

The Sims team announced a few weeks ago that they were partnering with Buzzfeed Multiplayer in producing a Sims 4 themed reality game show. My interest was piqued to say the least, especially since some of my favorite Sim YouTube personalities were competing (I’m totally here for team Plumbella).

他西姆斯团队宣布在几个星期前,他们与来自Buzzfeed多人在生产西姆斯4主题的现实游戏展合作。 至少可以说一下我的兴趣,尤其是因为我最喜欢的Sim YouTube上的一些名人正在竞争(我完全是Plumbella团队的成员)。

The episodes are about an hour long and the first episode aired on TBS, a common destination for gaming-related programming. The episode was released for everyone on Buzzfeed Multiplayer’s YouTube channel the following Monday. I don’t have the “Night Owl” trait in real life, so I wasn’t awake to witness the show when it premiered on TBS and instead waited for the episode on YouTube.

该剧集大约一个小时,第一集在TBS播出,TBS是游戏相关节目的常见目的地。 该剧集于下周一在Buzzfeed Multiplayer的YouTube频道上向所有人发布。 我在现实生活中没有“ Night Owl”特质,因此当它在TBS上首次亮相并等待在YouTube上播放时,我没有醒来就看到它。

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BuzzFeed Multiplayer). BuzzFeed多人游戏截图)。

There are 12 competitors broken up into four separate teams competing for the grand prize of $100,000. Each team has a Stylist (who creates the Sim characters and dresses them), a Builder (who creates the houses and sets), and a Storyteller (who outlines and tells a story using the Sims) to compete in challenges. Every episode has two challenges: the second one being an elimination round where a team will be sent home.

有12个竞争对手分成四个独立的团队,争夺100,000美元的大奖。 每个团队都有一名发型师(创建Sim角色并为其打扮),一名Builder(创建房屋和场景)以及一名Storyteller(使用Sims概述并讲述故事)以参与挑战。 每个插曲都有两个挑战:第二个是淘汰赛,球队将被派回家。

The judges are Dave Miotke (or SimGuruNinja), Kelsey Impicciche from Buzzfeed, and Tayla Parx who does some of the voice acting in The Sims. With a broad array of experiences and backgrounds, the panel is able to bring different perspectives to their judging style.

评委包括Dave Miotke(或SimGuruNinja),来自Buzzfeed的Kelsey Impicciche和Tayla Parx,他们在《模拟人生》中扮演某些角色。 小组成员拥有丰富的经验和背景,能够为他们的评审风格带来不同的见解。

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BuzzFeed Multiplayer). BuzzFeed Multiplayer的屏幕截图)。

The four teams are Team Gnome with Plumbella, Simproved, and The English Simmer; Team Cowplant with LittleSiha, Doctor Ashley, and Steph0sims; Team Freezer Bunny with XUrbanSimsX, SpringSims, and DeeSims; and Team Llama with XMiraMira, SimLicy, and DrGluon. I personally am rooting for team Gnome because Plumbella and The English Simmer are some of my favorites on YouTube, especially in their storytelling and humor.

这四个团队分别是Gnome团队,Plumbella,Simproved和The English Simmer; Cowplant团队与LittleSiha,Ashley医生和Steph0sims; 具有XUrbanSimsX,SpringSims和DeeSims的Freezer Bunny团队; 以及Llama团队与XMiraMira,SimLicy和DrGluon。 我个人支持Gnome团队,因为Plumbella和The English Simmer是我在YouTube上的最爱,尤其是在讲故事和幽默方面。

In the first episode, it is made clear that the players were not told exactly what they were in for when they were asked to be on the show. This certainly adds tension to the game, but also leads to some confusion for the audience later on. There was very little information given about the game show not only to the contestants but also to viewers.

在第一集中,很明显,当要求他们参加表演时,没有准确告知玩家所要参加的比赛。 这无疑增加了游戏的张力,但也给以后的观众带来了一些困惑。 关于比赛节目的信息很少,不仅向参赛者而且向观众。

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BuzzFeed Multiplayer). BuzzFeed Multiplayer的屏幕截图)。

When the teams are picked (randomly to make it all good and fair), host Rayvon Owen announces the first challenge. Each player is to grab an item off a display across the room and the items have to tell a story within their corresponding teams. Items on the table included VooDoo dolls, a fishing pole, bubbles, and boxing gloves, among many others. Each team came back together to show their items and brainstorm on storylines for their combined pieces.

当选出车队时(随机安排一切变得公平公正),主持人雷文·欧文宣布了第一个挑战。 每个玩家都需要从整个房间的显示屏上抓取一个物品,并且这些物品必须在其相应团队中讲述一个故事。 桌子上的物品包括VooDoo娃娃,一根钓鱼竿,泡沫和拳击手套等。 每个团队一起回来展示他们的物品,并在故事情节上集思广益。

While I think the teams being randomized played a role in fairness, I do think that some of them got the short end of the stick and others got fairly lucky. Team Gnome and Team Cowplant all get along and work together very well, whereas the other two teams fall a little flat in their communication.

虽然我认为被随机分配的球队在公平方面发挥了作用,但我确实认为其中一些人的表现很短,而另一些人则很幸运。 Gnome团队和Cowplant团队相处融洽,彼此合作很好,而其他两支团队的交流则显得有些平淡。

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BuzzFeed Multiplayer). BuzzFeed Multiplayer的屏幕截图)。

XMiraMira, in particular, disagrees with just about everything DrGluon says in their deliberation. In her talking head interviews, she speaks about how he doesn’t seem to understand that they are a team, not just him. SimLicy doesn’t comment throughout this challenge so it’s unclear if she agrees with DrGluon’s over-taking. She goes on to say after their presentation that their story could have been better.

特别是XMiraMira,不同意DrGluon在审议过程中所说的一切。 在她的谈话访谈中,她谈到了他似乎并不了解他们是一支团队,而不仅仅是他。 SimLicy并未在整个挑战中发表评论,因此尚不清楚她是否同意DrGluon的超车。 在他们介绍之后,她继续说他们的故事本来可以更好。

Each team had 90 minutes to create a family, a set, and a quick storyline to present to the judges. Up first was Team Cowplant, and unfortunately, Steph0Sims fell flat with her storytelling. She forgot what she was supposed to say and got overwhelmed on stage but overall the judges seemed to be impressed with the outcome. The judges gave comprehensive criticism and compliments for each story.

每个团队有90分钟的时间来创建家庭,场景和快速的故事情节,以向评委展示。 排在第一位的是Cowplant团队,不幸的是,Steph0Sims的讲故事陷入了困境。 她忘记了原本该说的话,并在舞台上不知所措,但总体而言,法官们对结果印象深刻。 评委们对每个故事都进行了全面的批评和表扬。

Teams Freezer Bunny and Llama got some heavy criticism from judges in the end, and it was announced that Team Gnome won the round. They were given an advantage in the elimination round.

冷冻小兔子队和拉玛队最终受到了评委的严厉批评,并宣布侏儒队赢得了这一回合。 他们在淘汰赛中获得了优势。

The elimination challenge involves creating a four-Sim family in a house in the Willow Creek neighborhood. Contestants were required to also write a storyline to explain each Sim’s relationship within the family. They were given five hours to create the world and story, as well as work with an editor to make a short film to showcase the family.

消除挑战涉及在Willow Creek附近的一所房屋中建立一个四口之家。 参赛者还必须写一个故事情节,以解释家庭中每个Sim的关系。 他们花了五个小时来创造世界和故事,并与编辑一起制作了一部短片来展示这个家庭。

Once again, we see the tension in Team Llama between XMiraMira and DrGluon. They butt heads a little more obviously now, with DrGluon openly shooting down some of XMiraMira’s ideas. SimLicy doesn’t seem to react; the camera just pans to her face when the other two are arguing.

再次,我们看到XMiraMira和DrGluon之间的Llama团队紧张。 随着DrGluon公开拒绝XMiraMira的一些想法,现在他们的头脑更加明显了。 SimLicy似乎没有React; 其他两个人吵架时,相机只是平移到她的脸上。

Around the first hour mark, Rayvon tells each team that they must also incorporate a rival family into their story. Team Gnome had the advantage, so they got to pick which neighborhood each team’s rival family would be from. Because Team Gnome has sweethearts like Plumbella and Simproved, they assigned the opposing teams neighborhoods that they thought would be useful and helpful, rather than sabotage. Plumbella says “If I go out at least I’m going out being nice, you know?”

在第一个小时左右,Rayvon告诉每个团队,他们还必须将一个竞争对手的家庭纳入他们的故事。 Gnome团队具有优势,因此他们必须选择每个团队的竞争对手家庭来自哪个社区。 因为Gnome团队有像Plumbella和Simproved这样的甜心,所以他们分配了对立的团队邻里,他们认为这是有用和有益的,而不是破坏。 Plumbella说:“如果我出去出去,至少我会变得很好,你知道吗?”

Team Freezer Bunny seems to be having a lot of issues on their side of the stage. SpringSims gets visibly overwhelmed and stops building for a minute because his other teammates are talking to him. He says “It’s a lot…It is definitely hard when you have two such strong people [speaking at the same time] and you just don’t know how to speak up for yourself…”

Freezer Bunny团队在舞台上似乎有很多问题。 SpringSims明显变得不知所措,并且因为其他队友正在与他交谈而停止建设一分钟。 他说:“很多……当你有两个这样的强人(同时讲话),而你只是不知道如何为自己说话时,这绝对是困难的……”

The drama really sets in when teams present their short films. Each team had an objectively good storyline. I was personally invested in each of them and thought the videos were a cool idea. But when it came down to it, only three teams were going to continue. Unfortunately, yet unsurprisingly, Team Freezer Bunny didn’t make the cut. For a minute there, the judge’s lead the audience on to think it could be Team Llama, but in the end, SpringSims, XUbranSimsX, and DeeSims go home.

当团队展示他们的短片时,这部戏真的开始了。 每个团队都有一个客观良好的故事情节。 我个人投资了每个视频,并认为这些视频是一个不错的主意。 但是到了最后,只有三支球队将继续。 不幸的是,但不足为奇的是,冷冻兔子队没有晋级。 在那儿有一分钟,法官带领观众认为这可能是Llama团队,但最后,SpringSims,XUbranSimsX和DeeSims回家了。

I tried to do a little research prior to the first episode airing to find a plot or an outline, but The Sims website gave little to no information about the show besides the release date. So I think it’s safe to say that no one knew what to expect from this.

在第一集播出之前,我曾尝试进行一些研究,以找到情节或轮廓,但《模拟人生》网站除了发布日期外,几乎没有提供有关该节目的信息。 因此,我认为可以肯定地说, 没有人知道对此会有什么期望。

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I still feel pretty neutral about the whole thing; I wasn’t crazy impressed but I’m certainly going to keep watching to see how it pans out. Team Gnome won both challenges in the first episode and even get to put their Sim family into the game as NPCs. If you really love The Sims or are interested in seeing competitive gaming outside of the world of esports I think The Sims: Spark’d could turn into something really cool.

我对整个事情仍然保持中立。 我并没有对疯子留下深刻的印象,但我一定会继续观察它的发展。 Gnome团队在第一集中赢得了两个挑战,甚至以NPC的身份将他们的Sim家族加入了游戏。 如果您真的喜欢《模拟人生》,或者有兴趣在电竞世界之外观看竞技游戏,那么我认为《模拟人生:星火》可能会变得很酷。

I am mildly disappointed that they are partnered with Buzzfeed for production, but beggars can’t be choosers.


The second episode of Spark’d airs on July 24 at 11 pm EST on TBS.


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Flickr. Flickr拍摄的封面和特色图片。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-sims-vs-reality-tv-d0d07b51332a


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