

数据可视化 (Data Visualization)

Stories help to bring emotion to otherwise emotionless information, like data or numbers, allowing a person to visually and contextually understand your point, but the catch is understanding how people think.


You don’t need to be a data analyst to craft a data story. We have experts to crunch and scrub the numbers. As the Creative Story Architect (or Communications Expert collaborating with Data Analysts), you need to understand the fundamental laws of human thinking.

您无需成为数据分析师即可编写数据故事。 我们有专家来处理和清理数字。 作为Creative Story Architect(或与数据分析师合作的传播专家),您需要了解人类思维的基本定律。

  • People often associate numbers with facts and truth.

  • When numbers are associated with loss or negative points, people are more likely to react.

  • Breaking a massive number down to an identifiable point makes it easier to inspire emotion, resulting in action.

    将大量数字分解为可识别的 可以更容易地激发情感,从而采取行动。

  • Abstract numbers don’t have significant meaning and don’t highlight a clear point or purpose.

  • The same data point, no matter how “profound,” will not be meaningful to every target audience segment; data story customization is required depending on the culture, geographic location, and audience-type.

    相同的数据点,无论多么“深刻”,对于每个目标受众群体都没有意义。 根据文化,地理位置和受众类型,需要定制数据故事。
  • Attention spans are short. Micro-stories will resonate quicker and with more people.

    注意跨度很短。 微故事会引起更多人的共鸣。
  • A data story must have a compelling visual that focuses an audience’s attention in a way that pulls together the context and feasibility of the information to receive, believe, and broadcast, helping to reach larger audiences, achieving messaging direct-referral status.

  • The way you present a data point in a story can easily be misunderstood and create the exact opposite reaction you were hoping to accomplish.


Three primary considerations all apply to the bullet points above.


One is the audience. If you don’t know who you’re speaking to, you don’t have a strategic data story to serve a purpose and meet a goal.

一个是观众。 如果您不知道要与谁说话,那么您就没有战略数据来实现目标和实现目标。

听众 (Audience)

If you have something to say or want to influence a group of people to act or adopt a new behavior or belief, you must know your audience.


More times than you’d think, organizations put a big storytelling idea ahead of the target audience. They want “everyone” to see it and read it. They want to publish it and hope that the information alone will do the work to draw in the right people. After all, “it’s excellent information, and we’ve been working on it all year.” — Client pushing back on spending time to understand, identify and target specific audiences.

组织比您想像的要多得多,在目标受众面前提出了一个讲故事的主意。 他们希望“ 每个人 ”都能看到并阅读它。 他们希望将其发布,并希望仅信息一项就能吸引合适的人。 毕竟,“ 这是极好的信息,而且我们一直在努力 。” -客户推迟花时间去了解,识别和定位特定的受众。

If you don’t know who you’re speaking to, you won’t craft a strategically targeted message because what you want to say doesn’t matter, regardless of the quality of information. What matters is what your target audience needs to hear that intersects with your mission and goal.

如果您不知道要与谁说话,那么您就不会撰写有针对性的信息,因为无论信息质量如何, 您要说的内容都无关紧要 。 重要的是您的目标受众需要听到哪些与您的任务和目标相交的东西。

Second is context. Abstract information and massive numbers don’t make a clear point. Data stories are not like “About Us” videos for a company. They’re not mid or long-form narratives. If you’re using a data story, it’s because you have large or complex information, which you want to leverage to gain trust, emotionally inspiring someone, or a group, into action or belief.

第二是背景。 抽象信息和大量数字不清楚。 数据故事不同于公司的“关于我们”视频。 它们不是中性或长期的叙述。 如果您使用的是数据故事,那是因为您拥有大量或复杂的信息,您希望利用这些信息来获得信任,在情感上激发某人或一群人采取行动或信念。

语境 (Context)

Abstract information is difficult for the human mind to process because it’s not emotional and gives us no frame of reference. The best data stories are broken down into identifiable points and highlight a single clear purpose that impacts someone’s life.

对于人类而言,抽象信息很难处理,因为它不是情感性的,也没有给我们提供参考框架。 最好的数据故事被分解为可识别的要点,并突出了影响某人生活的单一明确目的。

Image for post
NASA 2016 NASA 2016

A data story produced by NASA in 2016 about the chances of another Hurricane Katrina hitting could have had a greater impact if presented differently. The goal of the video was to empower people to prepare for the next big hurricane.

美国宇航局在2016年发布的数据故事表明,如果以不同的方式呈现,另一场卡特里娜飓风袭击的机会可能会产生更大的影响。 视频的目的是使人们有能力为下一场大飓风做准备。

Instead of saying, “a 40% chance of a major storm…,” they could focus the story back on people, not numbers, and make a clear singular point by leaving out data that doesn’t support the video’s goal.


People more often react when they hear about people. For example they could have stated (alongside a corresponding visual), “1 in 4 Americans who live in the southeast region will likely be impacted by another hurricane soon! Our study indicates the likelihood of going 10-years without a major hurricane is rare, and we’ve now hit the 10-year mark.” They didn’t say that, instead they danced around the history of storms hoping you’ll get the picture.

人们听到别人的消息时经常会做出React。 例如,他们可能说过(除了相应的视觉效果),“居住在东南地区的四分之一的美国人很可能很快会遭受另一场飓风的袭击! 我们的研究表明,在没有发生重大飓风的情况下进行10年的可能性很小,我们现在已经达到了10年。” 他们没有这么说,而是在暴风雨的历史中翩翩起舞,希望您能得到照片。

Keep in mind there is no one right or wrong way of creating a data story, it more about leveraging your knowledge and tools to create the best possible product that meets your goals. Everyone has an opinion and as long as you’re happy that’s what matters!

请记住,创建数据故事没有对与错的方式,更多的是利用您的知识和工具来创建满足您目标的最佳产品。 每个人都有自己的见解,只要您满意,这才是最重要的!

Last there is visual effects. There are industry-recommended best practices for using graphs, charts, and simple text when it comes to displaying information alongside a narrative. Selecting the right visual can lead to trust, correct interpretations of information, and speed. — If I look at your visual for 10-seconds, will I understand your point, believe it, and then react?

最后是视觉效果。 在与叙述一起显示信息时,存在行业推荐的使用图形,图表和简单文本的最佳实践。 选择正确的视觉效果可以导致信任,正确的信息解释和速度。 —如果我观察您的视线10秒钟,我是否会理解您的观点,相信这一点,然后做出React?

视觉效果 (Visual Effects)

There are many choices when it comes to visually displaying numbers. Take the time to cross-reference what you want to share against the best way to display it based on how people understand numbers.

在视觉上显示数字时,有很多选择。 花些时间根据人们对数字的理解方式,将您要共享的内容与显示它的最佳方法进行交叉引用。

Simple text is something you might see in an info-graphic. For example, putting one or two numbers on a chart isn’t as impactful as one large number next to an image and summary. Imagine you’ve completed a survey of only 10 people. Consider two ways of sharing the outcome. Which one will be more effective?

您可能会在信息图形中看到简单的文本 。 例如,在图表上放置一个或两个数字并不像在图像和摘要旁边显示一个大数字那样有影响力。 假设您只完成了一项针对10个人的调查。 考虑两种分享结果的方法。 哪一个会更有效?

1. Create two columns with 5 people in each group, followed by text that says, “All ten people surveyed agreed our shop is the best in town.”


2. A picture of the shop next to “100% of people surveyed say this is the best shop in town.”

2.“ 100%的受访者说这是镇上最好的商店”旁边的商店图片。

Tables are designed to be read and studied. It’s a good choice of visual if you are presenting to a larger, mixed audience looking for specific points that affect them with multiple units of measure.

表格旨在阅读和研究。 如果您要呈现给更多的混合受众,寻找以多种度量单位影响它们的特定点,则这是视觉的不错选择。

Graphs (aka Charts) are faster for the human mind to process, such as lines, bars, and area.

图形 (又称图表)对于人类的大脑来说是更快的处理速度,例如线,条和面积。

Data stories are not the perfect way to tell every story, but useful when you have large or complex information to present quickly and effectively that you want to leverage to gain trust and evoke emotion.


Learn: Corursera.com, Udemy.com. edX.com, Udaicity.com, Codeacademy.com, Lynda.com, futurelearn.com, mit.edu (Open Courseware), YouTube, Google, Skillsshare.com.

了解: Corursera.com,Udemy.com。 edX.com,Udaicity.com,Codeacademy.com,Lynda.com,futurelearn.com,mit.edu(开放课件),YouTube,Google,Skillsshare.com。

Practice: Tableau, Flourish, PowerBI, Infogram, Chartblocks, Datawrapper, Plotly, Visually, Google Charts

练习: Tableau,蓬勃发展,PowerBI,Infogram,Chartblocks,Datawrapper,Plotly,Visually,Google Charts

View: For complex examples, check out Tableau’s Data is Beautiful webpage. For simple examples, try Dashboards.

视图:有关复杂的示例,请查看Tableau的“ 数据很漂亮”网页。 对于简单的示例,请尝试Dashboards

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/data-storytelling-a-human-approach-to-influencing-and-grabbing-your-audiences-attention-b37e5d2e65f9






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