

I know what you’re thinking, “Another post about metrics and Scrum, really?” And I agree with you if this were a post about lagging, leading, or vanity metrics. Quite frankly, there are a lot of great blogs about valid metrics that focus on items from the DORA report. Posts like “Hey team, are we moving in the right direction?” by Ilya Vishnevsky. If you haven’t read this post, I highly recommend it as Ilya goes into great detail as to which of these types of metrics are important and why.

我知道您在想什么,“真的有另一篇有关指标和Scrum的文章吗?” 如果这是一篇有关落后,领先或虚荣指标的文章,我也同意。 坦率地说,有很多关于有效指标的优秀博客,这些博客关注DORA报告中的项目。 诸如“ 嘿团队,我们朝着正确的方向前进吗? ”由Ilya Vishnevsky撰写 。 如果您还没有阅读过这篇文章,我强烈建议您这样做,因为Ilya会详细介绍这些类型的指标中的哪些重要以及为什么。

So, then what am I writing about? That dear reader is a great question. For that, I’d like you to first think about Scrum teams. Those that you have interacted with that have struggled to complete even one user story in a Sprint. As well as all those teams that more often than not complete not just the Sprint goal, but the entire Sprint backlog. Keep in mind, this is not a simple binary comparison. Teams flow between these extremes.

那我在写什么呢? 那个亲爱的读者是一个很好的问题。 为此,我希望您首先考虑一下Scrum团队。 您与之交互的对象很难在Sprint中完成一个用户故事。 以及所有不仅仅完成Sprint目标而且完成整个Sprint积压的团队。 请记住,这不是简单的二进制比较。 团队在这些极端之间流动。

I’ve had the good fortune to be working with all three types of teams, and those teams between the extremes. When I look back at all of these teams, they each had a common thread. This nothing to do with skill, tenure nor engineering practices.

我有幸与所有三种类型的团队一起工作,并且与那些极端之间的团队一起工作。 当我回顾所有这些团队时,他们每个都有一个共同点。 这与技能,任期或工程实践无关。

Each of these teams and more specifically team members had their own self-happiness score (aka Net Promoter Score). Net Promoter Score or NPS is for more than just customer satisfaction. Yes, we all know that happy team members create more consistent and higher quality products that they create. Then how do we explain teams that are not happy but consistently complete their Sprint forecast?

这些团队中的每一个,更具体地说是团队成员,都有自己的自我得分(即净发起人得分 )。 净发起人得分或NPS不仅要满足客户满意度。 是的,我们都知道快乐的团队成员会创造出他们所创造的更一致,更高质量的产品。 然后,我们如何解释不满意但始终如一地完成Sprint预测的团队呢?

What I have seen when teams are in this mode are:


  1. They are either not being challenged to think creatively about a solution,

  2. They are bored with the product they are working,

  3. They are working under undue pressure to meet a deadline or

  4. They do not feel appreciated.


By no means is this an exhaustive list, but just a few examples of the scenarios I helped teams work through. These teams were disengaged, doing just enough to look busy. So, what did I do to help them through this, well, that is a post for another time.

这绝不是详尽无遗的清单,而只是我帮助团队解决的一些场景示例。 这些团队脱离了,只做看起来很忙。 因此,我做了什么帮助他们的工作,这是另一回事了。

There are those teams that also complete their Sprint forecast and are still experiencing low NPS scores for similar reasons to those above. In my experience, these are the teams that: 1) no longer use times like the Retrospective to learn about themselves and how to improve what they are doing, and/or 2) have rarely, if ever, modified how they estimate work, even though they may have done similar work dozens of times in the past (they know what they are doing, and what the challenges are).

有些团队也完成了他们的Sprint预测,但由于上述原因,其NPS得分仍然很低。 根据我的经验,这些团队是:1)不再使用回顾展这样的时间来了解自己以及如何改善自己的工作,和/或2)很少(甚至从未修改过)他们估计工作的方式,甚至尽管他们过去可能做过数十次类似的工作(他们知道自己在做什么,面临的挑战是什么)。

Likewise, I have seen teams and team members who were completely satisfied, happy, and NOT completing much. Why is this? These teams and more importantly, these team members had some great challenges they were facing:

同样,我看到团队和团队成员完全感到满意,高兴并且没有完成很多事情。 为什么是这样? 这些团队,更重要的是,这些团队成员面临着一些巨大的挑战:

  1. They were being asked to do something new and creative,

  2. They were excited by the work they were doing,

  3. They were encouraged to learn quickly (aka fail fast and often), and

  4. They felt appreciated for the work they were doing.


What have I learned from these dichotomies is that no matter if teams and team members are completing their Sprint forecasts, NPS is vital to understanding the health of the team. This can be measured in various ways. This can be done via conversations in and out of Retrospectives, team observation, and even surveys to the team members. When team members are happy and valued, regardless of the amount of work they are completing, it will be of the highest quality and value.

我从这些二分法中学到的是,无论团队和团队成员是否完成他们的Sprint预测,NPS对于了解团队的健康状况都是至关重要的。 这可以通过多种方式来衡量。 这可以通过回顾会议内外的对话,团队观察甚至对团队成员的调查来完成。 当团队成员感到高兴和受到重视时,无论他们完成多少工作,这将是最高质量和价值的。



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