udacity_对Udacity React纳米度的诚实审查


Original post: casey.li/udacity-react-nanodegree

原始帖子: casey.li/udacity-react-nanodegree

tl;dr: Excellent gamified learning for picking up basic React skills. Know basic HTML+CSS, JavaScript and ES6 before starting. Do not count on the Udacity community or credential to get you a job; only you can do that. Fast and helpful online technical mentors. Strong intro to Redux. Look elsewhere for React Native content.

tl; dr:出色的游戏化学习,可以学习基本的React技能。 在开始之前,先了解基本HTML + CSS,JavaScript和ES6。 不要指望Udacity社区或证书来找工作; 只有你能做到。 快速而有用的在线技术指导。 Redux的强力介绍。 在其他地方查找React Native内容。

I started the Udacity React Nanodegree in May of 2020, enticed by Udacity’s 1 month free promotion. They market it as a way to pick up new skills during COVID-19, and for the most part this promise has held true. From a quasi-technical data science background, I’ve picked up my first proper software engineering role (off pre-established networks; the course doesn’t add much value on this front). The skills from this course have proven useful since day 1, but they are only an introduction.

受到Udacity的1个月免费促销的吸引,我于2020年5月启动了Udacity React Nanodegree 。 他们将其推销为在COVID-19期间学习新技能的一种方式,并且在大多数情况下,这一诺言得以实现。 从准技术数据科学的背景出发,我担任了我的第一个适当的软件工程角色(通过预先建立的网络;该课程在这方面没有多大价值)。 从第一天开始,该课程的技能就被证明是有用的,但它们只是入门。

I am not affiliated with Udacity or any of the content producers mentioned below. I like Udacity’s mission of democratizing access to technical education. Nanodegrees are a somewhat opaque product, and I‘d like to share an accurate picture of what they accomplish.

我不隶属于Udacity或以下提及的任何内容生产商。 我喜欢Udacity的普及技术教育的使命。 纳米学位是一种不太透明的产品,我想分享一下他们所取得的成就的准确图片。

揭穿就业期望:这给了您技能,但是您需要找到自己的工作。 (Debunking employment expectations: this gives you skills, but you’ll need to find your own job.)

Let’s debunk the front-page advertising: “Become a React Developer” and “Master this powerful UI library” are a bit of a stretch. The course by no means guarantees these things — this is 100% aspirational copy to draw you in.

让我们揭穿头版广告:“成为React开发人员”和“掌握这个强大的UI库”有点困难。 课程绝不能保证这些事情-这是100%理想的复制品,可以吸引您。

A big orange callout box tells you that “the average salary for React Developers in the U.S. is 120k”. Reality check: unless you’re already an established front-end developer with a strong brand, and you’re using the course to upskill, it’s unlikely you’ll be hitting this comp out of the park. Actually, it’s unlikely that you could have achieved this nowadays without knowing React or another front-end framework already.

一个橙色的大标注框告诉您“美国React Developers的平均工资为120k”。 现实检查:除非您已经是一个拥有强大品牌的成熟前端开发人员,并且正在使用该课程来提高技能,否则您不太可能将这个组合赶出公园。 实际上,在不了解React或其他前端框架的情况下,如今不可能实现这一目标。

The ideal candidate for this course is someone who knows HTML, CSS, how the DOM works, JavaScript+ES6, and is ready to go deeper on front-end development. If not and you have some other programming experience, allocate a month or two beforehand to pick up the basics.

本课程的理想人选是了解HTML,CSS,DOM的工作原理,JavaScript + ES6的人员,并且准备进一步深入前端开发。 如果没有,并且您还有其他编程经验,请事先分配一两个月的时间来学习基础知识。

(Do not write off front-end: it’s really easy to do poorly and really hard to do well. I tried to teach myself React in a weekend a few years ago, and ended up making a pile of rubbish).

( 不要注销前端:做得不好很容易,做得不好也很困难。几年前,我试图在一个周末自学React,最后制造了一堆垃圾。)

Allow longer for pre-reqs if you’re literally starting from zero coding experience (but also pat yourself on the back, because you’re awesome).

如果您实际上是从零编码经验开始的,则需要更长的时间进行先决条件(但也请轻拍一下,因为您很棒 )。

The “career services” module of the course is the least useful offering. Pay attention to the common-sense advice on how to set up a professional LinkedIn + Github, if you’ve never done so before. Otherwise, move on. The “career coaches” are not engineers, so I did not book a session. (In general, I find it’s not a good use of time to seek advice on how to do something from people who are not doing the thing).

该课程的“职业服务”模块是最没有用的课程。 如果您从来没有这样做过,请注意有关如何建立专业的LinkedIn + Github的常识性建议。 否则,继续前进。 “职业教练”不是工程师,所以我没有预定课程。 (总的来说,我发现这不是浪费时间来向没有做某事的人寻求有关如何做某事的建议)。

After graduation, you gain access to an alumni Slack where job postings occasionally appear. I am skeptical about the success rate and quality here. I actually posted a job here myself, for a friend who was looking to hire a data engineer. We ultimately decided that the risk of hiring an unknown stranger off the internet was not worthwhile, even with Udacity’s credential gating.

毕业后,您可以访问校友会Slack,偶尔会出现职位发布。 我对这里的成功率和质量表示怀疑。 实际上,我自己在这里发布了一份工作,供一个正在寻找聘请数据工程师的朋友使用。 我们最终认为,即使有了Udacity的凭证控制权,从互联网上雇用陌生人的风险也不值得。

An introduction from someone who knows you and a strong personal brand are still your best bet. Not perfectly meritocratic, but unfortunately, Udacity has yet to change this mechanic of the modern job market.

认识您的人介绍强大的个人品牌仍然是您的最佳选择。 并非完全是专人,但不幸的是,Udacity尚未改变这种现代就业市场的机制。

伟大的游戏化介绍。 关于Redux的优秀教学法。 (Great gamified intro to React. Excellent pedagogy on Redux.)

The quality of React content is great, especially for folks like myself who can lose motivation when self-teaching. I enjoy the gamified milestones, the constant % progress bar ticking up after each short video, and the satisfaction of earning little badges on projects. The instructor, Tyler McGinnis, has a strong personal brand outside of Udacity and an effective teaching style.

React内容的质量非常好,特别是对于像我这样的人,他们在自学时会失去动力。 我喜欢游戏化的里程碑,在每个短视频之后不断增加的进度条以及在项目上赚到很少的徽章的满足感。 讲师Tyler McGinnis在Udacity以外拥有强大的个人品牌和有效的教学风格。

Some students were unhappy about the React content being “outdated” (i.e. the course appears to be from 2017 and uses class-based components, while React Hooks were released in 2018). I didn’t think anything was so outdated that it compromised my ability to progress. (This may be a testament to React’s staying power, because its basic ideas have remained stable. In the JavaScript world, constantly changing frameworks have become a running joke).

一些学生对React内容“过时”不满意(即该课程似乎是从2017年开始的,并使用基于类的组件,而React Hooks于2018年发布)。 我认为没有什么过时的东西会影响我的进步能力。 (这可能证明了React的持久力,因为它的基本思想一直保持稳定。在JavaScript世界中, 不断变化的框架已成为一个笑话。)

I thought the course’s approach to teaching Redux was very clever. (Redux is a popular state management library, but can be confusing to learn). You implement a simple version of Redux from scratch, and use it in a small app. You then strip out your homemade implementation and replace it with imports from the real Redux library, same function signatures and all.

我认为该课程的Redux教学方法非常聪明。 (Redux是一个流行的状态管理库,但学习起来可能会令人困惑)。 您可以从头开始实现Redux的简单版本,并在一个小型应用程序中使用它。 然后,您剥离自己的实现,并用来自真正Redux库的导入,相同的函数签名以及所有这些替换。

This takes more time than reading docs or doing a quick tutorial, but gives a deep level of intuition for the Redux concepts of store, action, and reducer. I found it very satisfying.

与阅读文档或进行快速教程相比,这花费了更多时间,但对Redux的storeactionreducer概念有了深入的了解。 我感到非常满意。

React Native内容太过时了。 (〜2017) (React Native content is too outdated. (~2017))

Unfortunately, after a great start in the first two modules (React + Redux), the course finishes on a weaker note. The React Native content is outdated to the point of disrupting the learning experience. The number of outdated methods, deprecated libraries, and mismatched screenshots simply becomes too frustrating — I actually ended up purchasing a separate React Native course entirely.

不幸的是,在前两个模块(React + Redux)有了一个良好的开端之后,该课程以较弱的音调结束。 React Native内容已经过时,以至于破坏了学习体验。 过时的方法,不赞成使用的库以及不匹配的屏幕截图的数量实在太令人沮丧-我实际上最终完全购买了单独的React Native课程

The teaching quality does not decline: React Native has simply changed alot since 2017. That said, for a paid educational product, it is reasonable for students to be upset about this. You can always read docs, search StackOverflow, and tinker around for free. For me, Udacity’s core value add is to set up learning in a way that strikes the perfect balance between too easy to be useful, and too hard to keep me motivated. They delivered this in the React and Redux modules, but unfortunately did not deliver on React Native.

教学质量并未下降:自2017年以来,React Native仅发生了很多变化。也就是说,对于付费教育产品,让学生为此感到沮丧是合理的。 您始终可以免费阅读文档,搜索StackOverflow并随意修改。 对我来说,Udacity的核心增值是建立学习方式,从而在太容易变得有用太难激发我动力之间取得完美的平衡。 他们在React和Redux模块中交付了这个,但是不幸的是没有在React Native上交付。

技术导师非常有帮助。 项目审查确实有标准,但比实际工作松懈得多。 (Technical mentors are very helpful. Project reviews do have standards, but are much more lax than real work.)

I made heavy use of the Udacity technical mentor forum to ask technical questions about course concepts or project bugs. The mentors are largely knowledgeable and cheerful. If you ask specific questions, and point to your code repo in a way that makes it easy to reproduce your issue, you can expect a helpful reply in 1–2 hours.

我大量利用了Udacity技术指导论坛来询问有关课程概念或项目错误的技术问题。 指导者大多知识渊博,性格开朗。 如果您提出特定问题,并以易于重现问题的方式指向代码存储库,则可以在1-2小时内得到有益的答复。

Project reviews are generally done 4–5 hours after submission. Projects come with detailed rubrics around required components and functionality — but as long as these requirements are fulfilled, your project will pass. At a real job I would expect to be working on a much more complex codebase, which would require substantially higher standards on project organization and styling (both CSS and literal code style). For the sake of not discouraging learners, however, it’s understandable that the reviewers are a little more lax.

项目审查通常在提交后4-5小时进行。 项目带有围绕所需组件和功能的详细规则,但是只要这些要求得到满足,您的项目就会通过。 在实际工作中,我希望可以使用更复杂的代码库,这将要求在项目组织和样式(CSS和文字代码样式)上有更高的标准。 但是,为了不妨碍学习者,可以理解的是,审阅者有些松懈。

Udacity has put some work into spinning up an in-browser IDE for the course, which I found clunky. I never used this and opted to develop locally, since that is what you’ll be doing anyway in real life.

Udacity已经为该课程的浏览器内置IDE做了一些工作,我发现它很笨拙。 我从未使用过它,而是选择在本地进行开发,因为无论如何,这就是您在现实生活中要做的事情。

利用定价灵活性。 预计到达时间是您特有的。 (Take advantage of pricing flexibility. ETA for completion is specific to you.)

Udacity support has some reasonable flexibility around pricing. I was close to submitting my final project near the end of a billing cycle, and asked if I could pay for an extra week instead of an entire month. They cheerfully allowed this.

Udacity支持在定价方面具有一定的灵活性。 我快要在结算周期快要提交我的最终项目时,问我是否可以多付一个星期而不是一个月的费用。 他们高兴地允许这样做。

The course has an estimated 4 month completion time. Depending on your prior experience and free time, it seems doable in anywhere from one month (all pre-reqs satisfied, 2–4 hours a day) to 6 months or more (i.e. if you have to start from scratch on Javascript and brush up on HTML and CSS). Keep in mind that Udacity (and many other sites like freeCodeCamp or CodeAcademy) provides plenty of free courses on front-end basics, so don’t pay for any Nanodegree until you’re confident that you’re ready to hit the ground running.

该课程估计有4个月的完成时间。 根据您以前的经验和空闲时间,它似乎可以在一个月(每天满足所有要求,每天2-4小时)到6个月或更长时间(例如,如果您必须从头开始使用Java脚本并重新刷过)的任何地方可行在HTML和CSS上)。 请记住,Udacity(以及许多其他网站,如freeCodeCampCodeAcademy )提供了大量免费的前端基础课程,因此在您确信自己已准备就绪可以投入使用之前,无需支付任何Nano学位。

急于“毕业”是没有意义的:将其用作跳板以了解更多信息。 (Rushing to “graduate” defeats the point: use this as a springboard to learn more.)

The certificate looks like this, and I doubt any employer actually cares. Don’t rush to get the course done in order to “graduate” — that would be missing the point. The course is a great gamified way to push through the inertia of learning something new, and make you effective enough to enjoy doing more of it. The credential itself has little inherent value.

证书看起来像这样 ,我怀疑任何雇主实际上都在乎。 不要急着为了“毕业”而完成课程,那样会失去重点。 本课程是一种绝佳的游戏化方法,可以消除学习新事物的惯性,并使您足够有效率地享受做更多的事情。 凭证本身几乎没有内在价值。

It will not deliver mastery or a career. Be skeptical of any educational product, Udacity or otherwise, which claims to do so. Only time and persistent effort will achieve this. That said, there is nothing wrong with paying for some educational scaffolding to increase your odds of success.

它不会带来精通或职业。 对声称这样做的任何教育产品(Udacity或其他)持怀疑态度。 只有时间和不懈的努力才能实现这一目标。 话虽如此,为提高成功几率而支付一些教育费用并没有错。

If you’re considering purchasing one of Udacity’s Nanodegrees, I hope this review has been useful. Please feel free to ask questions.

如果您正在考虑购买Udacity的Nanodegrees之一,希望此评论对您有所帮助。 请随时提问。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/an-honest-review-of-the-udacity-react-nanodegree-6f9af4a40434






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