

Automation is the future, there’s no doubt about it. After all, who doesn’t want to save time and money. Tableau helps companies and government organizations automate reporting with a drag and drop style that doesn’t require coding, but welcomes it all the same.

自动化是未来,这是毫无疑问的。 毕竟,谁不想节省时间和金钱。 Tableau通过拖放样式帮助公司和政府组织自动执行报告,该样式不需要编码,但完全相同。

Automation is a hot topic in almost every industry including healthcare, agriculture, retail and production. Many of the best algorithmic programming wizards can be found in the world of finance, but even financial institutions want help automating analytics and reporting. Tableau recently partnered with Broadridge Financial Solutions, a fintech leader added to the S&P 500 last year. Broadridge’s head of asset management solutions Eric Bernstein says,

自动化是几乎每个行业的热门话题,包括医疗保健,农业,零售和生产。 在金融界可以找到许多最好的算法编程向导,但即使是金融机构也希望获得帮助,以实现自动化的分析和报告。 Tableau最近与Broadridge Financial Solutions合作,后者是去年金融科技领域的领先者,加入了S&P 500。 Broadridge资产管理解决方案负责人Eric Bernstein说,

“Actionable data is at the forefront of everything today. Data aggregation and normalization is a constant pain point for the industry and getting it right for our buy-side clients is one of Broadridge’s competitive advantages. Tableau’s visual analytics platform, combined with our best-in-suite software, will provide insights and analytics into trading, portfolio and operations data at the speed of thought.”

“可行的数据是当今一切事物的最前沿。 数据聚合和规范化一直是整个行业的痛点,而让我们的买方客户正确选择数据是Broadridge的竞争优势之一。 Tableau的可视化分析平台与我们最佳的软件相结合,将以思想的速度提供有关交易,投资组合和运营数据的见解和分析。”

So why are companies like Broadridge Financial turning to Tableau for solutions if they already have the best programming brains? One reason is that Tableau can run programmatic automation processes in Python, R, C, C++ and Java. The commonality of these programs helps to smooth the learning curve involved with integrating the systems. Another reason is the ease of use resulting from Tableau’s drag and drop style, which allows people to contribute who may have good insights, but don’t have experience coding. Lastly, the supported platform provided by Tableau has huge added value. Tableau claims to save time and pain; let’s explore how this is done.

那么,如果Broadridge Financial这样的公司已经拥有最好的编程头脑,为什么还要转向Tableau寻求解决方案呢? 原因之一是Tableau可以在Python,R,C,C ++和Java中运行编程自动化过程。 这些程序的通用性有助于平滑集成系统所涉及的学习曲线。 另一个原因是Tableau的拖放样式带来的易用性,它使人们可以贡献出可能具有很好的见解但没有编码经验的人。 最后,Tableau提供的受支持平台具有巨大的附加值。 Tableau声称可以节省时间和痛苦; 让我们探讨一下如何完成。

Rest API (Application Programming Interface). Think of this like a language or set of rules for systems to communicate and give instructions to each other. Tableau’s Rest API automates tedious tasks like managing sites and users, updating workbooks and integrating with a custom app.

Rest API (应用程序编程接口)。 可以将其视为一种语言或一组规则,以便系统进行相互通信和相互指示。 Tableau的Rest API可以自动完成繁琐的任务,例如管理网站和用户,更新工作簿以及与自定义应用程序集成。

JavaScript API — JavaScript API lets you take your existing web applications and integrate Tableau Visualizations. Take dashboards from Tableau Public, Tableau Server and Tableau Online and put them on your web page. You can even use HTML controls to manipulate and filter them.

JavaScript API -JavaScript API使您可以使用现有的Web应用程序并集成Tableau Visualizations。 从Tableau Public,Tableau Server和Tableau Online中获取仪表板,并将其放在您的网页上。 您甚至可以使用HTML控件来操纵和过滤它们。

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Extract API — Extract API let’s you pull data into extracts that allow offline access and improve performance. Data sources that are not currently supported by Tableau can be pulled into Tableau with the Extract API, which basically means they are fully supported. Custom scripts can be created in Java, C, C++, Python, R and run on Mac, Windows and Linux.

提取API-提取API使您可以将数据提取到提取中,以允许脱机访问并提高性能。 可以使用Extract API将Tableau当前不支持的数据源拉入Tableau,这基本上意味着它们被完全支持。 可以在Java,C,C ++,Python,R中创建自定义脚本,并在Mac,Windows和Linux上运行。

Document API — Document API lets you programmatically modify Tableau files, create templates and migrate workbooks from test to production.


Tableau provides a heavily supported platform to automate these tasks. Large and small companies alike can take comfort in knowing that Tableau is constantly working to make things easier and faster. Maybe you aren’t moving around billions of dollars, like the finance giants or managing a constant barrage of patient data like hospitals, but reporting might just be the most important thing you do. When it comes to making intelligent business decisions, no matter how large your company, data analysis and reporting are royalty.

Tableau提供了受高度支持的平台来自动执行这些任务。 不论大小公司,Tableau都在不断努力使事情变得更轻松,更快,这让他们感到欣慰。 也许您并没有像金融巨头那样动moving动billion数十亿美元,也没有像医院那样管理着不断的病人数据,但是报告可能只是您最重要的事情。 在做出明智的业务决策时,无论您的公司规模大小,数据分析和报告都属于特许使用费。

So, take a tip from the finance giants and move towards automation.








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