wwdc2019_WWDC 2020 iOS设计亮点


Years ago in high school, I walked into the WWDC conference lobby in Moscone West just out of curiosity. I spent a lot of my free time in downtown San Francisco, and thought I’d might as well check it out with a friend. I had no business being there, but as an Apple fan, I couldn’t help but feel excited and curious. Though I didn’t know I’d enter into a product design career at the time, I guess you can say it’s been a dream of mine for a while to attend.

几年前,出于好奇,我走进Moscone West的WWDC会议大厅。 我在旧金山市中心度过了很多空闲时间,并认为最好还是和朋友一起看看。 我没有生意可做,但是作为苹果迷,我不禁感到兴奋和好奇。 尽管我当时不知道自己会从事产品设计工作,但我想您可以说这是我参加一段时间的梦想。

However, with it being all virtual and free this year for obvious reasons, looks like that dream will have to wait. Nevertheless, Apple did not fail to disappoint and has undoubtedly set a new bar for virtual conferences.

但是,由于显而易见的原因,由于今年所有这些都是虚拟的和免费的,因此似乎梦dream以求。 尽管如此,苹果公司并没有让他们失望,并且无疑为虚拟会议树立了新的标准。

The week kicked off with what was essentially a 2-hour long movie they called a Keynote, followed by a week of sessions, slowly released at 10AM every morning. As a mobile product designer, my biggest focus of the week was learning more about iOS 14, and the new features and interaction patterns it offers.

本周以他们称为Keynote的2个小时长的电影拉开序幕,随后为期一周的课程,每天上午10点慢慢放映。 作为移动产品设计师,我本周最大的精力是学习有关iOS 14的更多信息,以及它提供的新功能和交互模式。

Here are some of the biggest highlights for me and things that I’m most excited about as a user and designer.


A collage of an iPhone home screen with widgets and individual widgets


The home screen has seen little change since the launch of the iPhone. Folders, Force Touch, and the Today view have added various layers to the experience, but at its core, Home has essentially remained the same. This changes dramatically with the launch of features like Widgets and App Library.

自iPhone推出以来,主屏幕几乎没有变化。 文件夹,Force Touch和“今日”视图为体验增加了多个层次,但从本质上讲,“家庭”基本上保持不变。 随着小部件和应用程序库等功能的推出,这种情况发生了巨大变化。

A collage of individual widgets

小部件 (Widgets)

Widgets have now made their way to add delight and utility to the home screen, without requiring users to open an app. This disrupts the traditional app grid, in favor of displaying information that an app believes might be important to a user. It also enables further home screen personalization for end-users.

现在,小部件已开始向主屏幕添加乐趣和实用性,而无需用户打开应用程序。 这破坏了传统的应用程序网格,有利于显示应用程序认为可能对用户重要的信息。 它还为最终用户提供了进一步的主屏幕个性化。

Given the amount of real estate and nature of these widgets, I can see this leading many people to create more dedicated pages within their home screens. For example, one might have a page to start their morning, filled with widgets for news, weather, e-mail, stocks and other information that might be important for them to consume at a glance during breakfast or their commute.

考虑到这些小部件的不动产和性质,我可以看到这导致许多人在其主屏幕上创建更多专用页面。 例如,可能有一个页面开始他们的早晨,里面装满了新闻,天气,电子邮件,股票和其他信息的小部件,这些小部件可能对他们在早餐或上下班途中一目了然重要。

From a design perspective, this is a huge area of opportunity. It allows your app to make Home feel more personal, informational, and contextual, and gives you a new angle to grab a user’s attention outside of the traditional notification system. I, however, say that with a bit of hesitation as I can see how widgets could engage in a form of attention war, leading to unwanted cognitive overload for the user. In a traditionally contextual and focused OS, it will be interesting to see how this experience plays out. Let’s also not forget that Android launched widgets years ago, and they have seen very little usage since.

从设计的角度来看,这是一个巨大的机会领域。 它使您的应用程序可以使Home更加个性化,信息化和上下文化,并为您提供了一个新的角度来吸引用户在传统通知系统之外的注意力。 但是,我有些犹豫的说,因为我看到小部件如何参与注意战争,从而导致用户不必要的认知负担。 在传统的上下文环境和重点关注的OS中,很有趣的是看到这种体验如何发挥作用。 我们也不要忘记,Android是在几年前推出的小部件,自那以后,它们的使用率很少。

iPhone with App Library shown

应用程式库 (App Library)

As a user, I’m typically only familiar with the first 2 pages of my Home screen. The remaining 3 pages aren’t very organized and in the past few years, I’ve become highly dependent on Spotlight Search to find what I need. Apparently, many users were also experiencing the same and with the introduction of Widgets, App Library just makes sense. However, given that apps are categorized by “Siri” and this page isn’t customizable, i’m not sure if it will see much usage early on, but it feels like the right design decision moving forward.

作为用户,我通常只熟悉主屏幕的前两个页面。 剩下的3个页面不是很井井有条,在过去的几年中,我高度依赖Spotlight搜索来查找所需的内容。 显然,许多用户也遇到了相同的情况,并且随着小部件的引入,App Library才有意义。 但是,鉴于应用程序是按“ Siri”分类的,并且此页面无法自定义,因此我不确定它是否会在早期使用很多,但是感觉像是在做出正确的设计决策。

Depiction of customer using App Clip inside of a Blue Bottle Coffee. Barista is pouring drink in the background.

应用剪辑 (App Clips)

These allow users to complete a task with a part of your app, without actually taking the time to download it. These are especially exciting as it adds a new layer to product experiences for designers to explore, and allow for seamless interactions between a user’s physical and digital world. The ability to order and pay from my own device at a restaurant, or seamlessly pay for parking could be great connected experiences. However, given the uncertainty around our new normal and more experiences moving to digital spaces, it will be interesting to see if this gains wide adoption.

这些功能使用户可以用您的应用程序的一部分完成任务,而无需花时间去下载它。 这些特别令人兴奋,因为它为产品体验增加了新的层次,供设计师探索,并允许用户的物理世界与数字世界之间进行无缝交互。 可以在餐厅用我自己的设备订购和付款,或者无缝地支付停车费用,这可能是很棒的互联体验。 但是,考虑到我们新常态的不确定性以及更多的数字空间体验,我们将拭目以待是否获得广泛采用。

A comparison between action sheets and menus

选单 (Menus)

Context Menus are now everywhere, effectively replacing the traditional Action Sheet for most use cases. Don’t worry, Action Sheets aren’t going away, but are reserved for actions that might need more friction like ‘delete’. With menus, actions and selections can now be displayed inline right where they were triggered from. This allows for better reachability and overall better context awareness with where you are within the page. In a world where most apps have traditionally relied on native and custom modal sheets, this is a refreshing new pattern that designers can leverage easily. A good example of this out-the-box is the new back menu in the navigation bar component. By holding the back button, users can now see their navigation stack and access previous pages quickly.

上下文菜单现在无处不在,可以在大多数情况下有效地代替传统的操作表。 别担心,动作表不会消失,但保留给那些可能需要更多摩擦的动作,例如“删除”。 使用菜单,现在可以在触发操作的位置就内嵌显示操作和选择。 这样,您可以在页面中的位置获得更好的可访问性和整体上的上下文意识。 在大多数应用程序传统上都依赖于本机和自定义模式表的世界中,这是设计人员可以轻松利用的全新模式。 开箱即用的一个很好的例子是导航栏组件中的新后菜单。 通过按住后退按钮,用户现在可以查看其导航堆栈并快速访问以前的页面。

A collage comprised on a date picker, date and time picker, time picker, and an example of a date picker in an iPhone app

选择器 (Pickers)

Another set of components that haven’t changed much since the beginning of iOS are the date & time pickers. iOS 14 moves away from the traditional scroll wheel, with a focus on a more inline experience.

自iOS推出以来,另一组变化不大的组件是日期和时间选择器。 iOS 14脱离了传统的滚轮,而专注于更加嵌入式的体验。

主题 (Themes)

操作系统展平 (OS Flattening)

iOS has always been a very focused experience relying on dedicated modes and seamless navigation. Core experiences like calling and Siri have typically taken up the full screen, while users have always had to pause their videos and Facetime calls whenever they moved to a different app or back home. iOS 14 ushers in a fundamental shift to this paradigm effectively flattening the OS and enabling more multitasking experiences. Users can now finish their train of thought before taking a call, or reference a web page in Safari while using Siri. At the same time, they could respond to an iMessage without pausing their show or cutting off their Facetime camera, with the introduction of picture-in-picture.

依靠专用模式和无缝导航,iOS一直是非常专注的体验。 通话和Siri等核心体验通常会占据全屏,而用户始终必须在移至其他应用或回家时暂停其视频和Facetime通话。 iOS 14带来了向该范式的根本转变,从而有效地使OS扁平化并提供了更多的多任务处理体验。 用户现在可以在接听电话之前完成其思路,或者在使用Siri时在Safari中引用网页。 同时,通过引入画中画功能,他们可以在不暂停显示或切断Facetime相机的情况下响应iMessage。

苹果正在倾听用户的声音 (Apple is listening to its users)

It should be acknowledged that a lot of these features have already existed in Android for years now. Many of which never saw much adoption with their users. Apple has had a track record of doing this. Reaching feature parity with its competitors, much later, but with better success (usually). Overall, this plays into a larger theme of Apple deciding to stop going against their grain in the name of innovation and courage, but instead listening to their passionate user base. There’s a clear shift to user-centered decision making across their product line.

应该承认,许多功能已经在Android中存在多年了。 他们中的许多人从未在其用户中获得太多采用。 苹果一直有这样做的记录。 与竞争对手达到功能平价的时间要晚得多,但通常会获得更好的成功。 总体而言,这是苹果公司更大的主题,它决定以创新和勇气的名义停止与自己的产品背道而驰,而是倾听他们热情的用户群。 在整个产品线中,已经明显转向以用户为中心的决策。

This is evident in Marques Brownlee’s interview with Craig Federighi, SVP of Software Engineering at Apple. Here, Federighi is genuinely interested in hearing Brownlee’s feedback, thoughtfully explains their processes, and expresses the openness to changes before public release. This is seemingly a stark contrast from Apple’s attitude in the past.

这在Marques Brownlee对苹果软件工程高级副总裁Craig Federighi的采访中可以明显看出。 在这里,Federighi真正有兴趣听取Brownlee的反馈,周到地解释了他们的流程,并表示在公开发布之前对变更持开放态度。 这似乎与苹果过去的态度形成了鲜明的对比。

外卖 (Takeaways)

Having used the iOS 14 beta for a couple weeks now, i’m more than excited for the area of opportunities for product designers. The new system brings a new set of components and interactions, but more importantly a slightly new design strategy for Apple. Given the many changes in the other areas of the product lineup, the company is slowly merging their design language across devices. This is especially the case between Mac and iPad, as trackpad support and iPadOS 14 updates, bring the iPad close to a true laptop replacement. It’s not hard to imagine that we may also see a touch screen Mac in the near future.

现在已经使用iOS 14 beta了几周,我对产品设计师的机会领域感到非常兴奋。 新系统带来了一组新的组件和交互,但更重要的是为Apple提供了一个稍微新的设计策略。 鉴于产品系列其他领域的许多变化,该公司正在缓慢地将其设计语言跨设备合并。 Mac和iPad之间尤其如此,因为触控板支持和iPadOS 14更新使iPad接近真正的笔记本电脑替代品。 不难想象,在不久的将来我们还会看到触摸屏Mac。

I’d highly recommend checking out WWDC sessions and taking a look at Apple’s new design resources to learn more.


WWDC 2020 Design Sessions — https://developer.apple.com/videos/design/

WWDC 2020设计会议— https://developer.apple.com/videos/design/

Human Interface Guidelines Changes — https://developer.apple.com/design/whats-new/

人机界面指南更改— https://developer.apple.com/design/whats-new/

iOS 14 Sketch Library (Beta) & SF Symbols 2 (Beta) — https://developer.apple.com/design/resources/

iOS 14草图库(测试版)和SF符号2(测试版)— https://developer.apple.com/design/resources/

Photos sourced from WWDC Keynote and Apple Human Interface Guidelines


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/wwdc-2020-ios-design-highlights-d13483a89c10


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