macOS Big Sur:您会喜欢的事情

技术 (Technology)

MacOS 11 Big Sur not only marks the end of OS X, but it also marks the new beginnings for the whole mac lineup moving forward. It was a huge step forward from Apple given the success of OS X. So it's no wonder Apple put some thought into it while designing it. Big Sur introduces a beautiful redesign that is entirely new yet instantly familiar.

M acOS 11 Big Sur不仅标志着OS X的终结,而且标志着整个世界的新起点 mac阵容前进。 鉴于OS X的成功,这是苹果公司迈出的一大步。因此,毫无疑问,苹果公司在设计时就对其进行了思考。 大苏尔(Big Sur)引入了精美的重新设计,它是全新的,但立即为您所熟悉。

Yes, this new OS is sort of merger of macOS and iOS/iPadOS, but that doesn’t make macOS any less powerful than it was before. There were some important additions to the OS to make the user experience streamlined and there were some notable omissions too that would make some long time users mad and did too.

是的,此新操作系统是macOS和iOS / iPadOS的合并,但这并没有使macOS的功能比以前弱。 操作系统中增加了一些重要的内容,以简化用户体验,并且也存在一些明显的遗漏,这将使一些长时间的用户发疯并且也这样做。

Let’s take a look at the new things about the Big Sur that you would love from the get-go.


外观 (The Look & Feel)

If there is anything other operating systems like Windows should learn from macOS Big Sur is the experience and the look and feel of the OS. Even if you hate macOS as an Operating System you would love just the way it looks.

如果还有其他操作系统,例如Windows,应从macOS那里学习,Big Sur是该操作系统的体验和外观。 即使您讨厌macOS作为操作系统,您也会喜欢它的外观。

The newly updated menu bar in OS 11 is now taller and translucent which allows a more edge to edge experience. The menus are larger and more spacious, words change their color based on the color of the desktop.

OS 11中新更新的菜单栏现在变得更高,更透明,从而提供了更多的边缘到边缘体验。 菜单更大,更宽敞,文字会根据桌面的颜色更改其颜色。

Windows are redesigned with translucency and rounded curvy edges to match the entire OS. The new full-height app sidebars are easier to work around with. System sounds are all-new and even more pleasing to the ear. Small additions like these make the experience more fun and user-friendly.

Windows经过重新设计,具有半透明性和圆润的弧形边缘,以匹配整个操作系统。 新的全高度应用程序侧边栏更易于使用。 系统声音是全新的,让您耳目一新。 像这样的小添加使体验更加有趣和用户友好。

旧但新 (Old, but New)

Apple says the control center is designed just for the mac, but everyone knows where that came from. Big Sur’s Control center & notification center is ripped straight out of iPad OS and placed in macOS without any major changes. Nonetheless, it’s still pretty functional.

苹果公司说控制中心是专为Mac设计的,但是每个人都知道它来自哪里。 Big Sur的控制中心和通知中心可以直接从iPad OS上撕下,并放置在macOS中,而无需进行任何重大更改。 尽管如此,它仍然非常有用。

The control center in the Big Sur gives you instant access to all favorite things like WiFi, Bluetooth, and other settings. You can even customize the control center to your liking. You can pin your favorite menu items to the top of the menu bar.

大苏尔(Big Sur)的控制中心可让您即时访问所有喜欢的东西,例如WiFi,蓝牙和其他设置。 您甚至可以根据自己的喜好定制控制中心。 您可以将自己喜欢的菜单项固定在菜单栏的顶部。

The new and updated notification center holds all your widgets and notifications in one place. There are new interactive notifications that will help you to do stuff right from the notification center. You can click and hold the notifications from apps like mail and calendar to reply to an email and browse through the daily schedule right from the notification center.

新的和更新的通知中心将您所有的小部件和通知放在一个位置。 有新的交互式通知,可帮助您从通知中心直接进行操作。 您可以单击并按住诸如邮件和日历之类的应用程序中的通知,以回复电子邮件并直接从通知中心浏览每日日程表。

在聚光灯下' (In the ‘Spotlight’)

Spotlight is one of the least talked about features but one of the most functional features available in macOS. With Big Sur, the spotlight is faster and streamlined.

Spotlight是功能最少的功能之一,但却是macOS中可用的功能最多的功能之一。 借助Big Sur,聚光灯更快,更流畅。

In this update, Spotlight results are listed, making results easier to digest so you can get to the app or document you need. Spotlight now even supports Quick Look, you can now access a full-size preview of the file without even launching the app.

在此更新中,列出了Spotlight结果,使结果更易于消化,因此您可以使用所需的应用程序或文档。 Spotlight现在甚至支持“快速查看”,您现在无需启动应用程序就可以访问文件的全尺寸预览。

隐私和扩展 (Privacy & Extensions)

Safari now has a builtin Tracking Prevention system to identify and block trackers across the web. A new Privacy Report shows how Safari protects your browsing across every website you visit. You can access the privacy report from the safari menu which will give you an in-depth overview of every site tracker blocked over the last 30 days.

Safari现在具有内置的Tracking Prevention系统,可以识别和阻止网络上的跟踪器。 新的隐私报告显示了Safari如何保护您访问的每个网站的浏览。 您可以从野生动物园菜单访问隐私报告,该报告将为您提供过去30天内阻止的每个网站跟踪器的深入概述。

Safari comes with a builtin password monitoring tool to detect and protect when your saved password has been compromised in a data breach. You will get notified when this happens. Safari will present you with an option to defend and update your passwords.

Safari带有内置的密码监视工具,可检测和保护您的已保存密码在数据泄露中受到破坏的时间。 发生这种情况时,您会收到通知。 Safari将为您提供保护和更新密码的选项。

In addition to the privacy report, there is a new web extensions API which will make it easier for the developers to create and migrate their existing extensions from other browsers to Safari. There is also a new dedicated section for the extensions right in the Mac App Store.

除了隐私报告之外,还有一个新的Web扩展API,这将使开发人员可以更轻松地创建其现有扩展并将其从其他浏览器迁移到Safari。 Mac App Store中还有一个新的专用部分,用于扩展。

罗塞塔2 (Rosetta 2)

As Apple announced their move towards Apple silicon, many apps that ran on Intel-based apps will be left in the grey. To aid the developers to create and support their apps, Apple introduced Rosetta 2 with Big Sur.

随着苹果宣布迈向苹果芯片的步伐,许多基于英特尔应用程序的应用程序将处于灰色状态。 为了帮助开发人员创建和支持其应用程序,Apple推出了带有Big Sur的Rosetta 2。

Rosetta 2 is a translation process that allows users to run apps that contain x86–64 instructions on Apple silicon. Though it is not a substitute for creating apps its main aim is to ease the transition to Apple silicon, giving developers time to create a universal binary app across all Apple devices. With Rosetta 2 developers can make their old Intel-based Mac apps available on the Mac without any modifications.

Rosetta 2是一个转换过程,允许用户在Apple芯片上运行包含x86–64指令的应用程序。 尽管它不能替代创建应用程序,但其主要目的是简化向Apple芯片的过渡,使开发人员有时间在所有Apple设备上创建通用二进制应用程序。 使用Rosetta 2,开发人员可以在Mac上使用其旧的基于Intel的Mac应用程序,而无需进行任何修改。

On the surface, macOS Big Sur is just a design refresh to the decade-old OS X. It is nothing major like OS 9 transition to OS X. However that doesn’t mean macOS’s days are numbered. It’s just that Big Sur will act as a stepping stone for Apple to introduce their new Silicon into the game. With Big Sur, Apple will gain complete control of its most advanced operating system just like its other operating systems.

从表面上看,macOS Big Sur只是对已有十多年历史的OS X的设计更新。它并没有像OS 9过渡到OS X那样重要。但这并不意味着macOS的时代已经到来。 只是Big Sur将成为Apple将其新芯片引入游戏的垫脚石。 借助Big Sur,Apple可以像其他操作系统一样完全控制其最先进的操作系统。

In addition to this, macOS also comes with big privacy improvements and other under the hood changes which will enhance the user experience. As of now, Big Sur is still in developer preview and the public beta is expected to be released in few weeks. Stay tuned for a future article about things you would hate about Big Sur.

除此之外,macOS还具有很大的隐私改进功能,并且在其他方​​面进行了其他更改,从而增强了用户体验。 截至目前,Big Sur仍在开发人员预览中,预计将在几周内发布公共Beta。 请继续关注将来关于大苏尔的文章。






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