

This is the second post in my series Data Structures and Algorithms using JavaScript. Last week, I discussed Time Complexity, Space Complexity, and Big O Notation. This week I am going to talk about a very popular data structure that most programmers use on a daily basis, the Array. In this post, I will cover the Big O of common Array actions (push, pop, etc) and we will also walk through the process of creating our very own Array data structure! Let’s get started.

这是我系列使用JavaScript的数据结构和算法系列的第二篇文章。 上周,我讨论了时间复杂度,空间复杂度和Big O符号 。 本周,我将讨论大多数程序员每天都使用的非常流行的数据结构Array 。 在这篇文章中,我将介绍常见的Array操作( pushpop等)的“大O”,并且还将逐步完成创建自己的Array数据结构的过程! 让我们开始吧。

什么是数组? (What is an Array?)

A collection of multiple values that can be stored using a single variable


  • The length can not be fixed (unless static)

  • The types of values can not be fixed

  • Can not use strings as an index to an element, must use an integer


静态与动态阵列 (Static vs Dynamic Arrays)

静态的 (Static)

Fixed in size


动态 (Dynamic)

Copy and rebuild Array in new location with more memory, expands as you add elements

在具有更多内存的新位置复制和重建Array ,并在添加元素时扩展

常见阵列动作 (Common Array actions)

推O(1) (Push O(1))

Appends a new value at the end of an Array and returns the new length


  • Relies on the length property to know where to insert new values


  • If length does not exist or can not be converted to a number, 0 is used


First, we use the const keyword to create a new variable with the identifier jediCouncil. The value assigned to jediCouncil is an Array of values that are of type string.

首先,我们使用const关键字创建一个标识符为jediCouncil的新变量。 分配给jediCouncil的值是string类型的值的Array

Next, we call the push method on the jediCouncil Array with a single argument anakin.

接下来,我们称之为push的方法jediCouncil Array与一个参数anakin

When we log our jediCouncil on the next line, we see that the value anakin is now the last value in our jediCouncil Array.

当我们登录我们的jediCouncil下一行,我们将看到该值anakin ,现在是我们的最后一个值jediCouncil Array

Since there is only one action taken and we don’t have to iterate through our Array for this operation the Big O of the push method is O(1).

由于仅执行一个操作,并且我们不必为此操作遍历Array ,因此push方法的Big O为O(1)

流行乐O(1) (Pop O(1))

Removes the last value in Array and returns that value


  • If you call on an empty Array, pop returns undefined

    如果调用空Array ,则pop返回undefined

For this example, we want anakin out of the jediCouncil, we can use the pop method for that:

在这个例子中,我们希望anakin的出jediCouncil ,我们可以使用pop该方法:

First, we use the const keyword to create a new variable with the identifier jediCouncil. The value assigned to jediCouncil is an Array of values that are of type string.

首先,我们使用const关键字创建一个标识符为jediCouncil的新变量。 分配给jediCouncil的值是string类型的值的Array

Next, we call the pop method on the jediCouncil Array, we do not need an argument when calling this method.

接下来,我们在jediCouncil Array上调用pop方法,调用此方法时不需要参数。

Now, when we log our jediCouncil on the next line, we should see that the value anakin is no longer in our jediCouncil Array

现在,当我们登录我们的jediCouncil下一行,我们应该看到的是,价值anakin不再是我们的jediCouncil Array

Later, anakin 👋🏻

后来, anakin 👋🏻

Using pop makes removing the last item from your Array very quick and painless. Since this is the only operation that is performed, the Big O of the pop method is O(1).

使用pop可以非常快速,轻松地从Array删除最后一项。 由于这是唯一执行的操作,因此pop方法的Big O为O(1)

移位O(n) (Shift O(n))

Removes the first value in Array and returns that value


  • Shifts the values and their indexes consecutively


First, we use the const keyword to declare a new variable with the identifier jediCouncil. The value assigned to jediCouncil is an Array of values that are of type string.

首先,我们使用const关键字声明标识符为jediCouncil的新变量。 分配给jediCouncil的值是string类型的值的Array

Note: I am noting the index position of each value, this will help illustrate what shift does under the hood later


Next, I call the shift method on our jediCouncil variable.


On the next line, I use console.log to log the new value of jediCouncil. Notice how the index positions have changed. Why is that?

在下一行,我使用console.log记录jediCouncil的新值。 注意索引位置如何变化。 这是为什么?

When shift is called on our jediCouncil Array, the value yoda is removed. Since this value was in index position 0, we have to iterate through the Array and update each value’s index position. This is why the shift method has a Big O of O(n).

shift被称为我们的jediCouncil Array ,该值yoda被删除。 由于此值位于索引位置0 ,因此我们必须遍历Array并更新每个值的索引位置。 这就是为什么shift方法具有O(n)的Big O的原因。

Now we can see that yoda has been removed and all of the other values in jediCouncil have been shifted over to 1 less index position.


接头O(n) (Splice O(n))

Remove, replace, or add new values to an Array


First, we use the const keyword to create a new variable with the identifier jediCouncil. The value assigned to jediCouncil is an Array of values that are of type string.

首先,我们使用const关键字创建一个标识符为jediCouncil的新变量。 分配给jediCouncil的值是string类型的值的Array

Next, we call the splice method on the jediCouncil Array.

接下来,我们在jediCouncil Array上调用splice方法。

Note: the splice method takes 3 arguments:

注意: splice方法采用3个参数:

start — this is the index you would like to start changing the Array

start 这是您要开始更改 Array 的索引

deleteCount — this is the number of values you would like to remove from the Array (starting from the start argument)

deleteCount —这是您要从 Array 删除的值的数量 (从 start 参数 start )

items — this is the values you would like to add to the Array, starting from the start argument

items —这是您 要从 start 参数 开始 添加到 Array 的值

If the items argument is empty, the spice method will only remove items

如果 items 参数为空,则 spice 方法将仅删除项目

We pass 3 arguments to splice:


  • 5: we want to start changing the jediCouncil Array at index position 5

    5 :我们要在索引位置5开始更改jediCouncil Array

  • 0: we do not want to delete anything from jediCouncil; therefore, this value is 0

    0 :我们不想从jediCouncil删除任何jediCouncil ; 因此,该值为0

  • ”obi wan”: this is the value we would like to add to index position 5

    ”obi wan” :这是我们要添加到索引位置5

When we log our jediCouncil on the next line, we can see that obi wan has been added to jediCouncil in index position 5; which, in this case, is the last position.

当我们在下一行登录jediCouncil时,可以看到obi wan已添加到jediCouncil的索引位置5 ; 在这种情况下,这是最后一个位置。

Welcome aboard, obi wan 👍🏻, I think you will fit in nicely

欢迎上船,ob带obi wan ,我想你会很合适的

Although we did not shift any values or their index positions, we always take the worst case when determining Big O; therefore, the Big O of splice is O(n)

尽管我们没有shift任何值或它们的索引位置,但是在确定Big O时总是采用最坏的情况。 因此, splice的大O为O(n)

让我们创建一个数组数据结构 (Let’s Create an Array Data Structure)

This section assumes you have some knowledge of how classes work for JavaScript. If classes are new for you, fear not! I will be writing a post on those in the near future. In the meantime, you can read more about them right here.

本部分假定您具有有关类如何用于JavaScript的知识。 如果您是新课程,请不要担心! 我将在不久的将来写一篇关于这些内容的文章。 同时,您可以在此处阅读有关它们的更多信息。

We know how the core pieces of an Array work, so let’s build our own Array data structure!


We start by using the class keyword to create a new JavaScript class. We give our new class the identifier MyOwnArray.

我们首先使用class关键字创建一个新JavaScript类。 我们给我们的新class标识符MyOwnArray

建设者 (Constructor)

Inside of our MyOwnArray class we write our constructor function. The constructor is a method that is responsible for creating an object for that class.

MyOwnArray class我们编写了constructor函数。 constructor是负责为class创建对象的方法。

We use the this keyword to create and bind two fields to the scope of our MyOwnArray class:


  • length: a number that is initialized with the value of 0

    length :一个以0值初始化的number

  • data: an object that is initialized with the value of an empty object {}

    data :一个object是一个空对象的值初始化{}


We create a method with the identifier push that has a single parameter, item. Keep in mind, this item parameter can be any value that we want to append to our Array. In our example, we are calling the push method with the value ’phantom menace’ as the only argument (myOwnArray.push(‘phantom menace’)).

我们使用标识符push创建一个具有单个参数item 。 请记住,此item参数可以是我们要附加到Array任何值。 在我们的示例中,我们以值'phantom menace'作为唯一参数( myOwnArray.push('phantom menace') )调用push方法。

Inside of our push method, we assign a key-value pair for our data field.


To assign the key value, we use the length field value inside of bracket notation [].


Next, we assign our value to item


We increment the value of our length field by 1 and return the value of length

我们将length字段的值增加1return length的值

Note: Did you notice that I incremented the length field in this MyOwnArray class? This explains why the last index position and your length always have a difference of 1

注意:您是否注意到我增加了MyOwnArray类中的length字段? 这解释了为什么最后一个索引位置和您的长度总是相差1

Let me show you an example:


As you can see, we the starWarsMovies Array with 6 items. When we console.log the length it returns 6 as we would expect. What happens when we try to retrieve the value at the 6th index position? We get undefined. This is because we always increment our length after we add an item to an Array.

如您所见,我们的starWarsMovies Array具有6个项目。 当我们console.log长度时,它返回6正如我们所期望的那样。 当我们尝试在第6个索引位置检索值时会发生什么? 我们undefined 。 这是因为在将项目添加到Array之后,我们总是会增加length

得到 (Get)

Next, we create a method with an identifier of get. This method will be responsible for returning a value from our data field.

接下来,我们创建一个带有get标识符的方法。 此方法将负责从我们的data字段返回一个值。

Our get method has a single parameter, index. Inside of our get method, we use the index parameter and bracket notation [] to return that value from the data field.

我们的get方法只有一个参数index 。 在我们的get方法内部,我们使用index参数和方括号[]data字段return该值。

In our example, we want to retrieve the value that is index position 0 (myOwnArray.get(0))

在我们的示例中,我们想要检索索引位置0 ( myOwnArray.get(0) )的值。

流行音乐 (Pop)

Next, we create a method with the identifier pop. As you might suspect, this method will be responsible for removing the last item in an Array. This method takes no arguments.

接下来,我们创建一个标识符为pop的方法。 您可能会怀疑,此方法将负责删除Array最后一项 。 此方法不带参数。

Inside of our pop method we use the const keyword to create a new variable with the identifier lastItem. You can probably guess what we will use this for. We use bracket notation [] and the value of our length field (decremented by one) to pull off the value of our last item in the data field.

在我们的pop方法内部,我们使用const关键字创建一个标识符为lastItem的新变量。 您可能会猜到我们将用它做什么。 我们使用括号符号[]length字段的值(减1)来提取data字段中最后一项的值。

Since data is an object, we can use the delete operator, followed by the property of the last item in our data object to remove it.


We want to make sure we decrement the value of our length field by 1, and then we return the value of lastItem.

我们要确保将length字段的值减1 ,然后返回lastItem的值。

综上所述 (In Summary)

I hope you found diving into how Arrays work in regards to their methods, Big O, and under the hood to be as illuminating as I did. Now we have a much stronger grasp on how we can harness the power of these important data structures. Next week I will be talking about Hash Tables. Can’t wait, see you then!

我希望您能从Array的方法(Big O)中深入了解Array的工作方式,并且能像我一样启发我。 现在,我们对如何利用这些重要数据结构的力量有了更深入的了解。 下周,我将讨论哈希表。 等不及了,再见!

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/the-array-data-structure-ca60d800372a






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