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翻译 梯度下降证明_设计未来的证明梯度

梯度下降证明When Instagram debuted their new minimalist logo in 2016, it featured a bold and bright gradient that immediately found itself at the bottom of an internet dogpile. What was once a nod to the le...

2020-09-06 15:40:58 270

翻译 点击展开按钮设计_使您的按钮设计可点击

点击展开按钮设计A button is an important UI element that will heavily affect your interaction design. Buttons have the power to compel users to convert, to carry out an action. Buttons are a middleman between...

2020-09-06 15:30:18 981

翻译 linkedin 架构_寻求新设计工作时无需使用Linkedin的3个原因

linkedin 架构LinkedIn has been the number one professional social media platform for years. As a designer, you always needed to have an account on LinkedIn to present your resume, working experience, an...

2020-09-06 15:21:10 480

翻译 利用信号量做互斥 和互斥锁_个人贡献者和经理不是互斥的

利用信号量做互斥 和互斥锁 重点 (Top highlight) Craft.io领先 (Leading with Craft)Leading with Craft is a limited series of articles where we shed a light on stories of designers with successful careers as individual ...

2020-09-06 15:11:44 330

翻译 拟态孪生_过时的拟态设计

拟态孪生In a recent article published by UX Collective, “The floppy disk Save icon: Visual language of an era long-gone”, author Scott Oliveri highlights a challenge with Skeumorphic design. The Save Icon...

2020-09-06 15:01:01 259

翻译 whatsapp和黑暗模式是否匹配

Becoming a new UX designer you not only have to get comfortable with designing but also with why you are designing. It’s great if something looks nice, but how does it help the user? How accessible ar...

2020-09-06 14:31:42 405

翻译 水腐蚀的实时渲染

In this article, I present an attempt for generalizing caustics computation in real-time using WebGL and ThreeJS. The fact that it is an attempt is important, finding a solution that works well in all...

2020-09-06 14:21:57 453

翻译 如何有效地使用figma社区资源

Figma community is a new feature on the Figma design tool (as of the time of writing this article, it’s in Beta, which means only a few people have access to it). It’s a feature that has aggregated a ...

2020-09-06 14:12:27 2148

翻译 测试入门_网站可访问性测试入门

测试入门Conducting your own web accessibility audit can be daunting, from deciding what tools to use, to making sure you’ve checked every guideline for WCAG level you are trying to meet. In this article, ...

2020-09-03 09:50:24 413

翻译 积极响应号召_在整个阶段广泛使用的号召性用语

积极响应号召Dee Dee…Don’t press that…(Bzzzz)….Button. Maybe it’s a phase but these days I’m obsessing over buttons. And for good cause. There are so many of them!! Dee Dee…别按那个…(Bzzzz)…。按钮。 也许这是一个阶段,但这些天我迷恋...

2020-09-03 09:39:30 1165

翻译 ux pm_一名UX学生的askrose故事

ux pmAskRose.com is a site devoted to the Rose mental health platform, which is still in trials at the time of this story. It is intended to be an AI-based program used between patients, with anxiety ...

2020-09-03 09:29:11 105

翻译 范式转变_设计师的10种范式转变

范式转变For $250, a business can pay a graphic designer to create a logo for their business. Or, for $10,000 a business can hire a graphic designer to form a design strategy that contextually places the b...

2020-09-03 09:10:14 999

翻译 关于我们为什么要接口

Last week my friend Matt sent over a digital online micro book by Ehsan Noursalehi, whydoweinterface.com. It quickly sparked my interest, since I’ve been grappling with this idea of interface as a ver...

2020-09-03 08:59:27 179

翻译 克服浮躁_克服品味差距

克服浮躁Lately, I’ve noticed a common theme across a few posts, and it’s helped me to make sense of things that I experience as a Junior Designer. (Maybe it’s a sign of the times, maybe we’re all becoming...

2020-09-03 08:49:41 104

翻译 机器视觉与应用程序杂志_视觉设计应用程序的外观

机器视觉与应用程序杂志What does the customer first see in your application? Yes, its your application design. So it is very important to pay attention to how the design is made. There’s so many factors to includ...

2020-09-03 08:39:36 132

翻译 java 从未导入_如果您从未依赖在线销售,如何优化您的网站

java 从未导入 初学者指南 (A beginner’s guide)If you own a small business with a store front, you might have never had to rely on online sales. Maybe you’re a small clothing store or a coffee shop. You just ma...

2020-09-03 08:29:43 374

翻译 工作中的完美主义 感悟_如何克服设计中的完美主义

工作中的完美主义 感悟Do you ever find yourself staring at a design, move a rectangle two pixelsup, swear at yourself for being an idiot, then move it back down two pixels again? When you do it the first time y...

2020-08-18 17:17:01 1547

翻译 怎么开启网页移动设备_移动设备如何塑造现代网页设计

怎么开启网页移动设备I was working with a nonprofit earlier this month on redesigning their website and during the first meeting, I proposed a very standard idea: the home page needed to tell a story and guide t...

2020-08-18 17:06:56 64

翻译 停止使UX案例研究复杂化

You’re making this too hard on yourselves, people. The stress, sleepless nights, and heads banging on keyboards need to stop! UX case studies shouldn’t be the thing that puts gray hairs on your head —...

2020-08-18 16:56:39 100

翻译 android 本地持久化_android样式化的文本可替换和可本地化

android 本地持久化Styled Texts can effect your UI/UX dramatically if used wisely but makes developer’s life harder. While developing UI with styled texts, Localization is the most crucial factor to conside...

2020-08-18 14:15:41 121



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