

Starting a new software engineering role can be an overwhelming experience. The first months are a dizzying mix of meetings, development, and people. There are many ways to become successful. Here are my top tips.

担任新的软件工程职位可能是压倒性的经历。 前几个月,会议,开发和人员令人眼花mix乱。 有很多成功的方法。 这是我的主要技巧。

与人建立信任 (Build Trust With People)

My philosophy starts with people. As a software engineer, good technical fundamentals support the day to day work. Software, at its core, is fundamentally about people working as a team. Focus on getting to know your teammates well.

我的哲学始于人。 作为软件工程师 ,良好的技术基础可以支持日常工作。 从根本上讲,软件的核心是与团队合作。 专注于结识队友。

Reach out to people and get to know them. For those that work and partner with your team, reach out, and introduce yourself and what you do. Having this small interaction starts working relationships well.

与人接触并认识他们。 对于那些与您的团队合作并与之合作的人,请与他们联系并介绍自己以及您的工作。 进行这种小的互动可以很好地建立工作关系。

Find a partner that can pair with you. There are teammates out there that will want to see you be successful. Pair up with them and learn together.

寻找可以与您配对的伙伴。 有队友在那里,希望看到你成功。 与他们配对并一起学习。

Communication helps build partnerships. Not all communication needs to be purposeful. Be open to team lunches. Share with the team about your interests outside of work. Socializing will help forge powerful working relationships over time.

交流有助于建立伙伴关系。 并非所有的交流都需要有目的性。 开放团队午餐。 与团队分享您在工作之外的兴趣。 随着时间的流逝,社交活动将有助于建立强大的工作关系。

Show recognition. For every contribution from others, a quick thank you can go a long way. Even more importantly, as you start working on initiatives together, and achieve results, recognize their accomplishments.

显示识别。 对于他人的每一项贡献,快速的感谢可以帮助您。 更重要的是,当您开始共同努力并取得成果时,要认识到其成就。

通过学习每天增加价值 (Add Value Every Day By Learning)

As you build up relationships with people, get to know the work well.


Ask questions. Whether it is about the work in flight, the product, or processes, ask questions so that you can build context. No question is off the table; in fact, it may reveal opportunities in which you may lead.

问问题。 无论是有关飞行中的工作,产品还是过程,都请提出问题,以便您可以构建上下文。 毫无疑问,摆在桌面上; 实际上,它可能会揭示您可能领导的机会。

Jump in and contribute. As you settle into your role, offer to take on a challenge by being proactive. Shadowing will help build context, build a relationship, and also move the team in the right direction. No matter how small, file your first pull request.

投入并贡献力量。 当您适应自己的角色时,主动提出挑战。 阴影将帮助建立背景,建立关系并使团队朝正确的方向发展。 无论多小,都请提交您的第一个拉取请求。

Redraw things and learn by tracing. The systems and software you’re working on are intricate. Learn by drawing out the system and collaborating with others to improve acuity. Having this holistic view of the system, you are adding value that goes a long way.

重画事物并通过跟踪学习。 您正在使用的系统和软件非常复杂。 通过绘制系统并与他人合作以提高敏锐度来学习。 拥有系统的整体视图,您将获得长足的增值。

Meet with your manager and discuss expectations. As you learn about the people, work to understand expectations with your manager. Establish rapport by asking questions. Being on the same page is incredibly essential.

与您的经理会面并讨论期望。 当您了解员工时,请与您的经理一起理解期望。 通过提问建立融洽的关系。 在同一页面上至关重要。

Don’t know a particular technology? Learn by watching. As you start in the codebase, you will encounter technology that you may not have experience in. Build awareness by actively learning that technology through sites like LinkedIn learning or Pluralsight. A short 30-minute course will accelerate your understanding and drive.

不知道某项技术吗? 通过观看学习。 从代码库开始,您将遇到您可能没有经验的技术。通过在LinkedIn学习或Pluralsight等网站上积极学习该技术,从而提高意识。 简短的30分钟课程将加速您的理解和驾驶。

Spend time learning the product. Dogfooding your product is an excellent technique to understand the value you will eventually add. Having the product domain understanding will give you an extraordinary chance to contribute effectively. As a stretch, offer to demo product work at the next showcase.

花时间学习产品。 为您的产品添加食物是了解您最终将增加的价值的绝妙技术。 对产品领域的了解将为您提供一次非凡的机会,做出有效的贡献。 作为扩展,在下一个展示柜中演示产品工作。

组织学习 (Organize Your Learning)

Now that you are understanding people, and adding value by contributing, organizing what you discover can help.


Seek ways to onboard effectively. The people you work with have insight into how to onboard well at the company. Ask them. This knowledge may already be organized! A runbook or an essential checklist can give you a headstart.

寻求有效的登机方法。 与您一起工作的人员对如何在公司中任职有深刻的见识。 问他们。 这些知识可能已经组织好了! Runbook或基本核对清单可以帮助您抢先一步。

Bring the outside in. There are books out there that have excellent onboarding advice. The most important book I know of is The First 90 Days. There are also excellent podcasts and blog posts.

带到外面去。那里有很多书籍,这些书籍对入职提供了很好的建议。 我所知道的最重要的书是《前90天》 。 也有出色的播客和博客文章。

Start a document of all-important links. There will be many disparate systems and tools. Keep a running list of all those URLs in a convenient location. Organizing bookmarks by their domain can also help.

启动所有重要链接的文档。 将有许多不同的系统和工具。 将所有这些URL的运行列表保存在方便的位置。 按域名来组织书签也有帮助。

Build a glossary of acronyms. Each company has its own set of abbreviations and acronyms. As you discover them through conversation, ask what they mean, and write it down. Start a glossary, and share it with the next new employee.

建立缩略语词汇表。 每个公司都有自己的缩写和缩写集。 当您通过对话发现他们时,请问他们的意思,然后写下来。 开始一个词汇表,并与下一位新员工共享。

Structured knowledge with a wiki. As you discover the product, it is a good idea to write out what you are learning. A personal wiki or a small library of markdown files can document your progress. The documents will reveal gaps to formulate new questions to ask. The bonus is that you can openly share with others over time.

具有Wiki的结构化知识。 当您发现产品时,最好写下您正在学习的内容。 个人Wiki或小型Markdown文件库可以记录您的进度。 这些文件将揭示提出新问题的空白。 好处是您可以随时间与他人公开分享。

采取你的第一个倡议 (Take on Your First Initiative)

As you are onboarding well, now is an excellent opportunity to build. Take ownership of the work you will be contributing to the team.

由于您的入职情况良好,因此现在是一个绝佳的构建机会。 拥有将为团队做出贡献的工作的所有权。

Understand the why behind the work. As you get into taking on your first challenge for the team, it is good to ask why your work is essential. Understand the mission and shape the context so it will drive your impact.

了解工作背后的原因。 在面对团队的第一个挑战时,最好问一下为什么您的工作至关重要。 了解任务并塑造环境,以带动您的影响。

Start small, and build up. Take on work that is achievable to build up understanding. Small accomplishments build your confidence.

从小处着手,逐步建立。 从事可以增进理解的工作。 小成就会建立您的信心。

Bring in previous learnings. As you learn from the codebase, and respect team efforts, show your way of thinking by solving the first initiative collaboratively. It’s an excellent opportunity to mentor and learn even more from others.

引入以前的经验。 当您从代码库中学习并尊重团队的努力时,请通过协作解决第一个倡议来展示您的思维方式。 这是一个很好的指导和向他人学习的机会。

Solve a gnarly problem. The team has many important initiatives ahead of them. Find a problem that can help the organization, the product, or the environment. By taking on a gnarly issue, and solving it, will build the trust and respect of the team.

解决一个棘手的问题。 团队前面有许多重要的举措。 查找可以帮助组织 ,产品或环境的问题。 通过解决一个棘手的问题,将建立团队的信任和尊重。

最后 (Finally)

Get in there and don’t be afraid! All the tips above require courage to take on. Each of these alone applied can be highly impactful. Be respectful and be bold! It’s a journey and will take time. You will do great! 🎉 🙌

进入那里,不要害怕! 以上所有技巧都需要勇气来承担。 单独应用这些功能均会产生很大的影响。 恭敬和大胆! 这是一个旅程,需要时间。 你会做的很棒! 🙌



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