工作中的完美主义 感悟_如何克服设计中的完美主义

工作中的完美主义 感悟

Do you ever find yourself staring at a design, move a rectangle two pixels up, swear at yourself for being an idiot, then move it back down two pixels again? When you do it the first time you shrug it off as a mistake. But after spending two hours on it, you start to question your sanity.

您是否发现自己盯着某个设计,向上移动两个像素向上的矩形,对自己是白痴发誓,然后再次将其向下移动两个像素呢? 第一次执行此操作时,您会将其视为错误而忽略了。 但是花了两个小时之后,您开始怀疑自己的理智。

Being a perfectionist is a good thing. It means you take pride in making something awesome. But it also has its drawbacks. You can easily get lost in the fine detail, losing sight of the bigger picture. You may get the rectangle sitting in the right position but completely fail to solve the users’ problem.

成为完美主义者是一件好事。 这意味着您为做出很棒的事情感到自豪。 但是它也有缺点。 您很容易在细节上迷失方向,而看不到大局。 您可能将矩形放置在正确的位置,但完全无法解决用户的问题。

I’m proud of being a perfectionist but also know it needs to be controlled. Here are a few techniques I use to overcome perfectionism in design.

我为成为完美主义者而感到自豪,但也知道它需要加以控制。 这是我用来克服设计中的完美主义的一些技巧。

1.写下用户目标和业务目标 (1. Write the user goals and business goals)

To create a great UX strategy, outline the business and user goals. Let them be the key driver for any design decisions. When starting any piece of work, no matter how small, write them down.

要创建出色的UX策略 ,请概述业务和用户目标。 让它们成为任何设计决策的关键驱动力。 开始任何工作时,无论大小如何,都请写下来。

It can be as simple as a bullet point list jotted down in your notebook. It doesn’t have to be a large five-point plan PowerPoint presentation.

它可以像笔记本中记下的项目符号列表一样简单。 不必是大型的五点计划PowerPoint演示文稿。

The first step is to talk with your product managers, business analysts, and stakeholders to get a good understanding of why we’re adding the feature.


What benefit will it provide users? What are their needs and problems?

它将为用户带来什么好处? 他们的需求和问题是什么?

These can be as specific or as broad as needed. Feel free to hypothesise the benefits. It’s OK not to know. You can validate them in the discovery process. You should end up with a list of about 2 to 3 user goals.

这些可以根据需要具体或广泛。 随意假设收益。 不知道是可以的。 您可以在发现过程中验证它们。 您最终应该获得约2到3个用户目标的列表。

Secondly, understand how making the change will benefit your business. What value will it bring? What metrics will it push or pull? Why is it worth the business’s time and effort to invest in this feature? Again, you should end up with about 2 to 3 business goals.

其次,了解进行更改将如何使您的业务受益。 它会带来什么价值? 它会推或拉什么指标? 为什么值得企业花时间和精力来投资此功能? 同样,您最终应该获得大约2到3个业务目标。

When making a design decision always refer to these. Is this change going to help users get what they’re after? Will this option achieve what the business needs? Once you can answer those questions affirmatively then you know you can stop. Once you’ve solved the core user problem with a solution that’ll fit with the business goals then your design is complete. The next phase is purely polishing. By acknowledging you’re in that phase, it makes it easier to stop.

进行设计决策时,请始终参考这些内容。 这项更改是否可以帮助用户获得所需的服务? 此选项能否满足业务需求? 一旦可以肯定地回答这些问题,便知道可以停止。 使用适合业务目标的解决方案解决了核心用户问题后,您的设计就完成了。 下一阶段是纯抛光。 通过确认您处于该阶段,可以更轻松地停止。

2.设定最后期限 (2. Set a deadline)

Although this advice is in most productivity books, it’s also one that’s often ignored. I fall prey to this all the time. It’s easy to get stuck in the discovery process and forgot about the deadline your product manager had briefly mentioned ages ago. But make sure to keep it front of mind. And if there’s no deadline set, then pencil something in.

尽管大多数生产力书籍中都包含此建议,但它也是经常被忽略的建议。 我一直都是这个的牺牲品。 很容易陷入发现过程,而忘记了产品经理几年前简短提到的截止日期。 但是请确保将其放在首位。 如果没有设置截止日期,请写点东西。

It’s difficult to know how long a piece of design work will take. That can make it hard to set a deadline. But that’s OK. Pencil something in. Give yourself a goal. The benefit of a provisional deadline is that at that mark, you set yourself a chance to pause and reflect on the work. Where are you up to? What questions are outstanding? What more do you need to call this done? Without that sanity check your design could go on for days, weeks, if not months.

很难知道一项设计工作将花费多长时间。 这样可能很难设定截止日期。 但是没关系。 用铅笔写字。给自己一个目标。 临时截止日期好处是,在那个时候,您为自己设定了一个暂停和反思工作的机会。 你在哪 哪些问题尚未解决? 您还需要什么完成这项工作? 没有这种健全的检查,您的设计可能会持续数天,数周甚至数月的时间。

Tip: The deadline shouldn’t be there to add stress. If the design is genuinely not ready, then flag it with the team and adjust expectations accordingly. Don’t burn yourself out trying to hit it.

提示:截止日期不应该增加压力。 如果设计真的还没有准备好,请向团队报告并相应地调整期望。 不要因为尝试而疲倦。

3.将您的任务分解成大块 (3. Break your task into chunks)

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Though my advice would be to avoid eating an elephant, it’s generally frowned upon.

你怎么吃大象? 一次咬一口。 尽管我的建议是避免吃象,但人们普遍对此不以为然。

If you have a large project that has the potential to spiral out of control then break it down into manageable chunks. Let your user and business goals drive your overall vision but set deadlines for each individual chunk.

如果您的大型项目可能会失控,那么请将其分解为可管理的部分。 让您的用户和业务目标驱动您的总体愿景,但为每个单独的块设置截止日期。

Once you’ve completed a part of the design then move onto the next piece. Even if the first piece isn’t perfect. You can always come back and refine it later. But the first step is to get something down. Just get pen to paper and keep progressing.

完成设计的一部分后,请继续进行下一部分。 即使第一部分并不完美。 您随时可以返回并对其进行优化。 但是第一步是要降低一些东西。 只要拿笔纸,并不断进步。

Tip: I know a lot of designers that split their design into smaller chunks. But once they reach the end they try and piece everything back together, only to find nothing quite fits. So remember to step back and look at the design holistically every now and again.

提示:我知道很多设计师都将他们的设计分成较小的部分。 但是,一旦他们走到尽头,他们就会尝试将所有内容重新组合在一起,却发现没有什么合适的选择。 因此,请记住时不时地退后一步,全面地看一下设计。

4.与用户一起测试您的设计 (4. Test your design with users)

Sometimes you need that reassurance that the solution you’ve designed actually works. Rather than spinning your wheels going back and forth between different options, run your designs past real users and validate that you’ve solved the problem.

有时,您需要保证所设计的解决方案确实有效。 与其在不同的选项之间来回旋转,不如让设计超越实际用户并验证您是否已解决问题。

It won’t tell you if you have the best possible solution, but it’ll tell you if you have something that works. You only need to test it with five people to iron out the major flaws.

它不会告诉您是否有最佳解决方案,但是会告诉您是否有可行的解决方案。 您只需五个人对其进行测试,即可消除主要缺陷。

Once your designs test well, then you know you can ship it.


Another variation is to run your designs through a design critique. If your peers look at it with a critical eye and can’t poke holes in the designs then you can move onto the next thing.

另一种变化是通过设计评论来运行您的设计 。 如果您的同行以挑剔的眼光看待它,而又无法戳破设计中的漏洞,那么您可以继续进行下一步。

5.计划迭代 (5. Plan for iteration)

Work with your product managers to plan for an iteration of the design. The first cut doesn’t need to be perfect.

与产品经理一起计划设计迭代 。 第一次切割不一定是完美的。

I know we all have the best intentions to come back to a feature once it’s live, but we often move onto the next thing and either forget or deprioritise the iteration. As designers, this lurks in the back of our minds. We try and get more into the product than is needed. Because if we don’t, we know it’ll never be worked on again. At least not for another two years. That mindset gets us stuck in a rut of perfectionism.

我知道我们所有人都有最好的意图,即一旦某个功能投入使用,便会重新使用它,但是我们经常转到下一个功能,而忘记或降低迭代的优先级。 作为设计师,这潜藏在我们的脑海中。 我们尝试将更多产品投入到产品中。 因为如果不这样做,我们知道它将永远不会再进行。 至少再过两年。 这种心态使我们陷入完美主义的ru车祸。

But if instead, you plan for a second iteration. You give yourself a chance to learn from user data and fix any mistakes. And also help reassure yourself during the design phase that this doesn’t need to be perfect.

但是,如果相反,您计划进行第二次迭代。 您有机会从用户数据中学习并纠正任何错误。 并且还可以在设计阶段使自己放心,这不一定是完美的。

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. It can help create well-crafted designs, but can also breed overengineering and broken thinking; often failing to solve the core user goals. But with a few simple techniques, you can gain control over your perfectionism and use it as a power for good.

完美主义是一把双刃剑。 它可以帮助创建精心设计的设计,但也可以孕育过度设计和思维破裂的情况; 通常无法解决核心用户目标。 但是,通过一些简单的技术,您可以控制自己的完美主义,并将其用作永久的力量。

What other techniques do you use? I would love to try them out.

您还使用其他哪些技术? 我很想尝试一下。

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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-overcome-perfectionism-in-design-96200bfaa3ad

工作中的完美主义 感悟





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