

Every UX Designer has his views and best practices. We all have a guide book created through time and experience. I want to share mine with you.

每个UX设计器都有他的观点和最佳实践。 我们都有一本通过时间和经验编写的指南。 我想和你分享我的。

When I create, I base everything on the following principles. Meet my guiding star to the ultimate user experience.

创建时,我将基于以下原则。 与我的指导明星会面,以获取最终的用户体验。

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In this article, I would like to address availability.


下兔子洞 (Down the rabbit hole)

Let’s try a little guided imagery, shall we? Imagine for a second you are dealing with a midlife crisis. After you’ve managed to decorate every inch of your skin in lovely permanent drawings, you decide to purchase a Harley. Yes, you are a badass in this walkthrough.

让我们尝试一些引导图像,好吗? 想象一下您正在应对中年危机。 在设法用可爱的永久性图纸装饰皮肤的每一英寸后,您决定购买Harley。 是的,您是本演练中的坏蛋。

So, you get into a fancy showroom. As you walk into the open space gallery, the first thing you see is a set of labeled doors. You choose to walk through one, only to find that you are in the wrong place. Pink Harleys aren’t your taste, nope!

因此,您进入了精美的陈列室。 当您走进开放空间画廊时,首先看到的是一组贴有标签的门。 您选择走一个,只是发现自己在错误的地方。 粉红哈雷不是你的口味,不!

You turn around to get back out the way you came in, but the door is no longer there. A little agitated, you try a different path. All of a sudden, some dude pops up out of thin air.

您转过身来回到进来的方式,但是门不再在那里。 有点烦躁,您尝试不同的路径。 突然之间,有些家伙突然冒出来。

What is this voodoo? you think to yourself.

这是什么巫毒教? 你想自己。

He is asking weird stuff like, ‘Yo, what’s your name? Your email address? Give it to me now! I shall keep you updated’, He yells.

他在问一些奇怪的东西,例如: “ o,你叫什么名字? 您的电子邮件地址? 现在把它给我! 我会告诉你最新消息。”他大喊。

‘Don’t go! — not before you check these amazing offers. Just look at these pink beauties!’

'别走! —在您查看这些惊人的报价之前。 只要看看这些粉红色的美女!



You try to dodge him, and you find yourself in a pink room. Frustrated, you turn to the first person you see to ask for directions only to realize you are talking in circles because, well, he isn’t a person at all; he is a freaking hologram!

你试着躲开他,发现自己在粉红色的房间里。 沮丧的是,您求助于看到的第一个询问方向的人,只是意识到自己在圈子里说话,因为,好吧,他根本不是一个人。 他是一个可怕的全息图!

映射出来 (Map it out)

Does this look familiar? I am sure you’ve encountered this user journey once or twice in the digital ecosystem, and it sucks. I know that. My point is that brands allow themselves too much freedom on digital platforms because they don’t have to deal with their customers’ frustrations. Well, guess what? It’s not the case anymore.

这看起来很熟悉吗? 我敢肯定,您在数字生态系统中遇到过一次或两次用户旅程,而且很糟糕。 我知道。 我的观点是,品牌在数字平台上给自己太多的自由,因为他们不必面对客户的挫败感。 好吧,你猜怎么着? 情况不再如此。

You, going through a middle-age crisis, would not take it lightly, nope! Not in this day and age. You will tell all your friends and anybody willing to listen about your poor experience, and you will probably never set foot in that establishment ever again. Do you know why? Because you have options.

您经历了中年危机,不会掉以轻心,不! 不在这个时代。 您将告诉所有朋友和任何愿意听听您的糟糕经历的人,您可能永远不会再涉足该机构。 你知道为什么吗? 因为你有选择。

Brands invest a lot of money in the physical customer experience, but when it comes to the digital sphere, unfortunately, they tend to neglect it.


All they have to do is map the user journey and:


带路 (Lead the way)

First and foremost, brands have goals. And the main goal will always be revenue, but at what cost?

首先,品牌有目标。 主要目标始终是收入,但要付出什么代价?

He gets in, buys, and walks out. Does that sound pretty easy? It’s not. There are different people and different stages of readiness, needs, and wants.

他进入,购买并走出去。 听起来很容易吗? 不是。 有不同的人和准备,需求和需求的不同阶段。

It’s your responsibility as a product/service provider to predict them all, and once you do, you know how to provide the right way to fulfillment. If they have a good experience, trust me, they will come back.

作为产品/服务提供商,您有责任对所有这些进行预测。一旦您做出了预测,您就会知道如何提供正确的实现方式。 如果他们有很好的经验,请相信我,他们会回来的。

能得到的 (Be available)

So, what do we have to work with? We understand that each journey is different. It depends on the state of mind, but the tools available for us to make it easy for our target audience to actually find what they are looking for in our digital platform are always the same.

那么,我们必须处理什么? 我们了解,每个旅程都是不同的。 这取决于心态,但是我们可以使用的使目标受众轻松地在数字平台中实际找到所需内容的工具始终是相同的。

以下是一些我们的UI工具: (Here are some of our UI tools:)

Navigation menu


Categorize everything and let them find their way. Can I get an Amen-zon!

分类所有内容,让他们找到路。 我可以得到阿门宗!

Preferences questioners


Just ask…


Filter/sortingIf there’s doubt, let them sort it out


Search engineWhen in search, eliminate confusion.


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Lists/bookmarksList it like a pro, or do not at all! You either make it fabulous or you just don’t bother.

列表/书签像专业人士一样列出它,或者根本不列出它! 您要么使它神话般,要么就不用理会。

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Personalized suggestions based on browsing/interestWhen they know too well, I am actually comfortable.


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The question is: how and when do we use them?


简单,了解您的受众需求 (Simple, Learn your audience needs)

If you know them, you can use them correctly, I promise you there will be no need for disturbing popups for hard sales or any popups for that matter.


What is my advice? Trust your audience, learn their needs, and always treat them as if they were actually facing you in person.

我有什么建议? 相信您的听众,了解他们的需求,并始终像对待他们本人一样面对他们。

You can read more about my principles of UX:


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/availability-as-a-principle-of-user-experience-64a37325806f






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