

When well-respected and award-winning author John Boyne wanted to include a detailed description of a traditional way of making red dye in his latest historical novel, he did what most of us would have done — he Googled it.

w ^母鸡备受推崇的和屡获殊荣的作家约翰·博因想包括在他的最新长篇历史小说使红色染料的一种传统方式的详细说明,他做了什么,我们大多数人会做的-他GOOGLE了它。

Simple enough, type in the question and up pops your answer. Work it into the text and move on to the next chapter.

非常简单,输入问题,然后弹出您的答案。 将其处理成文本,然后继续下一章。

Unfortunately for Boyne, Google’s featured answer happened to be a completely fictional recipe for dye featured in the popular video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


A Google search results page showing how the error occurred
A Google search for the ingredients of red dye for clothes

Even more unfortunately for the Boy in the Striped Pajamas author, he failed to notice the source of this recipe (or its strange ingredients). These fantasy monster parts have now been presented as fact in his latest work A Traveller at the Gates of Wisdom — a historical novel set in the real world.

不幸的是,对于条纹睡衣男孩来说 ,他没有注意到这个食谱的来源(或奇怪的成分)。 这些奇幻怪兽的部分现在已经在他的最新作品《智慧之门的旅行者》中呈现,这是一部真实世界中的历史小说。

It took less than two weeks for an eagle-eyed reader to make Boyne’s mistake public…


The Tweet pointing out Boyne’s mistake
Source: Twitter

Whilst Boyne was unlucky enough to have his error published (and subsequently pointed out publicly), I think most of us will admit that we could very easily have made the same mistake.


“只是谷歌!” (“Just Google it!”)

The phrase “just Google it” seems to be the answer for almost any question.


Indeed “just Google it” is something many parents have heavily relied upon throughout the pandemic whilst they attempt to home-school impossibly advanced topics whilst juggling a myriad of other responsibilities.


Although convenient, this is a dangerous lesson to teach our future generations. Boyne’s mistake is embarrassing for the author. In a business setting, blindly accepting the wrong information as fact could be catastrophic.

尽管很方便,但这对于教导我们的后代来说是一个危险的教训。 博因的错误使作者感到尴尬。 在业务环境中,盲目接受错误的信息作为事实可能是灾难性的。

花一点时间来处理信息 (Take a moment to process the information)

Surely this public mistake serves as a reminder to all of us of the importance of critical thinking? By taking just a moment to properly process the information, this cursory Google would never have made it into print.

当然,这个公共错误可以提醒我们所有人批判性思维的重要性吗? 只花一点时间适当地处理信息,这个粗略的Google就永远不会将其打印出来。

Critical thinking requires the comprehending and analysing of information, not just regurgitating it. It allows you to form logical conclusions, using your ability to reason to understand the connections between ideas and facts.

批判性思维不仅需要重新理解信息,还需要理解和分析信息。 它使您能够利用推理能力来理解思想与事实之间的联系,从而得出合乎逻辑的结论。

It’s important not to just accept the first answer or idea that comes along. You must remove assumed constraints, identify falsehoods and look for the weaknesses.

重要的是不要仅仅接受随之而来的第一个答案或想法。 您必须消除假定的约束条件,识别错误并寻找弱点。

Whilst most people understand these concepts and most likely believe they have the ability to think critically, that might not always be the case. Critical thinking is very much like a muscle. If it’s not regularly exercised and flexed, it begins to wither away.

尽管大多数人理解这些概念,并且很可能相信他们有能力进行批判性思考,但情况并非总是如此。 批判性思维非常像一块肌肉。 如果不定期锻炼和弯曲,它将开始枯萎。

批判性思维需要实践 (Critical thinking takes practice)

Critical thinking is a fundamental skill in every business but rarely is it the focus of corporate training. Perhaps because the skill cannot be learned effectively using traditional corporate teaching methods. A PowerPoint doesn’t allow you the freedom to think critically. You could argue it does the opposite.

批判性思维是每项业务的基本技能,但很少成为公司培训的重点。 也许是因为无法使用传统的公司教学方法有效地学习该技能。 PowerPoint不允许您自由地进行批判性思考。 您可能会说相反。

Critical thinking requires a more innovative approach to training. Techniques such as scenario-based and Immersive Learning that allow the freedom to explore, gather information and draw conclusions.

批判性思维需要一种更具创新性的培训方法。 基于场景的学习和沉浸式学习等技术可让您自由地探索,收集信息并得出结论。

Immersive Learning (def.) “The use of immersive techniques, including storytelling, theatrical performance, technology and puzzles to develop and exercise skills.”


These techniques are non-linear which forces learners to engage. There are no right or wrong pathways to completion and infinite possibilities give freedom for creativity and innovation to flourish, empowering the learner and providing constant opportunities to flex that critical thinking muscle.

这些技术是非线性的,迫使学习者参与其中。 没有正确或错误的道路通往完成,无限的可能性赋予创造力和创新自由,以蓬勃发展,赋予学习者权力,并提供不断的机会来发挥批判性思维的力量。

And in case you’re wondering about the novel, Boyne has been pretty good-humoured about it all and has said he won’t be updating the text…


Boyne’s response on Twitter owning up to the mistake
Source: Twitter

Even going as far as to giving credit for the recipe…


A follow up Tweet from Boyne stating he will add Zelda to the acknowledgements page of his paperback
Source: Twitter

It’s refreshing to see someone taking ownership of their mistake in such an open and honest way. However, if we were to look at his reaction with a critical thinking approach we might consider that perhaps this was not a mistake at all, but possibly a clever marketing ploy to promote his new book?

我很高兴看到某人以这种开放和诚实的方式对自己的错误负责。 但是,如果我们以批判性的思维方式看待他的React,我们可能会认为这根本不是一个错误,而是一种聪明的营销策略来推广他的新书?

Kerrie Fraser is part of the chronyko team who have over 10 years experience in designing, building and delivering Immersive Learning experiences for skills development. If you are interested in learning more about Immersive Learning check out Immersive Learning.

Kerrie Fraser是chronyko团队的员,他们在设计,构建和提供沉浸式学习经验以发展技能方面拥有10多年的经验。 如果您有兴趣了解有关沉浸式学习的更多信息,请查看“ 沉浸式学习”

翻译自: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/how-monsters-from-zelda-ended-up-in-a-historical-novel-852356096467






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