

Editor’s Note: Ines Sombra is one of the dozens of expert directors and leaders in the engineering space who shared wisdom learned from her years of experience as Fastly’s Senior Director of Engineering in 97 Things Every Engineering Manager Should Know. In this excerpt, Ines explores what it means for a company to have a good culture, and reviews the benchmarks that a company needs to meet in order to foster such a culture. We’d love to hear from you about what you think about this piece.

编者注: Ines Sombra是工程领域数十位专家总监和领导者之一,他们分享了自己作为Fastly工程高级总监的多年经验所积累的智慧,这些知识使每个工程经理都应知道的97件事 在此摘录中,Ines探索了公司拥有良好文化的意义,并回顾了公司培育这种文化所需满足的基准。 我们很乐意听到您对您对此作品的看法。

We all want to work in diverse and inclusive places. We want to be a part of companies with “good culture.” But how can you tell what that means and whether your company has one? You might think that looking at your company values (if you have them) is a good indicator, but values are rarely polemic, and they tend to be aspirational in nature. I’m not trying to belittle how important the introspection needed to derive company values is; I’m merely pointing out that stating a goal does not necessarily make it true.

我们每个人都想在多元化和包容性的地方工作。 我们希望成为具有“良好文化”的公司的一员。 但是,您如何知道这意味着什么以及您的公司是否有一家呢? 您可能会认为,查看公司的价值(如果有)是一个很好的指标,但是价值很少会引起争论,本质上往往是雄心勃勃的。 我并不是要贬低自省以获取公司价值的重要性。 我只是指出指出目标并不一定能实现它。

I believe that culture is what happens when what we want to believe about ourselves is challenged. Culture is what we do when we get things wrong, when we witness a violation of trust, or when we stay silent when an inappropriate comment is said in our presence. Culture is made when we catch ourselves acting in opposition to our values.

我相信,当我们想要相信自己的东西受到挑战时,文化就会发生。 当我们弄错了事情,见证了对信任的侵犯或者当我们在场时发表不当评论时保持沉默时,我们就是在做文化。 当我们发现自己与价值观背道而驰时,就会造就文化。

Note that good intentions don’t matter when it comes to building an organization’s culture. Even well-meaning people can have bad days, get tired, cranky, or say things that could have been phrased better. But here is the challenge: everyone in an organization is enforcing and creating its culture, and none more so than its leaders.

请注意,在建立组织文化时,良好的意愿并不重要。 甚至好心的人也可能度过糟糕的日子,疲倦,胡思乱想或说出本来可以更好地表达的话。 但这是挑战:组织中的每个人都在执行和创造其文化,而领导者则无非如此。

It’s your responsibility as a leader to understand that your actions can normalize a bad behavior or model a good one. You can recite your company values all you want, but if at the first sight of a confrontation your first reaction is to caveat, excuse it, or wish it away your inability to act informs everyone in your organization what your culture really is. To reiterate, it’s about how you act when something happens. For example; if your reaction when people elevate problems or concerns to you is to chastise the reporter for not being more positive, congratulations, you have created a culture of spin and nontruths in which Pollyanna thinking is encouraged.

作为领导者,您有责任了解自己的行为可以规范不良行为或为良好行为建模。 您可以背诵公司想要的所有价值,但是如果乍一看对立,您的第一React就是告诫,原谅或希望您无法采取行动,就无法告知组织中的每个人您的真正文化。 重申一下,这是关于事情发生时的行为方式。 例如; 如果当人们向您提出问题或担忧时您的React是要责备记者,而不是太积极,恭喜您,那么您就创造了一种自律和不诚实的文化,鼓励波莉安娜思考。

On the other hand, as a member of an organization, it’s your responsibility to expect your leaders’ actions to match what the organization likes to tell itself. When incidents happen (if you are in a position to do so), elevate concerns, report wrongdoings, and call out acts of cognitive dissonance. And if you are not a member of an underrepresented group, you have a heightened responsibility to use your privilege and demand better. This is how you do your part in creating a good company culture.

另一方面,作为组织的成员,您有责任期望领导者的行为与组织喜欢告诉自己的行为相匹配。 当事件发生时(如果您有能力这样做),请提起疑虑,举报不当行为,并呼吁发生认知失调行为。 而且,如果您不是少数派成员的成员,那么您就有更大的责任来使用您的特权并更好地要求。 这就是您如何建立良好的公司文化的方式。

As job seekers, what can we do when the barometer of a “good” place is what an organization does when incidents occur, but this information is not available to us when we are interviewing? Our only option is to use our interview time wisely and ask probing questions to help get a feel for dissonance. For example: What behavior will not be tolerated in the organization? What are the protocols in place for reporting and handling of incidents? Are they anonymous? Are they documented? How often are they used? How is retaliation prevented? When was the last time a complaint was made, and are you satisfied with the way you handled it? What do you do as a leader when you realize you handled an escalation poorly?

作为求职者,当一个“好”地方的晴雨表发生事件时,我们该怎么办?但是当我们面试时,我们无法获得此信息? 我们唯一的选择是明智地利用我们的采访时间,并提出一些探索性问题,以帮助您获得不和谐的感觉。 例如:组织不会容忍什么行为? 报告和处理事件有哪些协议? 他们是匿名的吗? 是否有文件记录? 他们多久使用一次? 如何防止报复? 上次投诉是什么时候?您对处理方式是否满意? 当您意识到自己处理升级问题时,作为领导者该做什么?

It’s tempting to believe that company culture is a static thing that can be checked off after it’s on the website. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Building a good culture is a daily endeavor, and there are no shortcuts. As leaders it’s our responsibility to look critically at our own behavior and ask ourselves how our shortcomings and blind spots shape the culture around us.

令人信服的是,公司文化是静态的,可以在网站上将其检查掉。 不幸的是,这种情况并非如此。 建立良好的文化是日常工作,没有捷径可走。 作为领导者,我们有责任批判自己的行为,并问自己自己的缺点和盲点如何塑造我们周围的文化。

So, to summarize:


  • As a leader: it’s your responsibility to embody and enforce your organization’s values. Don’t allow yourself to fall complacent. Your intentions are irrelevant; it’s your actions that determine what kind of culture you create.

    作为领导者:体现和贯彻组织的价值观是您的责任。 不要让自己沾沾自喜。 您的意图无关紧要; 决定您创造哪种文化的是您的行动。
  • As an employee: your behavior matters. Hold your leaders and peers accountable, especially if you are in a privileged position.

    作为员工:您的举止很重要。 让您的领导者和同伴承担责任,特别是如果您处于特权位置。
  • As a job seeker: carefully evaluate a new place before joining. Ask uncomfortable questions, interview members of senior leadership, backchannel the place with your network. In short: trust, voice expectations, and verify.

    作为求职者:加入之前请仔细评估一个新的地方。 提出不舒服的问题,采访高层领导成员,并通过您的网络回传地方。 简而言之:信任,期望和验证。

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Inés Sombra is a senior director of engineering at Fastly, where she spends her time helping the web go faster. Inés holds an MS in computer science and an MS in information management from Washington University in Saint Louis. When she is not at work you can catch her gallivanting in wine country or trying to sneak in a nap.

InésSombra是Fastly的工程部高级总监,她在那里度过了自己的时间来帮助提高网络速度。 Inés拥有圣路易斯华盛顿大学的计算机科学硕士学位和信息管理硕士学位。 当她不在工作时,您可以在酒乡追赶她,或者尝试小睡。

翻译自: https://medium.com/oreillymedia/culture-is-what-you-do-when-the-unexpected-happens-59c0cb720717






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