flutter 开发环境_在不到5分钟的时间内介绍Flutter开发环境

flutter 开发环境

There is no denying that flutter is on the rise. With its latest update, it has also added full support for Linux applications, making it a flexible tool for making apps for ios/android/web/windows/mac … pretty much anything (even chrome extensions). This begs the question about which development environment to pick to build your next flutter app. In this post, I will be outlining the available option and what they are good/not good for. The criteria used to judge the environments are:

不可否认的是,颤动正在上升。 在最新的更新中,它还增加了对Linux应用程序的完全支持,使其成为用于制作ios / android / web / windows / mac…几乎所有内容(甚至包括chrome扩展程序)的应用程序的灵活工具。 这就引出了一个问题,即选择哪种开发环境来构建下一个Flutter应用程序。 在这篇文章中,我将概述可用的选项以及它们的优缺点。 用于判断环境的标准是:

Without further ado let’s get right into it.


Android Studio (Android Studio)

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Let’s start with probably the biggest player. Android Studio is the goto option for android development in java and kotlin and was the first to welcome flutter. It is probably still the widest used environment and even the flutter.dev website shows it as the default in their setup tutorials. Also, most popular courses, such as London App Brewery’s flutter development Bootcamp use Android Studio. With all this being said I think that Android studio is the best option for beginners starting with flutter.

让我们从最大的参与者开始。 Android Studio是用Java和Kotlin开发android的goto选项,并且是第一个受到欢迎的公司。 它可能仍然是使用最广泛的环境,甚至flutter.dev网站在其安装教程中将其显示为默认环境。 此外,大多数热门课程,例如London App Brewery的颤抖开发Bootcamp,都使用Android Studio。 综上所述,我认为Android Studio是初学者入门的最佳选择。

Now let’s see how it stacks up to the criteria:


  • ⚡ Speed: Here is where my problem with Android Studio starts. Since it is a fully-fledged IDE it will take longer to load over traditional text editors. Also, older devices will struggle to run it on intensive load, especially if you also open up any designer tool (XD,Figma, Sketch, etc.). However given the proper hardware specification, which can be found on the android studio website it will run great, and probably only startup times are going to be noticed. And hey it’s still miles better than Xcode 😉 (8gb storage for an IDE cough cough)

    ⚡速度:这是我关于Android Studio的问题开始的地方。 由于它是成熟的IDE,因此将需要更长的时间来加载传统的文本编辑器。 而且,较旧的设备将难以在高负载下运行它,尤其是如果您还打开了任何设计器工具(XD,Figma,Sketch等)时,也是如此。 但是,如果可以在android studio 网站上找到合适的硬件规格,它将运行得很好,并且可能只会注意到启动时间。 而且,它仍然比Xcode miles好得多(8GB存储用于IDE咳嗽)

  • ⚙ Functionality: As for functionality, it has the full package if app development is all you are doing, so IntelliSense, boilerplate code, color inspectors, etc. The advantage that Andriod Studio (and IntelliJ) has over the rest is the flutter inspector which wins a lot of people over as you will be able to inspect properties of your widgets in a visual way

    ⚙功能性:就功能而言,如果您正在开发应用程序,则它具有完整的软件包,因此IntelliSense,样板代码,颜色检查器等。Andriod Studio(和IntelliJ)相对于其余部分的优势是抖动检查器,赢得了很多人的青睐,因为您将能够以视觉方式检查小部件的属性
  • 🖥 Source Controls: Full git integration, and more in-depth information about the commits and pulls. Again android studio has a bit of an advantage over vscode as it makes things easier by making them visual

    🖥源代码控制:完全git集成,以及有关提交和请求的更深入的信息。 同样,android studio与vscode相比有一点优势,因为它使视觉化使事情变得更容易

智能 (Intellij)

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Android Studio is pretty much built on intellij, so it will have all the features that Android studio has however since it is more general a bit more configuration will be needed to get it working like Android Studio. But on the plus, the fact that it is more general allows you to do more than just app development on it, which for some developers is a better choice.

Android Studio几乎是基于intellij构建的 ,因此它具有Android Studio的所有功能,但是由于它更通用,因此需要更多配置才能使其像Android Studio一样工作。 但是,总的来说,它比其他应用程序开发更广泛,这使您可以做更多的事情,对于某些开发人员来说,这是一个更好的选择。

How it scores on each criterion is similar to Android Studio, but keep in mind the additional setup time.

它在每个条件上的评分方式与Android Studio相似,但请注意额外的设置时间。

VSCode (VSCode)

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VSCode was launched in 2015 and has quickly gained traction for just being a great text editor. It has an excellent community, with extensive walkthroughs on youtube. It allows you to change the look and feel exactly how you want it and allows you to easily add key commands to make your workflow as efficient as possible.

VSCode于2015年推出,由于只是一个出色的文本编辑器而Swift受到关注。 它有一个优秀的社区,并在youtube上有广泛的演练。 它使您可以准确地更改外观,并按需添加,从而轻松地添加关键命令以使工作流程尽可能高效。

VSCode has extensions for flutter/dart which comes with all the commands necessary for building flutter apps. It also has many packages that make it easier to write flutter code by providing boilerplate code. You will also find many other extensions that can greatly improve your workflow. Furthermore, it has IntelliSense built-in and some would argue that this version is even better than what you find in android studio or Intellij

VSCode拥有针对flutter / dart的扩展,其中包含构建flutter应用程序所需的所有命令。 它还具有许多软件包,通过提供样板代码,可以更轻松地编写颤动代码。 您还将找到许多其他扩展,可以极大地改善您的工作流程。 此外,它具有IntelliSense内置功能,有人认为该版本甚至比您在android studio或Intellij中找到的版本更好

As for how it fairs in the criteria:


  • ⚡ Speed: VSCode is a code editor with a fancy package system. This means that loading it is extremely fast and opening files from the terminal is a simple command away. Also if you master the keyboard shortcuts you can zoom past all your files and settings without even ever touching your mouse or trackpad, the holy grail many developers.

    ⚡速度:VSCode是一个带有精美软件包系统的代码编辑器。 这意味着加载它非常快,并且从终端打开文件是一个简单的命令。 同样,如果您掌握了键盘快捷键,则可以缩放所有文件和设置,而无需触摸鼠标或触控板,这对许多开发人员而言是圣杯。
  • ⚙ Functionality: Out of the box VSCode is just a text editor, you need to install the necessary packages to get it to work with flutter development. The flutter team has a walkthough of everything you need. Once that is done it is only a flutter inspector away from having all the features of android studio

    ⚙功能:即开即用VSCode只是一个文本编辑器,您需要安装必要的软件包才能使其与Flutter开发一起使用。 颤振团队可满足您的所有需求。 一旦完成,仅是颤振检查器就无法拥有android studio的所有功能

  • 🖥 Source Controls: Source control is also built into vscode, albeit not as feature-rich as Android Studio, however, if you are used to the terminal for source control you will feel right at home

    🖥源代码控制:源代码控制也内置在vscode中,尽管功能不如Android Studio丰富,但是,如果您习惯了用于源代码控制的终端,您会感到宾至如归

荣誉奖 (Honorable Mentions)

This can’t be taken by themselves because as of now you can’t use them to build apps as they are limited to displaying one page online, and no additional flutter packages. However, these are still great if you are a beginner looking to get used to building apps with flutter and want to experiment with some widgets.

到目前为止,您无法使用它们来构建应用程序,因为它们仅限于在线显示一页,并且没有其他Flutter软件包。 但是,如果您是初学者,希望习惯于使用Flutter构建应用程序并想尝试一些小部件,这些仍然很棒。

Dart (Dartpad)

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Dartpad is an online flutter/dart compiler that runs the code and displays it online to you. You can only write one file of code and you cannot import packages, however, it is a great option for playing with widgets and testing out ideas. Or to test dart function you are going to use in your app without the UI interface getting in the way.

Dartpad是一个在线flutter / dart编译器,可运行代码并在线显示给您。 您只能编写一个代码文件,而不能导入包,但是,这是玩小部件和测试创意的绝佳选择。 或在不妨碍UI界面的情况下测试要在应用中使用的dart功能。

Also, another cool thing about dartpad is its integration with GitHub gists, like that you can save your dart code as a gist and run/share it later.

另外,关于dartpad的另一个很酷的事情是它与GitHub gist的集成,例如,您可以将dart代码保存为gist并稍后运行/共享。

Furthermore, it has a slight victory over codepen as it supports minimal code suggestion tool.


码笔 (Codepen)

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Codepen is used for sharing web design online. You will find many developers and designers who upload their designs and animation in HTML/CSS/JS and Vue. They have recently added flutter support, so you can expect a similar experience if you have used it before. Again like dartpad it only supports one file of code and no external packages.

Codepen用于在线共享网页设计。 您会发现许多开发人员和设计师都将他们的设计和动画上传到HTML / CSS / JS和Vue。 他们最近增加了对flutter的支持,因此如果您以前使用过,则可以期望获得类似的体验。 就像dartpad一样,它仅支持一个代码文件,不支持任何外部软件包。

This is a great tool if you want to learn/explore flutter widgets and animations and if you want to start yourself sharing your flutter design and animations.


Further, it is an excellent choice for anyone who makes blogs or tutorials about flutter, as you can integrate your created pen into your website (even to your Medium post!) so that you can more clearly display your ideas and steps.


我的选择👀 (My choice 👀)

I use VSCode. I started with Android Studio as I had developed android apps in the past but the speed of VSCode and the extensions library won me over. The speed is also a great benefit and has helped me to just start more projects because it is so easy .Especially if you are also a web developer that works with other technologies, VSCode has been serving me well in all my development needs. And with the plugin SettingsSycn I can take it to wherever I go and use it on whatever machine I happen to have at that time.

我使用VSCode。 我从过去开发Android应用程序开始就开始使用Android Studio,但是VSCode的速度和扩展库使我无法接受。 速度也是一个很大的好处,因为它很容易,所以它帮助我开始了更多的项目。特别是如果您也是使用其他技术的Web开发人员,VSCode可以满足我所有的开发需求。 借助插件SettingsSycn,我可以将其带到任何地方,并可以在当时使用的任何计算机上使用。

结论 (Conclusion)

In conclusion, I hope that this information was useful in helping you decide where to start with your flutter app development journey. It is interesting to see the growing number of tools and support for flutter development and probably this list will change very soon (especially with the looming release of Github’s codespaces project) and I hope to provide an updated list when this happens.

总之,我希望这些信息对帮助您决定从扑朔迷离的应用程序开发之旅从何处开始有用。 有趣的是,看到越来越多的工具和对Flutter开发的支持,并且该列表可能很快就会改变(尤其是随着Github的代码空间项目迫在眉睫的发布),我希望在这种情况发生时提供更新的列表。

Originally published at https://www.dailyflutter.monster on August 7, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月7日 发布在 https://www.dailyflutter.monster 上。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@dailyfluttermonster/flutter-development-enviroments-explained-in-less-than-5-minutes-47db652d95d7

flutter 开发环境

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