

Let me start by saying that Dribbble is awesome. I’ve been a member of the Dribbble community for years. I swoon over the beautiful design I see throughout the site. Dribbble is among the most popular places to go for inspiration and while that’s important, it’s also a double-edged sword. As designers, we can become addicted to ingratiation. Designing for the purpose of “likes” and flattering comments vs designing for the purpose of product value to a customer. I totally get it, believe me, we all get that thirst to make the popular page. But it comes at a cost. Homogeneous concept design can make you popular on Dribbble and unpopular with recruiters or even worse, cause your production app to miss the mark on product fit.

首先,我说Dribbble非常棒。 我已经成为Dribbble社区的成员多年了。 我在整个网站上看到的精美设计都惊呆了。 Dribbble是最受欢迎的灵感之地,尽管这一点很重要,但它也是一把双刃剑。 作为设计师,我们可能会迷恋成瘾。 以“喜欢”和讨好评论为目的设计与以为客户提供产品价值为目的进行设计。 我完全理解它,相信我,我们都渴望创建流行页面。 但这是有代价的。 同类概念设计可以使您在Dribbble上受欢迎,而在招聘人员中不受欢迎,甚至更糟糕的是,使您的生产应用程序错过产品合适性的标记。

Now it’s important to acknowledge the distinction that not all work posted to Dribbble needs or wants feedback. Dribbble is a great place to be uninhibited with our creativity. However, there is a subset of designers who want to improve their work through the help of the talented community of designers on Dribbble.

现在,重要的是要承认这种区别,即并非所有发布到Dribbble的工作都需要或需要反馈。 Dribbble是一个不容我们创意无限的好地方。 但是,有一部分设计师希望通过Dribbble上才华横溢的设计师社区的帮助来改善他们的工作。

为喜欢设计什么样? (What does designing for likes look like?)

There are a lot of designers who’ve been aware of this trend for years as hilariously pointed out by Eddie Lobanovskiy’s shot. He did a great job of capturing the ethos of how easily we designers can fall into the trap of throwing out some colorful squircles for a quick batch of likes.

埃迪·洛瓦诺夫斯基(Eddie Lobanovskiy)的镜头滑稽地指出,很多设计师已经意识到这一趋势多年了。 他在捕捉人们的精神风俗方面做得很出色,这些精神使我们的设计师容易陷入掉一些五颜六色的小松鼠来快速获得喜欢的陷阱。

Dribbble post of a fake app
Shot by Eddie Lobanovskiy 埃迪·洛巴诺夫斯基(Eddie Lobanovskiy)射门

让我们看另一个例子。 概念性金融应用程序。 (Let’s take a look at another example. Conceptual financial apps.)

Us designers, boy do we loooove those concept financial apps. The squiggly line charts and vibrant data visualizations are hypnotic. But who are these concepts for? Are they for designers or financial customers?

美国设计师,男孩,我们是否喜欢这些概念财务应用程序。 弯曲的折线图和生动的数据可视化令人着迷。 但是这些概念是为谁准备的? 它们适合设计师还是金融客户?

Financial concept apps
Data visualization
Dribbble financial app concepts

Uh oh! We’ve got a problem. That line chart, well, designers love it, but financial consumers have no idea what it is. If you open the Robinhood app you’ll see a design team who has done an amazing job designing a UI around real line charts of stock trends, none of which resemble the squiggles above. So if this data visualization was for a real app, well, your target market wouldn’t use it.

哦! 我们有一个问题。 折线图很好,设计师喜欢它,但金融消费者不知道它是什么。 如果您打开Robinhood应用程序,您将看到一个设计团队,他们在围绕股票趋势的真实折线图设计UI方面做得非常出色,这些都没有上面的花招。 因此,如果此数据可视化用于真正的应用程序,那么您的目标市场将不会使用它。

For some Dribbblers that’s perfectly OK. But what about a Dribbbler who has an interview with Robinhood and has been tasked with presenting a visual solution in her interview. Maybe she wants some actual feedback.

对于某些盘石机来说,这是完全可以的。 但是,Dribbbler接受了Robinhood的采访,并被要求在她的采访中提供视觉解决方案,那该怎么办? 也许她想要一些实际的反馈。

因此,我们确定了一个问题。 我们该如何解决? (So we’ve identified a problem. How do we fix it?)

There are a lot of designers on Dribbble from all varieties of backgrounds. Isn’t that cool! Imagine how many perspectives you can get if you ask for feedback. Soliciting feedback would give she/he/they an opportunity to let you know “hey that chart looks great but isn’t gonna work for representing a financial data.”

Dribbble上有许多来自各种背景的设计师。 那不是很酷! 想象一下,如果您需要反馈,可以得到多少个观点。 征求反馈将使她(她)/他们(他们)有机会让您知道“嘿,这张图表看起来不错,但不能代表财务数据。”

The lack of feedback isn’t wholly the designers’ fault. Dribbble itself as a platform isn’t currently equipped to solicit feedback. So often times critiques within comments can be erroneously perceived as undesirable outliers.

缺乏反馈并不完全是设计师的错。 Dribbble作为平台本身目前尚未具备征求反馈的能力。 因此,评论中的批评常常被错误地视为不受欢迎的异常值。

It can also be a challenge to reconcile the occasional critique in a comment with the shot itself since the two items are separated and difficult for the designer to contextualize.


这是一个基本的权宜之计,可以帮助减轻某些上述问题。 (Here is a rudimentary stopgap that could help mitigate some of the aforementioned problems.)

View of dribbble upload page
Figure A: Adapted Dribbble Upload Page

For people who want genuine feedback, I added a “Seeking feedback” option under the settings which would add a button on your Shot deliberately seeking feedback (seen in Figure B). This feedback would only be visible to the designer. Side note: It’d be awesome to be able to link to your actual app from Dribbble akin to Product Hunt.

对于需要真实反馈的人,我在设置下添加了“寻求反馈”选项,该选项会在Shot上添加一个故意寻求反馈的按钮(如图B所示)。 该反馈仅对设计者可见。 旁注:能够从Dribbble类似于Product Hunt链接到您的实际应用程序真是太棒了。

Dribbble shot details page
Figure B: Adapted Dribbble Details Page

I redacted the designer’s name, but chose this shot because they graciously asked for feedback in their Shot notes. Great job, designer! To the right, you’ll see buttons for leaving feedback and/or links to the actual app.

我编辑了设计师的名字,但是选择了这张照片,因为他们在照片笔记中慷慨地要求反馈。 做得好,设计师! 在右侧,您将看到用于留下反馈和/或链接到实际应用程序的按钮。

Dribbble feedback modal
Figure C: Concept Dribbble Feedback Modal

If you choose to leave feedback, you’d be able to target a point within the shot a la InVision or Marvel App. The major value add here would be that the feedback is coming from the entire Dribbble community. Wouldn’t that be rad?!

如果您选择留下反馈,则可以通过InVision或Marvel App在镜头中定位一点。 这里的主要附加值是反馈来自整个Dribbble社区。 那不是rad吗?

赞美仍然很重要 (Praise is still important)

Designers need praise as much as they need feedback. Pointing out what was designed well is as important as what needs to be changed. The nuance is understanding that designing for likes isn’t going to produce the same benefit to your product as designing for a problem. No single individual is smarter than the community as a whole. Being a part of Dribbble gives us designers a unique opportunity to leverage piles of valuable perspectives and… feedback!

设计师需要赞美,也需要反馈。 指出设计得好与需要更改一样重要。 细微的差别是,为喜欢设计不会给您的产品带来与为问题设计一样的好处。 没有一个人比整个社区更聪明。 成为Dribbble的一部分,为我们的设计师提供了一个独特的机会,可以利用成堆的宝贵观点和…反馈!

Thanks for reading, friends!


Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/shooting-for-feedback-404b4c7f792e






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