google velvet_LG Velvet 5G值得推出新的设计方向

google velvet

It’s been a while since I’ve carried an LG phone that might draw stares. Over the years, the company’s ThinQ series has grown to belie its name, getting thicker and bulkier with each iteration. I remember holding the LG V60 ThinQ in my hands at a launch event last year as LG execs told me that a big change was coming.

我 T的一段时间,因为我已经进行的LG手机,可能得出的目光。 多年以来,该公司的ThinQ系列已成长为自己的名字,每次迭代都变得越来越粗壮。 我记得去年在一次发布会上,我手里拿着LG V60 ThinQ ,因为LG高管告诉我即将发生重大变化。

The LG Velvet 5G (approximately $599 in the U.S.) Android 10 smartphone is the harbinger of that change.

LG Velvet 5G(在美国约为599美元)Android 10智能手机是这一变化的预兆。

Gone is the bulk and thick, utilitarian edges. In their place is a sleek, subtle design that shows far more glass than metal. The front of the 6.8-inch, Android 10, 5G handset features waterfall curves that meet a thin chrome spine, which features a power/sleep button on the right side, volume rockers on the left, and below that, a dedicated Google Assistant button. Along the bottom edge is a speaker grill, USB-C power and data port, and a throwback 3.5 mm headphone jack (the phone does not ship with earphones).

笨重的功利主义边缘已一去不复返了。 取而代之的是光滑,微妙的设计,显示出的玻璃比金属要多得多。 6.8英寸,Android 10、5G手机的前部具有瀑布曲线,与细的Chrome脊连接,右侧有电源/睡眠按钮,左侧有音量摇杆,下方有专用的Google Assistant按钮。 底部边缘有一个扬声器格栅,USB-C电源和数据端口以及一个后置式3.5毫米耳机插Kong(电话不附带耳机)。

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The LG Velvet base still features a 3.5 mm headphone jack.
LG Velvet底座仍然具有3.5毫米耳机插Kong。

The back has the same curves and a completely new camera array in what LG is calling a “raindrop” design. I hesitate to tell them that raindrops are larger at the bottom, not the top. Still, it is nice to have an almost entirely smooth back broken only by the raised profile of the top 48 MP camera. Right below it is the 8 MP wide lens, which is above the 5 MP depth camera (for AR operations) and at the bottom is the LED flash. It’s easily one of the most attractive designs for a camera array that I’ve seen to date.

背面具有相同的曲线和LG称之为“ raindrop”设计的全新相机阵列。 我毫不犹豫地告诉他们,雨滴在底部而不是顶部更大。 尽管如此,仅通过顶部48 MP摄像机的凸起轮廓将几乎完全光滑的后背折断还是不错的。 它的正下方是8 MP宽镜头,位于5 MP深度相机(用于AR操作)上方,底部是LED闪光灯。 迄今为止,它很容易成为相机阵列最吸引人的设计之一。

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They call the camera array design raindrop.

At 167.2 x 74.6 x 7.9 mm, the LG Velvet is slightly narrower than Apple’s iPhone 11 Pro Max, but also significantly lighter. The iPhone 11 Pro Max weighs 226 grams, while the LG Velvet weighs a svelte 180g. I only mention this to make it clear that, while this is an inarguably large phone, it never feels bulky in the hand (unless you drop it into the optional, $199, Dual Screen case, but more on that later). I do wish LG had opted for a matte finish because the glass is a little slippery. I felt most comfortable carrying it in a case. If, however, you want to leave the phone open to the elements, the LG Velvet is both IP68 (1.5 meters of water for 15 minutes) and MIL-STD 810G rated. I did not subject it to an aggressive drop test but did put the phone under running water without any issue.

LG Velvet的尺寸为167.2 x 74.6 x 7.9毫米,比苹果的iPhone 11 Pro Max稍窄,但重量也要轻得多。 iPhone 11 Pro Max的重量为226克,而LG Velvet的重量为180克。 我只提到这一点是为了清楚地说明,尽管这是一部无可争议的大型手机,但它的手永远不会感觉笨拙(除非您将其放入可选的199美元双屏手机壳中,否则将在以后进行介绍)。 我确实希望LG选择哑光的外观,因为玻璃有点滑。 我把它放在箱子里感到最舒服。 但是,如果您想让手机保持开放状态,则LG Velvet的防护等级为IP68(1.5米水深15分钟)和MIL-STD 810G等级。 我没有对其进行剧烈的跌落测试,但确实将手机置于自来水下没有任何问题。

More broadly-speaking, LG’s new design language brings it into alignment with a host of other Android handsets like OnePlus’ attractive OnePlus 8 Pro and even Samsung’s Galaxy S line.

更广泛地说,LG的新设计语言使它与许多其他Android手机保持一致,例如OnePlus的诱人的OnePlus 8 Pro甚至三星的Galaxy S系列

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The LG Velvet is IP 68-rated.
LG Velvet的IP 68等级。

显示 (Display)

While the LG Velvet’s design says flagship, there are numerous choices, like the price ($599) and CPU (Qualcomm Snapdragon 765) that say “mid-range.”

LG Velvet的设计为旗舰产品,但有很多选择,例如价格(599美元)和CPU(高通Snapdragon 765)说“中端”。

The display, for instance is P-OLED, which means that instead of glass, the brilliant, 20.5:9 screen features a plastic substrate. At 2460 x 1080, it’s a lower resolution than the slightly smaller OnePlus 8 Pro (3168 x 1440). The refresh rate is a standard 60Hz, as opposed to the 90Hz (and more) I’m seeing on newer Android phones and that I expect on the next iPhone. Interestingly, the phone failed “TestUFO” refresh rate test I’ve successfully used on multiple phones. In fact, it reported an unusual stutter.

例如,显示器是P-OLED,这意味着20.5:9的明亮屏幕采用了塑料基板,而不是玻璃。 它的分辨率为2460 x 1080,比稍小的OnePlus 8 Pro(3168 x 1440)低。 刷新率是标准的60Hz,而不是我在较新的Android手机以及我希望在下一代iPhone上看到的90Hz(及更高)。 有趣的是,我在多部手机上成功使用的手机没有通过“ TestUFO”刷新率测试。 实际上,它报告了异常的断断续续。

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This is a nice, edge-to-edge P-OLED screen.

That aside, most of my experiences with the 395 ppi screen were positive. Images are crisp, colors pop, and blacks are suitably dark.

除此之外,我使用395 ppi滤网的大多数经验都是积极的。 图像清晰,色彩流行,而黑色则适当暗。

While basically an edge-to-edge screen, the LG Velvet’s display has, especially along the top and bottom edges, a slightly larger bezel than you might expect. I only noticed this when I compared the screen to the OnePlus 8 Pro. At the top is a teardrop cutout for the 16 MP front facing camera.

LG Velvet的显示屏基本上是边缘到边缘的屏幕,尤其是沿顶部和底部边缘,其边框比您预期的要大。 我只在将屏幕与OnePlus 8 Pro进行比较时才注意到这一点。 顶部是16 MP前置摄像头的水滴切口。

Underneath the screen is a well-positioned fingerprint reader where I registered my thumb and then effectively used it to unlock the phone throughout the course of my testing.


图片时间 (Picture time)

If you’re looking for an above average camera array with a solid collection of shooting options, including portrait mode, a flexible time-lapse, slow-motion Night view shots (significantly more grain than what you might get from an iPhone 11 or OnePlus 8 Pro), and more, the LG Velvet has got you covered.

如果您正在寻找具有中等拍摄能力的相机阵列,其中包括肖像模式,灵活的延时拍摄,慢动作夜景拍摄(明显比iPhone 11或OnePlus所获得的要多得多), 8 Pro),还有更多功能,LG Velvet可以满足您的要求。

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The good news is the LG Velvet produce vibrant, but not unrealistic colors.
好消息是LG Velvet可以产生鲜明但不逼真的色彩。

The main camera features a 48MP sensor, which if you shoot at full resolution packs the image with enough information that you can zoom in significantly and still have decent detail. Most of the time, though, you’ll be shooting at 12MP, which squeezes four pixels worth of information into each pixel for better color, contrast, and detail.

主相机带有一个48MP传感器,如果您以全分辨率拍摄,它会为图像提供足够的信息,以使您可以进行大幅放大,并且仍然具有不错的细节。 但是,大多数情况下,您将以12MP的速度拍摄,这会将四个像素的信息压缩到每个像素中,以获得更好的色彩,对比度和细节。

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You get a lot of detail in 48 megapixels

I can zoom up to 2X, which is nice, but, as more and more Android phones are adding 3X, and even 5X optical, this feels a little out of step.


The 8MP wide angle, which shoots up to a 120-degree field of view, does a good job of pulling in a lot of scene information. By default, the camera auto corrects the ultra-wide distortion, which straightens any lines that might be bowed and does not appear to lose much, if any, visual information.

8MP广角可拍摄高达120度的视野,在获取大量场景信息方面做得很好。 默认情况下,相机会自动校正超宽失真,该失真会矫正可能弯曲的线条,并且看上去不会丢失太多(如果有的话)视觉信息。

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Always nice to have a good ultra-wide lens.

The 5MP depth camera is mostly useful for the fun AR stickers and questionable 3D photo effect. The latter separates the foreground and background of the portrait shot and, as you tilt the camera back and forth, the foreground moves separately from the background to give it an almost lenticular 3D effect. In one of my portrait shots, this created a bizarre image tearing around my head. Suffice to say, this is not my favorite features.

5MP深度相机主要用于有趣的AR贴纸和可疑的3D照片效果。 后者将肖像拍摄的前景和背景分开,并且当您前后倾斜相机时,前景与背景分开移动,从而获得几乎双凸的3D效果。 在我的一幅肖像照中,这创造了一张怪异的图像,撕裂了我的头部。 可以说,这不是我最喜欢的功能。

Portrait mode, which works on both the front and rear cameras, is mostly effective. The rear camera does a nice job of blurring the background. Post shot, I can use a nifty slide to incrementally control the bokeh. Unfortunately, on both the front and rear cameras I found the camera blurring the subject ever so slightly so that my face had a sort of double-exposure effect. It’s something I hope LG can fix in software.

纵向模式可在前后摄像头上同时使用,最有效。 后置摄像头可以很好地模糊背景。 拍摄后,我可以使用精美的幻灯片逐步控制散景。 不幸的是,在前置和后置摄像头上,我都发现摄像头使拍摄对象模糊不清,以至于我的脸部出现了双重曝光效果。 我希望LG可以在软件中修复该问题。

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This blurred foreground subject anomaly is visible on portrait shots from the front and rear camera, which indicates it’s a software issue.

The camera shoots solid 4K video, however I noticed during shooting and playback on my TCL Series 6 4K TV a slight stutter that might have been a framerate issue, even though I was not shooting at a higher frame rate (you can shoot 60fps but only up to 1080p).

相机拍摄的是稳定的4K视频,但是我在TCL Series 6 4K电视上的拍摄和播放过程中发现,即使我不是以较高的帧频拍摄,也可能出现帧速问题(您可以拍摄60fps,但只能拍摄60fps)。高达1080p)。

声音特效 (Sound effects)

LG has a nice habit of building in some impressive and unusual audio skills into their handsets and the LG Velvet is no exception. LG’s 3D audio can create an immersive (and loud) experience direct from the phone’s stereo speakers. However, it’s the recording features that are arguably stranger and more impressive.

LG习惯在手机中内置一些令人印象深刻且与众不同的音频技能,LG Velvet也不例外。 LG的3D音频可以直接从手机的立体声扬声器产生沉浸式(响亮的)体验。 但是,可以说是陌生且令人印象深刻的是录音功能。

The LG Velvet is the first phone I’ve ever heard of to feature an ASMSR recording mode. ASMSR (Autonomous sensory meridian response) is something (usually sound) that creates a specific physical response (tingling in the scalp, body, and spine). Most people associate it with amplification of typically subtle or even imperceptible sounds; think leaves rustling, wind blowing, food chewing, water running, hands moving over scratchy material, and even whispering. The LG Velvet has a recording mode that can pick up and focus in on these sounds (using the phone’s two ultra-sensitive microphones) and make them, essentially, the star of the show. I used ASMR recording mode on running water and my hand caressing paper and found the effect compelling and weird.

LG Velvet是我所听说的第一款具有ASMSR录制模式的手机。 ASMSR(自主感觉子午线React)是某种(通常是声音)的信号,会产生特定的身体React(在头皮,身体和脊椎发麻)。 大多数人将其与通常微妙甚至听不到的声音的放大相关联。 认为叶子沙沙作响,吹来的风,食物咀嚼,流水,手在刮擦的材料上移动,甚至在窃窃私语。 LG Velvet具有录音模式,可以拾取并集中处理这些声音(使用手机的两个超灵敏麦克风),并使其成为节目中的明星。 我在流水和手爱抚的纸上使用了ASMR记录模式,发现这种效果引人注目和奇怪。

性能 (Performance)

LG saved a couple of bucks with the mid-range performing Qualcomm Snapdragon 765, backed by 6 GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage. Aside from lower Geekbench numbers and the 4K video operation, I didn’t notice anything that would belie the last-gen silicon. Instead, streaming video, games (Asphalt 9 Legends), web browsing, and virtually every other operation I tried worked as well as they do on more powerful devices.

LG通过中端性能的Qualcomm Snapdragon 765节省了几美元,并配有6 GB的RAM和128 GB的存储空间。 除了较低的Geekbench数字和4K视频操作外,我没有发现任何可能掩盖了最新一代芯片的东西。 相反,流式视频,游戏(《 沥青9传奇》 ),网页浏览以及我尝​​试过的几乎所有其他操作都与在功能更强大的设备上一样出色。

电池和5G (Battery and 5G)

This is a 5G phone, but lacking a SIM and the ability to travel, to a place with some decent 5G coverage, I couldn’t test that aspect of the phone.


As for battery life, I easily got a day on a charge. The only exception is when I slipped the phone into the optional Dual Screen case and played a long movie on the second P-OLED display. Then I watched as battery life tumbled by 70% over the course of 2 hours.

至于电池寿命,我很容易就可以充电了一天。 唯一的例外是,当我将手机滑入可选的“双屏”保护壳并在第二个P-OLED显示屏上播放了很长的电影时。 然后我看到电池寿命在2小时内下降了70%。

It is nice, though to find wireless charging in a relatively affordable mid-range smartphone. The phone worked with all my Qi-based chargers.

很好,尽管可以在相对实惠的中端智能手机中找到无线充电功能。 该电话可与我所有基于Qi的充电器一起使用。

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Two screens means twice as much productivity, but don’t try taking photos while holding it.

That Dual Screen case is available with the phone for an additional $199. Combined, the phone and case are approximately $798, which makes the combo an decent value. It’s useful in situations where you want to type on one screen and have, say, the Microsoft Word app on the other or, or two run two different apps, full screen, at once (Twitter one side, Google News on the other), for timed, hands-free selfies, or, as I did, when you want a hands-free platform to watch Thor.

该手机的双屏保护套售价为199美元。 结合起来,手机和手机壳的价格大约为798美元,这使该产品具有很高的价值。 如果您想在一个屏幕上打字,而又要在另一个屏幕上运行Microsoft Word应用程序,或者要两个屏幕同时运行两个不同的应用程序,则该功能非常有用(Twitter一侧,而Google News则另一侧),用于定时免提自拍照,或者像我一样,当您想要免提平台观看Thor时

The screen swap technology is a bit wonky as whatever screen settings you have will switch back on their own if you let either screen sleep. I will say, though, that watching Thor on the secondary P-OLED display is an even better experience than watching it on the main phone screen because the Dual Screen display is completely flat. There is a bit of distortion that happens on the LG Velvet’s curved edges display.

屏幕切换技术有点奇怪,因为如果让任何一个屏幕进入睡眠状态,则无论您拥有什么屏幕设置,都将自己切换回原来的屏幕设置。 不过,我会说,在辅助P-OLED显示器上观看Thor比在主电话屏幕上观看Thor体验要好得多,因为Dual Screen显示器是完全平坦的。 LG Velvet的弧形边缘显示屏上会发生一些变形。

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Thor on the Dual Screen. 雷神 》。

While the LG Velvet Dual Screen case is thinner and lighter than the one used with LG’s V60, it’s still pretty bulky. I do like the secondary, monochrome external display, which offers you a view of time, date, battery life, and a few notification icons. Still, taking photos with the case on is unwieldy and, since I take more pictures than I do watch movies or do productivity work on the Velvet, I prefer carrying it without the big Dual Screen case.

LG Velvet Dual Screen机壳比LG V60所使用的机壳更薄,更轻,但它仍然非常笨重。 我确实喜欢辅助的单色外部显示屏,它为您提供了时间,日期,电池寿命以及一些通知图标的视图。 尽管如此,在带保护套的情况下拍摄照片并不方便,而且由于我拍摄的照片多于看电影或在Velvet上进行工作,因此我更喜欢在没有大型双屏保护套的情况下携带它。

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I am a fan of the monochrome external display on the optional Dual Screen case.

Overall, the LG Velvet is a big step in the right direction for LG Mobile. It’s thin and comparatively light, has a gorgeous screen, and generally pleasing performance. It’s not as impressive as, for example, the OnePlus 8 Pro, which rivals the best in Android (and iOS) with excellent design, photography (oh, those macro photos) and performance. Plus, I think the LG Velvet could use a software upgrade to fix some minor feature hiccups on 4K and portrait mode. Fix them, LG, and I’d like LG Velvet 5G enough to recommend it without any reservations.

总体而言,LG Velvet是LG移动朝正确方向迈出的一大步。 它很薄,比较轻,屏幕华丽,性能总体上令人满意。 它不像OnePlus 8 Pro那样令人印象深刻,后者凭借出色的设计,摄影(哦,那些微距照片)和性能可与Android(和iOS)上的同类产品相媲美。 另外,我认为LG Velvet可以使用软件升级来修复4K和纵向模式下的一些次要功能故障。 修复它们,LG,我希望LG Velvet 5G能够毫无保留地推荐它。

The LG Velvet 5G start shipping on July 22. Pricing will vary by carrier.

LG Velvet 5G将于7月22日开始发货。价格因运营商而异。


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