
Tre Robinson is a development automation engineer. It’s the kind of title he never thought he would have. But thanks to some eye-opening STEM programs in high school, the opportunity to complete an associate degree in record time, and some serious drive, Tre has turned his passion into his profession at Salesforce. Part of that passion is making sure kids from underrepresented backgrounds have the chance to discover the world of technology, to imagine themselves in it, and to get there. Tre shares his story.

Tre Robinson是一名开发自动化工程师。 这是他从未想到过的头衔。 但是,由于高中有一些令人大开眼界的STEM计划,在创纪录的时间内完成副学士学位的机会以及一些认真的努力,Tre将他的热情变成了他在Salesforce的职业。 这种热情的一部分是确保来自未被充分介绍的背景的孩子有机会发现技术世界,在其中想象自己并到达那里。 Tre分享了他的故事。

If you’d said to me 10 years ago that I’d be working in IT for a company like Salesforce, there’s no way I would have believed you. As a kid, it just didn’t occur to me that someone like me could do a job like this. I didn’t have the financial resources to purchase my own tech or know anyone working in the industry. But thanks to some STEM programs at school, my eyes really opened up to the world of technology and the idea that there could be a place for me in it. When I finally got my own PC, which wasn’t until after my senior year, it was like I’d found my calling. I’ve been tinkering and innovating with technology ever since! Part of what drives me today is that I never want a kid to feel like that world is closed off to them just because of their economic background. My way of saying ‘thank you’ for the opportunities I had is to make sure kids like me get the same chances to have their world opened up. I graduated from Arsenal Technical High School in Indianapolis in 2011 and went straight on to Ivy Tech Community College. I was part of the ASAP program which was basically a trial program to see if inner-city youth could get through an associate degree of applied science in under a year. I was raising my little brother at the time and needed to get working as soon as possible. I just wasn’t in the position to take on two or four years of study. To my amazement, I did it — a two-year degree in 10 months. It was a huge boost, not just to my morale, but to the way I approached challenges in life. Having conquered that, I knew that it was possible to achieve even the most daunting of goals. I started working immediately for a local company, mostly in their call center. But they needed someone onsite for IT support, so I became the IT department for 650 employees. I worked there for five years.

如果您10年前对我说过我将在Salesforce类的公司从事IT工作 ,那么我绝对不会相信您。 小时候,我从来没有想到像我这样的人可以做这样的工作。 我没有财力来购买我自己的技术,也没有认识任何从事该行业的人。 但是,由于在学校实施了一些STEM计划,我的眼界才真正向技术世界敞开了大门,并意识到可以在其中找到自己的位置。 当我终于有了自己的PC时,直到大四以后,就像我找到了电话一样。 从那时起,我就一直在修补和创新技术! 今天推动我前进的部分原因是,我永远不想让孩子觉得仅仅因为他们的经济背景,这个世界就对他们关闭了。 我说“谢谢”我获得的机会的方式是确保像我这样的孩子有同样的机会开放自己的世界。 我于2011年毕业于印第安纳波利斯的阿森纳技术高中,然后就读于常春藤科技社区学院。 我是ASAP计划的一部分,该计划基本上是一个试验计划,目的是查看城市年轻人是否可以在不到一年的时间内获得应用科学的副学士学位。 当时我正在抚养我的弟弟,需要尽快上班。 我只是不能从事两四年的学习。 令我惊讶的是,我做到了–在10个月内获得了两年制学位。 这极大地促进了我的士气,也提高了我应对生活挑战的方式。 在征服了这一点之后,我知道甚至可以实现最艰巨的目标。 我立即开始为一家本地公司工作,主要是在他们的呼叫中心。 但是他们需要现场人员来提供IT支持,因此我成为了650名员工的IT部门。 我在那里工作了五年。

不知道答案? 欢迎来到俱乐部! (Don’t Know the Answer? Welcome to the Club!)

I didn’t know a whole lot about the Salesforce culture before I started working here, apart from the fact that the people I’d met who worked at Salesforce were working on some cool projects. But what really intrigued me was that they seemed to have such a positive attitude about themselves and each other. It was all about uplifting and empowering each other. I was pretty intimidated when I started. I felt self-conscious — I didn’t feel like I had the impressive qualifications my colleagues had. Was I going to be able to perform at the same level as them? What if I didn’t know what I was doing? What if I didn’t have the answers? But what I’ve discovered in the two and a half years I’ve worked at Salesforce is that not always having the answers is kind of the point! We are all working it out together. That’s what problem-solving is: finding the answers. And so asking questions is essential. It’s not weak — it’s smart. Sometimes I have to still remind myself of that. Just the other day, for example, I’d spent about five hours looking into something and, the more I looked, the more complicated it got. So finally, I reviewed our company’s interactive org chart and found someone with a title that I thought was relevant to what I was trying to resolve. I asked for help, and was given two steps that helped me figure out the problem in less than 45 seconds. I just had to laugh! I mean, here I am working with some of the best minds and expertise in the business — you just have to remember to reach out and ask.

在我开始在这里工作之前,我对Salesforce的文化并不了解很多,除了我在Salesforce工作的认识的人正在从事一些很酷的项目。 但是真正令我着迷的是,他们似乎对自己和彼此抱有如此积极的态度。 这都是关于互相提升和增强能力。 我刚开始时很吓人。 我有自我意识-我不觉得自己拥有同事们令人印象深刻的资历。 我将能够在与他们相同的水平上表演吗? 如果我不知道自己在做什么怎么办? 如果我没有答案怎么办? 但是我在Salesforce工作的两年半中发现的一点是,并非总是有答案! 我们正在共同努力。 那就是解决问题的方法:找到答案。 因此,提出问题至关重要。 它并不弱-它很聪明。 有时我仍要提醒自己。 例如,就在前几天,我花了大约五个小时来研究某些事物,而且我越看越复杂。 因此,最后,我查看了公司的交互式组织结构图,发现某人的标题与我要解决的问题有关。 我寻求帮助,并获得了两个步骤,可以帮助我在不到45秒的时间内解决问题。 我只是笑了! 我的意思是,在这里,我正在与业务中的一些最佳头脑和专业知识一起工作-您只需要记住与他人联系即可。

Tre taking a selfie with coworkers

It works the other way too. I love the feeling of being able to help someone with a problem they’re having. I’ll reach out to someone who is looking a bit stressed out and see if there’s something I can offer. That’s how it works at Salesforce — we are in it together. The attitude here is less “Here’s your task, get it done,” and more “Here’s a puzzle, who wants to have a go at solving it?”

它也以其他方式起作用。 我喜欢能够帮助某人遇到问题的感觉。 我会联系一个看起来有些压力的人,看看是否有我可以提供的东西。 这就是Salesforce的工作方式-我们在一起。 这里的态度不是“这是您的任务,请完成任务”,而是“这是一个难题,谁想要解决这个问题?”

点燃火花 (Lighting the Spark)

One of the other aspects of the Salesforce culture that really matters to me is the focus on contributing to the community. After all, it’s largely thanks to community programs that I’m here today, so I’ll take any opportunity I can to give back.

对我而言真正重要的Salesforce文化的其他方面之一就是专注于为社区做出贡献 。 毕竟,这在很大程度上要归功于我今天在这里参加的社区计划,因此,我将抓住一切机会回馈我。

Tre teaching a classroom of middle school students
“I remember that feeling of excitement, of a world opening up before my eyes. Salesforce empowers me to make that happen for other kids and that is something I’m grateful for… every day.”
“我记得那种激动的感觉,一个开放在我眼前的世界。 Salesforce使我有能力在其他孩子身上实现这一目标,这对我每天……都表示感谢。”

A big highlight for me was helping out Code Black Indy and 100 Black Men of Indianapolis last summer — both are great organizations that work to develop tech and leadership skills in young Black people, while mentoring and role modeling. When I was helping out those organizations, we went to a school that Salesforce had partnered with to help teach fourth and fifth graders some basic robotics. At first, you could tell the kids were thinking, “Why are we stuck in class on a summer’s day?” And fair enough. I remember that feeling. You’re just looking out the window thinking of all the other stuff you could be doing. But then we got to the part where they had to put a couple of pieces together themselves, plug in some wires, make sure the circuitry was right. And when they flipped the switch and the robot started working? Well, it just blew their minds. In that moment I saw a spark ignite and I knew we had them. Everyone was engaged, talking, collaborating, wanting to try it for themselves. Many of these kids never had their own computer or even internet access at home so showing them what was possible was amazing. I remember that feeling of excitement, of a world opening up before my eyes. Salesforce empowers me to make that happen for other kids and that is something I’m grateful for and excited about every day.

对我来说,一个重要的亮点是去年夏天为Code Black Indy和印第安纳波利斯的100个黑人提供了帮助,这两个都是伟大的组织,致力于在年轻的黑人中发展技术和领导技能,同时进行指导和榜样。 当我为那些组织提供帮助时,我们去了与Salesforce合作的学校,帮助教给四年级和五年级学生一些基本的机器人技术。 起初,您可以告诉孩子们在想:“为什么我们在夏日困在课堂上?” 足够公平。 我记得那种感觉。 您只是看着窗外,想着可能要做的所有其他事情。 但是到了那部分,他们不得不自己将几块放在一起,插入一些电线,确保电路正确。 当他们按下开关并且机器人开始工作时? 好吧,这真让他们震惊。 在那一刻,我看到了火花被点燃,我知道我们有它们。 每个人都参与,交谈,合作,想自己尝试一下。 这些孩子中有许多从来没有在家中拥有自己的计算机甚至互联网,因此向他们展示可能发生的事情真是太神奇了。 我记得那种激动的感觉,一个开放在我眼前的世界。 Salesforce使我能够实现其他孩子的梦想,这是我每天都感激和兴奋的事情。

每天我仍然为这就是我的世界而感到兴奋-我建立了开发人员继续将其代码驱动给客户的高速公路。 (And every day I’m still excited that this is my world now — I build the highway the developers get on to drive their code to customers.)

Tre sitting on a rainbow colored bench

There is undeniable power in representation. Join us for our annual Racial Equality summit, Representation Matters — an event to inspire, empower, and elevate our most underrepresented (Black, Latinx, and Indigenous) communities in tech. Or, to learn more about joining our team, visit our Careers site.

代表权具有不可否认的力量。 加入我们,参加我们的年度种族平等峰会“ 代表性很重要” ,该活动旨在激发,授权和提升我们在技术上代表性不足的(黑人,拉丁裔和土著)社区。 或者,要了解有关加入我们团队的更多信息,请访问我们的 职业网站

Abstract cityscape

翻译自: https://engineering.salesforce.com/flipping-the-switch-how-a-kid-with-no-computer-became-an-it-nerd-4fb204d33452

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