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翻译 微型前端简介

重点(Top highlight)The first time I heard the term micro frontend, my eyes rolled into the back of my head.我第一次听到这个词微型前端,我的眼睛注视着我的脑后。At the time, microservices had hit the mainstream. Everyone and thei...

2020-10-13 14:00:07 324

翻译 facebook工程师_Facebook数据工程师访谈

facebook工程师介绍(Introduction)Facebook is arguably the world’s most popular social media network with over 2 billion worldwide active users. So it is no longer news that Facebook accumulates and stores ...

2020-10-13 13:50:31 811

翻译 aws远程gui_放弃aws gui控制台

aws远程guiGitHub Repo /源代码在这里!(GitHub Repo / Source Code Here!) 2020–09–10:布莱恩公园草坪公开赛吗?(2020–09–10: Is the Bryant Park Lawn Open?) 背景故事:(Backstory:)When I used to work at a Data Analytics firm in T...

2020-10-13 13:40:17 1413

翻译 java 数据建模_Java中的图形数据建模

java 数据建模Modelling data is a crucial aspect of software engineering. Choosing appropriate data structures or databases is fundamental to the success of an application or a service.数据建模是软件工程的关键方面。 选择合适...

2020-10-13 13:30:45 4368

翻译 aws部署web_只需5分钟即可看到Amazon Web Services AWS

aws部署web介绍(Introduction)With the increasing global interest in cloud computing and its potential benefits across business sectors, Amazon Web Services (AWS) seems to be the popular term in people’s m...

2020-10-13 13:20:30 2301

翻译 客户旅程_指南针的300人工程团队不断交付的旅程

客户旅程“I’ll put it bluntly — as an organization, we were afraid to deploy to production.”“坦率地说,作为一个组织,我们害怕部署到生产中。”But we were resilient, and we pushed through that fear, and you can too. I’ll walk throu...

2020-10-13 13:11:02 736

翻译 koos教练漫画快速反馈

The Sprint duration should be no longer than one month. The reason for working in Sprints of short duration is to deliver a “done” product in the hands of the customer at regular intervals to create o...

2020-10-13 13:00:27 89

翻译 rd 删除 长目录_长时间的反馈循环如何伤害您的rd

rd 删除 长目录I’ve been a part of the medical software world for a number of years now, and let me tell you: Developing software for a medical company is difficult. You have a lot of regulations to contend...

2020-10-13 12:51:18 135

翻译 逻辑思维混乱题目_混乱和设计思维

逻辑思维混乱题目There is a shift happening — to a human-centric approach to creating products that people love and are loyal to. This real connection to humans equals real big business. Recent surveys by the ...

2020-10-13 12:41:39 477

翻译 scrum团队_您能听到我如何提高Scrum团队在变焦通话中的聆听技能吗

scrum团队Conference calls. Cameras on. Sharing screens. Breakout rooms.电话会议。 开启相机。 共享屏幕。 分组讨论室。Distributed working in times of COVID has made these practices more ‘normal’ now than ever before. 在COVID时...

2020-10-13 12:31:23 521

翻译 sql 收缩数据库和文件_数据库和SQL

sql 收缩数据库和文件This article will help you gain a basic understanding of Databases, SQL, and Queries.本文将帮助您对数据库,SQL和查询有基本的了解。 了解数据库(Understanding Databases)A database can be defined as “any collection ...

2020-10-08 04:18:24 600

翻译 软件安全潜在潜在的问题_您应该向潜在的工程经理询问5个问题

软件安全潜在潜在的问题Interviewing for a new software engineering job can be scary, with all the coding questions and endless rounds of interviews per company. On top of that, you have to decide at the end of al...

2020-10-08 04:08:15 150

翻译 带有天蓝色静态Web应用程序节点和天蓝色sql的todomvc全栈

TodoMVC is a very well known (like ~27K GitHub stars known) application among developers as it is a really great way to start to learn a new Model-View-Something framework. It has plenty of samples do...

2020-10-08 03:48:14 240

翻译 python初级工程师_我停止做初级工程师的5件事

python初级工程师I recently got promoted at my company from Software Engineer 1 to Software Engineer 2. This could be considered equivalent to Junior and Intermediate at other companies.最近我在我的公司从推动软件工程师1到软件...

2020-10-08 03:37:41 198

翻译 收益率回测python代码_低代码收益或陷阱

收益率回测python代码Low-Code is promising to radically change the way organizations develop and manage their IT landscape. So far, there are many signs that this app development approach is delivering on thi...

2020-10-08 03:27:02 1129

翻译 关于银行项目的软件测试_关于软件测试

关于银行项目的软件测试At some point during his or her career, a programmer might come across the following argument, presented by some colleague, partner, or decision maker:在他或她的职业生涯中的某个时候,程序员可能会遇到以下由同事,合伙人或决策者提...

2020-10-08 03:17:08 6008

翻译 scrum master_让我们做Scrum但没有Scrum Master为何会发生

scrum masterMany companies want to say they do Scrum. But from my perception, it’s what they say, but not what they do. I’ve been part of many Scrum teams, where we had no Scrum Master. Can this appro...

2020-10-08 03:07:17 232

翻译 mongodb和python中的时间序列数据

MongoDB is a document database where you can store data directly in JSON format. It is very simple to start and create an application using MongoDB. Yet it is a powerful tool.MongoDB是一个文档数据库,您可以在其中直接以...

2020-10-08 02:57:23 725

翻译 什么是边缘计算边缘计算_什么是边缘计算

什么是边缘计算边缘计算The concept of Edge Computing is inspired by CDN technology. CDN stands for Content Delivery Networks. A CDN typically works to bring the content (images, video, script files) on the Intern...

2020-10-08 02:47:06 931

翻译 基于顺序存储的数据管理系统_对基于事件的数据处理中的时间顺序保持警惕

基于顺序存储的数据管理系统Expedia Group Technology —数据(EXPEDIA GROUP TECHNOLOGY — DATA)Clickstreams, user activity, time-series data, and other event data are often analyzed to add business value. As data infrast...

2020-10-08 02:37:24 277

翻译 scrum五个事件_新公司Scrum大师犯的7个错误

scrum五个事件SCRUM(SCRUM)Being a Scrum Master in a corporate environment isn’t as easy as the books make out. Here are seven tips to help you make the grade 在公司环境中成为Scrum Master并不像书中那样容易。 这里有七个技巧可以帮助您提高成...

2020-10-08 02:28:12 681

翻译 k8s grpc_无需服务网格即可在k8s中平衡grpc流量

k8s grpcOne of the challenges some users (like me) face when trying to implement gRPC services into a Kubernetes cluster is to achieve a proper load balancing, and before diving into the way of balanc...

2020-10-08 02:18:08 1461

翻译 docker构建本地仓库_加快本地Docker构建

docker构建本地仓库Every day I build containers locally. Many of us do — Docker is a crucial tool in the developer arsenal these days. However, when you build and maintain 1–2 containers — that’s great, but ...

2020-10-08 02:07:29 210

翻译 aws lambda使用_使用节点js脚本或AWS Lambda上载到AWS S3

aws lambda使用I’ve been working through the AWS SDK for S3 trying to make sense of it. It’s definitely not straight forward and lacking some decent complete examples. Anyway, I’ve figured out how to upl...

2020-10-08 01:57:11 106

翻译 服务器添加角色_向网络核心3 1中的身份服务器4添加身份角色

服务器添加角色Hey guys, if you’ve worked on Identity Server 4 surely you’ll notice there is a lack of tutorial on how to-do somethings. For example how to implement roles, and using azure active directory (A...

2020-10-08 01:47:07 264

翻译 揭秘功能工程和基于驾驶员的预测选择

Welcome to the second part of my 3-blog series on creating a robust driver based forecasting engine. The first part gave a brief introduction to time series analysis and gives readers the tools needed...

2020-10-08 01:36:34 337

翻译 连接到mongodb

In the last post , we created a RESTful API application for simple CRUD functionalities. In this post, we will enrich it:在上一篇文章中,我们为简单的CRUD功能创建了RESTful API应用程序。 在这篇文章中,我们将丰富它:Adding MongoDB support v...

2020-10-08 01:26:28 226

翻译 单元测试比开发更耗时_进行更好的单元测试,第2部分命名单元测试

单元测试比开发更耗时文章(ARTICLE)This article focuses on naming unit tests. While quite a few competing pieces of advice can be found on this topic, most of them don’t do a good enough job of improving your unit...

2020-10-08 01:16:25 388

翻译 terraform_terraform如何使用条件创建动态资源

terraformAs you (probably) know, Terraform doesn’t support if statements.Luckily we can achieve the same result by using a specific parameter called count.如您所知(可能),Terraform不支持​​if语句。幸运的是,我们可以通过使用称为co...

2020-10-08 01:05:27 188

翻译 扑在对话框中显示小吃店

介绍(Introduction)According to the material design specification, dialogs “inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.” Sometimes we’ll...

2020-10-08 00:54:57 72

翻译 cassandra数据模型_设计cassandra数据模型101

cassandra数据模型Designing data models in Cassandra can be tricky if you are coming from a Relational Databases background. Even though Cassandra tries it best to draw parallels to relational databases wh...

2020-10-08 00:44:14 172

翻译 力软敏捷开发框架真正源码_敏捷的真正投资回报率是多少

力软敏捷开发框架真正源码By: Rebecca Holland, Myron Parks, SAFe 5, CSM®, CSPO®, ICP-ENT, ICP-CAT and Sheldon W. Foster, ICP-ACC, CLP, CSM®, CSPO®提供者: Rebecca Holland , Myron Parks ,SAFe 5,CSM®,CSPO®,ICP-ENT,ICP-CA...

2020-10-08 00:34:08 1052



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