科技公司 产品经理_科技公司工程经理需要的10个重要技能

科技公司 产品经理

If you have a look at job openings at tech companies today, you’ll find that an opening for an engineering manager role is very common. A decade or two ago, such role wasn’t as common. On the surface, an engineering manager’s role today might look similar to that of a Technology Manager, a Team Lead, a Tech Lead or a Project Manager.

如果您看一下当今科技公司的职位空缺,就会发现工程经理职位的空缺很常见。 一两年前,这种角色并不常见。 从表面上看,今天的工程经理的角色可能看起来类似于技术经理,团队负责人,技术主管或项目经理的角色。

So, what are the differences between those managers that I used to report to back in my developer days and engineering managers that tech companies are looking for today? In this article, I will share with you what it takes to be a great engineering manager in today’s technology landscape and the skills and attributes needed in order in excel in the role. I’ll also share with you relevant resources to help you improve your skills in those areas.

那么,我过去在开发人员时代曾报告过的那些经理与当今科技公司正在寻找的工程经理之间有什么区别? 在本文中,我将与您分享在当今的技术领域中成为一名出色的工程经理所需要的条件,以及才能出色地发挥作用所需要的技能和属性。 我还将与您分享相关资源,以帮助您提高这些领域的技能。

First and foremost, Engineering managers at tech companies need to have T-shaped skills. What’s a T-shaped skills, I hear you ask. According to Wikipedia, it’s described as:

首先,科技公司的工程经理需要具备T型技能。 我听说您问什么是T形技能? 根据Wikipedia的描述:

The concept of T-shaped skills, or T-shaped persons is a metaphor used in job recruitment to describe the abilities of persons in the workforce. The vertical bar on the letter T represents the depth of related skills and expertise in a single field, whereas the horizontal bar is the ability to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas and to apply knowledge in areas of expertise other than one’s own.

T形技能T形人的概念是在招聘工作中用来形容劳动力中人的能力的隐喻。 字母T上的竖线表示在单个领域中相关技能和专长的深度,而横杠则是与其他领域的专家跨学科协作以及将知识应用于自己领域以外的知识的能力。

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Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash
🇨🇭Claudio Schwarz| @purzlbaumUnsplash

Therefore, in the case of an engineering manager, the vertical bar on the letter T is the technical and software development skills that the person possesses, either through formal qualification like a graduate degree in Computer Science, Information Systems and the likes, or through experiences like working as a software engineer or web developer, or both.


While the concept of T-shaped skills is new, it is now more important than ever as technology is the centre of our lives and software is used in many industries across the globe. As technology products becomes more sophisticated and complex, engineering managers with T-shaped skills are a razor that can cut through all the complexity and manage software development teams effectively at tech companies.

T形技能的概念虽然很新,但它比以往任何时候都更加重要,因为技术是我们生活的中心,软件已在全球许多行业中使用。 随着技术产品变得越来越复杂和复杂,具有T型技能的工程经理会刮胡刀,可以消除所有复杂性并有效地管理技术公司的软件开发团队

Today, I will focus on the more nuanced part of the T-shaped skills which is the horizontal bar of the T. Without any further ado, here are 10 important skills and attributes engineering managers at tech companies need.


  1. Analytics

  2. Finance

  3. Presentation

  4. Writing

  5. Psychology

  6. Project Management

  7. Design

  8. Resourcefulness

  9. Adaptability

  10. Entrepreneurship


分析工具 (Analytics)

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I am using the term Analytics very loosely and broadly here as it includes all kinds of metrics and measurements. Firstly, it’s important for an engineering manager to have a very good understanding of the team’s performance and throughput, which are usually measured through defeat rate and velocity. Secondly, business metrics such as customer acquisition, engagement on features, conversion and so on are important for an engineering manager at a tech company to be familiar with so that they can make trade-off decisions when allocating team members against work.

我在这里非常宽泛地使用术语“分析”,因为它包括各种指标和度量。 首先,对工程经理来说,对团队的绩效和生产能力有很好的了解非常重要,这通常通过失败率和速度来衡量。 其次,业务指标(例如客户获取,功能参与度,转换等)对于技术公司的工程经理来说很重要,以便他们可以在分配团队成员的工作时做出权衡决策。



金融 (Finance)

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Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

By Finance, I mean anything to do with accounting and budgeting and knowing where your money goes. This skill goes hand in hand with Analytics skill as often you will need to know your metrics to be able to make an informed decision on finance-related matters. As you get more and more senior in your engineering management career, you might be given a budget to work with for your engineering department. When that happens, you need to start thinking about spends such as recruitment, tools, training and education for employees.

对于财务,我的意思是与会计和预算以及知道您的资金去向有关。 该技能与Google Analytics(分析)技能并驾齐驱,因为您通常需要了解自己的指标,以便能够就财务相关事宜做出明智的决定。 随着您在工程管理职业中的地位越来越高,可能会为您的工程部门分配预算。 发生这种情况时,您需要开始考虑员工的支出,例如招聘,工具,培训和教育。



  • Check out the template gallery for Google Sheets


介绍 (Presentation)

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Whether you call it presentation or public speaking, the gist of this skill lies being able to convey information effectively to an audience and getting them to produce an outcome that you need from them; whether it’s about getting a buy-in from stakeholders on a project, inspiring developers to take on a new initiative, or educating product, design and marketing counterparts on technical details, having a solid presentation skill will help you do your job make more impact in your role as an engineering manager.

无论是演讲还是公开演讲,这项技能的要旨都是能够有效地向受众传达信息,并使他们从中获得所需的结果。 无论是要从项目的利益相关者那里买单,激励开发人员采取新的举措,还是对产品,设计和营销同行进行技术细节教育,拥有扎实的演示技能都将帮助您完成工作,从而在您担任工程经理的角色。



写作 (Writing)

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Being able to communicate effectively is one of the essential skills for engineering managers. In this day and age where many of your team members are likely distributed and remote work is the norm, async written communication is a recommended medium. Whether it’s emails, memos, blog posts or documentation, it’s necessary to keep your content crisp, clear and engaging.

能够有效沟通是工程经理的基本技能之一。 在当今这样一个当今时代,您的许多团队成员很可能分散在一起,并且远程工作是常态,建议使用异步书面交流。 无论是电子邮件,备忘录,博客文章还是文档,都必须使您的内容清晰,清晰和引人入胜。

How to learn this skill?


Writing is one of those skills that you get better with deliberate and consistent practice. I can say this with certainty because English isn’t my first language and I didn’t even start speaking English or writing more than 10 English words every day until I was 15. My usual advice for engineering managers to hone their writing skill is by starting a blog. You can read more about my blogging journey here. But if you are not comfortable to start a blog straight away yet, start by committing to write 100 words a day for a month about your day. You don’t need to share this with anyone if you don’t want to. And then challenge yourself to write 300 words a day the next month, 500 words the month after, until you get comfortable enough to start your own blog or start writing on Medium.

写作是通过刻意和一贯的练习而变得更好的技能之一。 我可以肯定地说出来,因为英语不是我的母语,直到15岁之前,我甚至每天都不会说英语或每天写10个以上的英语单词。我对工程管理人员磨练其写作技巧的通常建议是:开一个博客。 您可以在此处阅读有关我的博客之旅的更多信息。 但是,如果您现在还不愿意立即开始写博客,则可以从每天承诺每天写100个单词开始。 如果您不想,则无需与任何人共享。 然后挑战自己,在下个月的第二天每天写300个单词,次月的500个单词,直到您足够舒服地开始自己的博客或开始在Medium上写作。

心理学 (Psychology)

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One of the reasons why technical people often make bad leaders is they think logically, sometimes too logically. You can’t expect people to be always logical, reasonable, and to act according to your predefined assumptions. You can’t create an if-then-else statements around real-life problems and execute them repeatedly, expecting the same answer or reaction every time. So having the ability to hack into people’s minds become a useful skill to have as you will be able to more attune to unique needs of your people, understand what makes them tick and enable them do great work.

技术人员之所以常常选出不好的领导者的原因之一是他们逻辑思维,有时逻辑思维。 您不能指望人们总是合乎逻辑,合理并且能够按照预先定义的假设行事。 您无法围绕现实生活中的问题创建if-then-else语句并重复执行它们,每次都期望得到相同的答案或React。 因此,具有潜入人们思想的能力成为一种有用的技能,因为您将能够更好地适应人们的独特需求,了解使他们适应并促使他们完成出色工作的原因。



项目管理 (Project Management)

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I put this skill as project management and this includes both scrum master and agile coaching skill as well as traditional project management skill. A lot of engineering managers in their early management career are quite accustomed to agile way of working, able to plan sprints, perform agile rituals, release iteratively, and so on, but they have room for improvements when it comes to managing complex cross-team projects with risks and multiple stakeholders.

我将此技能称为项目管理,包括Scrum Master和敏捷教练技能以及传统的项目管理技能。 许多工程管理人员在其早期管理职业中都非常习惯于敏捷的工作方式,能够计划冲刺,执行敏捷的仪式,迭代地发布等等,但是在管理复杂的跨团队方面,他们还有改进的余地。具有风险和多个利益相关者的项目。

How to learn this skill?


In my opinion, the best way to learn project management is through application. I have a PRINCE2 project management certificate but I learned so much more on the job than from theories. If you don’t have a complex project to manage yet, you can help out with pro-bono projects.

我认为,学习项目管理的最佳方法是通过应用程序。 我拥有PRINCE2项目管理证书,但是我在工作中学到的知识远远超过从理论中学到的知识。 如果您还没有一个复杂的项目需要管理,可以为无偿项目提供帮助。

设计 (Design)

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杰西·贝利 ( Jess Bailey)Unsplash拍摄的照片

A picture is worth a thousands words. As engineering managers start dealing and working with people from disciplines other than engineering, they realize other people across the business are very different to themselves. In these situations, technical skills and abilities become less important.

一幅图片值得一千个单词。 当工程经理开始与工程以外的其他人打交道并一起工作时,他们意识到整个企业中的其他人与自己截然不同。 在这些情况下,技术技能和能力变得不那么重要。

What becomes more important is to be able to explain technical details in a way that everyone, especially a nontechnical audience, understands and to come out of meetings with a shared understanding across all disciplines.


And one of the most efficient ways to achieve that is visually.


How to learn this skill?


As mentioned in my article about creating a startup in 4 hours, I’ve been using Canva for all my design needs. They have a Design School with all the resources needed for both designers and non-designers like myself (and yourself, perhaps).

正如我在4个小时内创建一家初创公司的文章中提到的那样,我一直在使用Canva满足我的所有设计需求。 他们拥有一所设计学校 ,为设计师和非设计师(例如我自己,以及您自己)所需的所有资源。

机智 (Resourcefulness)

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罗伯特·柯林斯 ( Robert Collins)Unsplash

One of the lessons that I had learned from growing up in a third-world country is resourcefulness. How does this resourcefulness come in handy, I hear you ask?

我从在第三世界国家成长中学到教训之一就是机智。 我听说你问这个机智如何派上用场?

As an engineering manager for a technology company where there are often competing priorities, many times you have to be resourceful and think creatively to deliver results.


For example, if you suddenly lost funding for an important project, you’re not going to go to your team who has been working hard for the past few months and tell them that they stop working on the project. You need to think creatively, be innovative and be resourceful to find an alternative solution to the funding problem.

例如,如果您突然失去了一个重要项目的资金,那么您就不会去找过去几个月来一直在努力工作的团队,告诉他们他们不再从事该项目。 您需要创造性地思考,进行创新并且要有足够的资源,才能找到解决资金问题的替代解决方案。

How to learn this skill?


To strengthen your resourcefulness muscle, when you’re thinking of a solution for a problem, whether work-related or not, come up with at least one contingency plan or an alternative to your ideal solution.


适应性 (Adaptability)

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威廉· 伊文 ( William Iven)Unsplash

Adaptability and resourcefulness go hand in hand for engineering managers. Whether it’s about pivoting your roadmap due to market disruption, or unlearning old ways of doing and learning new ways of working, technology is always changing and ever advancing and therefore calls for adaptability from engineering managers.

适应性和足智多谋与工程经理齐头并进。 无论是要因市场扰乱而改变路线图,还是要学习旧的工作方式并学习新的工作方式,技术总是在变化和发展,因此要求工程经理适应。

Being a leader in technology means you’re a leader of a specific function, and you need to have enough understanding of the function. For example: A marketing manager knows about channels of distribution and marketing trends but may not necessarily be managing a social media channel. A finance manager knows how to read Profit & Loss (P&L) and understand cash flow but may not necessarily be doing a balance statement. Likewise, for an engineering manager, you need to know about the company’s technical architecture, technology stack, and technology capabilities — at the very least.

成为技术的领导者意味着您是特定功能的领导者,并且您需要对该功能有足够的了解。 例如:市场经理了解分销渠道和市场趋势,但不一定管理社交媒体渠道。 财务经理知道如何阅读损益表(P&L)和了解现金流量,但不一定是在做资产负债表。 同样,对于工程经理,您至少需要了解公司的技术架构,技术堆栈和技术能力。

How to learn this skill?


To keep in touch with technology, engineering managers can attend industry events (meetups, conferences, workshops, etc); read books, blog posts, and publications; and learn from subject-matter experts regularly.

为了与技术保持联系,工程经理可以参加行业活动(会议,会议,讲习班等); 阅读书籍,博客文章和出版物; 并定期向主题专家学习。

I also encourage engineering managers to learn through your people as much as possible. It helps create rapport, and empowers them as they can see you’re interested in their work and you’re learning through them. This does requires courage, vulnerability and adaptability.

我还鼓励工程经理尽可能多地向您的员工学习。 它有助于建立融洽的关系,并赋予他们权力,因为他们可以看到您对他们的工作感兴趣并且正在通过他们学习。 这确实需要勇气,脆弱性和适应性。

创业精神 (Entrepreneurship)

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Daria NepriakhinaUnsplash拍摄的照片

Back in the day, if you worked hard and completed your tasks on time, with little to no supervision, you would be considered a high-performer. And you might think as engineering managers, you need to repeat this model. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. An engineering manager’s role is not just about leading people, but they need to be managing problems. Self-starters who are willing to take risks and come up with creative solutions will be much valued than tasks implementors who make no mistakes but simply execute.

回顾过去,如果您努力工作并按时完成任务,而几乎没有监督,那么您将被视为高绩效。 您可能认为作为工程经理,您需要重复此模型。 不幸的是,情况不再如此。 工程经理的角色不仅是领导者,而且还需要管理问题。 愿意承担风险并提出创新解决方案的自我启动者比没有犯错而只需执行任务的任务实施者将具有更大的价值。

Having an entrepreneurial drive will become a norm instead of a novelty and tech companies will expect and encourage this characteristics from their engineering managers. Why? Because robots can do repetitive tasks with a better accuracy and speed than human beings can but they will never be as innovative as humans.

具有企业家精神将成为一种规范,而不是新颖性,科​​技公司将期望并鼓励其工程经理提供这种特性。 为什么? 因为机器人可以以比人类更好的准确性和速度来执行重复性任务,但是它们永远不会像人类那样具有创新性。

How to learn this skill?


考虑职业安全而不是工作安全 (Think about career security instead of job security)

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照片由 Arnel HasanovicUnsplash拍摄

Technology industry is one of the fastest growing industries today. The future of work has arrived for engineering managers. I know for a fact that it is different than work we know previously and thus requires different mindsets and skills from engineering managers to be effective in their role. What’s more — it is estimated that sixty percent of all new jobs in the twenty-first century will require skills that only twenty percent of the current workforce possesses. What this means is that you will need to be flexible, adaptable and always be learning and growing in your career to thrive in the future of work. Because you might be an engineering manager today, but who knows what you’ll be in a few years from now. So build these T-shaped skills and set yourself up for success in your role today and beyond!

科技行业是当今发展最快的行业之一。 工程经理的未来已经到来。 我知道一个事实,那就是它与我们之前所知道的工作不同,因此需要有效的工程管理人员思维方式和技能。 更重要的是,据估计,在二十一世纪,所有新工作中有60%需要的技能仅占当前劳动力的20%。 这意味着您将需要变得灵活,适应能力强,并在职业生涯中不断学习和成长,以在未来的工作中蓬勃发展。 因为您今天可能是一名工程经理,但是谁知道从现在起几年后您会成为什么样的人。 因此,培养这些T型技能并为自己在当今及以后的角色中取得成功做好准备!

翻译自: https://code.likeagirl.io/10-important-skills-that-engineering-managers-at-tech-companies-need-e06aa37c8e74

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