

Art Direction has taken center stage with the launch of Medium’s seven anchor publications: OneZero, Elemental, GEN, Zora, Forge, Marker, and LEVEL. Anchor publications create dedicated spaces for readers to find their interests represented.

“艺术指导”(Art Direction)已成为Medium的七个主要出版物的发布的中心舞台:OneZero,Elemental,GEN,Zora,Forge,Marker和LEVEL。 锚出版物为读者创造了专门的空间,以找到他们感兴趣的代表。

The role of Art Direction is to visually signal to readers that Medium’s editorial pieces represent a premium level of quality. From feature packages, to special projects, the Art Direction team reviewed work from the previous year to pick our personal favorite projects of 2019.

Art Direction的作用是向读者视觉传达Medium的社论作品代表着高品质的水平。 从功能包到特殊项目,艺术指导团队回顾了去年的工作,以挑选我们个人最喜欢的2019年项目。

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Jon Han 韩俊

多拉·戈弗雷 (Dora Godfrey)

Art director for Elemental and Marker

元素 标记 艺术总监

On Elemental, we often have to look for ways to demonstrate the intangible, this story about the science behind co-regulation was one such example. I came to Jon Han with an idea of visualizing our mental state as a landscape, and asked that he create a moment within a world of stresses. The embracing figures within the vortex is a reminder that we are a society disconnected from our bodies, and yet have the ability to alter the emotional and physiological state of others around us.

在元素,宽E往往要寻求新的方式来演示无形的,这个故事背后共同监管的科学是一个这样的例子。 我来到乔恩·汉时想到的是将我们的心理状态可视化为风景,并要求他在充满压力的世界中创造一个时刻。 漩涡中拥抱的人物提醒我们,我们是一个与身体脱节的社会,但有能力改变周围其他人的情感和生理状态。

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Brennon Leman Brennon Leman

泰莎·莫迪(Tessa Modi) (Tessa Modi)

Art director for GEN, OneZero, and LEVEL

GEN OneZero LEVEL的 艺术总监

This piece was for One Zero’s column, Bad ideas with Steve Rousseau. For this series, I gave each illustrator the constraint of incorporating the “Bad Ideas’ TV” logo, as if it was on a cheesy game show. Not only did this gif speak to the literal idea of typing forever, but readers were able to see themselves in it– their past, their present, and their future.

这是专为One Zero的专栏文章, Steve Rousseau的坏主意 。 对于本系列,我给每个插图画家施加了结合“坏主意的电视”徽标的约束,就好像它是在俗气的游戏节目中一样。 这种gif不仅表达了永远打字的字面意思,而且读者也能够从中看到自己–他们的过去,现在和未来。

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Amy Lee Ketchum for Zora Amy Lee Ketchum为Zora

乔凡娜(Jovanna Tosello) (Jovanna Tosello)

Art director for Zora, Forge, and Human Parts

Zora Forge Human Parts的 艺术总监

A woman sharing a plate of dan tats across from a man with a giant dumpling for a head. The phrase, “Gung hai ho sick” hangs above them. How It Feels to Lose Your Native Language by Li Charmaine Anne is love letter to multilingualism. It’s a call to action for those of us with non-English speaking families to preserve our linguistic ties.

一个女人与一个男人共享一盘dan tats与一个巨大的饺子头。 他们的上方挂着“龚海浩病”的字样。 李查梅恩·安妮 ( Li Charmaine Anne)感到如何失去母语。这是对多种语言的情书。 对于我们这些非英语家庭的人来说,这是采取行动以维护我们的语言联系的号召。

Our illustrator Amy Lee Ketchum created the lede illustration by pulling from her own experience of learning her parents’ native language through Dim Sum. The piece is a self portrait; it depicts herself sharing a plate of dan tats with a personified dumpling. The cantonese text posed a challenge; Her father and brother weighed in with their own suggestions. They landed on, “Gung hai ho sick,” which roughly translates to “Yummy yummy”.

我们的插画家艾米·李·凯彻姆(Amy Lee Ketchum)借鉴了自己通过点心学习父母的母语的经验,从而创作了这种风趣的插画。 这幅作品是一张自画像; 它描绘了自己与一个拟人化的饺子共享一盘dan tats。 广东话提出了挑战。 她的父亲和兄弟权衡了自己的建议。 他们降落在“ Gung hai ho病”上,大致翻译为“美味好吃”。

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Freddy Carrasco 弗雷迪·卡拉斯科

雷纳德·路易斯·圣 (Renald Louissaint)

Brand Designer


The Decade Afrofuturism Reshaped Science Fiction — and the World by Scott Woods is illustrated by Freddy Carrasco.

十年非洲未来主义重塑了科幻小说- 斯科特·伍兹 ( Scott Woods ) 的世界弗雷迪·卡拉斯科 ( Freddy Carrasco )阐述。

Freddy is just the coolest person alive I think. Not only did he blow me away with this piece, but he did it while on Christmas break in Tokyo because he loved the story so much. He really made this piece his own and it was just an honor to be a witness to what I think is one of his greatest illustrations.

我认为,弗雷迪只是世上最酷的人。 他不仅把这首歌让我吃了一惊,还因为在东京的圣诞节休息期间这么做,因为他非常喜欢这个故事。 他确实把这幅画做成了自己的作品,荣幸地成为我认为是他最伟大的插图之一的见证人。

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Seth Thompson 塞思·汤普森(Seth Thompson)

诺亚·贝克(Noah Baker) (Noah Baker)

Brand Designer


Would You Vote for a President Who Promised Eternal Life? by Alex Pearlman. This piece was an active collaboration between myself and 3D artist Seth Thompson, where I designed posters and then Seth rendered them as “posters of the future” in these environments that were relevant to a wild story about the Transhumanist Party.

您会投票赞成一位承诺永生的总统吗?亚历克斯珀尔曼 ( Alex Pearlman) 。 这件作品是我和3D艺术家Seth Thompson之间的积极合作,在那里我设计了海报,然后Seth在与超人类主义党的狂野故事有关的这些环境中将它们作为“未来的海报”。



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Gatys et al. (2016) proposed an algorithm for style transfer, which can generate an image that combines the content of one image and the style of another image. The algorithm is based on the neural style transfer technique, which uses a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract the content and style features from the input images. In this algorithm, the content and style features are extracted from the content and style images respectively using the VGG-19 network. The content features are extracted from the output of one of the convolutional layers in the network, while the style features are extracted from the correlations between the feature maps of different layers. The Gram matrix is used to measure these correlations. The optimization process involves minimizing a loss function that consists of three components: the content loss, the style loss, and the total variation loss. The content loss measures the difference between the content features of the generated image and the content image. The style loss measures the difference between the style features of the generated image and the style image. The total variation loss is used to smooth the image and reduce noise. The optimization is performed using gradient descent, where the gradient of the loss function with respect to the generated image is computed and used to update the image. The process is repeated until the loss function converges. The code for this algorithm is available online, and it is implemented using the TensorFlow library. It involves loading the pre-trained VGG-19 network, extracting the content and style features, computing the loss function, and optimizing the generated image using gradient descent. The code also includes various parameters that can be adjusted, such as the weight of the content and style loss, the number of iterations, and the learning rate.


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