
Who would have thought that a bonus game from a Kickstarter would become a mega-hit all on its own? The first Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon was a modern retro throwback with very deliberate Castlevania vibes. It was a companion piece to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night from legendary Castlevania series producer Koji Igarashi. Where the original Curse of the Moon was loosely based on Castlevania III, Curse of the Moon 2 aims for even greater heights. The end result is far deeper than it may first appear.

w ^ 浩本来以为从Kickstarter的奖励游戏将成为一个大型命中都在自己的? 最早的《 血腥:月球诅咒》是一种现代复古风格,具有非常精心的恶魔城氛围。 这是传奇的恶魔城系列制作人五十岚晃司(Koji Igarashi)的《 血迹:夜之祭》的配套作品。 在最初的《月之诅咒》基于《 恶魔城》 III的地方《月之诅咒2》的目标是更高的高度。 最终结果比它初看起来要深得多。

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Source: Nichegamer.

追逐恶魔塔 (Chasing a demonic tower)

In terms of the plot, Curse of the Moon 2 is something of an oddity. While it does feature both returning and new characters, it doesn’t possess much connection with either the first game or Ritual of the Night. It kicks off with demon hunter Zangetsu tracking down a massive demon tower. He’s joined by three new characters on the perilous journey.

在剧情方面, 《月之诅咒2》有些奇怪。 虽然它既具有返回角色又具有新角色,但与第一款游戏或《夜晚的仪式》并没有太多联系。 它开始于恶魔猎人Zangetsu追踪巨大的恶魔塔。 在危险的旅程中,他加入了三个新角色。

If you’ve played any Castlevania game before, then Curse of the Moon 2 will feel like stepping into a pair of comfortable old shoes. This is especially true if you’re familiar with the NES iterations of the series. You’ll face challenging jumps over death pits, fighting all manner of demons, and dealing with elaborate (and truly epic) boss encounters. The developers have also leaned heavily into level design here, in a way that goes well beyond the first game.

如果您之前玩过恶魔城游戏,那么《 诅咒之月2》将感觉像是走进一双舒适的旧鞋子。 如果您熟悉该系列的NES迭代,则尤其如此。 您将面临具有挑战性的跳越死亡陷阱,与各种恶魔作斗争以及应对精心设计的(甚至是史诗级的)老板遭遇的挑战。 开发人员在这里也大量依靠关卡设计,这远远超出了第一款游戏。

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Source: Siliconera.

Zangetsu is joined by Dominique, Robert, and Hachi (who is, by the way, a dog who pilots a steampunk mech — no, I’m not kidding). Each character has their own unique abilities or traits. Dominique jumps higher than the others and can cast powerful spells. Robert has a gun he can use to hit enemies from afar (he can also “wall jump” and can crawl on his belly to reach certain locations). Hachi can become invulnerable and can hover for brief periods of time.

Zangetsu也加入了Dominique,Robert和Hachi(顺便说一句, 那只狗是驾驶蒸汽朋克机甲的狗 -不,我不是在开玩笑)。 每个角色都有自己独特的能力或特质。 多米尼克跳得更高,可以施展强大的法术。 罗伯特拥有一把枪,可以用来远距离打击敌人(他也可以“跳墙”,可以在腹部爬行以到达某些位置)。 Hachi会变得无敌,并会短暂停留。

In the previous game, you could take multiple routes through levels — doing this required you to have the right character selected to take into a new area. And while that’s still true here, the developers have taken things much further in terms of specifically emphasizing the strengths of each character. There are now many individual areas designed for particular characters. As just one example, you’ll sometimes encounter areas where there are multiple enemies guarding the jump over a death pit. Robert’s gun can make short work of them. One level has rotating platforms and gears (very reminiscent of Castlevania), and Hachi’s ability to hover makes this section far easier.

在上一个游戏中,您可以在关卡中进行多条路线-为此,您需要选择正确的角色以进入新区域。 尽管这仍然是正确的,但开发人员在特别强调每个角色的优势方面取得了更大的进步。 现在有许多为特定角色设计的单独区域。 仅举一个例子,您有时会遇到有多个敌人守卫死坑的区域。 罗伯特的枪支可以缩短他们的工作时间。 一个关卡具有旋转平台和齿轮(非常让人联想到恶魔城 ),而Hachi的悬停功能使此部分变得更加容易。

Different sub-weapons also serve as ways of bringing the difficulty down. That’s a good thing, because Curse of the Moon 2 is tough. The latter half of the game features numerous difficult sections, along with some of the trickiest boss battles since the Grim Reaper in the first Castlevania.

不同的子武器也可以用来降低难度。 这是一件好事,因为《月之魔咒2》很难。 游戏的后半部分包含众多困难部分,以及自第一部恶魔城死神以来的最棘手的首领战斗。

Just as with the first game, the real challenge begins after the credits roll. It only gets tougher from there.

就像第一个游戏一样, 真正的挑战在积分增加后开始。 从那里变得更加艰难。

If you played the first game, you might remember the multiple endings and variations of the journey. In Curse of the Moon 2, the developers have extended this idea in the form of different episodes. Beating the game initially unlocks a harder mode with different enemy patterns, routes, and a new final boss. Get through that (and achieve the “good ending”), and you’ll unlock the game’s true finale.

如果您玩了第一场比赛,您可能会记得旅程的多重结局和变化。 在《月球的诅咒2》中 ,开发人员以不同剧集的形式扩展了这个想法。 击败游戏最初会解锁具有不同敌人模式,路线和新最终boss的更难模式。 做到这一点 (并达到“良好的结局”),您便可以解锁游戏的真正结局。

In the final episode, some very familiar faces return to lend a hand. And the game becomes something of a Mega Man journey through all the stages, combining everyone’s special abilities in order to help you unlock the true final level.

在最后一集中,一些非常熟悉的面Kong再次伸出援手。 游戏成为了《 洛克人》所有阶段的旅程,结合了每个人的特殊能力,以帮助您解锁真正的最终关卡。

There’s certainly a lot of game here. And as big fan of the first game (and Castlevania in general), I was definitely loving that. But while there’s so much meaty content here, the difficulty may be a turnoff for some.

这里肯定有很多游戏。 作为第一款游戏的狂热粉丝(以及整个恶魔城 ),我绝对喜欢。 但是,尽管这里有很多肉类内容,但对于某些人来说,困难可能是无法解决的。

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Source: Destructoid.

困扰难度 (Haunting difficulty)

Curse of the Moon 2 is a difficult game well beyond its Castlevania trappings. There are several noticeable difficulty spikes in the latter half of the game. Just like in the first game, it’s possible to continue on even after you’ve lost a character, and you’ll only lose a full life once your entire party is defeated. That does help to some extent, but it’s not quite as helpful as you’d think.

超越《 恶魔城》的陷阱,《月之诅咒2》是一款困难的游戏。 在游戏的后半段有几个明显的难度峰值。 就像在第一个游戏中一样,即使您失去了一个角色,也有可能继续下去,并且只有在整个党派被击败后才失去一生。 这确实有助于在一定程度上,但它并不你想象的一样有用。

Earlier, I mentioned the way that the levels are clearly designed to take advantage of specific characters. What this means is that if you lose the “best” character for a level, the rest of the level suddenly becomes much more difficult. In this situation it can sometimes be easier to just continually die to “wipe” the party. Of course, it’s certainly possible to beat every boss with just one single character — but in reality, most players aren’t going to be able to do that. The 7th stage boss was the hardest for me, and losing two or more characters simply meant I should sacrifice my life in order to restart with a full team.

之前,我提到了明确设计关卡以利用特定角色的方式。 这意味着,如果您失去某个级别的“最佳”角色,该级别的其余部分会突然变得困难得多。 在这种情况下,有时候连续不断地“擦拭”派对会更容易。 当然,仅用一个字符就可以击败每个老板,但是实际上,大多数玩家都无法做到这一点。 第七阶段的老板对我来说是最难的,失去两个或两个以上角色完全意味着我应该牺牲自己的生命,以便重新组成一支完整的团队。

There are several enemies and bosses whose attack patterns have no easily visible tell, along with enemies who will suddenly lunge at the player and who can’t be taken out with a single hit.


There is a “casual” difficulty that removes the classic (and frustrating) Castlevania-style knock back when you are hit by an enemy. But that only makes the game marginally easier and doesn’t reduce difficulty surrounding the actual platforming.

当您被敌人击中时,存在一个“偶然”的困难,可以消除经典的(令人沮丧的) 恶魔城风格的击退。 但这只会使游戏稍微容易一些,而不会减少围绕实际平台的难度。

One weird facet of the game, too, is that you can replay stages you’ve been to before…but you can’t take characters back to those stages who you have unlocked on subsequent stages (except for the final episode). This can make it even more difficult (and oddly restrictive) when it comes time to collect the permanent upgrades scattered throughout each level.

游戏的一个怪异方面​​是,您可以重播以前去过的各个阶段……但是您不能将角色带回到您在后续阶段(最终情节除外)中解锁的那些阶段。 当需要收集分散在每个级别的永久升级时,这可能会变得更加困难(并且奇怪地是限制性的)。

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Source: Destructoid.

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

It might sound strange, but the Curse of the Moon series is better than Ritual of the Night. Everything about Curse of the Moon is on point in terms of delivering a truly classic Castlevania-style experience: from the graphics and music to the gameplay refinement. Ritual of the Night, on the other hand, felt like it possessed some obvious gaps around gameplay design.

听起来有些奇怪,但是《 诅咒》系列要比《夜晚的仪式》好 。 就提供真正经典的恶魔城风格的体验而言,有关“月球诅咒”的所有内容都是正确的:从图形和音乐到游戏玩法的完善。 另一方面, 《夜晚的仪式》感觉到它在游戏设计方面存在明显的差距。

Curse of the Moon 2 is every Castlevania fan’s dream come true. But it might be a nightmare for those who didn’t grow up with these games. The final episode in particular is the most substantial evolution I’ve seen of the classic Castlevania formula (setting aside the substantially different metroidvania-style entries).

诅咒之月2是每个恶魔城球迷的梦想成真。 但是对于那些不熟悉这些游戏的人来说,这可能是一场噩梦。 特别是最后一集,是我所见过的经典恶魔城配方的最实质性演变(撇开了本质上不同的银杏毒蛇风格条目)。

Curse of the Moon 2 is a truly great example of “modern retro” design. It also happens to be one of my favorite games so far this year.

《月之诅咒2》是“现代复古”设计的真正典范。 到目前为止,它也是我迄今为止最喜欢的游戏之一。

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Game-Wisdom. It has been revised and published at SUPERJUMP with permission. Game-Wisdom上 。 经许可,已在SUPERJUMP上进行了修订和发布。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/bloodstained-curse-of-the-moon-2-review-5e091ad5e36

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