“In everything you do, refine your skills and knowledge about fundamental concepts and simple cases. Once is never enough. As you revisit fundamentals, you will find new insights. It may appear that returning to basics is a step backward and requires additional time and effort; however, by building on firm foundations you will soon see your true abilities soar higher and faster.”― Edward B. Burger, The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking
“在您做的所有事情中,都要提高您对基本概念和简单案例的技能和知识。 一次是永远不够的。 重新审视基础知识时,您会发现新的见解。 看来,回归基础是倒退的一步,需要更多的时间和精力; 但是,通过建立牢固的基础,您很快就会看到自己的真正能力在不断提高和提高。”- 爱德华·B·伯格,《有效思维的五个要素》
There, that’s my pretentious intro-quote. 😂 Let’s jump into it.
在那里,这是我自命不凡的简介。 😂让我们跳进去。
1.不要使用100%饱和黑色。 (1. Don’t use 100% saturated black.)

The first design tip I’ve ever given was to not use full black if possible. Throughout the years I came across designers and artists talking about using a darker shade of colour to replace black to bring depth and interest. Simply using a less saturated black would elevate the overall design.
我曾经给出的第一个设计提示是,如果可能的话,不要使用全黑。 这些年来,我碰到DESIG 净入学率和艺术家谈论使用颜色暗的阴影来代替黑色带来的深度和趣味。 简单地使用饱和度较低的黑色将提升整体设计。
And as much as how contrast is important, black and white is actually not the ideal match for accessibility, as mentioned in this research paper.
2.限制字体选择。 (2. Limit font choice.)

The more fonts you have on a page, the more complicated and messy it’ll look. Unless you know what you’re doing, don’t attempt.
页面上的字体越多,看起来就越复杂和凌乱。 除非您知道自己在做什么,否则不要尝试。
Also make it a point to choose a font that’s actually readable, unless you’re using it for other purposes like adding texture or depth to the design. Fancy scripts might be nice but if the viewer can’t read it, there really isn’t a point (see point 6).
还要选择一个真正可读的字体,除非您将其用于其他目的,例如在设计中添加纹理或深度。 精美的脚本可能不错,但是如果观众看不懂它,那真的没有意义(请参阅第6点)。
If you’re unsure about how to pair fonts, you have 3 options:1. Choose one typeface that has a variety of weight.2. Use font pairings recommended by sites like Fontjoy, Fontpair and Typespiration.3. Go read my article on Practical Guide to Font Pairing for starters and build your own eye for font pairing.
如果不确定如何配对字体,则有3种选择:1。 选择一种具有多种重量的字体2。 使用Fontjoy , Fontpair和Typespiration .3。等网站推荐的字体配对。 为入门者阅读我在“字体配对实用指南”上的文章,并为字体配对建立自己的眼睛。
3.以路线为基础。 (3. Alignment as foundation.)

Having an alignment helps structure your design. Generally alignment matters especially in type content because of the smaller size or visual weight it takes up as compared to images.
进行对齐有助于结构设计。 通常,对齐方式尤为重要,因为与图像相比,对齐方式尤其重要,因为它占用的尺寸或视觉重量较小。
As a general rule for type, align left if your copy is in bullet-point form, it has variable (eg. blog), or formal content. And align justify only if the final output of content is fixed (eg. content for site that will not be changed). Center alignment, imho, should only be used for a small block of text.
作为类型的一般规则,如果您的副本采用项目符号形式,具有变量(例如Blog)或正式内容,则请向左对齐 。 和对齐如果内容的最终输出是固定的(例如,将网站的内容不会被改变)仅自圆其说 。 居中对齐 ,恕我直言,仅应用于一小段文本。
If you’re using a grid, definitely check the design from time to time without the grid. The grid system exist for the purpose of alignment (and spacing), so don’t use it blindly. You don’t have to align every single element to something but it’s important to take note of it and judge by eye, which brings us to the next point.
如果您使用的是网格,请务必不使用网格不时检查设计。 网格系统是为了对齐(和间隔)而存在的,因此不要盲目使用它。 您不必使每个元素都与某物对齐,但是注意并通过肉眼判断很重要,这将我们带到了下一个要点。
4.用肉眼而不是用工具平衡。 (4. Balance by eye, not by tool.)

Our eyes always play tricks on us, so sometimes what is aligned using the design tools doesn’t look balanced or aligned.
In physics, balance is calculated by force and distance (f₁ x d₁=f₂ x d₂). 🤓 Translated in design terms that’s visual weight and negative space (with visual weight split further down into colour, size and contrast). If in doubt, trust your eyes (and maybe a few other pair of eyes).
在物理学中,平衡是通过力和距离(f₁xd₁= f 2 x d 2)计算的。 in在设计上翻译为视觉重量和负空间 (视觉重量进一步细分为颜色,大小和对比度) 。 如有疑问,请信任您的眼睛(也许还有其他几双眼睛)。
5.并非所有事物都必须均匀分布。 (5. Not everything has to be spaced equally.)

I’m not referring to negative space in general, but spacing to signify that a group of elements is erm, a group. This point seem like such a silly thing to mention but it’s something that’s surprisingly debatable with some people I’ve worked with.
我一般不是在指负数,而是用空格来表示一组元素是erm,即一组。 提到这一点似乎很愚蠢,但是与我一起工作过的一些人对此却产生了令人惊讶的争论。
For example, in type setting, spacing between headings, subheadings and body copy. Instead of spacing the 3 equally, having a spacing between subheading and body copy would be more aesthetically pleasing.
例如,在类型设置中,标题,子标题和正文之间的间距。 除了将3均匀地隔开以外,在副标题和正文之间留有一定的间距在美学上会更令人愉悦。
6.始终考虑可见性 (6. ALWAYS consider visibility)

Your design should be something that you can actually see– meaning the size, colour contrast, font, alignment, and crop of images and type. Make sure that the elements are cut off at a spot where they are still visible, legible and that there are no awkward corners or tiny spots left behind because it’s distracting.
您的设计应该是您实际可以看到的东西-意味着大小,颜色对比度,字体,对齐方式以及图像和类型的裁剪。 确保在一个仍可见,清晰的地方切掉这些元素,并且不要因为它们分散注意力而留下尴尬的角落或微小的斑点。
Accessibility is a whole other topic but here’s some articles for further reading: Designing for accessibility is not that hard7 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about Accessibility
可访问性是另一个主题,但是这里有一些文章可供进一步阅读: 设计可访问性并不是那么困难 每个设计师都需要了解的7件事