python 示例_包含示例的python基本数据类型的完整指南

python 示例

I’m listening to Eminem as I’m writing this and I’m pretty sure he didn’t know much about Data Types in Python; or even Data Science for that matter. Then again, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be that interested in it as he’s doing pretty well for himself.

在写这篇文章时,我正在听Eminem,我可以肯定他对Python数据类型了解不多; 甚至是数据科学。 再说一次,我很确定他不会对此感兴趣,因为他为自己做的很好。

Python is a very dynamic language and the flexibility on offer has resulted in it becoming one of the most popular languages: you can literally build anything in Python.


Given that, the types of data you use in Python are the very foundations that you’ll build your research on. Concepts like immutability seem complicated at first but will eventually become centre to a lot of the decisions you make.

鉴于此,您将在Python上使用的数据类型是您进行研究的基础。 immutability概念immutability看起来似乎很复杂,但最终将成为您做出的许多决定的中心。

As such, knowing the different data types will help your research projects as you’ll need to be able to comfortably control, handle and augment data.


In what follows, I go over a variety of topics and briefly demonstrate their various forms of function.


数值类型 (Numeric Types)

A Numeric data type can be of different varieties. It can be Integer, Float or Complex Numbers.

Numeric数据类型可以具有不同的种类。 它可以是IntegerFloatComplex

Integers are a whole number which can be positive or negative. Integers can be Decimal (base 10), Octal (base 8) or Hexadecimal (base 16). For example, 5 is Decimal, 0o546 is Octal and 0X5AE is Hexadecimal. An Octal number must start with 0o and a Hexadecimal must start with 0X, otherwise, Python will throw error.

Integers 是可以为正或为负的整数。 Integers可以是Decimal (以10为底), Octal (以8为底)或Hexadecimal (以16为底)。 例如,5是Decimal ,0o546是Octal ,0X5AE是HexadecimalOctal数必须以0o开头,而Hexadecimal必须以0X开头,否则, Python会引发错误。

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Floats are real numbers with a decimal point. For scientific notations, sometimes there can be a character e or E, followed by a positive or negative integer, may be appended. For example, 7.5 is a Float. If you perform any mathematical operation with an integer and a float, the result will be a float.

Floats 是带小数点的实数。 对于科学记数法,有时可能会附加字符e或E,后跟正或负整数。 例如,7.5是Float 。 如果使用整数和浮点数执行任何数学运算,则结果将是浮点数。

Complex Numbers are specified as (real part) + (imaginary part). For example, a complex number is 3+4j. Remember, it does not matter how you write it (you can write as 4j+3), but Python will always take the real part first and then the imaginary part (3+4j).

Complex 数字被指定为(实部)+(虚部)。 例如, complex是3 + 4j。 请记住,如何编写(可以写为4j + 3)并不重要,但是Python始终会先占实部,然后是imaginary部(3 + 4j)。

Let us see some examples of Numeric data types in python.


# Float Data Type
d = 2.5
print("Float Data :", d)e = a/d
print("Integer and Float Mathematical Operations result in Float Data: ", e)# Complex Number Data Type
f = 3 + 4j
print("Complex Number : ", f)g = 5j + 6
print("Real Part first, then Complex part next: ", g)

The Output of the above program will be as follows:


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序列类型 (Sequence Types)

A sequence is an ordered collection of similar or different types of elements. In many programming languages, array is considered as the sequence data type, but Python does not use array. It uses more versatile data types like String, List and Tuple.

sequence是相似或不同类型元素的有序collection 。 在许多编程语言中, array被视为sequence数据类型,但是Python不使用数组。 它使用更通用的数据类型,例如StringListTuple

字符串类型 (String Types)

Python does not support character data types. In Python, a character is a String of length 1. A String is a collection of one or more characters inside quotes. The quotes can be single (‘’), double (“”) or triple (‘’’’’’). Accessing any element of a String can be done using Indexing. Indexing starts from 0 in Python. Let us look at an example of how to access elements of a String using Indexing.

Python不支持character数据类型。 在Python中,字符是长度为1的StringString是引号内一个或多个字符的集合。 引号可以是单(”),双(“”)或三(“''”)。 可以使用索引来访问String任何元素。 在Python索引从0开始。 让我们看一个如何使用索引访问String元素的示例。

str = ‘Hello World’
print(str[0]) # Output: "H"
print(str[3]) # Output: "l"
print(len(str)) # Output: 11
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In the above code chunk, we can see that using the index position allows us to access the element of a String. In the String “Hello World”, The 1st element is “H” which is at index position 0. Similarly, at index position 3, the element is “l”.

在上面的代码块中,我们可以看到使用索引位置可以访问String的元素。 在String “ Hello World”中,第一个元素是“ H”,它在索引位置0。类似地,在索引位置3,元素是“ l”。

One important aspect of String is that they are immutable. For an immutable object, it fixes its value once it is assigned. Let us look at the following example.

String一个重要方面是它们是immutable 。 对于不可变的对象,一旦分配,它就固定其值。 让我们看下面的例子。

a = “Hello”
print(id(a)) # Output : 4352473136



a = “World”
print(id(a)) # Output : 4352473328



print(a[0]) # Output: W



a[0] = “x” 
## Output: TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

In this example, when we assign a = “Hello” and then a = “World”, it does not mean “Hello” is replaced by “World”. It means that another section of the memory is now assigned a value of “World” i.e., there are now two different memory blocks containing “Hello” and “World” and the variable a is assigned now to the memory block containing “World” that previously was pointing to the memory block containing “Hello”. This is called immutability and when we are trying to change the value of the String, it is giving error.

在此示例中,当我们先分配一个=“ Hello” ,然后分配一个=“ World”时 ,并不意味着“ Hello”被“ World”代替。 这意味着现在为memory另一部分分配了“世界”值,即,现在有两个不同的memory blocks包含“你好”和“世界”,并且变量a现在已分配给包含“世界”的memory block ,以前指向的是包含“ Hello”的memory block 。 这称为immutability ,当我们尝试更改String的值时,它给出了错误。

清单类型 (List Types)

A List is an ordered set of elements enclosed in square brackets. A list can have multiple types of data types. A List is mutable. Objects can be added or removed from a list. When you print a list, it retains the order in which the elements were inserted into the list. Elements of a list can be accessed using Indexing. Let us look a few examples of list and indexing on a list.

List是括在方括号中的元素的有序集合。 list可以具有多种类型的数据类型。 Listmutable 。 可以在list添加或删除Objects 。 当您打印list ,它会保留将元素插入list的顺序。 list元素可以使用Indexing访问。 让我们看一下list和在list上建立索引的一些示例。

# Empty List
list1 = list()
print("Empty List: ", list) # Sequence in List
list2 = list(range(5))
print("Sequence in a List: ", list2)# Variables in sequence
a = "COEUS"
list3 = list(a)
print("Variable in a sequence in a list: ", list3)# Accessing list, indexing
list4 = ['COEUS', 'Machine Learning', 'Python']
print("The List is ", list4)
print("First Element of List4 is ", list4[0])
print("Last Element of List4 is ", list4[-1])

The output of the above code snippet is as follows:


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元组类型 (Tuple Types)

A tuple is like a list, but it is immutable. As a tuple is immutable, it cannot be changed. But a subset of tuple can be used to create a new tuple. All the index operations in a tuple is same as that of list. A tuple can be created without any parenthesis also. It is called as “Tuple Packing”. Let us take a look at a code snippet of tuple.

tuple就像一个list ,但它是immutable 。 由于tupleimmutable ,因此无法更改。 但是,可以使用元组的子集来创建新的元组。 元组中的所有索引操作都与列表相同。 也可以在没有任何括号的情况下创建一个元组。 它被称为“元组包装”。 让我们看一下元组的代码片段。

# Declaring a tuple
tup1 = ("Python", "Machine Learning", 15, 35)# Index in a Tuple
tup2 = ("Python", "Java", "C#", "SQL")
print("Index operation in tuple ", tup2.index("C#"))
print("R" in tup2)
print("SQL" in tup2)

Where the output of the above snippet is,


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布尔型 (Boolean Type)

Python supports Boolean Data Types. There are two values for Boolean data types — True and False. Python is case sensitive, so True is not same as ‘true’. Hence, using true and false in Python will throw an error:

Python支持Boolean数据类型。 Boolean数据类型有两个值TrueFalse 。 Python区分大小写,因此True与'true'不同。 因此,在Python中使用true和false将引发错误:

print(type(True))  # Output : <class ‘bool’>
print(type(False)) # Output : <class ‘bool’>
print(type(true)) # Output : NameError: name 'true' is not defined
print(type(false)) # Output : NameError: name 'false' is not defined

In the screenshot above, we can see that the type “bool” is being returned for “True” and “False”. But when we are putting something else, it is throwing error.

在上面的屏幕截图中,我们可以看到为“ True ”和“ False ”返回的类型为“布尔”。 但是当我们放其他东西时,它会抛出错误。

设定类型 (Set Type)

Set is an unordered collection of unique elements i.e., no duplicate values exist in a set. The elements in a set is heterogeneous i.e., different types of elements can be there in a set. Set’s are also mutable. Let us look at some examples of set in the following screenshot.

Set是唯一元素的无序集合,即set不存在重复值。 在该元件set是异质即,不同类型的元素可在那里setSet's也是可变的 。 让我们在以下屏幕快照中查看set的一些示例。

set1 = {1,2,3,4,5}#Defining a set using the set() function
a = set("123456")
# Printing two sets
print("Set1 :", set1)
set2 = {4,5,6,7,8}
print("Set 2:", set2)# Union of two sets
print("union of set1 and set2 results in:")
print(set1|set2)# Intersection of two sets
print("Intersection of set1 and set2 results in:")
print(set1&set2)# Difference of two sets
print("Difference of set1 and set2 results in: ")
print(set1 - set2)
print("Difference of set2 and set1 results in: ")
print(set2 - set1)

The output of the above snippet is,


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字典类型 (Dictionary Type)

A Dictionary is an unordered collection of arbitrary objects. Dictionaries have a key-value pair, rather than positional offset. This is where dictionary is different from List, Tuple or Set which work on the offset positions. Dictionary is represented as a series of “key:value” pairs, separated by commas and enclosed in curly braces {}. Dictionary items can be fetched using the “key”. All the keys in a dictionary are in sorted order. The following code snippet screenshot gives some examples of a dictionary in Python.

Dictionary是任意对象的无序集合。 Dictionaries具有键值对,而不是位置偏移。 这是dictionary不同于ListTupleSet ,后者在偏移位置上工作。 Dictionary用一系列“ keyvalue ”对表示,用逗号分隔并用花括号{}括起来。 可以使用“ key ”来获取Dictionary项。 dictionary中的所有键均按排序顺序。 下面的代码片段屏幕截图给出了一些Python dictionary示例。

# Creating an empty Dictionary
d1 = {}
print("Example of Empty Dictionary: ", d1)# Creating a dictionary with a key: value pair
d2 = {1: "Python", 2: "Machine Learning", 3: "AI", 4: "R"}
print("Example of a dictionary :", d2)# Functions in a dictionary
print("Fetching a value using a key: ", d2[2])
print("Fetching all the keys: ", d2.keys())
print("Length of d2L ", len(d2))
print(1 in d2)
print(5 in d2)
print("Values in d2: ", d2.values())
print("Items in d2: ", d2.items())

Where the output is,


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The above article is a short introduction into data types in Python, along with a few examples to help the reader with any implementation issues they may have.


Data Science has changed in the few years that it’s been around and as the python language itself develops, it’s important that any practitioners in the space understand these deep fundamentals so that if anything changes on the Python language side or the data they’ve received looks weird and isn’t playing ball, then they can at least quickly diagnose the issue and crack on.


Thanks for reading, and please let me know if you have any questions!


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