elon函数_Elon Mussk的Neuroink真是令人难以置信


First, this article was written in sections, to facilitate the reader experience. Some sections have compacted information, other more specific details in neuroscience or engineering. It is totally up to the reader to go thru all the sections or not. For a complete understanding of the technology and applications mentioned in the title, the author truly recommends reading the whole structure.

首先,本文分节编写,以方便读者体验。 有些部分压缩了信息,另一些则在神经科学或工程学中有更具体的细节。 是否阅读所有部分完全取决于读者。 为了完全理解标题中提到的技术和应用,作者真的建议阅读整个结构。

脑活动 (Brain Activity)

This section presents the main idea of the neurological system, introducing the action potential theory, neuron structures, etc.


There are 86 billion neuron cells in the typical human brain. Neurons send and receive information. Although neurons come in many different types, they generally have three parts: a dendrite that receives a signal, a cell body called soma which computes the signal, and an axon which sends a signal out.

典型的人脑中有860亿个神经元细胞。 神经元发送和接收信息。 尽管神经元有许多不同的类型,但它们通常分为三个部分:接收信号的树突,计算信号的称为“体细胞”的细胞体和发出信号的轴突。

Neuron connection.
Papper — Neuralink - An Elon Musk Start-up Papper — Neuralink-Elon Musk初创企业

Neurons are connected through synapses. The neurons of the brain connect to each other to send and receive signals through axon-dendrite connections called synapses.

神经元通过突触连接。 大脑的神经元相互连接,以通过称为突触的轴突-树突连接发送和接收信号。

Neurons communicate through electric signals. Action potentials cause synapses to release neurotransmitters. These small molecules bind to receptors on dendrites, opening channels that cause current to flow across the neuron’s membrane. When a neuron receives the ‘right’ combination of spatiotemporal synaptic input, it initiates an action potential.

神经元通过电信号进行通信。 动作电位导致突触释放神经递质。 这些小分子与树突上的受体结合,打开导致电流流过神经元膜的通道。 当神经元收到时空突触输入的“正确”组合时,它将启动动作电位。

It’s possible to record electrical signals in the brain. To get this, electrodes should be placed near neurons in order to detect action potentials. Recording from many neurons allows to decode the information represented by those cells. There are neurons in the brain that carry information about everything we see, feel, touch, or think.

可以在大脑中记录电信号。 为了得到这个 电极应放置 靠近神经元以检测动作电位。 从许多神经元的记录允许通过这些细胞所表示的信息进行解码。 大脑中存在神经元,这些神经元承载着有关我们看到,感觉,触摸或思考的所有信息。

Cerebellum Conections.
Greg Dunn 格雷格·邓恩

神经工程 (Neural Engineering)

This section presents the notion of the importance of future technology applied in medicine, more precisely in the engineering of the brain.


When speaking about technology in healthcare, specially orientated to hardware systems, it talks about biomedical engineering. Instrumentation, controlling, automation, sensing and etc, are the main fields to create new technology in medicine, f.e., robotics (this include prosthesis, bionic members, electromyographs), machines for image diagnosis (ultrasound scan, MRI), and human sensors (pulse oximeter, electrodes).

在谈到医疗保健技术时,特别是针对硬件系统的技术,它谈到的是生物医学工程。 仪器仪表,控制,自动化,感应等是在医学,fe,机器人技术(包括假体,仿生构件,肌电图仪),图像诊断(超声扫描,MRI)和 人体传感器(脉搏血氧仪,电极)。

Neural engineering is a branch of biomedical engineering and by its complexity, is totally acceptable that, everything from electrical engineering, neuroscience, biochemistry and others subjects, is all compacted into it. Getting started on electrical engineering point, since simulations to manufacture the first prototype, is required hard mathematical modeling, conditioning circuit, signal processing, power supply effectiveness, a study on interference based on electromagnetic dynamics, simulations and etc. After that, it must be integrated with the other areas to be acceptable. It is not that simple.

神经工程学是生物医学工程学的一个分支,并且由于其复杂性,电气工程,神经科学,生物化学和其他学科的所有内容都被压缩到其中是完全可以接受的。 自从模拟制造出第一个原型以来,电气工程的入门工作就需要进行严格的数学建模,调节电路,信号处理,电源有效性,基于电磁动力学的干扰研究,仿真等。 必须与其他领域整合在一起才能被接受。 这不是那么简单。

Neural engineers are interested in understanding, interfacing with and manipulating the nervous system. (…) One benefit of understanding this communication is to provide new ways to interface between neural tissue and manmade technologies. This is known as brain-machine interfacing. IEEE(EMB)

神经工程师对理解,连接和操纵神经系统感兴趣。 (…)了解这种交流的一个好处是提供了神经组织和人造技术之间接口的新方法。 这就是所谓的脑机接口。 IEEE(EMB)

Greg Dunn 格雷格·邓恩

But let’s suppose that the idea is feasible. Imagine an implanted device inside a head that could detect electrical signals from human body, especially on brain, neurological signals, brainstem connections, and the spinal system. Imagine that it can process visual, audition, motor activating sensor signals on this device. After that, picture this kind of tiny electrode applying an ideal and controlled stimuli pulse for a compromised neural network, the exact network that is responsible for the movement of a body member, or touch sense, visual network, and turning the paraplegic patient able to do a step, or blind into a watcher, or people with communication problems into speakers. Even more, send all those signals, responses, wireless to a computer, from the skin.

但是,让我们假设这个想法是可行的。 想象一下一个植入头部的设备,它可以检测到来自人体的电信号,尤其是大脑,神经系统信号,脑干连接以及 脊柱系统。 想象一下,它可以处理此设备上的视觉,听觉,电机激活传感器信号。 然后,想象这种微小的电极对受损的神经网络施加理想的可控刺激脉冲,该精确的网络负责机体的运动或触觉,视觉网络,并使截瘫患者能够做 一步,或者对观察者视而不见,对沟通有问题的人对讲者。 而且,还可以从皮肤向计算机发送所有这些信号,响应和无线信号。

I can say that this is totally getting out of the “paper” and going to some “heads”. Yes, and it is not a brand new Black Mirror episode.

我可以说这完全摆脱了“纸面”,走向了某些“头脑”。 是的,这不是全新的《 黑镜》剧集。

Elon Musk is beginning a new era of neural engineering. Not impossible for who’s already CEO of, a smart space rocket industry (SpaceX), and a robust, powerful, and effective vehicles industry (Tesla). He revealed Neuralink’s plans for brain-reading “threads” and a robot to insert them in an online Conference (August 2020).

伊隆·马斯克 ( Elon Musk )开创了神经工程的新纪元。 对于谁已经是智能太空火箭行业( SpaceX )和强大,强大且有效的汽车行业( Tesla )的首席执行官来说 ,这并非没有可能。 他透露了Neuralink的大脑读取“线程” 计划,以及一个将其插入在线会议( 2020年8月)中的机器人计划。

Neuralink develops and approaches the idea behind the brain-machine interface (BMI) or similar to the brain-computer interface (BCI) either. Instead of EEG (Electroencephalogram), a non-invasive method for neural monitoring, that results in blurred signals (mostly because of detecting difficulties), Neuralink shows the invasive model more effective, handling with secure and body compatibility.

Neuralink开发并接近了脑机接口( BMI )或类似于脑机接口( BCI )的思想。 Neuralink代替了会导致信号模糊(主要是由于检测困难)的一种非侵入式神经监测方法EEG (脑电图)Neuralink展示了一种更有效,具有安全性和身体兼容性的侵入性模型。

Actually, Elon is the Neuralink founder and majority owner of the company, but the CEO is Jared Birchall.

实际上, 埃隆(Elon)Neuralink的创始人和大股东,但首席执行官贾里德·比尔查尔 ( Jared Birchall)

Neuralink概述 (Neuralink Overview)

This section shows the overview of the structures of Neuralink technology.


Compared to the link of the last year (2019), the new device got some improvements. One to highlight is, the recharging evolution.

与去年( 2019年 )的链接相比,新设备进行了一些改进。 值得一提的是充电的发展。

  • Electrodes — has the same size scale as neighboring neurons and as flexible as possible; there are dozens of electrodes in a “thread” (a signal conductor and insulator of 43 milliliters long and totally flexible); microfabrication of the threads results from thin film metals and polymers resistant to corrosion from fluid in the tissue; it must have sufficient surface area to allow stimulation;

    电极-具有相同大小规模为邻近的神经元,并尽可能地灵活; “螺纹”中有数十个电极(信号导体和绝缘体长43毫升,完全柔软); 微细加工 线程数 结果来自 耐金属腐蚀的薄膜金属和聚合物; 它必须具有足够的表面积以允许刺激;

  • Chips — the Link of Neuralink needs to convert the small electrical signals (microvolts) recorded by each electrode into real-time neural information; it must have high-performance signal amplifiers and digitizers;

    芯片-NeuralinkLink需要将每个电极记录的小电信号(微伏)转换为实时神经信息; 它必须具有高性能的信号放大器和数字化仪;

  • Packaging —Link needs to be protected from the fluid and salts that bathe surrounding tissue on the brain; it’s very hard when that enclosure must be constructed from biocompatible materials; multiple components with a process that builds them as a single component is presented;

    包装—必须保护Link免受浸入大脑周围组织的液体和盐的影响; 当该罩必须由生物相容性材料制成时,这非常困难; 介绍了多个组件,以及将它们构建为单个组件的过程;

  • Neurosurgery — the threads are too thin to be manipulated by hand and too flexible to go into the brain on their own (imagine trying to sew a button with thread but no needle); it needs to safely insert them with precision and efficiency; the solution is based on a new kind of surgical robot.

    神经外科—螺纹太细 用手操纵并且太灵活而不能自己进入大脑(想像一下要缝一个有线但没有针的按钮); 需要安全,准确,高效地插入它们; 该解决方案基于一种新型的手术机器人。

Neuralink chip.
neuralink.com) Neuroink.com )

Threads, which are smaller than human hair and are 4 to 6 micrometers in diameter, can transfer huge amounts of data, and 32 threads contain 1024 electrodes per array.


Inductor Charger.
neuralink.com) Neuroink.com )

The Neuralink chip has the inductive charge method. To get the Neuralink, the robot puts in the electrodes and does the automated surgery in less than one hour, making the patient possible to leave the hospital on the same day and without general anesthesia.

Neuralink芯片具有感应充电方法。 为了获得N euralink,机器人将电极插入并在不到一小时的时间内进行自动手术,使患者可以在同一天离开医院而无需全身麻醉。

Surgery robot for neuralink.
VB — The Machine) 机器 )

The first thing that Link will do is detect neuron activity, by using signal processing to control an outside computer. As the users think about moving their arms or hands, it could decode those intentions, which would be sent over Bluetooth to the user’s computer interface.

的第一件事是链接将做的是检测神经元的活动通过使用 信号处理以控制外部计算机。 如用户所想 关于移动手臂或手,它可以解码这些意图,这些意图将通过蓝牙发送到用户的计算机界面。

The Neuralink app would allow to control an iOS device, keyboard, and mouse directly with the activity of the brain, just by thinking about it.


Neuralink App
Website) 网站 )

We plan to help people with severe spinal cord injury by giving them the ability to control computers and mobile devices directly with their brains. Neuralink

我们计划通过使他们能够直接用大脑控制计算机和移动设备的方式来帮助患有严重脊髓损伤的人。 神经链

实验 (Experiment)

This section shows three important experiments with three pigs (very similar structures to the human brain) done at the last Neuralink conference presented by Elon Musk.

本部分显示了上一次由Elon Musk提出的Neuralink会议上对三头猪(与人脑非常相似的结构)进行的三个重要实验。

The first experiment shows that the first pig, Dorothy, remains healthy and happy, after an implant removing procedure as a result of the factual reversibility of the chip.


The second experiment shows the spikes and sounds beeps of neural connection with the chip. When the other pig, Gertrude, snuffles around and touches something with her nose. The blue wave at the figure below, shows the accumulative spikes of activation from electrodes connections with neurons, in white dots, on time. Gertrude had been with the link for over two months, with health.

第二个实验显示与芯片神经连接的尖峰和声音蜂鸣声 。 当另一头猪格特鲁德 乱打,用鼻子摸东西。 下图的蓝波显示了电极与神经元的连接在时间上的累积激活峰值(以白色圆点表示)。 格特鲁德(Gertrude)保持健康已有两个多月了。

Reading Brain Activity
Neuralink Conference Neuralink会议

The last one shows the comparison of the measured motor activity and the predicted with computer vision of the shoulder, elbow, carpal, and trotter joints, in order, of the pig in a treadmill. Yes, a pig on a treadmill!

最后一个显示了在跑步机上对猪的肩膀,肘,腕和猪蹄关节的运动活动进行了比较,并用计算机视觉进行了预测。 是的,在跑步机上的猪!

Reading Brain Activity with Predictions
Neuralink Conference Neuralink会议

The experiment results show the good functionality of the implanted system.


Neuralink详细 (Neuralink Detailed)

This section shows detailed information from Neuralink chip operation modeling, in terms of hardware and software functionality. It will detail starting from the “macro” to the micro way point of view.

本节从硬件和软件功能方面显示了来自Neuralink芯片操作建模的详细信息。 它将详细说明开始 从“宏观”到微观的角度。

The first Neuralink project is detection. As the neuron fires, the spike (or action potentials) connects to one of the 1024 electrodes channels. The pulse needs to flow into a passband filter (instead of a time domain, there is a frequency domain, so there is a bandwidth frequency range of the neural spike that needs to remain) to exclude noise signals.

第一个Neuralink项目是检测。 随着神经元的发射,峰值(或动作电位)连接到1024个电极通道之一。 脉冲需要流入通带滤波器(而不是时域,而是频域,因此需要保留神经尖峰的带宽频率范围)以排除噪声信号。

For a better manipulating, this filtered signal needs to be amplified digitized by an analog to digital converter (ADC). After processing it on an internal microprocessor, the signal must be converted in digital to analog (DAC) and, finally, amplified be wireless transmitted, as Neuralink engineers confirm, Bluetooth low energy radiofrequency (2.4 GHz).

为了更好地进行处理,此滤波后的信号需要通过模数转换器( ADC )进行数字化放大。 处理它的内部微处理器后,信号必须在数字转换为模拟(DAC),最后扩增BE 正如Neuralink工程师确认的那样,无线传输是蓝牙低功耗射频( 2.4 GHz )。

The following image illustrates a simplified flowchart (from the author’s point of view) for the signal and the small idea of the BCI initial process (neural detection and stimulation process).


Flowchart of neuralink
Scheme-It) Scheme-It上编辑)

Some additional blocks could be included in the chart. For example, in the process before the transmission switch, could be mixed an oscillator, with the output amplified signal, for a better signal modulation in a specific frequency. This procedure allows a better telecommunication signal processing, in terms of power and signal-to-noise factor. Or even a conditioning circuitry block for power supply. For simplicity, are not included such specifications on the flowchart.

图表中可能包含一些其他块。 例如,在 传输开关可以与振荡器混合,并与输出放大后的信号混合,以便在特定频率下更好地调制信号。 就功率和信噪比而言,此过程可实现更好的电信信号处理。 甚至是用于电源的调节电路块。 为简单起见,这些规格未包含在 流程图。

All the processes in the flowchart in terms of sensing, amplification, conversion, and processing, are totally integrated on the N1 chip of the Neuralink. N1 is a totally customized ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) for the brain's specifications, assuming that there is nothing on the market that provides such features, as neural amplifiers f.e.

流程图中有关感测,放大,转换和处理的所有过程都是 完全集成在NeuralinkN1芯片上。 N1是一个完全定制的ASIC(专用集成电路),对大脑的规格,假设没有什么是提供了这样的功能,在市场上,如神经放大器FE

The duration of an action potential is one millisecond. N1 digitizes it at 20 kHz, so the hole signal is divided into 20 pieces to process.

动作电位的持续时间为一毫秒N1将其以20 kHz的频率数字化,因此空穴信号被分为20个部分进行处理。

The ADC divides the magnitude of each piece in 1024 levels, so N1 has 10 bits of resolution (as the digitized conversion is only about ‘1’ and ‘0’, total bits is 2¹⁰ = 1024). The detection process duration is, 900 nanoseconds (0.0000009s), and this is determined by the internal clock of the N1. Considering neural speed communication, everything on Link happens faster than the brain!

ADC将每段的幅度划分为1024个级别,因此N1具有10位分辨率( 由于数字化转换仅约为'1'和'0',所以总位为2 1 = 1024 )。 在检测过程中持续时间为,900个纳秒 (0.0000009s),并且这是由N1的内部时钟确定。 考虑到神经速度交流, Lin k上的所有事物发生的速度都比大脑快!

N1 Sensor.
Image: Neuralink (2019)

The entire Neuralink measures 23 x 8 mm. Going inside of N1 SOC (System-On-Chip), which has 5 x 4 mm, it’s possible to find 1024 channels for all electrodes. Each channel has a noise correction factor of 7.2 micro Volts. For each thread channel, there is an analog pixel with 6.6 micro Watts of power consummation.

整个Neuralink尺寸为23 x 8毫米 。 进入具有5 x 4 mmN1 SOC (片上系统 )的内部,可以为所有电极找到1024个通道。 每个通道的噪声校正系数为7.2微伏 。 为每个线程的信道,存在与功率完善 6.6微瓦的模拟像素。

N1 SOC Chip.

Over time, Neuralink improved three version revisions of the analog pixel, in size, power consumption while maintaining its performance. The last version on the right, (see figure below), is five times smaller than the known state of the art. Each pixel is dedicated to each electrode, as published in academic literature.

随着时间的流逝, Neuralink改进了模拟像素的三个版本修订,在尺寸,功耗方面保持了 性能。 右边的最后一个版本(参见下图)比已知的最新技术小五倍。 如学术文献中所公开的,每个像素专用于每个电极。

Analog Pixel os N1.

Let’s zoom in more, going from the analog pixel channel thru the thread with the electrodes. A hair has a 100 microns of diameter, the thread called the linear edge, has the electrodes, whereas each one has 5 microns! Neuralink made over 20 designs of the threads, and the goal was to increase the number of the electrode at each channel, without significantly increase the width of these threads at the base (see figure below).

让我们进一步放大,从模拟像素通道到带有电极的螺纹。 头发的直径为100微米 ,线称为线性边缘,带有电极, 而每个都有5微米Neuralink对螺纹进行了20多种设计,目标是增加每个通道上的电极数量,而又不显着增加这些螺纹在底部的宽度(请参见下图)

Threads Designs.

However, as the number of electrodes increases, these raw digital signals become too much information to upload with low power devices, and, in this case, N1 essentially saturates in signal processing, and may cause wrong measurements and overheating f.e.


The surgery robot must precisely do the incision and implant exactly on specific spots that do not harm the bloodstream.

手术机器人必须精确地做 将切口准确地植入不损害血液的特定部位。

Speaking on software, there isn’t one programming language describing all algorithms for the Link and the surgery robot. To have an idea, at the low levels of chip programming, in terms of the registers and peripherals structures, it uses Verilog, but it also uses C, C++, Python, Java…

在软件方面,没有一种编程语言可以描述Link和手术机器人的所有算法。 可以想见,在低级的芯片编程方面,就寄存器和外设结构而言,它使用Verilog ,但也使用CC ++Python,Java…

最后考虑 (Final Considerations)

This section presents some considerations about Neuralink's future visions and the author’s opinion.


  1. Control or insulate the brain electric field of the entire implant ought to be accomplished, even detecting spikes or stimulating them;

  2. Decrease material resistance for cleaner detection, as the electrode detects the action potential spikes. This procedure will optimize the filter and amplifier;

    降低材料电阻以进行更清洁的检测,因为电极可以检测到动作电位尖峰。 此过程将优化滤波器和放大器。
  3. Decreasing the thickness of the electrode is a huge gain, but it results in a reduction in the cross-section of a conductor, directly influencing the flow of electrical current. So the main objective is to optimize these correlated functions;

    减小电极的厚度是一个巨大的进步,但它会导致导体横截面的减小,从而直接影响电流的流动。 因此,主要目标是优化这些相关功能。
  4. Elon Musk revealed that, Link including surgery procedure, it will cost a few thousand dollars and will decrease it over time;

    埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)透露, 链接(包括手术程序)将花费数千美元,并且随着时间的流逝将减少;

  5. One thing to prevent is the internal and external interference, such that sealing the Link package must be as better as it can possible, mainly the electronic circuit insulation;

    要防止的一件事是内部和外部干扰,因此必须密封Link封装 如,因为它可以更好地可能,主要是电子电路绝缘;

  6. In the conference was discussed that in the future it will possible to make a backup and replay the memories. In additional, probably will be able to export communication that is hard to expose, like ideas, engineering models, art, music, using f.e. augmented reality;

    在会议上讨论了将来可能进行备份并重播回忆。 此外,可能还可以使用增强现实技术导出难以公开的交流,例如思想,工程模型,艺术,音乐。
  7. Put an end on diseases (control chemical, enzyme productions), cure anxiety, depression, autism, and etc.

  8. The Neuralink will process the external cortex, in special motor, sensing, vision, auditory, and language areas. But when talking about emotions, consciousness, psychological behavior, at the moment, will be limited to detect and study. Those are located in profound regions, like the hypothalamus. To reach these regions isn’t reasonable just extend a thread. Other scientists present at the conference related that brain movements, physical impacts, and the whole structure must be studied. But it is possible.

    Neuralink将处理特殊运动,感觉,视觉,听觉和语言区域中的外部皮层。 但是,当谈及情感时,目前意识,心理行为仅限于发现和研究。 那些位于下丘脑等深远的区域。 要到达这些区域是不合理的,只需扩展一个线程即可。 与会的其他科学家认为,必须研究大脑的运动,身体的影响以及整个结构。 但是有可能。

编辑推荐和参考 (Editor’s Recommendations and References)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/neuralink-from-elon-musk-is-literally-mind-blowing-ae622a44fe97






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