linkedin 架构_寻求新设计工作时无需使用Linkedin的3个原因

linkedin 架构

LinkedIn has been the number one professional social media platform for years. As a designer, you always needed to have an account on LinkedIn to present your resume, working experience, and vision on design. This would be your starting point when you were looking for a new job as a designer.

领英多年来一直是第一大专业社交媒体平台。 作为设计师,您始终需要在LinkedIn上拥有一个帐户,以介绍您的简历,工作经验和设计愿景。 这是您寻找设计师的新工作时的起点。

Yet, in recent times I have seen that LinkedIn is changing. It is turning more into the new Facebook with an increasing number of irrelevant content, memes, and duplicate posts that aim to get as many likes and shares as possible.

然而,最近我看到LinkedIn正在发生变化。 它正越来越成为新的Facebook,其不相关的内容,模因和重复的帖子越来越多,旨在获得尽可能多的喜欢和分享。

Because of this, LinkedIn isn’t the go-to place anymore when you are looking for a job. Nowadays it will require networking and a specific approach to make LinkedIn work for you in your job hunt.

因此,在寻找工作时,LinkedIn不再是首选。 如今,它将需要网络和特定的方法来使LinkedIn在您的求职中为您工作。

Here’s why you don’t need LinkedIn per se and what to do instead.


领英上的个人资料太多 (There are too many profiles on LinkedIn)

LinkedIn has been growing steadily throughout the years. New users sign up on the platform every day.

多年来,LinkedIn一直在稳定增长。 每天都有新用户在平台上注册。

LinkedIn has over 675 million monthly users. About 40% of them use the platform every day.

领英每月有超过6.75亿用户。 每天约有40%的人使用该平台。

With the increasing number of users, it is getting a lot harder for you to stand out. LinkedIn uses an algorithm to populate your news feed to show you what they believe to be most valuable to you. Unless you are able to create viral posts it will be difficult to get seen by many people.

随着用户数量的增加,让您脱颖而出变得越来越困难。 LinkedIn使用一种算法来填充您的新闻提要,以向您显示他们认为对您最有价值的内容。 除非您能够创建病毒帖子,否则很多人将很难看到它。

That being said, with the increase in number of users some say LinkedIn is slowly turning into a Facebook look-a-like. How often have you seen the same poll on working from home versus going to the office, that one picture of a pack of wolves, or the same post on priorities being shared onto your timeline?

话虽这么说,但随着用户数量的增加,LinkedIn正在慢慢转变成类似Facebook的样子。 您多久见过一次关于在家办公还是去办公室的民意测验,一包狼的照片或同一优先级的帖子被共享到您的时间轴上?

It is getting harder to stand out on a platform that is growing by the day. This means that it will become more difficult to create meaningful connections on the platform by just sharing posts on your news feed.

在日益增长的平台上脱颖而出变得越来越困难。 这意味着仅通过共享新闻提要上的帖子,在平台上创建有意义的联系将变得更加困难。

在LinkedIn上申请工作太容易了 (It is too easy to apply for a job on LinkedIn)

As designers, we like to design our products to be a delightful experience. Our design has to be clear, easy to use, and inclusive.

作为设计师,我们喜欢将产品设计成令人愉悦的体验。 我们的设计必须清晰,易于使用且包含所有内容。

Sometimes the process of making things easier can be taken too far. For example, users can perceive forms that are too easy to complete to be untrustworthy. Something similar could be the case for the LinkedIn apply-for-this-job feature.

有时,使事情变得容易的过程可能太过分了。 例如,用户可以感觉到表单太容易完成而难以置信。 LinkedIn申请此职位的功能可能与此类似。

LinkedIn works as an online resume. Your resume on the platform can include everything ranging from a personal bio to the languages you speak. When you see a job opening you like, you can apply by the click of a button. The process is very easy.

LinkedIn是在线简历。 您在平台上的简历可以包括从个人简历到您所讲语言的所有内容。 当您看到自己喜欢的职位空缺时,只需单击一下按钮即可申请。 这个过程很容易。

If you wanted to you could apply for multiple jobs in minutes. Job openings will be flooded with applicants that are either irrelevant or not a good fit for the job.

如果您愿意,您可以在几分钟内申请多个职位。 职位空缺将被无关紧要或不适合该职位的申请人所淹没。

With every new applicant that applies for the same job your chances of being seen and getting the job decrease.


创建领英时并未考虑投资组合 (LinkedIn hasn’t been created with portfolios in mind)

The platform is created around your profile. You can add a lot to your profile, including your working experience, education, and testimonials.

该平台是围绕您的个人资料创建的。 您可以在个人资料中添加很多内容,包括工作经验,学历和推荐书。

However, there is no dedicated feature to show your design portfolio on the platform. The only way to show your portfolio is by adding links to external pages like Dribbble, Behance, or your personal portfolio website.

但是,没有专用功能可以在平台上显示您的设计产品组合。 显示投资组合的唯一方法是添加指向外部页面(如Dribbble,Behance或您的个人投资组合网站)的链接。

You will need to add links for every project or case study to your working experience and education sections if you want to share them with your network.


It works, but it is far from ideal. There are better ways of sharing your portfolio with your network, potential clients, and employers.

它有效,但远非理想。 与网络,潜在客户和雇主共享投资组合的更好方法。

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如何利用LinkedIn发挥自己的优势 (How to use LinkedIn to your advantage)

Don’t get me wrong. I still think LinkedIn can be of great value when you are looking for a new job.

不要误会我的意思。 我仍然认为,当您正在寻找新工作时,LinkedIn可能具有巨大的价值。

The platform is just changing. Since the platform is changing you will need to change your approach as well.

平台正在改变。 由于平台正在发生变化,因此您也需要更改方法。

If you want to make full use of the power of LinkedIn you will need to switch to an approach that is focused on building personal relationships instead of only posting content to your news feed.


与招聘人员交谈 (Talk to recruiters)

Do you get messages or phone calls from recruiters that found you via LinkedIn? Instead of shutting them down right away, you can listen to what they have to say. Even if you’re not open to a new opportunity.

您是否收到通过LinkedIn找到您的招聘人员的消息或电话? 您可以立即听他们说什么,而不必立即关闭他们。 即使您不愿意接受新的机会。

There are a number of benefits to talking to recruiters. For example, you can stay up-to-date on the current salaries in the market. This is something that is always good to know when you have a contract negotiation coming up.

与招聘人员交谈有很多好处。 例如,您可以了解市场上当前的最新工资。 当您即将进行合同谈判时,总是很容易知道这一点。

You might not need a recruiter right now. Don’t dismiss them. You never know when you will need them. When that moment comes it is better to have a number of recruiters on speed dial.

您现在可能不需要招聘人员。 不要解雇他们。 您永远不知道何时需要它们。 当那一刻到来时,最好让一些招聘人员加入快速拨号。

与您的网络交谈 (Talk to your network)

Respond to posts and people you find interesting or inspiring. Showing an interest in others has never hurt anyone.

对您认为有趣或启发性的帖子和人做出回应。 对他人表现出兴趣从未伤害任何人。

With every comment or message you send, you will create a better relationship between you and the recipient. In the case of public responses, you will appear knowledgeable in your niche and on appear on other news feeds.

在您发送的每条评论或消息中,您将在您和收件人之间建立更好的关系。 在公开回应的情况下,您将在自己的利基市场和其他新闻源中显示知识渊博。

I get connection requests and messages multiple times a week because of this. It has helped me create meaningful connections with other like-minded professionals.

因此,我每周多次收到连接请求和消息。 它帮助我与其他志同道合的专业人员建立了有意义的联系。

You never know when someone is looking for a new member to join their design team. When that happens they will need to think of someone. That someone better be you. Building relationships increases your odds.

您永远不会知道何时有人在寻找新成员加入他们的设计团队。 当发生这种情况时,他们将需要考虑某个人。 最好有人做你。 建立关系会增加您的几率。

分享有价值的内容 (Share valuable content)

With the increasing number of shared duplicate content and memes, it is more important than ever before to share great content of your own.


Don’t aim for viral content since that will be difficult to achieve. Go for shorter posts that highlight a lesson you’ve learned, an achievement you’re proud of, or something similar. Do not make it look spammy by adding too much emojis or hashtags.

不要以病毒含量为目标,因为这将很难实现。 选择简短的帖子,突出您所学的课程,引以为傲的成就或类似的内容。 不要通过添加过多的表情符号或标签来使其显得垃圾。

People will start to notice your posts. They will start to see you as an expert on the topics you write about. When they, or someone they know, are looking for a designer you might just come to mind.

人们将开始注意到您的帖子。 他们将开始把您视为您撰写主题的专家。 当他们或他们认识的某个人正在寻找设计师时,您可能会想到。

最后的话 (Final words)

Once you have the aforementioned actions in place you will see an increase in activity in your profile. More people will read your posts, take a look at your profile, and most importantly, consider you for their job opening.

完成上述操作后,您的个人资料中的活动将会增加。 更多的人会阅读您的帖子,查看您的个人资料,最重要的是,考虑您的职位空缺。

One final piece of advice. If you see a job opening you want to apply for, try and contact the person responsible by mail or phone. This way you will stay away from the big pile of applicants that come in via the LinkedIn applicant feature.

最后一条建议。 如果看到要申请的职位空缺,请尝试通过邮件或电话与负责人联系。 这样,您将远离通过LinkedIn申请人功能进入的大量申请人。

In every other case, apply these tips and you will see a big increase in your odds of landing the design job you’ve been dreaming of. Good luck!

在其他所有情况下,应用这些技巧,将会发现您梦dream以求的设计工作的几率大大提高。 祝好运!


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