iOS或Android? -不是常规的Apple vs Android辩论

Apple doesn’t communicate features, they mention benefits for the straightforward reason that this makes people feel something. You would possibly remember once they launched the primary iPod, I would not say it had been anything groundbreaking. If all they had done was to only say — Look we have got a replacement mp3 player. It’s got five gigabytes of storage.

苹果公司不传达功能,他们提到收益的原因很简单,因为这会使人们感到某种东西。 您可能会记得,一旦他们推出了主要的iPod,我就不会说这具有开创性的意义。 如果他们所做的只是说-看,我们有一个替代的mp3播放器。 它有5 GB的存储空间。

我认为没有人会关心。 (I don’t think anyone would have cared.)

但是苹果公​​司的角度是—该产品可以为您提供一千首歌曲。 (But the angle Apple took was — This product will offer you a thousand songs in your pocket.)

Think about that line and once you believe it you’re probably not thinking any more dull boxes and storage capacities. You’re brooding about your playlists and flicking through it on your iPod together with your favorite song being blasted through your ears.

考虑一下这条线,一旦您相信了这一点,您可能就不会再考虑其他无聊的盒子和存储容量了。 您正在思索播放列表,并在iPod上快速浏览播放列表,同时将自己喜欢的歌曲从耳朵中吹出来。

The final thing Apple does to form things simple for its customers is Apple pretends other brands don’t exist. They do not mention other companies. They do not compare benchmark scores to Samsung. All they assert is that this model may be a certain percent faster than the last model and that is all.

苹果为客户打造简单的产品的最后一件事是,苹果假装不存在其他品牌。 他们没有提及其他公司。 他们没有将基准分数与三星进行比较。 他们断言,该模型可能比上一个模型快某个百分比,仅此而已。

I think this is often subconscious effects every single one that drops what they’re doing, to listen.


It changed the question in their head of which phone do I buy which I phone do I buy. And for the people that are already therein ecosystem, it creates lock-in. It means from the purpose once you buy your first iPhone the sole decision you’ve got to form from that time onward is: do I buy this iPhone or do I wait until subsequent year?

这改变了他们问我买哪部手机的问题。 对于已经在生态系统中的人们,它会产生锁定。 这意味着从购买第一款iPhone的目的出发,从那时起您必须形成的唯一决定是:我要购买这款iPhone还是等到下一年?

Apple does an equivalent thing with its ecosystem products. They act like air pods are the sole earphones on the earth. That the Apple Watch is that the only watch you’ll consider buying it’s almost like they sleep in a parallel universe where the sole tech products that exist are Apple products.

苹果对其生态系统产品做了同样的事情。 它们的行为就像是荚are是地球上唯一的耳机。 Apple Watch是您会考虑购买的唯一手表,几乎就像它们睡在平行的世界中,那里存在的唯一技术产品是Apple产品。

Here’s the thing the way they’ve managed to attach with people through simplicity.


An apple.
Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash
Louis Hansel的照片 @shotsoflouisUnsplash上

苹果立即将其杀死。 (Apple is killing it immediately.)

No stat better represents how they need control 20% of the market share. Which is fine . But now with only this, they have two-thirds of all profits.

没有任何数据能更好地代表他们如何控制20%的市场份额。 没关系。 但是现在只有这些,他们拥有了全部利润的三分之二。

Apple has been acting weird. Apple been doing tons of things recently that seems very un-Apple and my theory on why is that smartphone sales are falling this in itself isn’t surprising. Tons of the people that just want to use a smartphone now have a working smartphone. But what’s interesting is how Apple over the last three years has slowly but surely changed their tact well.

苹果一直表现怪异。 苹果最近做了很多事情,这看起来与苹果公司非常不一样。我对智能手机销量为何下降的理论也就不足为奇了。 现在,仅想使用智能手机的人中就有很多可以使用智能手机。 但是有趣的是,苹果在过去三年中如何缓慢但确实改变了他们的策略。

Historically Apple has been perfectly proud of this one-fifth market share because they create so much profit per model. If this pool of individuals who are buying a replacement phone starts to shrink then tech companies need to start trying to find a profit in other places. Enter subscription-based services like Apple music.

从历史上看,苹果公司一直为这一五分之一的市场份额感到自豪,因为它们为每种型号创造了如此多的利润。 如果购买替换电话的人数开始减少,那么科技公司就需要开始尝试在其他地方寻找利润。 输入基于订阅的服务,例如Apple Music。

Apple’s big dilemma their past strategy doesn’t fit perfectly into this new future. If you would like to sell a subscription to people you’ve to get your device into as many people’s hands as possible but they haven’t done this. If anything, Apple has purposefully sold its phones to fewer people to stay things simple. Apple could have made 50 different phones for each single possible price point but they didn’t.

苹果公司过去的战略面临的巨大困境并不完全适合这个新的未来。 如果您想向某人出售订阅,则必须使您的设备尽可能多地交到人们手中,但他们尚未这样做。 为了使事情变得简单,苹果有意将其手机出售给了更少的人。 苹果本可以为每个可能的价格点生产50部不同的手机,但事实并非如此。

Because they wanted to specialise in a couple of models and control the end-user experience. You cannot do this also with 50 different phones. As a result, Android immediately has almost 80% of smartphone users worldwide. And albeit this group of individuals is on the average a lower-income group, it is also a rising income group. So to counter this Apple has needed to become a touch more like Android. They’ve needed to supply multiple phones and multiple different price points and that I think that is the reason we got the iPhone SE 2.

因为他们想专门研究几个模型并控制最终用户的体验。 您也无法使用50部不同的手机执行此操作。 结果,Android立即拥有全球近80%的智能手机用户。 尽管这组人平均是低收入组,但它也是收入上升组。 因此,为了应对这种情况,苹果需要变得更像Android。 他们需要提供多部手机和多个不同的价格,我认为这就是我们购买iPhone SE 2的原因。

It is a to offer longtime iPhone 6 or iPhone 7 users a reasonable upgrade option. in order that they don’t re-evaluate to Android. Also, to steal Android users because everyone who jumps to iPhone is another one that could subscribe to Apple News plus and Apple music.

为长期使用iPhone 6或iPhone 7的用户提供合理的升级选项。 以便他们不重新评估Android。 另外,窃取Android用户是因为每个跳到iPhone的人都是可以订阅Apple News plus和Apple Music的用户。

这是有原因的 (There are reasons for this)

iOS 14 for the longest time Android has had a couple of killer advantages over iOS. Customization choice, granular control, and there are simple features that Apple could have added to them at any time but they didn’t. Because historically Apple has benefited from having tight control over the end-user experience. But iOS 14 changes that.

最长的iOS 14 Android相对于iOS具有几个杀手advantages优势。 自定义选择,精细控制以及Apple可以随时向其中添加的简单功能,但事实并非如此。 因为从历史上看,苹果一直受益于对最终用户体验的严格控制。 但是iOS 14改变了这一点。

It introduced a variety of all resizable widgets ever. You now get an app drawer so you do not get to produce other apps on your home screen. You’ll change your default browser. Picture-in-picture mode means Apple’s multitasking not sucks.

它引入了各种可调整大小的小部件。 现在,您将获得一个应用程序抽屉,因此不必在主屏幕上制作其他应用程序。 您将更改默认浏览器。 画中画模式意味着Apple的多任务处理不会失败。

Why did Apple wait 10 years to feature such simple things to their phones? Well, I might say it’s because now quite ever Apple needs Android users to.

苹果为什么要等10年才能在手机上使用如此简单的功能? 好吧,我可能会说这是因为现在Apple确实需要Android用户。

iOS 14 Logo.

iOS 14可能是对Android的直接攻击。 (iOS 14 may be a direct attack on Android.)

If you have ever tried to shop for a Macbook, you’d have noticed something very funny about them. you’ve got absolutely no idea when subsequent one is beginning. It might be January, might be June might be not in the least this year.

如果您曾经尝试过购买Macbook,那么您会发现它们非常有趣。 您完全不知道下一个开始的时间。 可能不是一月份,可能不是今年六月。

Isn’t that sort of weird from a corporation that releases their iPhones so on the dot? For quite a few years now Apple has been counting on Intel to supply its processors and AMD to supply its graphics. it isn’t paying off. Apple has no control over what proportion performance improves whenever.

一家发布iPhone的公司不是那么奇怪吗? 多年来,苹果一直指望英特尔提供处理器,而AMD则依靠图形。 它没有回报。 苹果无法控制性能何时提高。

Sometimes Intel delivers the chip and it’s like literally a five percent improvement and also they’re often delayed. this suggests that Apple finishes up delivering a late product to consumers.

有时,英特尔会提供该芯片,这实际上可提高5%,而且通常会延迟交付。 这表明苹果已经完成了向消费者提供后期产品的工作。

So a couple of weeks ago Apple said — forget this. We’re gonna use our own chips for our MacBooks. And on the face of it, this looks like just a knee-jerk reaction to Intel’s inconsistency. But I’d be willing to bet that Apple has been getting to do that for an extended time.

所以几周前,苹果公司说-算了。 我们将为MacBook使用我们自己的芯片。 从表面上看,这看起来像是对英特尔不一致问题的下意识的React。 但是我敢打赌,苹果已经在更长的时间内做到这一点。

Why? For more users into Apple services. As of immediately Apple only controls like 10% of the PC market, so there’s the potential to succeed in a huge amount of latest people that don’t in the least use any Apple products. Using their own chips might be the key thereto by employing a similar mobile chip to the one found within the iPhones and therefore the iPad pro-Apple could make a hyper-efficient laptop during a super slim body with a full two-day battery life and call me crazy I feel there is a good chance Apple will make a less expensive model.

为什么? 为更多用户提供Apple服务。 截止到目前,苹果仅控制着大约10%的PC市场,因此有潜力成功吸引大量不使用任何苹果产品的最新人士。 使用与iPhone中使用的移动芯片相似的移动芯片可能是使用自己的芯片的关键,因此iPad pro-Apple可以在超薄机身内制造超高效笔记本电脑,并具有两天的电池寿命,并且叫我疯了,我觉得苹果很有可能会制造出价格更低的机型。

When you put that up against other companies like Dell and HP who are getting to be paying $300 to Intel and AMD for the equivalent, Apple features a serious strategic leg up.


The other implication of using Apple mobile chips is that it doesn’t just make Mac’s more appealing it makes all Apple products more appealing. Because with this Macs can now use iOS applications and with a touch of tweaking iOS can run Mac applications now.

使用苹果移动芯片的另一个含义是,它不仅使Mac更具吸引力,而且使所有Apple产品都更具吸引力。 因为Mac现在可以使用iOS应用程序,并且稍作调整,iOS就可以立即运行Mac应用程序。

Obviously, you are not just gonna sit there playing Angry Birds on your laptop.


This is huge. Apple is bringing together two different user bases and everybody wins. Developers have more of an incentive to form apps for Apple because now all of a sudden they will be employed by a bigger pool of individuals and therefore the customers’ benefit. If you are a Mac user you’re suddenly getting access to the most important app store within the world. If you’re an iPhone or iPad user you would possibly well find yourself seeing the pro-level photo and video editing apps that were made for Mac.

这是巨大的。 苹果公司汇集了两个不同的用户群,每个人都赢了。 开发人员更有动力为Apple开发应用程序,因为现在突然之间,他们将被更多的人雇用,从而为客户带来利益。 如果您是Mac用户,那么您将突然获得访问世界上最重要的应用程序商店的权限。 如果您是iPhone或iPad用户,则可能会发现自己看到了Mac专用的专业照片和视频编辑应用程序。

Image for post
Screenshot from the Apple Website.

这里的概况如何? 所有这些如何联系在一起? (What’s the big picture here? How does all this tie together?)

I’m close to tell you that the Mac is close to merging with the iPad and therefore the iPhone to become some kind of hybrid super machine.


The simple reason that Apple wants you to shop for all of their products. Apple doesn’t need a trial with a replacement product category. they need to only have the simplest products within each existing category.

Apple希望您购买其所有产品的简单原因。 Apple不需要使用替代产品类别的试用。 他们只需要在每个现有类别中拥有最简单的产品。

At the very center of everything is Apple services. To urge sustained profit over time this is often where Apple wants to urge people. For a short time now the most funnel the most entry point into these services has been the iPhone. The iPhone would lead people into Apple music, Apple news, and also other Apple products- the watch, air pods the iPad.But because the iPhone was expensive and since it had been the sole real main entry point, Apple needed more of flow into their services. in order that they introduced iOS 14 and therefore the new iPhone SE. They somewhat gave up the simplicity and control. They’d worked so hard to form to make the iPhones more accessible.

Apple服务是所有服务的核心。 为了长期吸引持续的利润,这通常是苹果公司想要敦促人们的地方。 在短时间内,进入这些服务最容易进入的渠道就是iPhone。 iPhone可以引导人们进入Apple音乐,Apple新闻以及其他Apple产品(手表,iPad)。但是由于iPhone价格昂贵,并且因为它是唯一真正的主要切入点,因此Apple需要更多的流量他们的服务。 为了使他们推出iOS 14,并因此推出了新的iPhone SE。 他们在某种程度上放弃了简单性和控制性。 他们努力工作以使iPhone更加易于使用。

Instead of just counting on the iPhone, Apple made its other products more distinct and more ready to stand on their own two feet. They’ve turned the iPad from just an enormous iPhone into a computer with its own iPad OS. They turn the watch from an iPhone accessory to an independent SmartWatch with its own App Store. And most of the people would say it isn’t just the simplest SmartWatch for if you’ve got an iPhone, it is the best SmartWatch.Apple’s close to making a Mac that’s much better than any map before and one which may just be cheaper you get the thought and before you recognize it Apple’s got multiple products dominating their own respective product categories all feeding a way wider user base into this core of Apple services.

苹果公司不仅仅依靠iPhone,还使其其他产品与众不同,更愿意站在自己的两只脚上。 他们已经将iPad从一台巨大的iPhone变成了拥有自己的iPad OS的计算机。 他们将手表从iPhone配件变成带有自己的App Store的独立SmartWatch。 而且大多数人会说,这不仅是拥有iPhone的最简单的SmartWatch,而且是最好的SmartWatch.Apple即将制造出比以前的任何地图都要好得多的Mac,而且价格可能会便宜一些您会想到,在意识到之前,Apple的多种产品在其各自的产品类别中占主导地位,这些都为Apple服务的这一核心提供了更广阔的用户基础。

Once an individual has reached the center and is paying monthly to use those Apple services they could also buy more Apple devices to consume them with therefore the sale of 1 piece of hardware indirectly results in the sale of more hardware. There’s another thing tons of individuals do not like.

一旦某个人到达中心并按月付费使用这些Apple服务,他们还可以购买更多Apple设备以消费它们,因此,一件硬件的销售间接导致了更多硬件的销售。 还有很多人不喜欢的事情。

苹果的新软件外观。 (Apple’s new software skins.)

There are icons that look very rounded, there are strange shadows behind things albeit Apple has spent literally the last 10 years trying to get rid of shadows. Siri is now a 3D shape. Why did Apple just stop paying its designers and this is often their way of trolling us? Probably not.

尽管苹果在过去十年中一直在努力消除阴影,但有些图标看起来非常圆润,事物背后也有奇怪的阴影。 Siri现在是3D形状。 为什么苹果公司只是停止向设计师付款,而这通常是他们欺骗我们的方式? 可能不是。

I feel it’s because augmented reality is coming.



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