js 打字机_打字稿节点js express js创建后端应用程序

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Hi there! At the end of this article you’ll know how to create a simple and reliable back-end application you can use as a sample for your future projects.

嗨,您好! 在本文的最后,您将知道如何创建一个简单而可靠的后端应用程序,可以将其用作将来项目的示例。

You can take a look at the code directly in its dedicated repository.To each step of this tutorial matches a specific commit.


要求 (Requirements)

npm install -g typescript

概要 (Summary)

  1. Project setup | Quick initialization, npm packages & program entry point

    项目设置| 快速初始化,npm软件包和程序入口点

  2. Routing setup | Controllers, routes & routers

    路由设置| 控制器,路由和路由器

  3. Error handling | Custom errors & error handling function


项目设置(Project setup)


Since your back-end application is going to use TypeScript, Node.js and Express.js, you need to install a few packages (also called dependencies).To do so, initialize your project using the npm init command :

由于您的后端应用程序将使用TypeScript,Node.js和Express.js,因此您需要安装一些软件包(也称为依赖项)。为此,请使用npm init命令初始化您的项目:

npm init -y

💬 This creates a package.json file that later will contain all the information about your project dependencies.


Once it’s done, you need to indicate that your project is a TypeScript project.To do so, create a TS config file using the following tsc command :


tsc --init

💬 This creates a tsconfig.json file that contains some default options I invite you to explore in its dedicated schema store.


套餐概述 (Packages overview)

Almost every project depends on some external packages. These packages are considered to be the project’s dependencies.Some of them are always required by your project, but some others are only needed during development : these are called dev dependencies.

几乎每个项目都依赖于一些外部软件包。 这些软件包被认为是项目的依赖项。其中一些始终是您的项目所需要的,而另一些仅在开发期间才需要:这些被称为dev依赖项

Here are the packages you are about to install :


📦 dotenv (dependency)
📦 express (dependency)
📦 @types/express (dev dependency)
📦 @types/node (dev dependency)
📦 nodemon (dev dependency)
📦 ts-node (dev dependency)
📦 typescript (dev dependency)

All of these packages have a specific purpose which I invite you to explore a little bit by clicking on each one of them to get a quick overview.


软件包安装 (Packages installation)

Let’s now install your dependencies using the npm install command :

现在,使用npm install命令安装依赖项

npm install dotenv express

💬 This does two things. On one hand, it installs both dotenv and express packages inside your project’s node_modules folder, and on the other registers them both inside your package.json dependencies.

does这有两件事。 一方面,它将dotenvexpress软件包都安装在项目的node_modules文件夹中,另一方面,将它们都注册在package.json依赖项中

Let’s continue by installing your dev dependencies using the same command :


npm install -D @types/express @types/node nodemon ts-node typescript

💬 This does exactly the same thing than before except for the -D option that registers the packages inside your package.json dev dependencies.

💬除了将-D选项注册到package.json dev依赖项内的-D选项之外,这和以前完全一样。

环境变量 (Environment variables)

An application config is likely to vary between deploys, especially between developer workstations. For instance you may not want to make your server listening to the same port as your co-worker because yours is already in use.Because of that we have what we call environment variables (like the port).

部署之间,尤其是开发人员工作站之间,应用程序配置可能会有所不同。 例如,由于您的服务器已经在使用中,您可能不想让您的服务器侦听与您的同事相同的端口,因此我们有了所谓的环境变量(例如端口)。

They are all generally located in the same file, at the root of your application.This file is commonly called the .env file, and here’s the one you need :



💬 Here is located every single global & configurable variable of your project. You may want to add some in the future but that’ll be quite enough for now…

is这里是项目的每个全局和可配置变量。 您将来可能要添加一些,但是现在就足够了……

程序入口点 (Program entry point)

Well done, you’ve setup the whole project. Now you need a program entry point. Some code that lets you start your server and send it some requests.In order, follow these steps :

做得好,您已经设置了整个项目。 现在您需要一个程序入口点。 一些使您能够启动服务器并向其发送请求的代码。请按以下步骤操作:

  1. Create a src folder at the root of your project directory


  2. Create an app.ts inside your src folder


  3. Take a look at and paste the following lines inside your app.ts file :


import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import express from 'express';

// load the environment variables from the .env file
  path: '.env'

 * Express server application class.
 * @description Will later contain the routing system.
class Server {
  public app = express();

// initialize server app
const server = new Server();

// make server listen on some port
((port = process.env.APP_PORT || 5000) => {
  server.app.listen(port, () => console.log(`> Listening on port ${port}`));

启动脚本(Starting script)

To make your server app start, add the following lines inside your package.jsonfile :


"scripts": {
    "dev": "nodemon src/app.ts"

Then open your command prompt and type this :


npm run dev

路由设置 (Routing setup)


A controller is a set of methods that were assembled by thematic and that are called by the server to respond to some specific client requests.One controller for one thematic.

控制器是由主题组装的一组方法,服务器调用这些方法以响应某些特定的客户端请求。 一个主题一个控制器。

路由和路由器 (Routes & routers)

Routing basically tells your server how to respond to client requests. But there can be many different client requests, so what do we have to do to make our server treat every one of them ? We create what we call routes and routers.

路由基本上告诉您的服务器如何响应客户端请求。 但是可能有许多不同的客户端请求,那么我们要怎么做才能使服务器处理每个请求? 我们创建所谓的路由路由器

A route is a link between the client request and the right controller method that needs to be called in response.


A good practice is to split your routes by thematic. If your project is a website about animals then there’s a huge chance that you don’t mix up dogs & tigers. So there will be some specific routes for dogs and some others for tigers.And this is where routers come into play.

一个好的做法是按主题划分路线。 如果您的项目是有关动物的网站,那么您很有可能不会混淆狗和老虎。 因此,有一些针对狗的特定路线,还有针对老虎的其他路线,这就是路由器的作用所在。

A router can distinguish routes by thematic and execute the appropriate code for each one of them.


So you will have a router about dogs that will contain all the routes about dogs, and another about tigers that will contain all the routes about tigers. One router for one thematic.

因此,您将拥有一个关于狗的路由器,它将包含所有关于狗的路线,而另一个关于老虎的路由器将包含关于老虎的所有路线。 一台路由器即可进行一个专题讨论

实作 (Implementation)

The first step now is to start by creating the controllers. Remember : one controller for one thematic. Follow these steps :

现在的第一步是从创建控制器开始。 切记:一个主题的控制器。 按着这些次序 :

  1. Create a new folder named controllers inside your src folder


  2. Chose two unique thematics (keep it simple, it’s just a sample)

  3. Create two unique controllers in separate files inside your folder :

class ThemeAController {
  defaultMethod() {
    return {
      text: `You've reached the ${this.constructor.name} default method`

export = new ThemeAController();
class ThemeBController {
  defaultMethod() {
    return {
      text: `You've reached the ${this.constructor.name} default method`

export = new ThemeBController();

💬 Each controller owns the same default method that you will later call to respond to a specific client request, using a specific route in a specific router.


Now you are going to implement your own routers. Remember: one router for one thematic, so one router for one controller thematic, so one router for one controller.

现在,您将实现自己的路由器。 请记住:一台路由器用于一个主题,所以一台路由器用于一个控制器主题,所以一台路由器用于一个控制器。

  1. Create a new folder named routers in your src folder


  2. Create as many sub-folders inside routers as there are thematics


  3. Create your routers inside their matching folder, following this structure :

import { NextFunction, Request, Response, Router } from 'express';
import ThemeAController from '../../controllers/ThemeAController';

class ThemeARouter {
  private _router = Router();
  private _controller = ThemeAController;

  get router() {
    return this._router;

  constructor() {

   * Connect routes to their matching controller endpoints.
  private _configure() {
    this._router.get('/', (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {

export = new ThemeARouter().router;

💬 Each router is configured as soon as it is constructed. The _configure() method centralizes all the routes that match your router’s thematic and give them all a specific controller method that is called when the route’s endpoint is reached.

💬每台路由器一经构建即被配置。 _configure()方法集中所有与您的路由器主题匹配的路由,并为它们提供所有特定的控制器方法,这些方法将在到达路由端点时被调用。

Now you need a main router that detects which thematic is concerned by the client request, and to which router it must pass it.


  1. Create a MasterRouter.ts file inside your routers folder


  2. Copy/paste the following code inside your file :

import { Router } from 'express';
import ThemeARouter from './themeA/ThemeARouter';
import ThemeBRouter from './themeB/ThemeBRouter';

class MasterRouter {
  private _router = Router();
  private _subrouterA = ThemeARouter;
  private _subrouterB = ThemeBRouter;

  get router() {
    return this._router;

  constructor() {

   * Connect routes to their matching routers.
  private _configure() {
    this._router.use('/themeA', this._subrouterA);
    this._router.use('/themeB', this._subrouterB);

export = new MasterRouter().router;

3. Edit your program entry point (app.ts file) :

3.编辑程序入口点( app.ts文件):

import MasterRouter from './routers/MasterRouter';

// ...

 * Express server application class.
 * @description Will later contain the routing system.
class Server {
  public app = express();
  public router = MasterRouter;

// initialize server app
const server = new Server();

// make server app handle any route starting with '/api'
server.app.use('/api', server.router);

// ...

Now start your server using npm run dev and try to reach the following :

现在使用npm run dev启动服务器,并尝试达到以下目标:


The output should either be :


{"text": "You've reached the ThemeAController default method"}
---- or
"text": "You've reached the ThemeBController default method"}

Congrats! 🤙 You’ve setup your back-end application (in its simpliest form).

恭喜! 🤙您已经设置了后端应用程序(以最简单的形式)。

错误处理 (Error handling)

Suppose you have a front-end application that uses your back-end app’s API.You may want to inform your front-end app in case something went wrong inside your back-end app, so its final user can be informed too…


To do so, you have to create your custom error handling system, as well as your custom error objects.Fortunately JavaScript has its own Error object, so all you have to do is to extend this object and add all the props you need.


  1. Create a new folder named models inside your src folder


  2. Create a ErrorHandler.ts file and copy/paste the following code inside :


export default class ErrorHandler extends Error {
    public statusCode: number,
    public message: string
  ) {

3. Also edit your app.ts :


import express, { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
// ...
import ErrorHandler from './models/ErrorHandler';

// ...

// make server app handle any route starting with '/api'
server.app.use('/api', server.router);

// make server app handle any error
server.app.use((err: ErrorHandler, req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
  res.status(err.statusCode || 500).json({
    status: 'error',
    statusCode: err.statusCode,
    message: err.message

// ...

4. Now go may want to see how this works. Go to one of your controllers and replace it by the following code :

4.现在,可能要查看它的工作原理。 转到您的一个控制器,并将其替换为以下代码:

import ErrorHandler from '../models/ErrorHandler';

class ThemeAController {
  defaultMethod() {
    throw new ErrorHandler(501, 'Not implemented method');

export = new ThemeAController();

5. Finally go to its matching router and replace its _configure() method by the following code :


// ...

 * Connect routes to their matching controller endpoints.
private _configure() {
  this._router.get('/', (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
    try {
      const result = this._controller.defaultMethod();
    catch (error) {

// ...

💬 In case any error is thrown from the controller in the try block, it is immediatly caught and redirected to the next application middleware, in this specific case : the code that you’ve just written in your app.ts file and that handles your application errors.


Start your server and try to reach the endpoint where you’ve placed an error.The output should be the same as this one :


{"status": "error","statusCode": 501,"message": "Not implemented method"}

DONE! 🥳 Here’s your back-end application sample, built with TypeScript, Node.js/Express.js. If you have any question please feel free to ask !

完成! 🥳这是使用TypeScript Node.js / Express.js构建的后端应用程序示例。 如果您有任何疑问,请随时提问!

Special thanks to Chinedu Orie with his article about error handling in Express.

特别感谢Chinedu Orie撰写的有关Express中错误处理的文章

翻译自: https://medium.com/@pierre.viara/typescript-node-js-express-js-create-a-backend-application-f5110dbe5c19

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