

JS is constantly evolving and in this article I would like to talk about what is still only at the stage of concept and first proposals. But the community has already appreciated these innovations and is looking forward to them.

JS在不断发展,在本文中,我想谈一谈仅在概念和首次提议阶段还剩下什么。 但是社区已经赞赏这些创新,并期待着它们。

JS has several levels of new feature approval. In this article, I will talk about the features that are at levels 0 and 1.

JS具有多个级别的新功能批准。 在本文中,我将讨论级别0和1的功能。

第一阶段的提案 (Stage 1 Proposals)

The first level has the following purposes:


  • Make the case for the addition

  • Describe the shape of a solution

  • Identify potential challenges


Let’s take a look at the most anticipated stage 1 features:


1.管道运营商 (1. The Pipeline Operator)

This proposal introduces a new operator |> similar to F#, OCaml, Elixir, Elm, Julia, Hack, and LiveScript, as well as UNIX pipes and Haskell's &. It's a backwards-compatible way of streamlining chained function calls in a readable, functional manner, and provides a practical alternative to extending built-in prototypes.

该建议引入了一个新的运算符|>类似于F#OCamlElixirElmJuliaHackLiveScript ,以及UNIX管道和Haskell& 。 这是一种向后兼容的方式,以一种可读的,功能化的方式简化了链式函数的调用,并为扩展内置原型提供了一种实用的选择。

The pipeline operator is essentially a useful syntactic sugar on a function call with a single argument. In other words, sqrt(64) is equivalent to 64 |> sqrt.

管道运算符本质上是带有单个参数的函数调用上的有用语法糖。 换句话说, sqrt(64)等效于64 |> sqrt

This allows for greater readability when chaining several functions together. For example, given the following functions:

将多个功能链接在一起时,这可以提高可读性。 例如,给定以下功能:

function doubleSay (str) {
  return str + ", " + str;
function capitalize (str) {
  return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
function exclaim (str) {
  return str + '!';

//the following invocations are equivalent:

let result = exclaim(capitalize(doubleSay("hello")));
result //=> "Hello, hello!"

let result = "hello"
  |> doubleSay
  |> capitalize
  |> exclaim;

result //=> "Hello, hello!"

More use cases:

更多用例: https : //

Read more about proposal:

阅读有关提案的更多信息: https : //

2.模式匹配 (2. Pattern Matching)

This proposal adds a pattern matching expression to the language, based on the existing Destructuring Binding Patterns.

该提议基于现有的Destructuring Binding Patterns向该语言添加了模式匹配表达式。



const res = await fetch(jsonService)
case (res) {
  when {status: 200, headers: {'Content-Length': s}} ->
    console.log(`size is ${s}`),
  when {status: 404} ->
    console.log('JSON not found'),
  when {status} if (status >= 400) -> {
    throw new RequestError(res)

Read more:

了解更多: https//

3.可观察的 (3. Observable)

This proposal introduces an Observable type to the ECMAScript standard library. The Observable type can be used to model push-based data sources such as DOM events, timer intervals, and sockets. In addition, observables are:

该建议将一个Observable类型引入ECMAScript标准库。 Observable类型可用于为基于推式的数据源建模,例如DOM事件,计时器间隔和套接字。 另外,可观察到的是:

  • Compositional: Observables can be composed with higher-order combinators.


  • Lazy: Observables do not start emitting data until an observer has subscribed.


Example: Observing Keyboard Events


Using the Observable constructor, we can create a function which returns an observable stream of events for an arbitrary DOM element and event type.


function listen(element, eventName) {
    return new Observable(observer => {
        // Create an event handler which sends data to the sink
        let handler = event =>;

        // Attach the event handler
        element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, true);

        // Return a cleanup function which will cancel the event stream
        return () => {
            // Detach the event handler from the element
            element.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, true);

We can then use standard combinators to filter and map the events in the stream, just like we would with an array.


// Return an observable of special key down commands
function commandKeys(element) {
    let keyCommands = { "38": "up", "40": "down" };

    return listen(element, "keydown")
        .filter(event => event.keyCode in keyCommands)
        .map(event => keyCommands[event.keyCode])

Note: The “filter” and “map” methods are not included in this proposal. They may be added in a future version of this specification.

注意:“过滤器”和“地图”方法未包含在此建议中。 它们可能会在此规范的将来版本中添加。

When we want to consume the event stream, we subscribe with an observer.


let subscription = commandKeys(inputElement).subscribe({
    next(val) { console.log("Received key command: " + val) },
    error(err) { console.log("Received an error: " + err) },
    complete() { console.log("Stream complete") },

The object returned by subscribe will allow us to cancel the subscription at any time. Upon cancelation, the Observable’s cleanup function will be executed.

订阅返回的对象将使我们可以随时取消订阅。 取消后,将执行Observable的清除功能。

// After calling this function, no more events will be sent

Read more:

了解更多: https//

4.部分应用程序语法 (4. Partial Application Syntax)

This proposal introduces a new syntax using the ? token in an argument list which allows you to partially apply an argument list to a call expression by acting as a placeholder for an argument.

本提案使用?引入了新语法? 参数列表中的标记,通过充当参数的占位符,您可以将参数列表部分地应用于调用表达式。



const addOne = add(1, ?); // apply from the left
addOne(2); // 3

const addTen = add(?, 10); // apply from the right
addTen(2); // 12

// with pipeline
let newScore = player.score
  |> add(7, ?)
  |> clamp(0, 100, ?); // shallow stack, the pipe to `clamp` is the same frame as the pipe to `add`.

// partial template strings
const Diagnostics = {
  unexpected_token: `Unexpected token: ${?}`,
  name_not_found: `'${?}' not found.`
Diagnostics.name_not_found("foo"); // "'foo' not found."

Read more:

了解更多: https//

5.二进制AST (5. Binary AST)

A binary encoding based on an efficient abstract syntax tree representation of JavaScript syntax is proposed. This is a new, alternate encoding of the surface syntax, with a fairly close bidirectional mapping to the text representation. New semantics are currently limited to:

提出了一种基于JavaScript语法的有效抽象语法树表示的二进制编码。 这是表面语法的一种新的替代编码,具有相当接近的双向映射到文本表示形式。 当前,新语义仅限于:

  • deferring early errors

  • changing Function.prototype.toString behavior


  • requiring UTF-8


To further speed up parsing, it is proposed to encode static semantics as implementation hints, and verify them as deferred assertions.


For this AST format automatically derive from the ECMA-262 grammar is not proposed since it is too verbose to be an efficient tree representation, and as such it would require a lot of flattening and inlining. Additionally, this might restrict the evolution of the JavaScript specification by effectively making the grammar a normative specification of the binary format.

对于此AST格式,不建议自动从ECMA-262语法中获取语法,因为它过于冗长而无法成为有效的树表示形式,因此需要大量的拼合和内联。 另外,通过有效地使语法成为二进制格式的规范性规范,这可能会限制JavaScript规范的发展。

Instead, a separate tree grammar is proposed, with annotations on AST nodes that only express information about the syntax. There are several existing tree grammars which are taken as a starting point, such as Babylon or Shift AST.

取而代之的是,提出了单独的树语法,在AST节点上带有仅表示有关语法信息的注释。 有几种现有的树语法作为起点,例如巴比伦或Shift AST。

Borrowing from the WebAssembly approach, the binary encoding would be split into 3 layers:


  1. A simple binary encoding of the AST nodes using basic primitives (e.g., strings, numbers, tuples)

  2. Additional structural compression on top of the previous layer, leveraging knowledge about the nature of the format of the file and the AST (e.g., constant tables)

  3. A generic compression algorithm like gzip or Brotli.


It is expected the format to be output by existing compilers such as Babel and TypeScript, and by bundlers such as WebPack.


Read more:

了解更多: https//

6.内置模块 (6. Built In Modules)

To enable developers to access common functionality provided by the JavaScript engine it is proposed creating modules built into the host. This will allow library code bundled with the program to shift towards being available on the host JavaScript implementations.

为了使开发人员能够访问JavaScript引擎提供的通用功能,建议创建内置在主机中的模块。 这将使与程序捆绑在一起的库代码转向可在宿主JavaScript实现上使用的代码。

Having a standard library readily available at runtime means programs won’t have to include the functionality available in the standard library, reducing the download and startup cost of the program. The functionality will also be standardized across implementations giving developer consistency in quality, behavior and speed. For some JavaScript engines, built in modules will allow them to reduce application memory footprint

在运行时随时可以使用标准库意味着程序不必包含标准库中可用的功能,从而减少了程序的下载和启动成本。 该功能还将在各种实现中进行标准化,从而使开发人员在质量,行为和速度上保持一致。 对于某些JavaScript引擎,内置模块将允许它们减少应用程序内存占用量

Although JavaScript engines already has the notion of a common library through the global object, the standard library components can be accessed using the current asynchronous import() API. Module scripts can also access built in library components using the import syntax. Traditional script code will be able to access these same standard library components through a new synchronous API, importNow(). Most of these mechanism should already be familiar to developers, allowing them to opt-in to this built in library functionality with little effort.

尽管JavaScript引擎已经通过全局对象有了公共库的概念,但是可以使用当前的异步import() API访问标准库组件。 模块脚本还可以使用import语法访问内置库组件。 传统脚本代码将能够通过新的同步API importNow()访问这些相同的标准库组件。 这些机制中的大多数应该已经为开发人员所熟悉,从而使他们可以毫不费力地选择加入此内置库功能。

Modules for the standard library should be able to be written in plain JavaScript for the most part but for hot pieces of code the engine could provide a native implementation.


Read more:

了解更多: https//

7. do表情 (7. do expressions)

Write in an expression-oriented style, scoping variables as locally as possible:


let x = do {
  let tmp = f();
  tmp * tmp + 1

Use conditional statements as expressions, instead of awkward nested ternaries:


let x = do {
  if (foo()) { f() }
  else if (bar()) { g() }
  else { h() }

Especially nice for templating languages like JSX:


return (
    <Home />
      do {
        if (loggedIn) {
          <LogoutButton />
        } else {
          <LoginButton />

Read more:

了解更多: https//

8.切片符号 (8. Slice notation)

The slice notation provides an ergonomic alternative to the various slice methods present on Array.prototype, TypedArray.prototype, etc.


const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];

// → ['b', 'c']

arr.slice(1, 3);
// → ['b', 'c']

This notation can be used for slice operations on primitives like Array and TypedArray.


Read more:

了解更多: https//

9.标准库UUID (9. Standard library UUID)

The JavaScript standard library UUID describes an API for generating character encoded Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) based on IETF RFC 4122, available for import in JavaScript engines.

JavaScript标准库UUID描述了一个API,用于基于IETF RFC 4122生成字符编码的通用唯一标识符(UUID),可将其导入JavaScript引擎中。

The UUID standard library provides an API for generating RFC 4122 identifiers.

UUID标准库提供了用于生成RFC 4122标识符的API。

The only export of the UUID library that is initially supported is randomUUID(), a method which implements the version 4 "Algorithm for Creating a UUID from Truly Random or Pseudo-Random Numbers", and returns the string representation (as described in RFC-4122).

最初支持的UUID库的唯一导出是randomUUID() ,该方法实现版本4“用于从真正随机数或伪随机数创建UUID的算法” ,并返回字符串表示形式(如RFC- 4122)

Read more:

了解更多: https//

There are much more interesting Stage 1 proposals, read about them here —

第1阶段还有更多有趣的建议,请在此处阅读有关它们的信息-https: //

阶段0提案 (Stage 0 Proposals)

Stage 0 allow input into the specification. At level 0, there are only concepts for new features. But there are 2 that are worthy of attention.

阶段0允许输入规范。 在级别0,只有新功能的概念。 但是有两个值得关注。

Let’s take a look at them:


1.此绑定语法 (1. This-Binding Syntax)

This proposal introduces a new operator :: which performs this binding and method extraction.

该建议引入了一个新的运算符:: ,它执行this绑定和方法提取。

//Using an iterator library implemented as a module of "virtual methods":
import { map, takeWhile, forEach } from "iterlib";

::map(x => x.character())
::takeWhile(x => x.strength > 100)
::forEach(x => console.log(x));

//Using a jQuery-like library of virtual methods:
// Create bindings for just the methods that we need
let { find, html } = jake;

// Find all the divs with class="myClass", then get all of the "p"s and
// replace their content.

//Using method extraction to print the eventual value of a promise to the console:

//Using method extraction to call an object method when a DOM event occurs:
$(".some-link").on("click", ::view.reset);

Read more:

阅读更多: https : //

2.嵌套的import报关单 (2. Nested import declarations)

This proposal argues for relaxing the current restriction that import declarations may appear only at the top level of a module.


Specifically, this proposal would allow import declarations that are


  1. nestable within functions and blocks, enabling multiple new and worthwhile import idioms;


  2. hoisted to the beginning of the enclosing scope; that is, declarative rather than imperative;

    吊到封闭范围的开头; 也就是说,声明式而不是命令式

  3. lexically scoped to the enclosing block;

  4. synchronously evaluated, with clear and manageable consequences for runtime module fetching; and

    进行了同步评估,为运行时模块的获取带来了明确且可管理的结果; 和
  5. backwards compatible with the semantics of existing top-level import declarations.


At this time, no changes are proposed regarding the placement or semantics of export declarations. In the opinion of the author, keeping all export declarations at the top level remains important for many of the static properties of the ECMAScript module system.

目前,未提出有关export声明的位置或语义的任何更改。 作者认为,对于ECMAScript模块系统的许多静态属性,将所有export声明都保留在顶层仍然很重要。

// Execution might hit this debugger statement before the "./xy" module is
// imported, if it has not been imported before.
  import { x, y } from "./xy";

console.log("x", getX());

// Imperatively import { x } from "./xy", and return it.
function getX() {
  import { x } from "./xy";
  return x;

// If you care about the latest live value of x, return a closure.
function getXFn() {
  import { x } from "./xy";
  return () => x;

const getX2 = getXFn();

setTimeout(() => {
  console.log("current x:", getX2());
}, delay);

Read more:

阅读更多: https : //

There are much more Stage 0 proposals, read about them here —

阶段0提案更多,请在此处阅读有关它们的信息-https: //

Thanks for reading!


P.S. If you want to know more about the most expected features — follow me!




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