

Software development and entrepreneurship are made for each other. Our craft enables us to work from anywhere, often asynchronously from team members or clients. We are capable of creating long-lived assets (that’s right, assets can be created, not just purchased). Our skills are in high demand, both in the professional world and the world of education. And we have an independent attitude that craves freedom.

软件开发和企业家精神是相互依存的。 我们的技术使我们能够在任何地方工作,通常与团队成员或客户异步进行。 我们有能力创建长期资产(是的,可以创建资产,而不仅仅是购买资产)。 在专业领域和教育领域,我们对技能的需求都很高。 我们有渴望自由的独立态度。

So what’s a good fit for different stages of a developer’s career? What are good goals to aim for? I think the below guide may be a useful path for anyone with a burning desire for financial freedom and a willingness to put in the hustle effort.

那么,什么适合开发人员职业的不同阶段呢? 有哪些好的目标? 我认为,以下指南对于那些对财务自由有强烈渴望并愿意付出努力的人可能是一条有用的道路。

I’ll look at the following career stages and side hustles and provide a timeline of when they match up most effectively. Of course, in software development you can make whatever rules you want 😀.

我将研究以下职业阶段和附带条件,并提供时间安排,以最有效地匹配它们。 当然,在软件开发中,您可以制定所需的任何规则😀。

Career Stages:


  1. Newbie (0–1 years of experience)

  2. Junior Dev (1–3 years)

  3. Senior Dev (3–10 years)

  4. Veteran Dev (10+ years)


Take these titles with a grain of salt. I have met many devs with only a few years of experience that are pro level, and a few veteran devs that shouldn’t be trusted near a keyboard. These career stages are more about life stage and also the credibility conveyed by the coveted “years of experience”.

这些标题加上一粒盐。 我遇到了很多只有几年专业水平的开发人员,以及一些经验丰富的开发人员,这些人在键盘附近不应该受到信任。 这些职业阶段更多地是关于生命阶段,也是令人垂涎的“多年经验”所传达的信誉。

Side Hustles:


  1. Writing

  2. Creating Digital Assets

  3. Tutoring

  4. Investing

  5. Freelancing

  6. Teaching

  7. Consulting Business

  8. Speaking Engagements


Some of these blur the line between side hustle and full time business. In fact, plenty of devs have made the transition to self employed or business owner through what started as a side hustles (i.e. John Sonmez from Simple Programmer, Dan Wahlin from codewithdan.com, and so on).

其中一些模糊了侧忙与全职业务之间的界限。 实际上,许多开发人员已经通过附带的东西(例如, Simple Programmer的 John Sonmez, codewithdan.com的 Dan Wahlin等)开始了向个体经营者或企业主的过渡。

I’ll define each side hustle in the context of a career stage and explain why the opportunity is accessible and lucrative. By the way, I have personally engaged in all the side hustles above except 7 and 8. I am seven years into a dev career.

我将在职业阶段的背景下定义每一个方面的忙碌,并解释为什么机会是可获取的和有利可图的。 顺便说一下,除了7和8,我个人都从事上述所有工作。我从事开发工作已经有7年了。

新手的侧面玩偶(0-1年) (Side Hustles for Newbies (0–1 year))

In the first year of your development career, you are probably putting in extra hours just to keep up. On top of that, you may have student debt to manage plus the new and bittersweet responsibility of bills and a paycheck.

在开发生涯的第一年,您可能会花更多的时间来跟上。 最重要的是,您可能需要承担学生的债务,还要承担新的和繁琐的账单和薪水责任。

The best way to lay a good foundation for your career and side hustles is to have synergy between them right now. Focus your side businesses on activities that also make you better at your job. Also, get your financial house in order so that money is a thing of joy, not stress. The following are excellent options to consider:

为您的职业和副业打下良好基础的最好方法是立即在两者之间发挥协同作用。 将副业集中在可以使您的工作水平更高的活动上。 另外,让您的财务状况井井有条,以便赚钱是一件快乐的事,而不是压力。 以下是值得考虑的绝佳选择:

  1. Writing

  2. Creating Digital Assets

  3. Tutoring

  4. Personal Finance/Budgeting


Writing — This side hustle can be both enjoyable and lucrative. I’m strictly speaking about writing technical articles on topics you enjoy. For example, if you are a React dev who also wants to be able to carry a conversation about Angular, write a tutorial where you build the same small app with both and compare/contrast.

写作-这种侧面的忙碌既有趣又有利可图。 我严格来说是关于撰写您喜欢的主题的技术文章。 例如,如果您是一个React开发人员,并且还希望能够进行有关Angular的对话,请编写一个教程,在其中构建包含这两者的同一个小型应用程序并进行比较/对比。

Writing is low risk, builds your reputation, and enhances your knowledge. Medium is a great place to start creating a technical portfolio, plus you can make some money doing it. Writing can be transformed into a digital asset later on, or can be used as a marketing funnel for a brand. There are no barriers to entry, no costs other than your time.

写作风险低,可以树立声誉,并可以增进知识。 Medium是开始创建技术投资组合的好地方 ,此外,您还可以从中赚钱。 稍后可以将书写文字转换为数字资产,也可以将其用作品牌的营销渠道。 没有进入障碍,没有花费时间。

Alternatively, you could write technical articles as a freelance writer. You get paid a one time fee but don’t own the article. However, you still gain the knowledge and experience.

或者,您可以作为自由作家来撰写技术文章。 您将获得一次性费用,但没有该文章的所有权。 但是,您仍然可以获得知识和经验。

Creating Digital Assets — So many people focus on purchasing assets (stocks, real estate, etc) to build wealth that they forget assets can be created. This is especially important for anyone fresh from school or otherwise low on disposable income.

创建数字资产-太多的人专注于购买资产(股票,房地产等)来积累财富,以至于他们忘记了可以创建资产。 对于刚从学校毕业或可支配收入较低的任何人来说,这一点尤其重要。

A digital asset is a website, eBook, pdf, iOS app, or anything else that is purely digital and generates cash or business leads. Real examples include niche websites monetized with affiliate links or ads, or this iOS puzzle game my friend created (ask him about the incredible algorithm to generate the maps).

数字资产是网站,电子书,pdf,iOS应用或任何其他纯数字形式的,可产生现金或业务机会的资产。 真实的例子包括通过会员链接或广告获利的利基网站 ,或者是我朋友创建的这个iOS 益智游戏 (向他询问生成地图的令人难以置信的算法)。

Building an asset is of course a longer proposition than simply writing blog posts or freelance articles. However, it can be an bedrock revenue stream in your side hustle portfolio. You can create an asset once and push its growth exponentially through different channels. Creating free content that links to the asset is a great place to start. For example, writing on Medium can be a revenue stream in and of itself, plus if you link to a digital asset you own you can grow your sales of your product. Throw in affiliate links and you can generate three revenue streams at once.

与单纯撰写博客文章或自由撰稿人相比,建立资产当然是更长的命题。 但是,这可能是您侧面忙碌的投资组合的基石。 您可以创建一次资产,然后通过不同渠道以指数方式推动其增长。 创建链接到资产的免费内容是一个很好的起点。 例如,在Medium上书写本身就是一种收入流,此外,如果您链​​接到拥有的数字资产,则可以提高产品的销量。 插入会员链接,您可以一次产生三个收入流。

I started writing an eBook my first year on the job. I chose to write an eBook simply because I wanted to pass the Oracle Java Programmer I exam. Writing a bunch of practice exams helped me prepare. I also saw an opportunity in the kindle eBook market. There was a $9.99 eBook…and not really anything else (this was 2013). I wrote the same amount of content but priced my book at $2.99. I was doing the work anyway, and I picked up the knowledge of self-publishing and some cash just by having my eyes open. I recently wrote a Docker Certified Associate eBook simply because I wanted to practice for the exam.

第一年我开始写电子书。 我之所以选择写电子书只是因为我想通过Oracle Java程序员I考试。 编写一堆练习考试有助于我做准备。 我也看到了Kindle电子书市场的机会。 有一本9.99美元的电子书……而实际上没有别的什么(那是2013年)。 我写了相同数量的内容,但我的书定价为2.99美元。 无论如何,我都在做这项工作,而我睁开眼睛就掌握了自我出版和一些现金的知识。 我最近写了Docker Certified Associate eBook,只是因为我想练习考试。

Tutoring — A straight forward, time-for-money side hustle. Tutoring students in college CS classes or coding bootcamps can really pay off, plus it reinforces the basics of coding. Rates can be far higher than your day job ($90/hour?) and tutoring is in high demand with low barriers to entry if you are already in the IT field.

辅导—直截了当,花时间的方方面面。 辅导大学CS班或编码训练营的学生可以真正获得回报,此外,它还可以加强编码的基础知识。 收费可能远远高于您的日常工作( 每小时90美元? ),并且如果您已经在IT领域,那么对补习的需求很高,进入门槛也很低。

Personal Finance — I’ll mention this with a different angle in every career stage. Fresh out of college or coding bootcamp, you’re financial house may not be in great shape. Roughly 70% of college students graduate with student debt according to this CNBC article. On top of that, you may be managing your money on your own for the first time.

个人理财-我将在每个职业阶段以不同的角度提及这一点。 刚从大学或编码训练营毕业后,您的财务状况可能并不理想。 根据CNBC的这篇文章,大约70%的大学生毕业时背负了学生债务。 最重要的是,您可能是第一次自己管理资金。

At this stage, a great plan is to budget and work on paying down debt. It may not sound like a side hustle, but if it increases your net worth you should treat it like one. Besides, the trends for debt in the U.S. are alarming…you want to free yourself from being a statistic.

在这个阶段,一个伟大的计划是预算并致力于偿还债务。 听起来可能不像是一团乱麻,但如果增加您的身家,您应该将其当作一个。 此外,美国的债务趋势令人震惊……您希望摆脱统计数字的束缚。

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Here’s a few of my favorite personal finance sites to get you started. Educate yourself on what’s possible.

这是我最喜欢的一些个人理财网站,可以帮助您入门。 对可能的事情进行自我教育。

初级开发人员的侧面工作(1-3年) (Side Hustles for Junior Devs (1–3 years))

You’ve got your feet under you at this point. Not everything is scary and your nightmares about going to work without pants on didn’t happen. If you haven’t started a side gig yet, no worries, there’s plenty of time. Consider the following:

此时,您已经站稳了脚。 并非所有事情都令人恐惧,并且您没有穿上裤子就上班的噩梦没有发生。 如果您还没有开始旁听,不用担心,有很多时间。 考虑以下:

  1. Writing

  2. Creating Digital Assets

  3. Investing (Stock Market, real estate, whatever your money engine is)

  4. Freelancing

  5. Honorable Mention — Tutoring


Writing — Same thing as before, but this time you know more. Consume tons of audio or books, this will give you knowledge from which you can synthesis something new and original that the world needs.

写作—和以前一样,但是这次您知道更多。 消耗大量音频或书籍,这将为您提供知识,您可以根据这些知识合成世界所需的新事物和原始事物。

Creating Digital Assets — Same as before, but now you probably know several languages/tools/frameworks. You also are likely capable of creating courses on Udemy, hosting courses on your own blog, or something else where you can go a lot higher than the typical $9.99 eBook (because you’re creating incredible content, right?). You’re potential has skyrocketed from just a few years of experience.

创建数字资产—与以前一样,但是现在您可能知道几种语言/工具/框架。 您也可能能够在Udemy创建课程 ,在自己的博客上托管课程,或者在其他方面可以比典型的$ 9.99电子书高得多(因为您正在创建令人难以置信的内容,对吗?)。 仅仅几年的经验,您的潜力就直线上升。

Investing — It’s time to find your money engine. You may still be working on paying off debt, but I highly recommend you figure out what your investing passion is. For some it’s stocks, for others its real estate (my favorite real estate podcast here). Cryptos, buying websites, whatever. Simply put, your money engine multiplies your money while you are doing other things.

投资-是时候找到您的资金引擎了 。 您可能仍在努力还清债务,但我强烈建议您弄清楚自己的投资热情是什么。 对于某些人来说,它是股票,对于其他人来说,它是房地产(我在这里最喜欢的房地产播客)。 加密货币, 购买网站 ,等等。 简而言之,您的资金引擎会在您执行其他操作时使您的资金成倍增长。

Freelancing — If you like wearing all the hats, freelancing may be for you. Take the technical skill set you have, add sales, marketing, and customer service to the mix, and then charge a high hourly rate. Simple and unlimited in its potential.

自由职业-如果您喜欢戴所有帽子,自由职业可能适合您。 利用您拥有的技术技能,将销售,市场营销和客户服务添加到组合中,然后按小时收费。 简单而无限的潜力。

Freelancing will also boost your technical skills by taking you out of the safe bubble of corporate life. I always seemed to get used to how a company managed their tech stack. Then when I changed jobs, it was like the same tech was alien again. This meant I knew only one vertical of a tech stack and I needed a broader understanding. Freelancing will force you to get that broader knowledge.

自由职业还将使您摆脱企业生活的安全泡沫,从而提高您的技术技能。 我似乎总是习惯于公司如何管理其技术堆栈。 然后,当我换工作时,就像是同一技术再次陌生。 这意味着我只了解技术堆栈的一个垂直领域,并且需要更广泛的了解。 自由职业将迫使您获得更广泛的知识。

Tutoring — Speaking of high hourly rates, I’ll mention tutoring one more time. If you need cash quick, keep this in your toolbox. You are still fresh enough from school that students will relate to you. However, unless you plan on making tutoring a business, I recommend “graduating” from it at some point. It won’t push your technical skills after the first year on the job.

补习—说到高时薪,我会再提一次补习。 如果您需要快速现金,请将其保存在工具箱中。 您刚从学校毕业,学生就可以与您建立联系。 但是,除非您打算进行家教业务,否则我建议您在某个时候从中“毕业”。 工作第一年后,它不会提高您的技术技能。

高级开发人员的侧面工作(3-10年) (Side Hustles for Senior Devs (3–10 years))

At this time in your career, you become a leader at your company. Hopefully you are also living a double life of side hustler extraordinaire. The cycle of success at work and growing side gigs creates a positive feedback loop of excellence. Consider the following side hustles at this point in your career:

在您职业生涯中的这个时候,您成为公司的领导者。 希望你也过着双重骗子的双重生活。 工作的成功周期和不断增长的旁听演出会创造一个积极的卓越反馈回路。 在您职业生涯的这一点上,请考虑以下方面的问题:

  1. Investing

  2. Teaching

  3. Start a Consulting Business

  4. Maintaining Digital Assets (should be a strong brand by now)


Investing — By this point you’ve read extensively and found your money engine. It’s time to amplify your money engine, truly treating it as a side hustle. Do you invest in the stock market? Consider options trading as well. Do you own rental houses? Consider wholesaling. Take existing investment knowledge and multiply it.

投资-至此,您已经阅读了很多书,并找到了您的资金引擎。 现在是时候扩大您的资金引擎,真正将其视为一种麻烦。 您是否在股票市场投资? 也考虑期权交易 。 您有出租房吗? 考虑批发 。 吸收现有的投资知识,并将其相乘。

Teaching — Now that you’ve got some years under your belt, consider teaching. I have taught at a JavaScript bootcamp and at a community college as an adjunct instructor. It has been a joy in so many ways, rewarding me with friends, lives changed, and of course some cash. I wrote extensively about my experience here, and I encourage you to consider teaching as a way to boost your local community.

教学-现在您已经掌握了很多年,请考虑教学。 我曾在JavaScript训练营和一所社区大学担任辅助讲师。 从很多方面来说,这都是一种快乐,给我与朋友的回报,改变了生活,当然还有一些现金。 我在这里写了很多关于我的经历的文章,并鼓励您考虑将教学作为一种促进当地社区发展的方式。

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At community college you will get a flat fee for teaching one course (48 hours of classroom instructional time plus outside grading, planning, etc.). I expect most community colleges will pay at least $2k per class taught. On the other hand, my bootcamp pay was a higher hourly rate than my day job salary (converted to an hourly rate).

在社区学院,您将获得固定费用以教授一门课程(48小时的课堂教学时间,以及外部评分,计划等)。 我预计大多数社区大学每堂课将至少支付$ 2k。 另一方面,我的新兵训练营时薪比我的每日工作工资高(转换为时薪)。

Consulting — Take your freelancing to a new level with a formal consulting business. At this point you are transitioning from personal reputation building to brand building. This is the kind of side hustle that can become your ticket to self employment (if you want).

咨询—通过正式的咨询业务将您的自由职业提升到新的水平。 在这一点上,您正在从建立个人声誉转变为建立品牌。 如果您愿意,这是一种可以使您自营职业的手段。

A consulting business can take advantage of your writing and digital assets. The platforms you previously built are now funnels driving clients to your business. You are perceived as an expert in the field because…you are.

咨询业务可以利用您的写作和数字资产。 您以前构建的平台现在可以将客户吸引到您的业务中。 您被认为是该领域的专家,因为……您是。

If you do reach the point where you consider taking the leap to self employment, read the eBook How to Engineer Your Layoff first. It is entirely possible to get paid to leave your job. Don’t knock it ‘till you try it, right?

如果确实达到了考虑实现自我雇佣的目标,请先阅读电子书《 如何设计裁员》 。 完全有可能离开工作而获得报酬 。 不要敲它,直到您尝试它,对吗?

Creating Digital Assets — Just keep doing what you’ve been doing here. More assets means more cash flow and a more robust brand.

创建数字资产-继续做您在这里所做的事情。 更多的资产意味着更多的现金流和更强大的品牌。

资深开发人员的工作经验(超过10年) (Side Hustles for Veteran Devs (10+ years))

You are a legend. If you are at the same company that you started at 10+ years ago, you are more than legend. You are part of the DNA of the company (hopefully you are there because it has been wonderful, not because you are too scared to leave 😕).

你是一个传奇。 如果您与10年前成立的公司位于同一家公司,那么您将不仅仅是传奇。 您是公司DNA的一员(希望您之所以来是因为它很棒,而不是因为你太害怕离开😕)。

If you are interested in a side hustle at this point and you’ve never had an independent gig before, you probably have specific goals like kids’ college or a retirement savings boost. However, if you’ve been hustling all along then you are likely already financial independent and are considered a SWAMI.

如果您现在对小班经营感兴趣,并且之前从未有过独立演出,那么您可能有特定的目标,例如孩子上大学或提高退休储蓄。 但是,如果您一直在忙碌,那么您可能已经在财务上独立了,因此被视为SWAMI

At this point, consider the following:


  1. Investing

  2. Maintaining Digital Assets (should be a strong brand by now)

  3. Maintaining the consulting business (leverage the brand)

  4. Speaking Engagements (leverage the brand)

  5. Teaching


There’s not much to expound on from the list above, so I’ll skip to the new item.


Speaking Engagements — Leverage your brand to land speaking engagements. You could simply enjoy local name recognition in your community. Or you could use speaking engagements to get paid to take vacations around the country (or world).

口语互动-利用您的品牌进行口语互动。 您可以在社区中轻松享受本地名称识别。 或者,您也可以使用演讲活动获得报酬,以在全国(或世界)度假。

In the U.S. in particular, there are interesting tax deductions once you own your own business. You can write off significant amounts of the travel cost as business expense. You may be able to rent part of your house to your business and write it off. I recommend hiring an accountant for help with the taxes.

尤其是在美国,一旦拥有自己的企业,就会享受有趣的减税优惠。 您可以将大量差旅费用记为业务费用。 您也许可以将部分房屋出租给您的企业并注销。 我建议雇用一名会计师寻求税收方面的帮助。

为什么要忙? (Why Hustle?)

Peace of mind, freedom, funding expensive hobbies, being great at your job…whatever your reason to start a side gig is, I believe you will experience numerous unexpected benefits along the way: fun, confidence, opportunity, giving back to the community, and so on.


Regardless of your financial goals, it’s important to remember how big a role multiple income streams can play in your financial security. Income streams that are independent of your 401(k) or other retirement accounts can significantly reduce the amount of money you need invested to reach retirement or financial independence.

无论您的财务目标如何,重要的是要记住多种收入来源在您的财务安全中可以发挥多大的作用。 独立于您的401(k)或其他退休帐户的收入流可以大大减少您需要投入的资金才能实现退休或财务独立。

Side income streams can also significantly reduce the amount of time OR the required savings rate to reach financial independence. This chart shows the amount of years of working a typical job are required in order to reach financial independence based on historic stock market returns. Creating income streams that are independent of your investment portfolio is like a hack of this chart.

附加收入流还可以显着减少时间量或达到财务独立性所需的储蓄率。 该图表显示了要根据历史股票市场收益实现财务独立所需的典型工作年限。 创建独立于您的投资组合的收入流就像这张图表一样。

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Remember, if you get to the point where you no longer need to work for someone else, you can still choose to. Side hustles close no doors, they only open new ones. If you do decide to leave a great day job, remember to try to negotiate your layoff to receive a severance package. It can’t hurt to ask.

请记住,如果您到达不再需要为别人工作的地步,您仍然可以选择这样做。 侧门不关门,只开新门。 如果您决定留下一份出色的工作,请记住尝试协商裁员以领取遣散费 。 问它不会痛。

I can attest that creating additional revenue streams through your own wit and ambition is an incredible feeling.


This is the breakdown of my side hustle income (I am still happily employed as a software developer).


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Options trading has exploded for me in the last three years. I used to generate more from writing and digital assets,and then more from teaching, but I quadrupled down on options due to the time/income ratio.

在过去三年中,期权交易对我来说是爆炸性的。 我过去常常从写作和数字资产中获取更多收益,然后从教学中获取更多收益,但是由于时间/收入比例的原因,我选择权的选择增加了三倍。

However, my options trading has reached a point of steady cash flow on autopilot. Now I’m switching gears back to teaching and writing/creating. Diversity is key to resilience.

但是,我的期权交易在自动驾驶仪上达到了稳定的现金流量。 现在,我将设备切换回教学和写作/创作。 多样性是弹性的关键。

I’ll wrap up with two of my favorite side hustle quotes:


“Build equity every day.”


— Nick Loper, Side Hustle Nation

尼克·洛珀(Nick Loper), 《喧嚣国家》

Nick Loper is talking about creating an asset from nothing. An asset is anything that can be capitalized (sold for a multiple of its earnings). You build equity (net worth) when you create a cash flow producing asset that can be sold.

尼克·洛珀(Nick Loper)在谈论从零开始创造资产。 资产是可以资本化的任何东西(以其收益的倍数出售)。 当您创建可出售的产生现金流量的资产时,便会建立权益(净值)。

If you have several side gigs and only one is getting traction, consider pausing the others and doing 4X more of the gig that’s working. You will get results.

如果您有几个演出,而只有一个得到了关注,请考虑暂停其他演出,并再进行4倍的工作。 您将获得结果。

“I have ways of making money that you know nothing of.”


— John D. Rockefeller, source

-约翰·洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller), 出处

I simply like this one. Niche sites, smartphone apps, blogging…these are all very “New Economy” ways of making money that some people simply won’t understand. Add in investing, options trading, wholesaling, etc and the circle of people who can understand all your lines of business is small indeed.

我只是喜欢这个。 利基网站,智能手机应用程序,博客...这些都是非常“新经济”的赚钱方式,有些人根本不了解。 再加上投资,期权交易,批发等,可以理解您所有业务的人们的圈子确实很小。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-best-side-hustles-for-each-stage-of-a-developers-career-275a401ea697






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