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Sitting quietly, minding its own business somewhere in my Steam library is a quaint little game named Night in the Woods. Its promotional art features cute little animal people, with a captivating style that makes it almost like a child’s book. At first glance, it’s easy to overlook Night in the Woods as just happy-go-lucky indie game. However, there’s a lot going on under the surface, which also happens to speak to one of the game’s core themes.

小号 itting静静,自扫门前雪在我的蒸汽图书馆自身业务的地方是一个古朴的小游戏,在老虎伍兹命名的夜晚。 它的宣传艺术以可爱的小动物人物为特色,其迷人的风格几乎像儿童读物。 乍一看,很容易将幸运之星作为独立游戏而忽略《森林之夜》 。 但是,表面上有很多事情在发生,这恰好也是游戏的核心主题之一。

Night in the Woods leverages a familiar yet mystifying setting filled with thoughtful art design and a believable, character-driven story that establishes an impactful and emotional experience.


锈带哥特式和负鼠泉镇 (Rust-belt Gothic and the town of Possum Springs)

Enter Possum Springs, a small former mining town that sits in a valley surrounded by state forests.

进入Possum Springs,这是一个以前的采矿小镇,坐落在被州森林包围的山谷中。

A train passes by in the background occasionally, letting the resonant and booming sound of its horn fill the landscape. Dotted throughout the town are various general good stores and fast food joints, which take the place of the industry the town used to know in the era of coal mining.

一列火车偶尔在后台经过,让其喇叭的共鸣声和轰鸣声充满整个景观。 镇上遍布各种普通商品商店和快餐店,这些地方取代了该镇在煤炭开采时代曾经知道的行业。

Townsfolk live in quaint houses, often with barn-stars plastered on them, reminding me of my childhood living in Pennsylvania. The world of Night in the Woods would be near-indistinguishable from a real rust-belt town if it wasn’t for the fact that its world is inhabited entirely by colorful anthropomorphized animals.

汤斯福克人住在古朴的房屋中,经常在上面贴满谷仓星,让我想起了我小时候住在宾夕法尼亚州的情况。 如果不是因为它的世界完全被色彩缤纷的拟人化动物所居住,那么“森林 ”的世界将与一个真正的生锈带几乎无法区分。

This rust-belt setting is the platform that the entire game rests upon. Its downtrodden ambiance is unique, and yet ever-so familiar to anybody who has lived in the rust-belt. The local pub being placed near the general store where many characters work, the lone war memorial to some years-past veteran, and the local pierogi vendor are all memorable places in the game’s world.

这种生锈的环境是整个游戏赖以生存的平台。 它被压倒的氛围是独特的,但对于住在锈地带的任何人来说,却是如此。 当地的酒吧被放置在有许多角色工作的综合商店附近,为过去数年的退伍军人提供的孤独战争纪念馆以及当地的pierogi供应商,这些都是游戏世界中令人难忘的地方。

These locations could be a part of any town, and yet, somehow, they only belong in a town like Possum Springs.

这些位置可能是任何城镇的一部分,但是以某种方式,它们仅属于 Possum Springs这样的城镇。

Scott Benson, the lead writer of the game, calls this setting ‘Rust-belt Gothic,’ a term that combines the bleakness of the rust-belt with the literary motifs of Gothic literature. This setting exists in lieu of the overcompensating and confusing settings of many other video games on the market today, and truly sets Night in the Woods apart from other games on the market.

游戏的主要作者斯科特·本森(Scott Benson)将此设置称为“生锈带哥特式”,该术语将生锈带的暗淡与哥特式文学的文学图案结合在一起。 该设置代替了当今市场上许多其他视频游戏的过度补偿和令人困惑的设置,并真正使《森林之夜 》与市场上其他游戏区分开来。

Image for post
Source: Steam.

周到和丰富多彩的艺术设计将这个世界带入生活 (Thoughtful and colorful art design bring this world to life)

The art style of Night in the Woods is quite odd and different. This is just dandy, as Night in the Woods itself is quite odd and different! The visual design dovetails with the game as well as two peas in a pod would, assuming those peas have no political differences to argue over.

森林 》的艺术风格十分古怪且与众不同。 这只是花花公子,因为《树林之夜》本身很奇怪而且与众不同! 视觉设计与游戏以及吊舱中的两个豌豆相吻合,前提是这些豌豆没有政治上的争议。

In contrast to the darker, more depressing setting of the game, the art features a wide array of color intensity with charming character designs that look like they were pulled from a kids’ book. This art brings life to the town of Possum Springs.

与游戏中较暗,更令人沮丧的设置相反,该艺术具有多种色彩强度以及迷人的角色设计,看起来就像是从儿童书中拉出来的。 这项艺术为Possum Springs镇带来了生命。

However, when necessary, Night in the Woods plunges the player into the darker depths of reality just as much as it keeps the art-style upbeat.

但是,在必要时, 《树林中的夜》会使玩家陷入更黑暗的现实深度,就像它使艺术风格保持乐观一样。

While the game attempts to create a traditional post-rust-belt town, the use of the animal characters allows the player to focus on its themes, rather than worrying too much about references to the real world.


Additionally, the use of animal characters adds to character design by making it easier for the player to assign personalities to each individual denizen of the town.


All in all, the art style of Night in the Woods is integral to the experience of the game, and sets up a charming yet mystifying experience that is emphasized by the wonderful characters of Possum Springs.

总而言之, 《森林之夜》的艺术风格是游戏体验不可或缺的一部分,并建立了迷人而神秘的体验,而Possum Springs的奇妙人物则突显了这种体验。

Image for post
Source: Steam.

角色驱动的讲故事做得正确 (Character-driven storytelling done right)

The character-driven story of Night in the Woods is what really sets up the emotional impact and importance of the game as a whole.


This tale stars Mae Borowski, a navy-black cat who has just dropped out of college to return to her hometown of Possum Springs. The story covers her attempt to return to the normalcy of Possum Springs, and in another facet, her attempt to return to the simplicity of childhood and reconnect with old friends.

这个故事主演了海军黑猫梅·博罗夫斯基(Mae Borowski),她刚从大学退学,回到了她的故乡Possum Springs。 故事涵盖了她试图恢复Possum Springs的常态,另一方面,她试图回归童年的简单并与旧朋友重新建立联系。

In contrast, Mae’s old-town friends seem to be ready to grow up and leave the never-changing town. Gregg, a fox, and Angus, a bear, seek to move to a more queer-friendly town with better job opportunities. Bea, a crocodile, aims to save enough money to go to college and leave behind her abusive father.

相比之下,湄(Mae)的老朋友似乎已经准备好长大,离开永不改变的小镇。 狐狸格雷格(Gregg)和小熊安格斯(Angus)试图搬到一个更友好,工作机会更多的城镇。 Bea是一条鳄鱼,其目的是节省足够的钱去上大学并留下虐待她的父亲。

What holds these characters together is their realistic characterization. Like real people, they struggle and have conflicts, but ultimately, they work through them.

将这些字符组合在一起的是它们的现实特征。 像真实的人一样,他们奋斗并有冲突,但最终,他们通过他们来工作。

The similarities and differences between Mae and her friends lead to an interwoven coming-of-age story that could easily stand its own with other similarly-themed stories such as Catcher in the Rye and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

湄与她的朋友之间的异同导致了一个相互交织的成年故事,该故事可以很容易地与其他类似主题的故事如《 麦田里的守望者》《壁花的特权》中站在一起。

This beautiful characterization is present throughout the story. But the narrative truly shines when the characters face a Lovecraftian-style danger later on in the adventure.

这个美丽的人物形象贯穿整个故事。 但是,当角色随后在冒险中面临洛夫克拉夫特式的危险时,叙事才真正闪耀。

In a comical-yet-tense moment, the main cast gathers around in an apartment as Mae semi-jokingly states, “Don’t panic, but we’re maybe all gonna die soon.”


Night in the Woods pulls together simple ingredients that form a much larger experience when combined. The art design, the highly-relatable story, and the genuine emotion — all combined with stellar writing — make Night in the Woods a truly unique and compelling experience. If you’ve never played Night in the Woods, I highly recommend it.

树林中的夜晚汇集了简单的食材,这些食材相结合会形成更大的体验。 艺术设计,与时俱进的故事以及真实的情感-加上出色的写作-使《森林之夜》成为真正独特且引人入胜的体验。 如果您从未玩过《森林之夜》 ,我强烈建议您。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/an-ode-to-night-in-the-woods-a-charming-game-about-the-bleakness-of-life-6b0890836f86

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