

And find out if a company can make or break your career.


Have you ever desired to run away from a situation so quickly that you are willing to temporarily “give up” on expectations for your future?


It happened to me. With my last developer’s job. I was desperate for change after I landed my first ever contract as an employee for a software company. That first experience proved to be truly awful. It was about something called body rental consulting.

它发生在我身上。 随着我上一个开发人员的工作。 在获得软件公司员工的第一份合同后,我渴望改变。 最初的经历被证明是非常糟糕的。 这就是所谓的车身租赁咨询

Basically, other companies need developers, and your manager sends you all around the city doing interviews for such companies until they find you suitable for the needed role.


I often changed workplaces(while still being the true employee of the original one). With zero access to benefits, company culture or just a guaranty of the quality of my next workplace.

我经常更换工作场所(同时仍然是原始工作场所的真正雇员)。 享受收益公司文化或只是我下一个工作场所质量的保证。

I was desperate to change, and I did it.


It was a great moment at first, but then my second experience also proved to be quite disappointing. The company culture was non-existing, so as the possibilities to grow or the slightest benefit.

刚开始是一个很棒的时刻,但是后来我的第二次经历也令人非常失望。 公司文化不存在,因此没有增长的可能性,也没有丝毫收益。

And it was my fault. I had settled for that company without any proper researches. I hadn’t asked any important questions about my future role, responsibilities and success as an employee for them. I felt like I got deceived from them. Yet, I’m sure 80% of the fault, in that case, was mine.

这是我的错。 我没有经过任何适当的研究就已经定居于那家公司。 关于我未来的角色,职责和作为雇员的成功,我没有提出任何重要问题。 我觉得自己被他们欺骗了。 但是,在这种情况下,我确定80%的错误是我的。

Don’t get me wrong on this, please. You can never be sure of how some people will reveal to be after a while you know them. If a company is lying to you or they’re exaggerating what you can really expect from them. But you can try to prevent such a bad and delusional experience like mine.

请不要误会我的意思。 您永远无法确定某些人会在一段时间后显示出什么样的状态。 如果一家公司对您撒谎,或者他们夸大了您对他们的期望。 但是您可以尝试防止像我这样的不良和妄想体验。

The following is a series of questions you should ask during your next coding interviews. To try to get as close as possible to the reality of that company, to see it as a whole entity and get a sneak peek of your possible future.

以下是在下一次编码采访中应该问的一系列问题。 试图尽可能接近该公司的现实,将其视为一个整体,并一窥您的未来。

#1我的典型日子在公司内部会是什么样?(#1 What Will My Typical Day Look like inside the Company?)

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” said Annie Dillard.

当然,我们的生活方式就是我们的生活方式。” 安妮迪拉德说。

And you want to make sure you will have a true, comprehensive grasp on what your life will be like in that company.


  • What will be your daily task and roles?

  • What is the schedule of the day? Will you have meetings?

    一天的时间表是什么? 你要开会吗?
  • How is the work organized? Does the company use any agile technique?

    工作如何组织? 公司是否使用任何敏捷技术?

Learn this and discover if a company has clear in mind what your daily role will be for them and if that suits your need and expectations.


#2这个职位的成功是什么样的? (#2 What Does Success in This Position Look Like?)

There’s nothing worse than such a lost in translation between you and your partners in a job. They expect something different from you than what you thought. And so you will never be able to truly satisfy that need. The perfect recipe for emotional office discontent.

没有比在工作中您和您的伴侣之间的这种翻译上的损失更糟糕的了。 他们期望与您有所不同的东西。 因此,您将永远无法真正满足该需求。 引起办公室不满情绪的完美秘诀。

Ask this question and find out what soft and hard skills are expected from you. How will they be measured? Will you have the occasion to receive feedbacks and be correctly integrated inside the team?

提出这个问题,找出您期望获得的软硬技能。 如何测量它们? 您是否有机会接收反馈并正确整合到团队内部?

#3专业成长有空间吗? (#3 Is There Room for Professional Growth?)

I’ve been what many people would call a job hopper in the last three years. I’ve never been around in a company for more than one year. But now that I’ve found a place that I love, I want to make sure I will be able to grow.

在过去三年中,我一直被许多人称为工作漏斗。 我从没在公司待过一年以上。 但是,既然我找到了自己喜欢的地方,我想确保自己能够成长。

  • Will I be able to grow from a junior position into a senior one?

  • Will I receive formation from senior developers?

  • Do you offer courses, training, conference tickets for me to be informed and trained?


#4公司的价值观是什么? (#4 What Are the Company’s Values?)

Integrity, fun, commitment to the customers. These are all possible core values a company might embrace. Try to find a company with the values that you are looking for because that’s when a true drive for great work will come alive.

诚信,有趣,对客户的承诺。 这些都是公司可能包含的所有核心价值。 尝试找到一家具有您所寻找的价值观的公司,因为那时候真正的伟大工作动力就会实现。

I suggest you check out this platform called key values. It helps you find out companies that respect a set of core values and culture you specify.

我建议您检查一下称为键值的平台。 它可以帮助您找到尊重您指定的一系列核心价值和文化的公司。

#5我将作为谁加入我的团队? (#5 Who Will I Join as My Team Peers?)

This is a great question since your manager will probably have more insights about your possible future team members. It can give you insights into the team accomplishments and the personal skills of every member.

这是一个很好的问题,因为您的经理可能会对您将来的团队成员有更多的见解。 它可以让您深入了解团队成就和每个成员的个人技能。

Moreover, you can get a sneak peek of the relationship between human resources/management and developers in the company. And how much importance is put on personal relationships in that workplace.

此外,您还可以了解一下公司的人力资源/管理人员与开发人员之间的关系。 在那个工作场所中,个人关系有多重要。

#6使用什么技术堆栈? (#6 What Is the Technology Stack Used?)

  • Ah, yes it’s the latest


  • It’s very modern and top of the edge you know


I hate imprecise and generic answers like this. Especially from a manager or team member. The tech stack is a very important part of your next job. Is it the one you wish to work with? To grow with or to learn?

我讨厌这样的不精确和通用的答案。 特别是来自经理或团队成员。 技术栈是您下一份工作中非常重要的部分。 是您希望与之合作的人吗? 一起成长还是学习?

Make sure you know what you might end up working with and if the expectations on the tech side are aligned on both sides of the interviews.


#7您最喜欢在这里做什么? (#7 What Is Your Favourite Part About Working Here?)

This a very open-ended question. Intentionally designed to let the other side of the interview talk. Just that, simple talking and opening themselves about what they truly like about working for the interviewing company.

这是一个非常开放的问题。 故意让面试的另一端说话。 就是这样,简单地谈论和开放自己对在面试公司工作的真正喜好。

  • Is it because of the benefits?

  • Is it because of the core values?

  • Is it because of the projects?


Let them talk and get an invaluable piece of information from what’s really like working in that place.


寻找额外的东西 (Bonus Stuff to Look For)

In the world of constantly sharing, it’s quite easy to find a great deal of information about a company online. Following you can find a list of things I like to check before even accepting an interview or not.

在不断共享的世界中,很容易在网上找到有关公司的大量信息。 接下来,您甚至可以在不接受采访之前找到我想检查的事项清单。

Of course, keep in mind that some companies like FAANG(Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) don’t truly need a presentation. But these resources apply for the 99% remaining.

当然,请记住,像FAANG这样的一些公司(Facebook,亚马逊,苹果,Netflix和Google)并不需要真正的演示文稿。 但是这些资源适用于剩余的99%。

  1. Company’s website looks, feel and clarity of the information presented. A bad website isn’t going to bring anybody anywhere.

    公司网站所呈现信息的外观,感觉和清晰度。 糟糕的网站不会将任何人带到任何地方。
  2. Is the company constantly looking for people in their hiring section? This can give me a hint of whether they’re growing or not.

    公司是否在招聘部门中不断寻找人才? 这可以给我一个提示,即它们是否正在增长。
  3. Is the job posting clear, without any crazy requests and defining the company’s core values and culture?


  4. Do I have videos, images of the company’s offices?

  5. Are their glassdoor reviews good?


  6. Are people actually remaining in this company?

  7. The social presence of the company. How they deal with marketing and what image are they portraying of themselves outside.

    公司的社会地位。 他们如何处理市场营销,以及他们在外面如何塑造自己的形象。
  8. Reviews of the product they’re selling, and how they deal with clients.

  9. Did they receive any awards, special mentions or worked with other top companies?

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Finding a developer’s job is hard. And finding a good one is even harder. Discontent is spread between many people in the industry. Watch your steps, and when you can, make sure to truly be sure about your possible future company. It can make or break your career and overall satisfaction.

很难找到开发人员的工作。 要找到一个好的人就更难了。 不满情绪在业内许多人之间蔓延。 注意您的步骤,并在可能的情况下确保真正确定您将来可能的公司。 它可以成就或破坏您的职业生涯和整体满意度。




翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/dare-to-ask-these-questions-in-your-next-code-interview-f6145f16fb59


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