

Shaping a consistent exercise experience by complementing a mobile app with a smart speaker.


This article summarizes our CHI 2020 paper on Shaping Consistent Exercise Experience by Complementing a Mobile App with a Smart Speaker, by Yuhan Luo, Bongshin Lee, and Eun Kyoung Choe.

本文总结了我们的CHI 2020论文,即通过Yuhan LuoBongshin LeeEun Kyoung Choe 补充的移动应用程序和智能扬声器塑造一致的运动体验

Voice interaction has been rapidly integrated into people’s daily life in recent years, especially with the introduction of smart speakers such as Amazon Echo and Google Home. As a result, the number of third-party applications for smart speakers has been growing consistently. Taking Amazon Alexa as an example, the device provides numerous “skills” for many kinds of activities. In particular, skills listed under “Health & Fitness” support in-home exercise training (e.g., 7-minute Workout, 30-day Push-up Challenge, etc).

音色互动已经Swift融入人们的日常生活,近年来,特别是引进智能扬声器比如Amazon Echo和谷歌首页。 结果,用于智能扬声器的第三方应用程序的数量一直在持续增长。 以Amazon Alexa为例,该设备为多种活动提供了许多“技能”。 特别是,“健康与健身”下列出的技能支持家庭运动训练(例如7分钟锻炼30天俯卧撑挑战等)。

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As of May 2020, more than 2,000 Alexa skills are listed under the “Health & Fitness” category.

In delivering in-home exercise training, smart speakers have the following advantages:


  1. The hands-free interaction can lower the burden of capturing exercise data during exercise.


  2. The voice reminder can be more noticeable than mobile notification in the home where people do not always carry their phone.

    在人们并不总是随身携带电话的家庭中, 语音提醒比移动通知更引人注意。

  3. Smart speakers’ lack of mobility can aid in creating exercise routines in a consistent location.


The downside of smart speakers is the limited visual feedback it can provide for an exercise session. Mobile fitness apps (e.g., Nike Training Club, SWORKIT, etc), on the other hand, provide a rich visual interface but lack the hands-free convenience that the voice interaction can provide.

智能扬声器的缺点是它可以为锻炼提供有限的视觉反馈。 另一方面,移动健身应用程序(例如Nike Training ClubSWORKIT等)提供了丰富的视觉界面,但缺少语音交互可以提供的免提便利。

Given the pros and cons of the smart speaker and the mobile phone, we examined how the two devices can complement each other in supporting consistent exercise at home. Incidentally, this is an activity that is increasingly important in quarantine times such as these where many people around the world are confined to their homes.

鉴于智能扬声器和手机的优缺点,我们研究了这两种设备如何在支持在家中持续锻炼方面相互补充。 顺便说一句,在诸如世界上许多人被限制在家中的检疫时期,这是一项日益重要的活动。

串联追踪 (TandemTrack)

We designed and developed TandemTrack, a multimodal system coupling a mobile app — the TandemTrack app — and an Amazon Alexa skill — the TandemTrack skill. To situate people to interact with a smart speaker and a mobile app in a simple exercise context, the two modalities support the same key features: an exercise regimen alternating between sit-ups and push-ups, data capture for exercise performance, exercise feedback, and daily reminders.

我们设计并开发了TandemTrack ,这是一个多模式系统,结合了移动应用程序(TandemTrack应用程序)和Amazon Alexa技能(TandemTrack技能)。 为了使人们能够在简单的锻炼环境中与智能扬声器和移动应用进行交互,这两种方法都支持相同的关键功能:仰卧起坐和俯卧撑交替运动的锻炼方案,锻炼表现的数据捕获,锻炼反馈,和每日提醒。

锻炼流程 (Exercise Flow)

The entire exercise session on TandemTrack lasts for three minutes and 30 seconds, including three exercise sets (either sit-up or push-up) and two breaks in between. Each set lasts for 30 seconds and each break lasts for 60 seconds.

TandemTrack上的整个锻炼过程持续三分30秒,包括三组锻炼(仰卧起坐或俯卧撑),中间有两个休息时间。 每套持续30秒,每次休息持续60秒。

Let’s look at the exercise flow on the TandemTrack skill: the user receives a reminder, tells Alexa to open the TandemTrack skill, then uses the voice command “start trainer” to start exercise.


The exercise flow on the TandemTrack Alexa skill.
TandemTrack Alexa技能的练习流程。

By the end of each set, the TandemTrack skill prompts the user to speak out their sit-up or push-up repetitions and takes their voice responses as input. When the user completes all three sets, the TandemTrack skill records their exercise information and gives a confirmation message: “today’s training is completed, you’ve done a total of X sit-ups/push-ups. Great job!

在每组练习结束时,TandemTrack技巧会提示用户说出自己的仰卧起坐或俯卧撑重复动作,并将其语音响应作为输入。 当用户完成所有三组训练后,TandemTrack技能将记录其锻炼信息并给出一条确认消息:“ 今天的训练已完成,您总共进行了X个仰卧起坐/俯卧撑。 很好!

On the TandemTrack app, the exercise flow is similar: the user first receives a mobile notification, then opens the app to start exercising.


The exercise flow on the TandemTrack mobile app.

练习反馈 (Exercise Feedback)

With the TandemTrack skill, people can ask general questions about their exercise using voice commands such as “how was my workout?”, or specific questions such as “how many push-ups did I complete yesterday?

借助TandemTrack技能,人们可以使用语音命令询问有关其锻炼的一般性问题,例如“ 我的锻炼方式如何? ”或“ 我昨天完成了多少俯卧撑?

On the TandemTrack app, the interface presents several visualizations on people’s exercise data, including their daily exercise repetitions (A), a summary of longest streak and total workouts (B), and a series of aggregated data — exercise streak view (C1), sit-up progress (C2), and push-up progress (C3).


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Exercise feedback on the TandemTrack mobile app.

四周实地研究 (The Four-Week Field Study)

To examine the added value of a smart speaker to a mobile app in supporting in-home exercise, we conducted a four-week study with 22 participants. Half of the participants only used the mobile app, while the other half used both the mobile app and Alexa skill .

为了研究智能扬声器对移动应用程序在支持家庭锻炼中的附加价值,我们与22名参与者进行了为期4周的研究。 一半的参与者仅使用移动应用程序,而另一半则同时使用了移动应用程序和Alexa技能。

Throughout the four weeks, we found no significant difference between the two groups regarding their completed exercise sessions, longest streak and average streak, which led us to further examine how participants used the TandemTrack app and the skill to exercise.


运动方案的使用和数据采集 (Usage of Exercise Regimen & Data Capture)

Among the 11 participants who used both the app and the skill, we found three usage patterns:


  • Five participants preferred using the TandemTrack skill.

  • Four participants preferred using the TandemTrack app.

  • Two participants never interacted with the TandemTrack skill.


Personal Preferences: Participants highlighted that the hands-free voice interaction made their data capture easy, especially for push-ups which require extensive hand-use. Those who were fitness fanatics called out that the voice-based exercise regimen reduced distraction, so that they could focus on their performance instead of looking at their phones.

个人首选项 :与会者强调,免提语音交互使他们的数据捕获变得容易,尤其是对于需要大量动手的俯卧撑。 那些健身狂热者大声疾呼,基于声音的锻炼方式可以减少注意力,使他们可以专注于表现而不是看着手机。

On the other hand, two participants did not interact with the TandemTrack skill at all, because they did not feel comfortable talking to Alexa. One of the participants remarked:

另一方面,两个参与者根本没有与TandemTrack技能互动,因为他们不愿意与Alexa交谈。 一名与会者指出:

“It’s something like almost human but not. The way to interact with it is not intuitive, it’s awkward.”

“这有点像人类,但不是。 与之互动的方式并不直观,这很尴尬。”

Proximity and Exercise Space: To effectively perform sit-ups and push-ups using the TandemTrack skill, participants needed enough space while being proximate enough to the Echo Dot. The exercise setting however was not always ideal. For example, one participant rearranged her room during the study, which narrowed the space where she put Alexa and did not leave enough space for her to exercise with the skill.

邻近和运动空间 :为了使用TandemTrack技能有效地进行仰卧起坐和俯卧撑,参与者需要足够的空间,同时又要足够接近Echo Dot。 然而,运动设置并不总是理想的。 例如,一名参与者在研究过程中重新布置了她的房间,这缩小了她放置Alexa的空间,并且没有留出足够的空间让她锻炼技能。

Social Context: When the Echo Dot was placed at a location where other people could access, interacting with the device became a “public” rather than a “private” activity. Some participants worried that talking to Alexa might interrupt house members; some participants considered exercise a personal activity and did not want to let others know that they were exercising.

社交环境 :当将Echo Dot放置在其他人可以访问的位置时,与设备的交互成为“ 公共 ”活动,而不是“ 私人 ”活动。 一些参与者担心与Alexa交谈可能会打扰房屋成员。 一些参与者认为锻炼是一种个人活动,不想让其他人知道他们正在锻炼

In addition, how other house members interacted with the Echo device affected participants’ device preference. For example, a participant who preferred the app over the skill mentioned:

此外,其他房屋成员如何与Echo设备互动也影响了参与者的设备偏好。 例如,某位参与者比该技能更喜欢该应用:

“Ever since my four-year old son found he could ask Alexa ‘Knock Knock Jokes,’ he kept shouting at it every day. My husband got really annoyed so he unplugged the Echo a couple of times.”

“自从我四岁的儿子发现他可以问Alexa'敲敲笑话'以来,他每天都在大喊大叫。 我丈夫真的很生气,所以他拔了回音插头几次。”

练习反馈 (Exercise Feedback)

Visual feedback on the app: Compared with those who only used TandemTrack app, participants who used both the app and the skill spent less time reviewing their exercise feedback on the app, especially when they exercised using the skill.

应用程序上的视觉反馈 :与仅使用TandemTrack应用程序的用户相比,既使用该应用程序又使用该技能的参与者花费更少的时间来查看他们在该应用程序上的运动反馈,尤其是当他们使用该技能进行锻炼时。

Voice feedback on the skill: We found that participants who used both the TandemTrack app and the skill rarely asked the skill questions about their exercise data. They explained that they did not feel necessary to ask Alexa questions, given that the visual feedback on the app already provided sufficient information. Oftentimes, they forgot what voice commands to use and found the voice responses not insightful.

有关技能的语音反馈 :我们发现使用TandemTrack应用程序和技能的参与者很少询问有关其运动数据的技能问题。 他们解释说,鉴于该应用程序上的视觉反馈已经提供了足够的信息,所以他们没有必要问Alexa问题。 通常,他们忘记了要使用哪些语音命令,并发现语音响应不够深入。

得到教训 (Lessons Learned)

Throughout the four-week study, we learned that simply by complementing a mobile app with a smart speaker does not increase people’s exercise adherence, but many opportunities exist in enriching their exercise experience.


Supporting diverse exercises: The potential value of hands-free interaction can help extend TandemTrack to support different exercises beyond sit-ups and push-ups, such as planks and body pumps which involve intensive use of hands.

支持多种锻炼 :免提交互的潜在价值可以帮助扩展TandemTrack,以支持仰卧起坐和俯卧撑之外的其他锻炼,例如涉及大量使用双手的木板和体泵。

Optimizing exercise performance: Based on individuals’ exercise skill level, their performance can be optimized by tailoring the primary interface. For example, exercise novices can focus on the visual interface to learn proper postures and pace, while exercise experts who are already familiar with the exercise flow can focus on voice interface to minimize distraction.

优化运动表现 :根据个人的运动技能水平,可以通过定制主要界面来优化他们的表现。 例如,运动新手可以专注于视觉界面以学习正确的姿势和步伐,而已经熟悉运动流程的运动专家可以专注于语音界面以最大程度地减少干扰。

Delivering multimodal feedback: To enrich the exercise feedback, it is important to leverage the advantages of both voice and visual in a synergistic manner. For example, we can use the mobile app as the primary interface for the exercise data overview, while enabling people to ask specific questions through voice interaction. In addition, instead of waiting for people to initiate a query, the skill can proactively prompt them, especially before or after exercise.

提供多模式反馈 :为了丰富运动反馈,以协同方式利用声音和视觉的优势非常重要。 例如,我们可以将移动应用程序用作锻炼数据概述的主要界面,同时使人们可以通过语音交互提出特定问题。 另外,该技能可以主动地提示他们,而不是等待人们发起查询,特别是在运动之前或之后。

Building an integrated, multimodal exercise experience: While using a smart speaker to complement a mobile app, it is equally important to use the mobile app to complement the smart speaker. The ideal situation is to enable people to control their progress through either device during exercise. For example, even if people start exercise using the TandemTrack skill, they can use the TandemTrack app to pause the session or input their exercise data.

建立集成的,多模式的锻炼体验 :在使用智能扬声器补充移动应用程序的同时,使用移动应用程序补充智能扬声器同样重要。 理想的情况是让人们在运动过程中通过任一设备控制自己的进度。 例如,即使人们开始使用TandemTrack技能开始锻炼,他们也可以使用TandemTrack应用暂停会议或输入锻炼数据。

翻译自: https://medium.com/hcil-at-umd/tandemtrack-shaping-consistent-exercise-experience-by-complementing-a-mobile-app-with-a-smart-1bb0de5054cd


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