code craft_英特尔推出10nm“ SuperFin”Craft.io节点

code craft

by Joel Hruska

通过乔尔·赫鲁斯卡(Joel Hruska)

Intel unleashed a great deal of information about its upcoming products this morning, including new details on Tiger Lake, its upcoming mobile chip. There’s been no small amount of speculation about what kind of performance the new CPU would offer, especially after Ice Lake received mixed reviews on the CPU side. While the 10nm chip’s GPU was a significant jump forward for Intel, the CPU’s higher IPC was balanced by a lower maximum frequency. Overall, Intel had to give up almost exactly as much frequency as it gained in IPC and performance, outside a few specific cases, was largely static against Intel’s 14nm family of chips.

英特尔今天早晨发布了有关其即将推出的产品的大量信息,包括即将推出的移动芯片Tiger Lake的新细节。 关于新CPU会提供什么样的性能的猜测很少,尤其是在Ice Lake在CPU方面获得了不同的评价之后。 尽管10nm芯片的GPU对于英特尔来说是一个重大的飞跃,但CPU的更高IPC与更低的最大频率达到了平衡。 总体而言,英特尔不得不放弃几乎与IPC中所获得的频率相同的频率,并且在某些特定情况下,性能在很大程度上与英特尔的14nm芯片系列保持静态。

Tiger Lake is intended to change that by reclaiming the frequency that Intel had to give up last generation. The company has made a number of improvements to its 10nm process node and it’s collectively marketing them as “SuperFin.”

Tiger Lake旨在通过收回英特尔不得不放弃上一代产品的频率来改变这种状况。 该公司对其10nmCraft.io节点进行了许多改进,并将其统称为“ SuperFin”。

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Tiger Lake’s gate pitch is larger, meaning Intel decreased its density slightly to improve its electrical characteristics. This isn’t surprising, the company did something similar over the lifetime of 14nm as well. Improvements to channel mobility and reduced resistance lower the overall buildup of heat within the chip and increase the effective frequency the CPU can reach.

Tiger Lake的栅极间距更大,这意味着Intel稍微降低了其密度以改善其电气特性。 这并不奇怪,该公司在14nm的生命周期中也做了类似的事情。 通道迁移率的提高和电阻的降低,降低了芯片内部热量的整体积累,并提高了CPU可以达到的有效频率。

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Intel has also developed an improved metal-insulator-metal capacitor. This is a type of on-die capacitor used to respond rapidly to transient current spikes. David Kanter of RealWorldTech wrote a deep dive into MIMs and how they compare to MOSFETs and deep trench capacitors if you want more information on the topic.

英特尔还开发了一种改进的金属-绝缘体-金属电容器。 这是一种片上电容器,用于快速响应瞬态电流尖峰。 RealWorldTech的David Kanter 深入探讨了MIM,以及如果需要有关该主题的更多信息,它们如何与MOSFET和深沟槽电容器进行比较。

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The result of these improvements is a dramatic leap in overall dynamic range and frequency response. Intel doesn’t formally claim that Tiger Lake can hit 5GHz, but if you look at the curve above, the implication is there:

这些改进的结果是整体动态范围和频率响应有了巨大飞跃。 英特尔并未正式宣称Tiger Lake可以达到5GHz,但是如果您看一下上面的曲线,则意味着:

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One major change Intel is making with Tiger Lake is the switch from an inclusive L2 to a larger, non-inclusive L2. This was one of the more surprising disclosures about Tiger Lake; Intel’s L2 cache was just 512KB on Ice Lake and was inclusive of its 32KB L1i / 48KB L1d caches. Tiger Lake also allocates a larger L3 cache — up to 3MB per core, compared to 2MB for Ice Lake. I don’t want to speculate on exactly what kind of impact we should expect from this change until we’ve actually seen the CPU.

英特尔对Tiger Lake所做的一个重大改变是从包容性L2转向更大的非包容性L2。 这是有关虎湖的更令人惊讶的披露之一。 英特尔的L2缓存在Ice Lake上仅为512KB,包括其32KB L1i / 48KB L1d缓存。 Tiger Lake还分配了更大的L3缓存-每个核心最多3MB,而Ice Lake则为2MB。 在我们真正看到CPU之前,我不想猜测到底应该对这次更改产生什么样的影响。

What all this adds up to, according to Intel, is one mammoth performance jump:


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Intel isn’t really using its “+” nomenclature, but what we’ve heard from the company in the past is that the barely-there Cannon Lake counts as 10nm, Ice Lake is 10nm+, and Tiger Lake is built on 10nm++. The slide above applies a bit of a redefinition, with Ice Lake now “10nm” and Tiger Lake positioned as the 10nm intranode. Regardless, Intel is claiming to have delivered the same degree of performance improvement from ICL to TGL as it delivered across all of its 14nm product lines. Note that the y-axis isn’t measuring absolute performance improvement, but performance improvement at the same leakage.

英特尔并没有真正使用其“ +”命名法,但是我们过去从该公司那里听到的消息是,几乎没有Cannon Lake算是10nm,Ice Lake是10nm +,而Tiger Lake是基于10nm ++构建的。 上面的幻灯片应用了一些重新定义,Ice Lake现在为“ 10nm”,而Tiger Lake被定位为10nm节点。 无论如何,英特尔声称从ICL到TGL都提供了与所有14nm产品线相同的性能提升。 请注意,y轴并不是衡量绝对性能的提高,而是衡量在相同泄漏下的性能提高。

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Tiger Lake will also add additional EUs and move to Intel’s Xe graphics. This will be the first place we see Intel’s upcoming graphics architecture and there’s a fair bit of excitement and curiosity over what the firm will launch. Nobody expects Xe to be an Nvidia-killer out of the gate — initial architectures from a new company (which is what Intel basically is in this space) don’t really do that — but a three-way race would push all competitors to evolve GPU technology more quickly.

Tiger Lake还将增加其他EU,并迁移至Intel的Xe图形。 这将是我们看到英特尔即将推出的图形架构的第一个地方,并且对该公司将要推出的产品充满了兴奋和好奇。 没有人希望Xe成为Nvidia的杀手—-新公司的初始架构(这基本上是Intel在这个领域的表现)并没有真正做到这一点-但是三路竞争将推动所有竞争对手发展GPU技术更快。

There’s a lot more to talk about and I’m going to have more to say about it later this morning, but I want to take a moment to speak to how Tiger Lake looks overall, particularly against AMD. If Intel can deliver the improvement in clock speeds that it claims it can, AMD is going to facing serious competition in mobile this year. It wouldn’t be surprising if Intel leaps ahead with Tiger Lake, only for AMD to pull even (or ahead) when Zen 3 APUs debut for mobile. That kind of back-and-forth between the two companies was normal on desktop from early 2017 — mid-2019.

还有很多要讨论的话题,今天上午晚些时候我将有更多话要说,但是我想花一点时间来谈谈Tiger Lake的整体情况,尤其是对AMD的看法。 如果英特尔能够提供其声称的时钟速度改进,那么AMD今年将在移动领域面临激烈的竞争。 如果Intel在Tiger Lake上取得领先,这并不奇怪,仅当Zen 3 APU首次在移动设备领域亮相时,AMD才能实现收支平衡(甚至领先)。 从2017年初到2019年中,两家公司之间的这种来回回返在台式机上很正常。

It isn’t surprising to see Intel debut a significantly improved 10nm — the company signaled confidence in the node when it canceled its lower-end 14nm Cooper Lake Xeons last year. The question is, can Intel ship these parts in significant volume? We’ll know more when we see how Intel positions any remaining 14nm CPUs in the 11th Generation (presumed) mobile Core family as opposed to 10nm parts, and how easy they are to find on store shelves.

看到英特尔首次亮相10nm纳米技术并不奇怪,该公司去年取消了其低端的14nm Cooper Lake Xeons处理器,表明了对该节点的信心。 问题是,英特尔能否大量运送这些部件? 当我们看到英特尔如何将第11代(假定的)移动Core系列中所有剩余的14nm CPU相对于10nm部件定位时,以及如何在货架上轻松找到它们时,就会知道更多。

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The implication of Intel’s last conference call is that the company is going to take a margin hit as it scales up 10nm production more aggressively. The company has carefully managed its available production for the past few years, ceding ground in low-end chips to focus its production on enterprise and server parts.

英特尔上次电话会议的含义是,英特尔将大幅提高10nm的生产规模,从而对利润率造成负面影响。 在过去的几年中,该公司一直谨慎地管理着其可用的生产,在低端芯片方面让步,将其生产重点放在企业和服务器部件上。

It would be premature to declare that Intel had turned a corner on 10nm until we’ve seen Tiger Lake in action and have evidence that the chips are available in volume, but Intel is claiming a solid set of improvements for its next iteration of 10nm.

现在宣布英特尔在10nm上转了弯还为时过早,直到我们看到Tiger Lake投入运行,并有证据表明该芯片已批量生产,但英特尔宣称其下一次10nm迭代有一系列可靠的改进。

Now Read:


Originally published at on August 13, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月13日 发布


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