

Whether you’re a beginner in the UX field or an experienced designer, there is definitely a lot of confusion revolving around the different UX disciplines and how companies choose to list roles.


I really don’t think I can count the number of arguments that I see online about the differences between these disciplines:


UX Designer


UI Designer


UX Researcher


Product Designer


There are even more UX job titles other than those four (Customer Experience Designer, UX Writer, Interaction Designer, and the list goes on) but I’m choosing to focus on these main four.

除了这四个之外,还有更多的UX职位( 客户体验设计师UX编写器交互设计器 ,并且清单不胜枚举),但我选择重点关注这四个。

The disputes are endless, so I wanted to address this confusing topic for many people. So what is the difference between all of these job titles?

争执不休,所以我想为许多人解决这个令人困惑的话题。 那么所有这些职位之间有什么区别?

The real answer is: It depends.


Depends on what? Well… usually the company. Every company has different needs depending on size, customers, audience, methodology, values, etc.

依靠什么? 好吧...通常是公司。 每家公司都有不同的需求,具体取决于规模,客户,受众,方法,价值等。

Some companies don’t even know the difference themselves so they will just post a job called UX Designer when in reality the description might actually be for a Web Designer, or even a hybrid Designer/Developer role.

有些公司甚至不知道它们之间的区别,因此他们实际上会发布一个名为UX Designer的工作,而实际上该描述可能是针对Web Designer或什至是混合Designer / Developer角色的。

Each company is different in how they choose to separate and overlap these functions, and some are just downright uninformed.


If the company has only one product that is small-scale then there may not be a need for separate UX, UI, and research roles, and that’s okay.


The argument for these roles needing to be separated is definitely valid for larger corporations with a bigger UX need, but that’s not necessarily relevant for all companies.


For example in my full-time job, my title is Senior UX Designer, but I’m often doing the function of a UX Researcher, UX Designer, and UI Designer. My company doesn’t have that large amount of UX work to separate all these roles so it makes the most sense for me to take on all of these functions, and that is 100% okay.

例如,在我的全职工作中,我的职位是高级UX设计器,但我经常担任UX研究人员,UX设计器和UI设计器的职务。 我的公司没有大量的UX工作来分离所有这些角色,因此对我来说承担所有这些功能是最有意义的,这是100%可以的。

Even though the differences can often depend on how companies perceive each function, there is a rather definitive difference between them.


Use the information below to help you understand the main differences in all four of these disciplines, how you can understand which role may be right for you, and how you can stay cautious to avoid those job postings that just flat out don’t make sense.


Let’s jump right in.


用户体验设计师 (UX Designer)

The UX Designer is the most popular job title of the User Experience boom, but it is also the most misused.


Basically, to put it into simple terms, the UX Designer focuses on the user’s encounter with the product, the psychology behind the decisions, the usability best practices, the flow, the architecture, and the overall intuitiveness of what they are designing.


A UX Designer will have some of the following job functions:


Information Architecture


Site Maps


User Flows


Low Fidelity Wireframes


(sometimes) High Fidelity Wireframes




The job of a User Experience Designer is essentially to build a usable architecture within the product and a flow that is intuitive for the user.


With all that being said, it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t find job postings that have more responsibilities. In fact, you likely will. A lot of job postings will label the job “UX Designer” when in reality, you could be doing research and UI work in that one role.

话虽如此,这并不一定意味着您不会找到责任更大的职位。 实际上,您可能会。 在现实中,您可能会在一个角色中从事研究和UI工作,因此很多职位都将职位标记为“ UX设计器”。

You might also see some job postings as I mentioned earlier that sound like a hybrid UX Designer/Front End Developer. To each their own but in my opinion, run from these.

您可能还会看到一些我之前提到的职位发布,听起来像是混合UX设计器/前端开发人员。 对于每个人自己,但我认为,从这些出发。

Expecting one person to do both the job of a designer and a developer is not very realistic. This is another controversy in the product design world, something I will likely save for another article.

期望一个人同时担任设计师和开发商的工作不是很现实。 这是产品设计领域的另一项争议,我可能会在另一篇文章中保留一下。

UI设计师 (UI Designer)

The role of a UI Designer is to focus mostly on the visual aspect of a product, but will still need to keep UX practices in mind. It’s the UI Designer who decides whether the buttons are square or have rounded corners, the colors, fonts, and UI elements such as dropdowns or tags.

UI Designer的角色主要是关注产品的视觉方面,但仍然需要牢记UX习惯。 由UI Designer决定按钮是正方形还是带有圆角,颜色,字体和UI元素(例如下拉菜单或标签)。

Here are some major responsibilities of a UI Designer:


High Fidelity Wireframes


Polished UI design


Creating or sourcing icons/imagery


Creating and maintaining Pattern Libraries and Style Guides


Preparing the design for prototyping


(sometimes) UI animations such as loading indicators or other interaction feedback


If you are learning User Interface Design but are not interested in UX or research, I would suggest that you still learn the basics of UX.


I always see people discuss online how to be a UI Designer without having to know any UX. It’s possible, but when it comes to building your portfolio and landing a job, it’s a thousand times more likely you will have success if you have a well rounded set of both UX and UI skills.

我总是看到人们在网上讨论如何成为UI设计器而不必了解任何UX。 这是可能的,但是如果您拥有全面的UX UI技能,那么在建立投资组合和找到工作方面,成功的可能性就高一千倍。

The reason I say this is because, for those people who are doing the Daily UI challenge or something similar to build their portfolio, your shot is nothing without an explanation, a prototype, or a case study.

我之所以这么说是因为,对于那些正在进行“ 每日UI挑战”或类似工作以构建自己的作品集的人来说,没有任何解释,原型或案例研究,您的拍摄就算是什么。

Your beautiful eye-catching interface will not make sense if anyone asks you questions like “How do I get back?” or “What does this button do?”

如果有人问您“我如何回来?”之类的问题,那么漂亮的醒目界面将毫无意义。 或“此按钮的作用是什么?”

用户体验研究员 (UX Researcher)

A User Experience Researcher is in charge of the entire research and testing process in relation to UX Design. The UX Researcher usually works up front and ahead of the designers to gather findings that help inform the design process and decisions.

用户体验研究员负责与UX设计有关的整个研究和测试过程。 UX研究人员通常在设计人员之前和之后进行工作,以收集有助于设计过程和决策的发现。

Here are some responsibilities of a UX Researcher:


Heuristic Evaluations


Competitive Analysis


3rd Party Research


User Interview/Surveys


Day in the life/Diary Studies


Creating Insights from Research


Creating Personas


User Testing


As stated earlier, some UX Design jobs can require you to also be doing UX Research, so in my opinion, it is really important to know the functions of UX Research as a UX Designer.

如前所述,某些UX设计工作可能需要您也进行UX Research,因此,我认为了解UX Research作为UX设计器的功能非常重要。

产品设计师 (Product Designer)

This is where these job titles get a little bit tricky. In the case of a Product Designer, every person and company tend to have a different definition of this specific title.

这些职位在这里变得有些棘手。 对于产品设计师 ,每个人和每个公司对这个特定标题的定义都有不同的定义。

My perspective is that a Product Designer is the catch-all UX designer. The designer that when creating products, completes all of the above that I just talked about.

我的观点是,产品设计师是所有用户体验设计师。 设计师在创建产品时,完成了我刚才谈到的所有上述工作。

A Product Designer will be responsible for the research, the UX, IA, UI, and the testing. This is seen a lot in smaller-scale companies or in startups.

产品设计师将负责研究,UX,IA,UI和测试。 在较小规模的公司或初创公司中,这种现象屡见不鲜。

I’ve also noticed that the title Product Designer tends to be used a lot in the Silicon Valley/San Francisco area where designers are expected to have all of these skills.


You’ll hear a lot of people say that it’s unrealistic for these job requirements to be met by one person and that we need to be specialists, not generalists, but when it comes to UX functions, I really do see a time and a place for both.


我对UX与UI辩论的立场 (My stance on the UX vs UI debate)

If you don’t already know, the debate about the difference between UX and UI is a pretty largely discussed controversy in the product design world.


Needless to say, there are many opinions on this subject, so I wanted to offer my professional opinion.


Yes, UX and UI are two different things. I’ll make that statement clear for sure.

是的,UX和UI是两回事。 我将明确声明。

But no, you can’t have one without the other. What I mean by that is, although companies may make them 2 different jobs, these two functions MUST work together to be successful.

但是不,你不能没有一个。 我的意思是,尽管公司可能为他们提供2个不同的工作,但这两个功能必须协同工作才能成功。

You can’t have a UI design succeed without UX thought. Therefore a UI designer can’t be as successful unless they have 1. a UX Designer on their team, or 2. UX Design skills themselves.

没有UX的思想,UI设计就无法成功。 因此,UI设计师除非拥有1. UX设计师团队或2. UX设计技能,否则他们将无法取得成功。

The same thing goes for a UX Designer. You can’t have a successful interface if it has poor visual design. Therefore a UX Designer can’t be as successful unless they have 1. a UI Designer on their team, or 2. UI Design skills themselves.

UX设计器也是如此。 如果界面的视觉设计不佳,您将无法获得成功的界面。 因此,除非UX设计人员没有团队中的1. UI设计人员,或2. UI设计技能本身,否则他们不会成功。

At the end of the day all of these job titles are under the UX umbrella, but they all have different functions and responsibilities.


Whether it’s better to be a generalist and know all of them or a specialist and only know one is really up to you. There’s no right or wrong way.

成为一名通才并认识所有这些人还是成为专家,只知道一个人是完全取决于您。 没有对与错的方法。

Depending on the career path you choose, the area you live in, the job you want, and the company you work for will help you determine whether you prefer to be really great at just one, or have skills in all of them and be more of a Product Designer.


But like anything in life, the more well-rounded you are, the more attractive you will be to potential employers.


Mallory Kim is a Senior UX Designer, UX Mentor, and a Top Writer in Design on Medium. Mallory is on Facebook and Instagram and would love to connect or chat!

Mallory Kim是一位高级 UX设计师UX导师以及“中等”设计方面顶级作家 。 Mallory在FacebookInstagram上,并且希望联系或聊天!

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/ux-designer-ui-designer-product-designer-and-ux-researcher-whats-the-difference-a735122f51b1


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