oneplus 驱动_450美元的旗舰旗舰产品OnePlus Nord动手实践

oneplus 驱动

The Nord offers similar specs to the OnePlus 8 for just $450. It looks and feels terrific — we just wish it was made for the US.

Nord仅需$ 450,即可提供与OnePlus 8类似的规格。 它看起来和感觉都很棒-我们只希望它是为美国制造的。

By Sascha Segan


The 399 Euro ($456) OnePlus Nord is what the OnePlus 8 should have been. I handled the phone and spoke with OnePlus founder Carl Pei ahead of the Nord’s launch on Tuesday. It’s a pity it isn’t made for the US, but it reminds me of what limited choices we get here for smartphones.

OnePlus 8应该是399欧元(456美元)的OnePlus Nord。 在周二诺德(Nord)推出之前,我处理了电话并与OnePlus创始人卡尔·裴(Carl Pei)交谈。 遗憾的是,它不是在美国生产的,但它使我想起了我们在智能手机领域的有限选择。

“We wanted to build an overall really balanced experience,” Pei told us. The Nord is built on three pillars, he said: a solid camera, a smooth software experience, and support.

裴对我们说:“我们想建立一个整体上真正平衡的体验。” 他说,Nord建立在三个Struts上:坚固的相机,流畅的软件体验和支持。

OnePlus sells flagship-priced phones in the US now, but originally made its name by undercutting Apple and Samsung. The OnePlus One cost $299 when it launched in 2015, far less than the competing iPhone 6 ($750). By comparison, the recent OnePlus 8 costs $699, the same as the iPhone 11.

OnePlus现在在美国销售旗舰价格的手机,但最初以削弱苹果和三星的名字而得名。 OnePlus One在2015年推出时的售价为299美元,远低于竞争对手的iPhone 6(750美元)。 相比之下,最新的OnePlus 8售价为699美元,与iPhone 11相同。

“We’re finally about to dip our toes in the midrange market once again,” laughed Pei.


Pei’s wry amusement is a reference to 2015’s $249 OnePlus X, the company’s earlier attempt to build a phone from lower-end components. That phone failed. But now OnePlus is a bigger company than it used to be; it can support a broader range of phones and it has a larger customer base than it did years ago, he said.

贝i铭的苦恼是对2015年售价249美元的OnePlus X的参考, OnePlus X是该公司早先尝试用低端组件制造手机的尝试。 那部电话失败了。 但是现在,OnePlus是一家比以前更大的公司; 他说,它可以支持更多种类的手机,并且拥有比几年前更大的客户群。

“Back in the day…our customers were very tech-savvy, and for them, a midrange product wasn’t as enticing. With the Snapdragon 765G processor, we finally feel like both the performance and the efficiency of the chipset are where we want them to be to deliver a smooth and fluid experience.”

“在过去……我们的客户非常精通技术,对他们而言,中端产品并不那么诱人。 有了Snapdragon 765G处理器,我们终于感觉到芯片组的性能和效率都是我们想要它们提供流畅和流畅体验的地方。”

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The OnePlus Nord feels like a flagship
OnePlus Nord感觉就像是旗舰

The original concept for the Nord had an L-shaped camera and didn’t have curved edges, making it look like a very different phone, Pei said. When he got involved in January, he pushed to make the design look more like OnePlus and less of “an experiment.”

Pei说,Nord的原始概念是L形摄像头,没有弯曲的边缘,因此看起来就像一部截然不同的手机。 当他在一月份参与其中时,他努力使设计看起来更像OnePlus,而不是“实验”。

“We initially started with a more daring design language that didn’t look distinctively OnePlus,” he said. “Then we realized that this opportunity was much bigger than we thought.”

他说:“我们最初使用的是一种更加大胆的设计语言,这种语言看上去并没有明显的OnePlus。” “然后我们意识到这个机会比我们想象的要大得多。”

Pei said the Nord was originally supposed to launch at Mobile World Congress in February, which was canceled due to COVID-19. OnePlus then shot a documentary about the new phone (below) and looked into booking theaters to show it to fans, but then theaters closed. The company’s history of online launch events and online community helped it pivot quickly, he said.

贝i铭表示,Nord最初原定于2月在世界移动大会上推出,但由于COVID-19而被取消。 然后,OnePlus拍摄了有关新手机的纪录片(下),并调查了预订剧院以将其展示给粉丝,但随后剧院关闭了。 他说,该公司在线发布活动和在线社区的历史帮助其Swift发展。

您对OnePlus期望的性能 (The Performance You Expect From OnePlus)

The Nord is just about the same size as the OnePlus 8, but it’s a little thicker, with edges that are rounded rather than coming to more of a point. The glass back has a shimmering, ceramic-looking color under it. Our test unit is a robin egg blue, which OnePlus calls Blue Marble, with matching OnePlus Buds headphones. It’s striking, and reminds me of the Nextbit Robin, a beautiful but failed phone from a few years ago. There’s also a gray color, which OnePlus calls Gray Onyx.

Nord的尺寸与OnePlus 8大致相同,但它的厚度稍大一些,其边缘是圆形的,而不是更多的边缘。 玻璃后盖下方有闪烁的陶瓷外观颜色。 我们的测试设备是知更鸟蛋蓝,OnePlus称其为Blue Marble,并带有配套的OnePlus Buds耳机。 这很惊人,让我想起了Nextbit Robin ,这是几年前的一款漂亮但失败的手机。 还有一种灰色,OnePlus称之为灰色玛瑙。

Pei said the blue model is inspired by Miami blue, which is used on Porsche cars, and was designed to stand out and show that this isn’t a OnePlus 8, as the logo and phone shape are very similar.

贝i铭说,蓝色模型的灵感来自于保时捷汽车上使用的迈阿密蓝色,其设计旨在脱颖而出,表明它不是OnePlus 8,因为徽标和手机形状非常相似。

The Nord has the same screen at the OnePlus 8, a 6.4-inch, 2,400-by-1,080 OLED panel with a 90Hz refresh rate. It looks every bit as good as its pricier sibling.

Nord具有与OnePlus 8相同的屏幕,OnePlus 8是6.4英寸,2,400 x 1,080 OLED面板,刷新率为90Hz。 它看起来与其价格更高的兄弟姐妹一样好。

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Left to right: OnePlus Nord, OnePlus 8, OnePlus 8 Pro
从左到右:OnePlus Nord,OnePlus 8,OnePlus 8 Pro
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Left to right: OnePlus Nord, OnePlus 8, OnePlus 8 Pro
从左到右:OnePlus Nord,OnePlus 8,OnePlus 8 Pro

The phone also has the exact same rear camera setup as the OnePlus 8, for better or worse. Mostly, it’s for better. There’s a main 48MP Sony IMX586 sensor with an f/1.75 aperture and an 8-megapixel, 119-degree wide-angle camera. Both are good, albeit not as good as the main cameras on the OnePlus 8 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S20+ in low light. (This phone also costs a lot less, remember.) Like on the OnePlus 8, the Nord simulates 2x zoom by taking a 12MP crop from the main 48MP sensor.

该手机还具有与OnePlus 8完全相同的后置摄像头设置,无论是好是坏。 通常,这是为了更好。 有一个主要的48MP Sony IMX586传感器,它具有f / 1.75的光圈和一个8像素,119度的广角相机。 两者都不错,尽管不如在弱光下的OnePlus 8 Pro三星Galaxy S20 +上的主要相机。 (记住,这部手机的价格也要便宜得多。)与OnePlus 8一样,Nord通过从48MP主传感器获取12MP裁剪来模拟2倍变焦。

“It’s the same main sensor as the OnePlus 8, and it also has the added benefit of being pre-tuned,” Pei said. “It gets to enjoy all the tuning benefits we’ve had on the OnePlus 8 camera.”

“它是与OnePlus 8相同的主传感器,并且还具有预先调整的额外好处,” Pei说。 “它可以享受我们在OnePlus 8相机上获得的所有调整优势。”

There’s also a 2-megapixel macro camera and a dedicated depth sensor on the back, both of which feel like a bit of a waste to me. Macro photos are rare enough that they don’t really need a dedicated sensor, and 2-megapixel shots are kind of useless. But Pei said the macro camera doesn’t really add to the cost, so it’s harmless.

背面还有一个2百万像素的微距相机和专用的深度传感器,这两者对我来说都感觉有点浪费。 宏观照片非常稀有,以至于它们实际上并不需要专用的传感器,而2兆像素的照片则毫无用处。 但裴说,微距相机并没有真正增加成本,因此无害。

The dual front-facing cameras are far more interesting. The main one is 32MP, which can also take 8MP images, and there’s a dedicated 8MP, 105-degree wide-angle sensor. The latter is the big deal-it really widens the field so you can fit more people into selfies. The higher-end OnePlus phones don’t have anything like this, and the wide-angle option is much wider than the one on the Galaxy S20+.

双前置摄像头更加有趣。 最主要的是32MP,它也可以拍摄8MP图像,并且有一个专用的8MP,105度广角传感器。 后者很重要-它确实扩大了领域,因此您可以让更多的人适合自拍照。 高端OnePlus手机没有这样的功能,并且广角选项比Galaxy S20 +的宽得多。

Also like the OnePlus 8, the Nord has Warp Charge 30T charging, but not wireless charging. It also isn’t waterproof, although Pei said it’s been dunked in foot-deep water for 30 seconds without damage.

与OnePlus 8一样,Nord拥有Warp Charge 30T充电功能,但没有无线充电功能。 它也不防水,尽管Pei表示已将其浸泡在足深的水中30秒钟而没有损坏。

So what does the Nord go short on? Most notably, the processor. The Nord uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G rather than a full-fledged 865. After playing with the phone a bit, I saw no immediate difference between this and the 865, but I’ll look into this more for the full review.

那么,诺德有什么不足之处呢? 最值得注意的是处理器。 Nord使用的是Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G而不是成熟的865。玩了一点电话后,我发现它和865之间没有立即的区别,但是我将在全文中对其进行详细研究。

“We’ve gotten to the place where the day-to-day experience, unless you’re doing something computationally heavy like a 3D game, should feel practically indistinguishable from the flagship series,” Pei said.

“我们已经到了日常体验的地方,除非您要做一些像3D游戏这样的计算繁重的工作,否则与旗舰系列几乎没有区别,” Pei说。

If the 765 is the primary change here, that says a lot about the cost of Qualcomm’s flagship 865 chipset. Qualcomm has been claiming for a while now, based on some low Chinese flagship phone prices, that the 865 isn’t that expensive to use. But the delta between the OnePlus Nord and the OnePlus 8, with the two phones offering similar cameras, screens, and premium builds, suggests that the processor is the key cost driver.

如果说765是这里的主要变化,那说明高通的旗舰865芯片组的成本很多。 基于一些中国旗舰手机的低价价格,高通公司已经声称了865使用起来并不昂贵。 但是,OnePlus Nord和OnePlus 8之间的差异(这两款手机提供相似的摄像头,屏幕和高级组件)表明,处理器是关键的成本驱动因素。

Support-wise, Pei guaranteed two years of Android version updates and three years of security updates.


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The phone’s edges shimmer

There are two Nord units, one for India and one for the rest of the world. Neither model has any of the 5G bands used in the US or Canada, and they even lack critical 4G bands: band 13 (Verizon/Bell/Telus) and 71 (T-Mobile) for coverage, as well as a bunch of US supplementary bands used for speed. The Nord will work decently as a 4G phone on Rogers in Canada or on AT&T in the US, but I wouldn’t recommend it for any other carrier.

诺德有两个单位,一个是印度的,另一个是世界其他地区的。 两种型号都没有在美国或加拿大使用的任何5G频段,它们甚至都缺少关键的4G频段:覆盖范围为13(Verizon / Bell / Telus)和71(T-Mobile),以及美国的一些补充频段。乐队用于速度。 Nord可以在加拿大的Rogers或美国的AT&T上像4G手机一样正常工作,但是我不建议其他运营商使用它。

Pei shied away from saying that Americans don’t buy midrange phones, spinning the rollout as, “We don’t want to stretch ourselves too thin; we want to focus on a select few markets first where we can show success.”

贝i铭回避说美国人不购买中端手机,而将推广推广为:“我们不想太瘦弱; 我们希望首先专注于少数几个可以展示成功的市场。”

OnePlus fans in the US will get to join a limited beta program on the OnePlus community forums to buy the Nord after launch, Pei said. To get one of the fifty units allotted for North America, sign up here.

贝i铭说,美国的OnePlus粉丝将在启动后在OnePlus社区论坛上参加限量Beta计划,以购买Nord。 要获得分配给北美的50个单位之一,请在此处注册

一切都取决于语境 (It’s All About Context)

Here in the US, no 5G phone costs less than the $599 OnePlus 8 and the Samsung Galaxy A71. The Nord looks like an amazing value at $456 for an 8GB/128GB model, and 499 euros ($570) for the 12GB/256GB model. The paucity of midrange phones in the US is a well-known problem, and it mostly comes down to the fact that phones here are usually sold by carriers with monthly payment plans, hiding their overall cost.

在美国,没有任何5G手机的价格低于599美元的OnePlus 8和三星Galaxy A71。 对于8GB / 128GB型号,Nord的价格似乎是惊人的456美元,对于12GB / 256GB型号,则为499欧元(570美元)。 在美国,中档手机的匮乏是一个众所周知的问题,这主要归因于以下事实:这里的手机通常由运营商按月付款计划出售,从而掩盖了整体成本。

The OnePlus Nord might be less impressive in countries with a competitive selection of midrange 5G phones. For instance, in Finland, carrier Elisa sells the Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite for $453 and the Samsung Galaxy A51 for $544. And in Spain, the Huawei P40 Lite costs $306 and the Oppo Find X2 Lite costs $429. Americans just have to settle for getting less for more.

在拥有竞争性中档5G手机的国家/地区,OnePlus Nord的印象可能不那么令人印象深刻。 例如,在芬兰,运营商Elisa以453美元的价格出售小米Mi 10 Lite,以544美元的价格出售三星Galaxy A51。 在西班牙,Huawei P40 Lite售价306美元,Oppo Find X2 Lite售价429美元。 美国人只需要为少花钱而定下来。

The Nord goes on sale August 4, just not in the US. From my early glance, the phone appears to have smoothness, elegance, and panache. I’ll be taking a closer look at it soon, so check back to see whether it reestablishes the company’s place as the “flagship killer” for discerning buyers.

Nord将于8月4日开始发售,但不会在美国发售。 从我的一眼看,手机似乎具有光滑度,优雅度和泛滥感。 我将尽快对其进行仔细的研究,因此请再次查看它是否将公司的地位重新确立为挑剔的买家的“旗舰杀手”。

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