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翻译 人格测试_数据人格

人格测试Big Tech companies make money by mining your data. They refine this data using machine learning then sell it for profit. This business model is okay for mining companies because they are mining ro...

2020-09-18 09:07:13 445

翻译 从地下部分我

A sentiment analysis of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s greatest novels 费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基最伟大小说的情感分析 Reading the great works of Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky is like having your amygdala stung by wasps for roughl...

2020-09-18 08:57:07 273

翻译 具有优化头寸退出规则的货币对交易

算法交易 (Algo Trading)Note from Towards Data Science’s editors: While we allow independent authors to publish articles in accordance with our rules and guidelines, we do not endorse each author’s contr...

2020-09-18 08:47:02 514

翻译 连接aws_将AWS连接到Rails应用程序

连接awsAfter you’ve created your app with rails new <app_name> you’ll want to jump into your config/storage.yml file. There you’ll see that Amazon and other storage locations for cloud services ar...

2020-09-17 16:12:46 172

翻译 代码可读性_超越了源代码的可读性和理解

代码可读性The “Beyond the Source Code” series of posts will explore source code beyond its use as a set of instructions that direct a process or set of processes. We will dive in topics such as readability...

2020-09-17 16:03:38 314

翻译 五层协议的网络体系结构要点_计算机体系结构要点第一部分性能评估

五层协议的网络体系结构要点This article is a part of the Learning notes series — Computer architecture Essentials, which summarizes some of the key concepts I learnt about Computer architecture. In this article, a ...

2020-09-17 15:54:34 505

翻译 python字典操作_python字典

python字典操作 总览 (Overview)A dictionary in python is unordered, changeable and indexed. It is unordered because it does not keep track of the order of data inserted. It is changeable because you can cha...

2020-09-17 15:45:05 295

翻译 django crud_在我们的Django应用程序中实施Crud

django crud 第14部分 (Part-14)Moving back to our blogapp, we had defined some views as follows 回到我们的Blogapp,我们定义了一些视图,如下所示 def home(request): content={'posts':Post.objects.all()} return render(re...

2020-09-17 15:35:39 181

翻译 小米上的lineageos

Tired of the irritating bloatware on the Xiaomi phones? Not just irritating, it is scary when those apps demand irrational permissions. Like why should the notes application need permission to make ph...

2020-09-17 15:24:42 479

翻译 简单的grafana和docker撰写设置

My team has been working on solutions in order to quickly maintain, scale, and visualize internal software suites used for work in modeling and simulation, networking, and more. Before stumbling on Gr...

2020-09-17 15:14:52 294

翻译 dataloader_我如何使用graphql dataloader进行分页

dataloaderSince its release in 2015, GraphQL, which was developed by Facebook, is predicted to be the most advanced technology that will replace the role of REST API to communicate between client and ...

2020-09-17 15:04:57 157

翻译 abp 通用sql_SQL最大功能之一的行通用性

abp 通用sql 论数据工程 (On Data Engineering)ROW_NUMBER is one of the most valuable and versatile functions in SQL. It can be leveraged for different use cases, from ranking items, identifying data quality g...

2020-09-12 18:32:22 282

翻译 使用neo4j构建一个地铁旅程计划器

In my previous tutorial, I have covered on Build a Restaurant Recommendation Engine Using Neo4j. In this tutorial, we are going to explore a little more on the user-defined procedures and functions. S...

2020-09-12 18:22:29 1581

翻译 2维照片生成3维模型_如何使用2维模型跟踪状态

2维照片生成3维模型Application databases are generally designed to only track current state. For example, a typical user’s data model will store the current settings for each user. This is known as a Type 1 di...

2020-09-12 18:13:00 544

翻译 如果没有杰顿·桑乔,谁应该曼彻斯特联合标志

Manchester United are one of the hottest football team in the world, and among the top three when it comes to popularity. Coming out of last season, the club needs reinforcements in probably all depar...

2020-09-12 18:02:33 66

翻译 数据可视化图表类型_数据可视化101如何选择图表类型

数据可视化图表类型When working on any data science project, one of the essential steps to explore and interpret your results is to visualize your data. At the beginning of the project, visualizing your data he...

2020-09-12 17:52:35 1473

翻译 apache 调优_性能调优Apache Squoop

apache 调优Sqoop is a tool offered by the Apache foundation that is commonly used in the Big Data world to import export millions of records between heterogeneous relational databases (RDBMS) and Hadoop...

2020-08-19 00:50:48 116

翻译 自行车租赁数据分析与可视化_自行车事故分析

自行车租赁数据分析与可视化 简介: Business Problem (Introduction: Business Problem)This report will try to analyze the best location and time for cycling activities. Specifically, this project will target stakeholde...

2020-08-19 00:20:47 2223

翻译 github上的动作

Over time, and through various programming languages, I’ve have always tried to achieve visibility on the following continuous integration (CI) activities on source repository pushes: 随着时间的推移,通过各种编程语言...

2020-08-18 06:52:36 217

翻译 使用kubernetes扩展Signalr核心Web应用程序

Signal R with ASP.Net Core is an open-source library providing real-time communications between the client and the server. With just a couple of lines of code, we can easily add this capability to any...

2020-08-18 06:42:42 99

翻译 aws lambda_在AWS Lambda上进行无服务器我的线性回归api

aws lambdaAbout a year ago, I had a fun idea for a small side project. I wanted to build an API to do a simple linear regression on two series of data. If you don’t know what a linear regression is, i...

2020-08-18 06:21:11 194

翻译 阿帕奇httpclient_阿帕奇火花很有趣

阿帕奇httpclientA hands-on tutorial into Spark DataFrames. 关于Spark DataFrames的动手教程。 If you’ve ever attempted to learn Data Engineering, it’s likely that you’re quickly overwhelmed. Whether it’s complica...

2020-08-18 06:11:53 212

翻译 体育技术机器学习金钱和灵感的圣杯

I claim that anyone with a math background and a love of baseball has at one time given serious thought whether they could be “the one” to unlock the equations that make Moneyball a reality. I am no d...

2020-08-11 12:04:15 102

翻译 怎么提取pdf中的表格数据_如何从pdf第1部分中提取表格数据

怎么提取pdf中的表格数据In this article, we talk about the challenges and principles of extracting tabular data from PDF docs. We also compare six software tools to find out how they perform their respective tas...

2020-08-11 11:54:45 2605

翻译 数据科学未来发展_数据科学的未来

数据科学未来发展I spend a lot of time consulting with a diverse set of companies about their data science strategies. I also regularly teach courses on topics in data science. I’m witnessing a change in the w...

2020-08-11 11:45:29 428

翻译 api 分页_使用频繁增长的数据集进行api治理的分页技术

api 分页Scalability has always been a topic of discussion when it comes to APIs. Whether you are a startup or large corporation, having an API that scales well under load is one of the basic requirement...

2020-08-11 11:35:48 346

翻译 ai 数据质量差 解决方法_如何解决常见的数据质量问题

ai 数据质量差 解决方法 常见数据质量问题 (Common Data Quality Issues)Before jumping right into how to solve data quality issues we need to know what are the common issues and how to spot them. 在深入探讨如何解决数据质量问题之前,我们需要知道...

2020-08-11 11:26:18 815

翻译 中国气候类型分布图_如何用30行代码构建气候图

中国气候类型分布图Knowing the climate of a region / a country could be essential to study its ecosystem. Here I’m going to explain how to build that kind of map in a few lines of code! 了解一个地区/国家的气候对于研究其生态系统可能至...

2020-08-11 11:15:46 1506

翻译 python实例化对象_python实例对象的生命周期

python实例化对象When our project grows in its scope, it becomes too tedious to manage related data using built-in types, such as lists and dictionaries. In this case, we define our own custom classes. When...

2020-08-11 11:06:12 913

翻译 python数据预处理_用python预处理FIFA世界杯数据

python数据预处理A large amount of football play by play data was published by Wyscout in May 2019 on figshare. Wyscout于2019年5月在figshare上发布了大量按比赛数据播放的足球比赛。 These data are JSON format and it is complicated ...

2020-08-11 10:56:29 289

翻译 riptrace调试微服务和容器应用程序

介绍 (Introduction)Debugging microservices is an inherently complex topic due to the interactions between multiple disparate applications. Yes, decoupling should always be kept at the forefront when d...

2020-08-11 05:14:01 88

翻译 auth2使用jwt_我如何通过shopifys使用无cookie的jwt auth进行自动化的应用程序提交测试

auth2使用jwtNate Rutan内特·鲁坦 Follow跟随 Sep 8 九月8 How I Passed Shopify’s Automated App Submission Testing With Cookieless JWT Auth 我如何通过无Cookie JWT Auth通过Shopify的自动应用提交测试 Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng ...

2020-08-11 05:03:51 122

翻译 网格锁

For a coding challenge that I did recently, I wrote a function that took in an input of a matrix of size N x N and output whether or not it was valid. In order for the matrix to be valid, it had to ha...

2020-08-11 04:54:48 103

翻译 我的python设置

Python dependency management is known to be bad. Over time, I’ve decided the only way I’m willing to live is to push my Python environment hygiene to the max. As I’ve recommended my setup to a lot of ...

2020-08-11 04:45:47 220



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