

If our founding fathers had access to Internet back when our great nation came to be, I’m pretty sure “the right to Internet, regardless of your economic status” would have been on the roster of important amendments.


It might have even started as a parking lot item, before finding its way to the middle of the pile, somewhere between quartering soldiers and search and seizure. Point is, it would have likely been included as a basic human right, especially if the pandemic were on and all kids and adults were expected to be online tapping into the bandwidth well for upwards of 8 hours a day. And if your child is playing Roblox, Minecraft, or any of the other games that suck up your bandwidth that # jumps exponentially.

它可能甚至开始是作为停车场的物品,然后才进入堆中部,位于营区士兵搜救之间。 重点是,这很可能被视为一项基本人权,特别是如果大流行在继续,并且所有的孩子和成年人都有望每天在长达8个小时的时间内充分利用带宽。 并且,如果您的孩子正在玩Roblox,Minecraft或其他任何占用带宽的游戏,则#会成倍增加。

But that didn’t happen. Of course not. The internet didn’t exist back then.

但是那没有发生。 当然不是。 那时互联网还不存在。

So now we’re in 2020, and having to face certain realities.


One of the realities that Gigi Sohn, former Counsel to the FCC Chairman, a Distinguished Fellow in Technology at Georgetown’s Law Institute, and an impassioned advocate for Internet being deemed a “utility” asserts is that there’s a lack of accountability when it comes to federal agencies having visibility on how Internet service providers (ISPs) are spending what amounts to a whole lot of cash ($24M).

FCC主席的前法律顾问,乔治城大学法学院的杰出技术研究员,热情洋溢的互联网倡导者被认为是“实用工具”的事实,Gigi Sohn认为,在联邦方面缺乏问责制了解互联网服务提供商(ISP)如何花费大量现金(2400万美元)的代理商。

Another challenge is how we define connectivity. If ISPs are using a definition that if 1 house in a census block area has connectivity, all homes have connectivity, this is a problem. The availability could be there, but the access isn’t and that could be for a host of issues, including cost of the service.

另一个挑战是我们如何定义连接性。 如果ISP使用的定义是,如果人口普查区中的一栋房屋具有连通性,则所有房屋都具有连通性,这是一个问题。 可用性可能存在,但访问权限不存在,并且可能涉及许多问题,包括服务成本。

The Cost of Connectivity 2020 by New America goes into detail about the FCC’s lack of oversight when it comes to ISPs but also highlights the challenges with this calculation:


“ISPs must disclose where they can feasibly offer internet service at speeds exceeding 200 kilobits per second (kbps) in at least one direction (upload or download speed) and list the census blocks where “they can or do offer service to at least one location.”144 This method is imprecise and overcounts availability, especially in rural areas where census blocks tend to be larger.”

“ ISP必须披露他们可以在至少一个方向(上传或下载速度)以超过每秒200 kbps的速度提供互联网服务的可行位置,并列出普查区域,“他们可以或确实向至少一个位置提供服务。” 144这种方法不够精确,并且夸大了可用性,特别是在人口普查区往往更大的农村地区。”

So what does all this amount to? It’s a mess.

那么,这一切意味着什么呢? 一团糟。

30% of Americans don’t have access to Internet, not to mention the ones that do that have lackluster speeds of 25 Mbps up and down. DSL is still a thing in rural communities.

30%的美国人无法访问互联网,更不用说那些上网速度缓慢且上下不下25 Mbps的人了。 在农村社区,DSL仍然是一回事。

And the results are tangible. Kids in urban and suburban areas with educational needs that can’t be met if they don’t have access, large investment in closing the gap in some urban areas, like Chicago’s South Side, and healthcare impacts as Telehealth becomes the new normal.

结果是切实的。 如果城市和郊区的孩子没有教育机会,就无法满足他们的教育需求;为弥补某些城市地区(如芝加哥南区)的差距而进行的大量投资,以及随着远程医疗成为新常态,对医疗的影响。

Add to this, households with non-native English speakers and non-tech savvy adults, and you have a recipe for further fall behind, per Lloyd Levine, a leading expert in tech from California.

此外,来自加利福尼亚的领先技术专家劳埃德·莱文 ( Lloyd Levine)指出 ,拥有非英语母语和不懂技术的成年人的家庭,您将有进一步落后的秘诀。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-digital-divide-is-real-and-its-painful-101e8218aa41


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