javascript 库_您应该知道的流行javascript库

javascript 库

Getting started with web development can sometimes be too overwhelming for someone new to the languages and frameworks. Huge options and a variety of languages, Frameworks, libraries, and STACKs are available as options. Each with its pros and cons, each with its popularity and crowd support. So with all the options available, the whole process can be confusing!

对于某些不熟悉这些语言和框架的人来说,Web开发入门有时可能会让人不知所措。 大量选项和多种语言,框架,库和堆栈可供选择。 每个都有其优缺点,每个都有其受欢迎程度和人群支持。 因此,使用所有可用选项,整个过程可能会令人困惑!

Whichever STACK you use if you are a web developer or you aspire to become one day, JavaScript is a must. Web development without JavaScript is like pizza without cheese or a burger without fries! Now if you are new to JavaScript, I know someone can find it a hard nut to crack. But trust me, only the first steps are effortful, once you get the flow everything is a smooth sail.

无论您是Web开发人员还是渴望成为一天的人,无论使用哪种堆栈,JavaScript都是必须的。 没有JavaScript的网络开发就像没有奶酪的比萨饼或没有薯条的汉堡一样! 现在,如果您不熟悉JavaScript,我知道有人会发现它很难破解。 但是请相信我,只有第一步很努力,一旦获得成功,一切都会顺利进行。

So to ease your process in the world of web development and to make your work so much easier, here is the curated list of few JavaScript libraries that can do all the heavy lifting for you and you can get as creative as you can be. with the help of these libraries, the only limit is your imagination!

因此,为简化您在Web开发领域的流程并简化您的工作,以下是一些JavaScript库的精选清单,这些JavaScript库可以为您提供所有繁重的工作,并且您可以发挥最大的创造力。 在这些库的帮助下,唯一的限制就是您的想象力!

Anime.js (Anime.js)

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Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects. It is one of the simple JavaScript libraries that focus on one specific function. The library is lightweight and very easy to use for creating animations. You can use it to create animations on the web. Anime.js works with anything web. CSS, SVG, DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects: animate everything with a single unified API. The only library you will ever need to add animations to your website.

Anime.js是一个轻量级JavaScript动画库,具有简单但功能强大的API。 它与CSS属性,SVG,DOM属性和JavaScript对象一起使用。 它是专注于一种特定功能的简单JavaScript库之一。 该库是轻量级的,非常易于创建动画。 您可以使用它在网络上创建动画。 Anime.js适用于任何网络。 CSS,SVG,DOM属性和JavaScript对象:使用单个统一的API为所有动画设置动画。 您唯一需要向网站添加动画的库。

Chart.js (Chart.js)

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Chart.js is a free open-source JavaScript library for data visualization. It is a lightweight framework for designing charts based on provided data. It supports 8 chart types: bar, line, area, pie, bubble, radar, polar, and scatter. Created by London-based web developerNick Downie in 2013, now it is maintained by the community and is the second most popular JS charting library on GitHub by the number of stars after D3.js, considered significantly easier to use though less customizable than the latter. The library has some animation capabilities, to make your data and charts more visually appealing and fun to the users.Chart.js renders in HTML5 canvas and is widely covered as one of the best data visualization libraries.

Chart.js是用于数据可视化的免费开源JavaScript库。 它是一个轻量级的框架,用于根据提供的数据设计图表。 它支持8种图表类型:条形图,折线图,面积图,饼图,气泡图,雷达图,极坐标图和散点图。 它是由伦敦的Web开发人员尼克·唐尼(Nick Downie)在2013年创建的,现在由社区维护,并且是仅次于D3.js的明星数量而在GitHub上第二受欢迎的JS图表库,被认为使用起来更容易,但可定制性比后者低。 该库具有一些动画功能,使您的数据和图表对用户更具视觉吸引力和乐趣。Chart.js在HTML5画布中呈现,并被广泛认为是最佳的数据可视化库之一。

Video.js (Video.js)

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Video.js is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. It supports HTML5 video and modern streaming formats, as well as YouTube, Vimeo, and even Flash (through plugins, more on that later). It plays anything from traditional formats like MP4 to supporting adaptive streaming formats such as HLS and DASH. In recent updates, it even supports Live Streams! The player looks already very good. Plus it is easy to style and can be styled with an extra addition of custom CSS. Due to such widespread use and a large community, there are 100s of plugins available to add functionality and skins with proper documentation and support. And the video playback is supported on a various variety of devices ranging from Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and all other mobile devices.

Video.js是专为HTML5世界打造的网络视频播放器。 它支持HTML5视频和现代流媒体格式,以及YouTube,Vimeo甚至Flash(通过插件,稍后会有更多介绍)。 它可以播放从MP4之类的传统格式到支持HLS和DASH之类的自适应流格式的任何内容。 在最近的更新中,它甚至支持实时流! 播放器看起来已经很好。 另外,它易于样式设置,并且可以额外添加自定义CSS样式。 由于如此广泛的使用和庞大的社区,有数百个插件可用于通过适当的文档和支持来添加功能和外观。 并且视频播放在台式机,笔记本电脑,平板电脑和所有其他移动设备上的各种设备上均受支持。

Three.js (Three.js)

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Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface (API) used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. Three.js uses WebGL rather than conventional browser-plugins. The source code is hosted in a repository on GitHub. Three.js allows the creation of GPU-accelerated 3D animations using the JavaScript language as part of a website without relying on the browser plugins. This is possible due to the advent of WebGL. Through its library utilities, developers can include complex 3D animations on their website without much effort.

Three.js是跨浏览器JavaScript库和应用程序编程接口(API),用于在网络浏览器中创建和显示动画3D计算机图形。 Three.js使用WebGL而不是传统的浏览器插件。 源代码托管在GitHub上的存储库中。 Three.js允许使用JavaScript语言作为网站的一部分来创建GPU加速的3D动画,而无需依赖浏览器插件。 由于WebGL的出现,这是可能的。 通过其库实用程序,开发人员可以轻松地在其网站上包含复杂的3D动画。

香菜 (Parsley)

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Parsley is the ultimate Open Source JavaScript frontend form validation library. Unlike the traditional backend form validation Parsley helps developers to validate forms directly in the frontend. It presents users with feedback on their submitted form before it reaches backend. Thanks to the new Intuitive DOM API you can write your requirements in HTML tags in plain English, without a single line of JavaScript and Parsley will do the rest. It uses Dynamic Form Validation i.e, it automatically detects your form’s modifications and adapts accordingly. Due to the strong and huge community, it comes with tons of extra validators for your every need. It is a super reliable work on every browser. It is UI and UX focused and can be overridden to fit your needs.

Parsley是终极的开源JavaScript前端表单验证库。 与传统的后端表单验证不同,Parsley帮助开发人员直接在前端验证表单。 在表单提交到后端之前,它会向用户提供有关其提交表单的反馈。 借助新的Intuitive DOM API,您可以用简单的英文HTML标记编写您的要求,而无需一行JavaScript,剩下的就由Parsley完成。 它使用动态表单验证,即,它会自动检测您对表单的修改并进行相应的调整。 由于强大而庞大的社区,它附带了许多额外的验证器,可满足您的各种需求。 在每个浏览器上,它都是一项超级可靠的工作。 它是针对UI和UX的,可以根据需要进行覆盖。

揭示.js (reveal.js)

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reveal.js is an open-source HTML presentation framework. It’s a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free. It enables anyone with a web browser to create beautiful and powerful presentations for free. Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies. That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your presentation. Change styles with CSS, include an external web page using an <iframe> or add your own custom behavior using their API. The framework comes with a broad range of features including nested slides, Markdown support, auto-animate, PDF export, speaker notes, LaReX support, and syntax highlighted code.

manifest.js是一个开放源代码HTML表示框架。 它是一个工具,使任何使用Web浏览器的人都可以免费创建功能齐全且美观的演示文稿。 它使任何使用Web浏览器的人都可以免费创建美观而强大的演示文稿。 使用reveal.js进行的演示基于开放式Web技术。 这意味着您可以在网上进行的任何操作,也可以在演示文稿中进行的操作。 使用CSS更改样式,使用<iframe>包含外部网页,或使用其API添加您自己的自定义行为。 该框架具有广泛的功能,包括嵌套幻灯片,Markdown支持,自动动画,PDF导出,演讲者注释,LaReX支持以及语法突出显示的代码。

Fabric.js (Fabric.js)

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Fabric.js is a Powerful JavaScript and HTML canvas library. It is a fully open-source project with many contributions over the years. Fabrice JS provides some simple components that don’t require a framework. It allows you to create simple shapes like circles, triangles, rectangles or other polygon or any complex shape you can think of, with the help of Fabric.js you can do that. With fabric.js you can add text and dynamically manipulate its properties. Apply filters to images. You can add properties to objects like shadows, make them draggable, scale, flip in any direction and you can even do all this with even grouping objects. Fabric.js comes even with animation support. With Fabric.js you can turn your imagination into reality!

Fabric.js是一个功能强大JavaScript和HTML画布库。 这是一个完全开源的项目,多年来有很多贡献。 Fabrice JS提供了一些不需要框架的简单组件。 它允许您在Fabric.js的帮助下创建简单的形状,例如圆形,三角形,矩形或其他多边形,或者您可以想到的任何复杂形状。 使用fabric.js,您可以添加文本并动态地操纵其属性。 将过滤器应用于图像。 您可以向诸如阴影之类的对象添加属性,使其可拖动,缩放,向任意方向翻转,甚至可以甚至对对象进行分组。 Fabric.js甚至提供动画支持。 使用Fabric.js,您可以将您的想象变成现实!

So this was the list of few libraries that can assist you in the process. This is not even the tip of the iceberg! there is an ocean of them available to use which you can explore and experiment with. So start using them and work smarter not harder!

因此,这是可以帮助您完成此过程的一些库的列表。 这甚至都不是冰山一角! 您可以使用其中的大量海洋进行探索和试验。 因此,开始使用它们并更聪明地工作吧!

Do you think any other libraries that can add up to the list? Please comment and let us know!

您是否认为其他库可以加到列表中? 请发表评论,让我们知道!

So this was my very first blog! Drop a like if you loved it and comment for suggestions and improvements. Your feedback is very important!

所以这是我的第一个博客! 如果喜欢,请投下赞,并提出建议和改进意见。 您的反馈非常重要!


javascript 库

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