对于马里奥来说,我们可以说宫本茂和任天堂都拥有我们最喜欢的水管工。 但这远不止于此。

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New Nintendo 3DS XL. Source: Nintendo.
新的Nintendo 3DS XL。 资料来源:任天堂。

After playing a game across an enormous span of time, the property starts to feel like it belongs to us as well. No, we didn’t create it, but we sure as hell have spent our lives with the characters and the settings. They’ve shaped us as people, and our enjoyments of a franchise help shape its future. That special synchronization of player and game feels like a living ecosystem, and the handheld console is the perfect conduit for this relationship. I’m the only one who can hold and see the handheld at any one time, whereas playing on the TV in front of family and friends can become a polygamous relationship, something which is more than a little irritating depending on the situation. The symbiotic nature of handheld video games and their players has been growing for years, and I believe it will become a runaway train in the future.

经过很长一段时间的游戏之后,这家酒店开始让人觉得它也属于我们。 不,我们没有创建它,但是我们可以肯定,地狱已经花了很多时间在角色和设置上。 他们塑造了我们的人情,而我们对特许经营权的享受帮助塑造了它的未来。 玩家与游戏之间的特殊同步感觉就像是一个活生生的生态系统,而手持式控制台正是这种关系的完美渠道。 我是唯一可以随时手持并看到掌上电脑的人,而在家人和朋友面前的电视上玩耍可以成为一夫多妻制的关系,根据情况的不同,这可能会有些刺激。 手持视频游戏机及其播放器的共生性质已经发展了多年,我相信它将在未来成为一门失控的火车。

Playing games on a phone has presented yet another example of the way gaming has been freed from the shackles of a television in the last several years. Everyone has a phone, and these types of games, whether brilliant or complete shovelware, create the first impression to non-gamers of how the medium will be available to the public for years to come.

在过去的几年中,通过电话玩游戏已经成为游戏摆脱电视束缚的另一种方式。 每个人都有一部手机,这些类型的游戏,无论是出色的软件还是完整的铲子软件,都会给非游戏者留下第一印象,那就是该媒体将在未来几年内向公众提供。

To people who don’t play many games, seeing them available on objects which are routinely brought with people everywhere they go makes the hobby seem more normal instead of a niche. Tie this in with the fact that there really isn’t an object that feels more personalized to every person on the planet in 2020 than a phone and you can see why so many people may feel the games become something very individualized when participated in on that type of technology.

对于不玩很多游戏的人来说,看到它们可用于随处可见的人们日常携带的物品上,会使他们的嗜好看起来更为正常,而不是利基市场。 将这一事实与现实相联系,到2020年,对于地球上的每个人来说,确实没有比手机更个性化的对象,并且您可以看到为什么如此多的人参与到游戏中后会觉得游戏变得非常个性化技术类型。

But for me on a personal level, the quality of games on a smartphone are a huge problem. I want quality and handheld to mold into one revelatory experience. An experience that makes tremendous games feel like they have become one with the player anywhere they go. Enter my aforementioned Switch Lite.

但是对于我个人而言,智能手机上的游戏质量是一个巨大的问题。 我希望高质量和手持设备能够成为一种启发性的体验。 一种使巨大游戏变得无所不在的体验,就像他们已经成为随处可见的玩家一样。 输入我前面提到的Switch Lite。

Nintendo’s handheld-only version of their dual-purpose console has been a special friend in my gaming life since I bought it back in April. In this changing and strange world we are living in, I can count on playing the best games in the industry on this incredible invention anywhere and anytime.

自从我4月份买回以来,任天堂的两用游戏机专用手持版本一直是我游戏生活中的特别朋友。 在我们生活的这个瞬息万变的陌生世界中,我可以指望随时随地通过这项令人难以置信的发明玩业界最好的游戏。

The Switch Lite is one of the most important consoles ever sent to market, signifying the ability of large game companies to give the same great home console quality to gamers no matter what their preference is for play location.

Switch Lite是有史以来投放市场的最重要的游戏机之一,表明大型游戏公司有能力为游戏玩家提供同样出色的家用游戏机质量,无论他们偏爱游戏地点如何。

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Super Mario Odyssey. Source: Nintendo.
超级马里奥奥德赛。 资料来源:任天堂。

Super Mario Odyssey condensed into a pocket is a technological marvel, and being able to play it with no interruption from others in a living space makes me feel as if Mario has brought only Cappy and myself along with him on his trek across the planets of the game. And while gaming can certainly be enhanced in a social setting for a myriad of reasons, certain single-player experiences deserve to be independent ventures, completely void of spectators.

超级马里奥·奥德赛浓缩在口袋里是一个技术奇迹,能够在生活空间中不受其他人干扰地演奏它,使我感到马里奥似乎只带着Cappy和我以及他一起穿越了整个星球。游戏。 尽管出于各种原因,当然可以在社交环境中增强游戏性能,但某些单人游戏体验应该是独立的事业,完全没有观众。

I think this desire for a truly solo gaming experience through a handheld says that gamers like me view our hobby as a part of our life which deserves to always be personal and performed on our own terms. Playing video games shouldn’t be set to a certain date, time, or location. They should be with us everywhere because they ARE us.

我认为,通过手持设备实现真正的单人游戏体验的愿望表明,像我这样的游戏玩家将我们的业余爱好视为我们生活的一部分,应始终保持个人化并以我们自己的方式进行表演。 玩视频游戏不应设置为特定的日期,时间或位置。 他们应该与我们在一起,因为他们是我们。







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