

Testing happens throughout the whole product life cycle. But when should you test what? And how can you help your team if you don’t bring in some technical domain knowledge? This article will show you different testing areas and categories to find the right testing strategy for your team and product along the product life cycle. You can guide your team with this framework to commonly develop the right strategy for your purpose. This is the second article in the series “Agile Software Testing — insights for non-technical people, like me”.

测试在整个产品生命周期中进行。 但是什么时候应该测试什么? 如果您不了解某些技术领域知识,又如何为您的团队提供帮助? 本文将向您展示不同的测试领域和类别,以在产品生命周期中为您的团队和产品找到正确的测试策略。 您可以使用此框架指导您的团队,以共同制定适合您目的的正确策略。 这是“敏捷软件测试-对像我这样的非技术人员的见解”系列的第二篇文章。

As you might remember from my first article about the essential principles of agile software testing, a testing strategy describes, which tests you will run, when and for which level of detail. Now let’s bring some light into this to find out which tests could be the best for you.

您可能在我的第一篇文章中谈到了敏捷软件测试基本原理,您可能还记得,一种测试策略描述了将要运行的测试,何时以及针对哪些细节级别。 现在,让我们了解一下哪些测试可能最适合您。

牢记全局 (Keeping the big picture in mind)

To choose the right testing approaches on each detail level, it makes sense to have a look at different testing categories with your team, to get a feeling for the areas of testing you’ll benefit from. In “Agile Testing Condensed: A Brief Introduction”, Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin introduced a framework by Brian Marick for this purpose, the agile testing quadrants. They gave some examples of tests that can (but don’t have to) be used in the different quadrants which are shown in the graphic below (complemented by me with the quadrant numbers (Q1–4) described in the book).

要在每个细节级别上选择正确的测试方法,与您的团队一起查看不同的测试类别是有意义的,以便对您将从中受益的测试领域有所了解。 在“ 压缩的敏捷测试:简介 ”中,Janet Gregory和Lisa Crispin为此目的介绍了Brian Marick的框架,即敏捷测试象限 。 他们提供了一些可以(但不必)在不同象限中使用的测试示例,如下图所示(我在本书中描述了象限编号(Q1-4)作为补充)。

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The Agile Testing Quadrants

To find the right set of tests that suit the specific requirements of your product and team, you can fill in these quadrants with your team, customers, and business representatives. Make it your own and discuss where the focus should be depending on the individual requirements your product should fulfill for your customers. So let’s look into the four quadrants and the tests they comprise.

要找到适合您的产品和团队特定要求的正确测试集,您可以在团队,客户和业务代表中填写这些象限。 自己制作,并讨论重点应放在哪里,具体取决于产品应满足客户的个别要求。 因此,让我们看一下四个象限及其组成的测试。

Guiding development (on the left) describes all tests that are being done before coding or throughout the coding process. These tests aim to prevent defects from happening.

指导性开发 (左侧)描述了在编码之前或整个编码过程中已完成的所有测试。 这些测试旨在防止发生缺陷。

Critique the product (on the right) refers to tests that are being done in production (after the release) to find out if the product meets the requirements that were set upfront and to detect any bugs (unexpected behavior of your product). These tests aim to detect defects that already happened.

对产品进行批判 (在右侧)是指在生产中(发布后)进行的测试,以确定产品是否满足预先设置的要求并检测任何错误(产品的意外行为)。 这些测试旨在检测已经发生的缺陷。

Business facing describes all tests that ensure that the requirements the customer or business stakeholders have towards the product are defined and kept.


The technology facing tests aim to set the right quality standards for the code and to check if they were kept in the code in production. They also alert when a defect or unexpected behavior is detected.

面向测试的技术旨在为代码设置正确的质量标准,并检查生产中是否将其保留在代码中。 当检测到缺陷或意外行为时,它们也会发出警报。

The numbers of the quadrants don’t define, which tests should be done first or are more important than others. It simply helps to differentiate them.

象限的数量没有定义,哪些测试应该首先进行或比其他测试更重要。 它只是有助于区分它们。

Each team should think about its own mix of tests. When you, the team, or customer representatives find that the quality requirements are unclear or not being met, you can look at the quadrants together to see if there is an area that needs improvement.

每个团队都应考虑自己的测试组合。 当您,团队或客户代表发现质量要求不清楚或没有满足时,您可以一起查看这些象限,以查看是否存在需要改进的地方。

Focus on the quality attributes that are of most importance for the customer. If reliability is the main aspect of the product, like it is the case for medical equipment, for example, the team should focus their capacities on tests that ensure the resilience and security of the product.

关注对客户最重要的质量属性。 如果可靠性是产品的主要方面,例如像医疗设备那样,则团队应将其能力集中在确保产品弹性和安全性的测试上。

Now that you know different testing areas you have a compass for the application of tests throughout the product life cycle. In the next articles, I will give you insights along the quadrants about what happens in the different phases of the product.

现在您知道了不同的​​测试领域,您便拥有了在整个产品生命周期中应用测试的指南针。 在接下来的文章中,我将为您提供有关产品不同阶段中发生情况的象限的见解。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-find-the-right-testing-strategy-with-an-easy-framework-9e496a8b7768






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