利用信号量做互斥 和互斥锁_个人贡献者和经理不是互斥的

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Craft.io领先 (Leading with Craft)

Leading with Craft is a limited series of articles where we shed a light on stories of designers with successful careers as individual contributors. We have noticed an abundance of resources out there for designers switching careers to management, but a gap for those who want to continue to focus on their craft.

Craft.io领先 是一系列有限的文章,其中我们阐明了作为个人贡献者有成功职业的设计师的故事。 我们已经注意到,那里有大量资源可供设计师将职业转为管理,但对于那些希望继续专注于自己的手艺的人来说,还有差距。

This series highlights professionals (such as Kim Bost) who never let their seniority move them away from what made them great in the first place: their practice, their passion, and their craft.

本系列着重介绍了专业人士(例如 Kim Bost ),他们从不让自己的资历使他们脱离最初使他们变得出色的因素:他们的实践,热情和技巧。

With more than 15 years of experience in design, Kim Bost is currently a Design Director at Work & Co and previously a Principal Designer at Dropbox — also a dog mom, oenophile, sometimes baker, and amateur ceramicist.

金博斯特 ( Kim Bost )拥有15年以上的设计经验,目前是Work&Co的设计总监,之前是Dropbox的首席设计师-也是狗妈妈嗜酒者 ,有时是面包师和业余陶艺家

UX Collective: Was there a point in your career where you realized you wanted to stay primarily as an individual contributor, and not necessarily become a manager?


Kim: My first management role was in 2012 where I led the Buyer Experience team at Etsy. It’s funny, becoming a manager wasn’t actually on my radar but I found out that we were adding more structure to the team by way of managers and I asked to take on one of those roles. The design industry was different then in that there was little to no discussion about what it meant to be a manager. My primary motivation for making that change was because I associated the role with power and influence which turned out to be true and is still true today.

Kim:我的第一个管理职位是在2012年,当时我领导Etsy的“买方体验”团队。 有趣的是,实际上我并不在意成为一名经理,但我发现我们正在通过经理为团队增加更多的结构,我要求担任其中一个角色。 当时的设计行业与以往有所不同,因为几乎没有讨论过成为经理的含义。 我做出这种改变的主要动机是因为我将角色与权力和影响联系在一起,而事实证明,这种力量和影响今天是正确的,今天仍然是正确的。

Yes, management is a people-focused role and the best managers are deeply skilled at mentorship, growth, performance, motivators, etc. — but, especially in a tech organization, managers are also the first ones in the room for goal setting, strategy, and planning.


This is something we were working to change during my time at Dropbox as we figured out how to support senior growth for both management and IC roles. If staff and principal designers level the same as group managers and directors and their responsibility is to set, execute, and deliver on strategy — then they should absolutely be in the room too and in some cases are more important than someone solely focused on people. In my opinion, senior ICs often have more bandwidth and are closer to the work so they can be better suited to contribute to strategy because managers tend to be spread so thin and time poor. (I can write a whole other interview about how organizations waste time and money by keeping their highest paid and most uniquely skilled talent in meetings all day, especially managers.)

在我进入Dropbox期间,我们正在努力改变这一点,因为我们想出了如何支持管理和IC角色的高级职位。 如果员工和首席设计师的水平与团队经理和董事的水平相同,并且他们的职责是制定,执行和交付战略,那么他们也绝对应该在会议室里,在某些情况下,比起只专注于人的人更重要。 我认为,高级集成电路通常具有更大的带宽,并且距离工作更近,因此它们更适合于为战略做出贡献,因为管理人员往往分散得很薄且时间很短。 (我可以写一整篇关于组织如何浪费时间和金钱的访谈,这些组织如何通过保持其最高薪水和最独特的技术人才全天参加会议来解决问题,尤其是经理)

I’ve had several management jobs but decided to transition back to IC work a few years ago at Dropbox. I was managing a bi-coastal team of 12 and to be honest I was burned the f out.

我曾担任过几项管理工作,但几年前决定转回Dropbox的IC工作。 我当时管理一支由12人组成的双海岸船队,说实话,我被f淘汰了。

Anyway, I’ve had several management jobs but decided to transition back to IC work a few years ago at Dropbox. I was managing a bi-coastal team of 12 and to be honest I was burned the f out. I read a book, “Designing Your Life”, and there’s an exercise where you keep a log of all of the activities (personal and professional) and identify whether the activity was energizing or draining and if it put you in a state of “flow”. The pattern was really clear for me that meetings (most of my job as a manager) are a huge drainer and activities where I was creating — cooking dinner, working on a design process for the team, painting protest posters — were energizers and activities where I was in a state of flow. That’s part of what led me to ask to change jobs.

无论如何,我已经完成了几项管理工作,但是几年前我决定转回Dropbox的IC工作。 我当时管理一支由12人组成的双海岸船队,说实话,我被f烧光了。 我读了一本书,《 设计生活 》,有一个练习 ,您在其中记录了所有活动(个人和专业)的日志,并确定该活动是充满活力还是枯竭以及是否使您处于“流动”状态”。 这种模式对我来说很明显,会议(我大部分的经理工作)是一个巨大的消耗者,而我正在创建的活动(烹饪晚餐,为团队进行设计过程,画抗议海报)是激励人和活动的地方我当时处在流动状态。 这就是促使我要求换工作的部分原因。

Screenshot of a document on dropbox
Kim shared this template with her team at Dropbox to help designers better define and understand the problems they’re tasked with solving.

Another huge factor was that, at the time, I worked for a big company with a mature design organization that could support senior, staff, and principal design roles. We as an industry don’t talk about how hard this is to successfully do and the scope and resources it requires. Whereas if you’re at a startup, are working on a small team, or are otherwise in a stage where for whatever reason the design function may have more important priorities like keeping the lights on.

另一个巨大的因素是,当时我在一家拥有成熟设计机构的大公司工作,该机构可以支持高级,员工和主要设计职位。 作为一个行业,我们没有谈论要成功做到这一点有多困难,以及它需要的范围和资源。 而如果您是一家初创公司,正在组成一个小型团队或处于某个阶段,则无论出于何种原因,设计功能可能都具有更重要的优先级,例如保持亮起状态。

Along those lines, I don’t see the decision to move from IC to manager or manager to IC as something that’s irreversible or mutually exclusive. The fact that I have management experience — that I know how to mentor, how to resolve people conflicts, how to identify when I need to look outside of my immediate team to connect the pieces, etc. — leveled up my IC game tenfold. I’m able to see beyond the design work to the larger ecosystem of the company and its goals which improves my chances of doing something good.

沿着这些思路,我认为从IC转到经理或从经理转到IC的决定是不可逆转或相互排斥的。 我具有管理经验,例如我知道如何辅导,如何解决人际冲突,如何确定何时需要查看直属团队之外的人才能联系自己,等等,这一事实使我的IC游戏提升了十倍。 我能够看到从设计工作到公司更大的生态系统及其目标,这增加了我做点好事的机会。

So I really encourage folks to try management out and even go back and forth. And just because I’m in an IC role now, doesn’t mean I’ll never be a manager again.

所以我真的鼓励人们尝试管理,甚至来回走动。 仅仅因为我现在担任IC职位,并不意味着我再也不会担任经理了。

不互斥 (Not mutually exclusive)

You’ve mentioned you don’t see IC and Management as two mutually exclusive tracks. How does one find the right balance between leading the work and leading the team?

您已经提到过,您不会将IC和管理视为两个相互排斥的轨道。 在领导工作和领导团队之间如何找到合适的平衡?

I do see management and IC work as needing different and specialized skillsets but I don’t see those skillsets as mutually exclusive. The most influential managers and ICs tend to have a blend of leadership and execution based skills.

我确实认为管理和IC工作需要不同的专业技能,但是我认为这些技能不是互斥的。 最有影响力的经理和IC往往融合了领导和执行技能。

Managers with good execution chops can better mentor designers through solving hard problems and the designers are more likely to seek and heed their direction. ICs with what are typically thought of as management skills (having a good grasp on process, building cross-functional alignment, leading a team through ambiguity, setting and delivering on business goals, etc.) can take on the messiest of projects and deliver good results.

具有良好执行力的经理可以通过解决难题来更好地指导设计师,并且设计师更有可能寻求并留意自己的方向。 具有通常被认为是管理技能(对流程有很好的掌握,建立跨功能的一致性,带领团队克服歧义,设定并实现业务目标等)的IC可以承担最混乱的项目并交付良好的结果。

When I was at Dropbox I had a dream partnership with my manager and Design Director, Jenna Bilotta. We had a mix of the skillsets I described above and not only was our working relationship really harmonious but the team benefitted from those blurry lines too. So for example, we would divide the really big, messy projects between the two of us and effectively have a very similar role but with different titles.

当我在Dropbox时,我与我的经理兼设计总监Jenna Bilotta建立了理想的合作伙伴关系。 我们混合了我上面描述的技能,不仅我们的工作关系真正融洽,而且团队也从这些模糊的线条中受益。 因此,例如,我们将非常庞大且杂乱的项目分配给我们两个人,实际上它们的角色非常相似,但标题不同。

It’s our nature to want to draw hard lines around this stuff, but the best work I’ve done and the best teams I’ve been on are when folks blur lines. This goes for cross-functional collaboration as well.

围绕这些内容划定界限是我们的本性,但是当人们模糊界限时,我所做的最好的工作和我一直在从事的最好的团队。 跨职能协作也是如此。

How has that balance been working out for you?


I’d be lying if I said I don’t get freaked out a bit by going against the grain. I’m almost 40. Most of my designer friends are in management. They’re directors, VPs, and C-level, etc. and have traditionally fancy titles. A negative way to put it is I fear being the old IC in the room. And an older woman at that.

如果我说我不会因为背叛而感到害怕,那我会撒谎。 我快40岁了。我的大多数设计师朋友都在管理中。 他们是董事,副总裁和C级人员等,传统上拥有奇特的头衔。 不利的说法是,我担心房间里的旧IC。 还有一个老女人。

There just aren’t many people around who have modeled this for me. But on the other hand, maybe I’m modeling something for someone else that makes them feel better about being true to their gut over what norms tell them to do. And I try to stay strong and do that for them and myself.

周围没有多少人为我建模。 但是另一方面,也许我正在为其他人建模,使他们对规范告诉他们要做的事情忠于自己的直觉更好。 我会努力保持坚强,为他们和我自己做。

In terms of career path, it can keep me up at night. I have the same imposter syndrome and comparison bias as everyone else. Again, my negative thoughts tell me that I’m failing because I’m not a VP or CDO somewhere or that eventually I will have fewer opportunities because I’m not following the traditional path. But in practice, that has been untrue. The work is getting harder, not easier, and it’s helpful to have people with deep experience to be able to tackle those issues.

就职业道路而言,它可以让我彻夜难眠。 我和其他人一样有冒名顶替综合症和比较偏见。 再一次,我的消极想法告诉我,我失败了,因为我不是某个地方的VP或CDO,或者由于我不遵循传统道路,最终我的机会会减少。 但是实际上,这是不正确的。 工作变得越来越艰巨,而不是更加容易,让具有丰富经验的人能够解决这些问题会很有帮助。

Honestly, though, my dream is to start my own business one day. I don’t yet know what that business is but I do know that having a blend of management and IC skillset will put me at an advantage.

不过,老实说,我的梦想是有一天开始自己的事业。 我还不知道这是什么业务,但我确实知道,将管理和IC技能结合在一起将使我处于优势。

Screenshot of the Kitchen Rodeo website
Kim works with friends on a pandemic side project, Kitchen Rodeo, where folks distance-cook with chefs and raise money for charity.
金正恩与朋友合作开展了一个流行的附带项目“ 厨房牛仔竞技场” ( Kitchen Rodeo) ,在那里人们与厨师保持距离烹饪,并为慈善事业筹款。

What are some of the challenges you see in our industry for those who want to continue to grow but not take a management position?


This feels so real to me because so many designers came to me with this question at Dropbox, “I’m growing in my career and I need to decide if I’m going to be a manager or not.”


  • My first piece of advice was to not think about this choice as permanent or black and white. Again, for all the reasons I described above I think the industry will start to embrace and celebrate more fluidity here.

    我的第一条建议是不要考虑永久或黑白选择 。 同样,出于上述原因,我认为行业将开始在这里拥抱和庆祝更多的流动性。

  • My second piece of advice is to remove the title from the decision, at least temporarily. Instead, focus on the types of experiences you need or want to have for growth and then decide on a path. (Or maybe even discuss making your own!)

    我的第二条建议是至少暂时删除决定中的标题 。 相反,请专注于您需要或希望获得增长的体验类型,然后确定一条路。 (或者甚至讨论自己制作!)

Growth is hyper-personal and impossible to generalize. To support someone’s growth means knowing their goals, their motivators, their energizers, and their drainers. And ideally you have a sense of this both professionally and somewhat personally though the latter isn’t always welcome or appropriate (and rightfully so).

增长是超个人的,不可能一概而论。 支持某人的成长意味着知道他们的目标,动机,激励者和消耗者。 理想情况下,您虽然不总是受欢迎或不适当(理应如此),但在专业和个人方面都对此有所了解。

For me personally, growing as an IC meant building a skillset beyond craft where I could think more holistically, more strategically, and have more influence. Those opportunities naturally come in a management role but often have to be self-initiated as ICs. I was lucky to be in a management role but for folks who don’t want to do that, I’d advise them to try to blur the lines and get exposure to the “other” side. Ask to sit in on strategy meetings, help own a team process, ask for leadership coaching, (I’ll never understand why only managers get leadership coaching, lol), and find a mentor (IC or manager) who models strengths where you want to grow.

对我个人而言,成长为一名IC意味着要建立一个超越Craft.io的技能组,使我可以更全面,更战略地思考并产生更大的影响力。 这些机会自然而然地成为管理者,但通常必须作为IC自行启动。 我很幸运能够担任管理职务,但对于不想这样做的人,我建议他们尝试模糊界限,让自己接触到“另一面”。 要求参加战略会议,帮助建立团队流程,要求进行领导力辅导(我永远不会理解为什么只有经理才能获得领导力辅导,哈哈),并找到可以在您想要的地方树立榜样的导师(IC或经理)成长。

Follow Kim on Twitter to hear about her updates and projects. www.kimbost.com · @kimbost · @kitchen.rodeo

Twitter上关注Kim,以了解她的更新和项目。 www.kimbost.com · @kimbost · @ kitchen.rodeo

More about this series:


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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/individual-contributor-and-manager-are-not-mutually-exclusive-kim-bost-531d93a25cc9

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