

前言 (Preface)

The essay is geared towards beginners, written by a beginner himself, with 7 years of experience building web apps.


The goal is to nullify Fear of Missing Out, with respect to all the technologies out there, and bring clarity and peace to the roadmap you will outline for yourself if you wish to jump into web development.


Having that in mind, words in this article outline my view and perspective I got from my work up to this point. I do not claim it is the right way or that the right way exists.

考虑到这一点,本文中的文字概述了我从工作到现在为止的观点和观点。 我不是说这是正确的方法,也不是存在正确的方法。

The reader has the responsibility to think as he reads and form his own opinions based on the information outlined.


作者的经验 (Author’s experience)

Over the past 7+ years, I’ve founded startups in the fields of Education and Sports, worked for a product company, digital agency, and as a remote freelancer and led teams of up to ten people.


Primarily focused on architecting and developing Backend systems, I also enjoy crafting elegant Frontend interfaces.


For more information, check my personal site.


掌握基础知识 (Mastering the basics)

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Don’t get fancy with all of the new languages, frameworks, and bling-blings. Focus on what is important. The basics. Basics are the building blocks for anything advanced.

不要对所有新的语言,框架和花哨的东西都抱有幻想。 专注于重要的事情。 基础。 基础知识是任何高级内容的基础。

If you wish to build great products, you will need to have a solid ground with the basics. Don’t go further if you are not comfortable with variables, if statements, loops, functions…

如果您想生产出优质的产品,则需要具备扎实的基础知识。 如果您对变量,语句,循环,函数不满意,请不要走得更远。

As you go higher in complexity, all of the basic building blocks repeat themselves, only in different forms.


If you master the basics, you will recognize patterns and have less of the fear when tacking something new.


Basic Building Blocks


I’m primarily talking about:


  • usage of variables,

  • usage of IF statements for conditional checks in your code,

  • usage of loop statements to repeat a procedure X times,

  • usage of functions to group your code


Don’t underestimate the power of the strong foundation.


Don’t just look at the examples for IF statements, loops, etc., practice them! Come up with your own tasks, and implement the solution so that it feels casual and robust!

不要只看IF语句,循环等的示例,而是要练习它们! 提出您自己的任务,并实施解决方案,以使其感觉轻松而健壮!

Basic Building Blocks: Naming and Grouping (Architecture)


We use languages to exchange information; mastering its use allows us to do justice when conveying our ideas to others.

我们使用语言来交换信息; 掌握它的用法可以使我们在将想法传达给他人时伸张正义。

If you don’t know how to name something properly, you don’t understand it. Being that your variable, function, class, or whatever.

如果您不知道如何正确命名 ,就不会理解。 是您的变量,函数,类或其他内容。

The second lesson, to be noted here, is grouping things properly. Code that makes sense being around other code should stay there, rest should be moved to a properly named place.

在这里要注意的第二课是正确地事物进行分组 。 在其他代码周围有意义的代码应留在此处,其余代码应移至正确命名的地方。

Combining proper naming and grouping brings more clarity to what we are doing. Re-name and re-group things as much as it is needed for you to have a clear understanding of the code you are looking at.

适当的命名和分组相结合,可以使我们的工作更加清晰。 重命名和重新组合事物,以使您对正在查看的代码有清晰的了解。

Stop worrying about all the patterns out there and different programming paradigms; if you put everything in its own place (named, grouped) you are on a good track to have an understandable code.

不必再担心所有的模式和不同的编程范例; 如果将所有内容放置在自己的位置(命名,分组),那么您将拥有一个易于理解的代码。

You will lower the need to leave comments around the code if you name and group blocks of the code properly.


Think about the code you’re leaving behind


You’ll find patterns at the lowest levels that repeat themselves on a bigger scale.


Spacing, how many lines do you leave after some block of the code. How do you feel when you look at the code? Don’t just run forward, enjoy the sight, no matter how crappy it seems to you at first.

间隔,在代码的某些块之后您剩下多少行。 查看代码时感觉如何? 刚开始时,无论您看上去多么卑鄙,都不要随便向前走,欣赏美景。

There is beauty in every sight, you can feel what’s going on, observe, learn from it, and mold it into something more beautiful.


And a few years down the road, the only thing you will feel brought you the knowledge is just that — gazing and feeling the code, deciding how do you want to leave it to resonate with other people.


Whenever you are not feeling good about the thing you see, step away, look and think about it, rewrite it, re-group it, re-name it until it evokes the feeling of “Ah, that seems pretty; that seems nice!”.

每当您对所看到的事物感觉不佳时,就走开,仔细思考,重新编写,重新分组,重新命名,直到它唤起“啊,看起来很漂亮;看起来很美”的感觉。 看起来不错!”

Understand the solution before writing any code


Why are we solving that problem in the first place? Is the problem clearly defined? If not, re-define it. De-compose it down to smaller blocks (again, Re-name and Re-group).

我们为什么首先要解决这个问题? 问题是否明确定义? 如果不是,请重新定义它。 将其分解为较小的块(再次, 重新命名和重新分组 )。

State the solution, understand every corner of the solution, it’s details and the bigger picture. Take as much time as it is needed to understand the problem and the environment, formulate potential solutions, effects of the changes to be made, …

陈述解决方案,了解解决方案的每个角落,细节和全局。 花费尽可能多的时间来了解问题和环境,制定潜在的解决方案,进行更改的效果,…

And only then proceed to implement the solution.


Half of the work you do needs to be pondering upon the architecture.


学习过程中建立 (Build as you learn)

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If you are just starting, learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages allow us to build Frontend interfaces, i.e. what people see, use, and click.

如果您只是开始,请学习HTML,CSS和JavaScript 。 这些语言使我们能够构建前端接口,即人们看到,使用和点击的内容。

Later on, you can focus on building Backend systems, which store and manipulate data your users create by using the Frontend interface you’ve built. Languages we use here are JavaScript (yes, same as for frontend), PHP, Go, …

稍后,您可以专注于构建后端系统,该系统存储和处理用户通过使用所构建的Frontend界面创建的数据。 我们在这里使用的语言是JavaScript(是,与前端相同),PHP,Go等。

Build simple projects while learning a new language, framework (…). It can be a TODO app, but I’m sure you can come up with your own version of it. Maybe you wanted to track the amount of food you’ve grown over the years. Implement that! It will pull you in more than any classic assignment you will have no emotional connection to. Doing a spin on an assignment you see on the Internet will give you more confidence down the road.

在学习新的语言,框架的同时,构建简单的项目(...)。 它可以是TODO应用程序,但我敢肯定您可以提出自己的版本。 也许您想跟踪您多年来种植的食物量。 实施! 它比没有任何情感联系的经典任务更能吸引您。 尝试一下在Internet上看到的作业,这将给您带来更大的信心。

And even better — create something for yourself and the people around you. Once you build something that’s interesting to you, you will never look back. And eventually, others will find enjoyment in your work.

甚至更好-为自己和周围的人创造一些东西。 一旦构建了您感兴趣的东西,您将永远不会回头。 最终,其他人会在您的工作中找到乐趣。

Taking a project from 0% to 100% will give you the confidence you cannot get if you are only tackling half of the problem. You will face all of the obstacles and move past them to have a working thing. Being that a TODO app or the next thing people enjoy using.

如果只解决一半的问题,那么从0%到100%的项目将给您带来信心。 您将面对所有障碍,并越过它们来解决问题。 成为TODO应用或人们喜欢使用的下一个东西。

Personal Website


Build your own personal site, with the technologies stated above, and open-source it.


  • Outline who you are,

  • What are you learning,

  • Document your progress,

  • Learn new languages and frameworks,

  • Build simple projects (TODO apps etc.),

  • Open-source and write about them on your page.


Open-sourcing projects


Open-sourced projects expose your code publicly and keep you accountable to do the best work possible. They also serve as a connecting hub for you and like-minded people.

开源项目公开地公开您的代码,并让您负责尽最大努力。 它们还可以作为您和志趣相投的人的连接枢纽。

Anytime you update your project, your activity will be shown on your (GitHub, Gitlab, …) profile, enabling you to attract more relevant projects and people in the future.


As you build your products, write a good README.md file, document your code, and write an article per project to address challenges and solutions you’ve deployed to tackle them.


Building your products


If you want to bring your ideas to life, you will be a jack of all trades and a master of none. But that will not hold you down, because you will have your idea alive and kicking, and that is all that matters.

如果您想实现自己的想法,那么您将成为万事通,无精打采的大师 。 但这并不会使您失望,因为您的想法会不断发生,这就是最重要的。

You need to do the best possible work, you never know when other people will join your team or when you need to fix something you did a few months ago. Make it easier for yourself, and others — plan and then implement.

您需要尽力而为,不知道其他人何时加入您的团队,或者何时需要修复几个月前所做的事情。 为自己和他人简化工作-规划然后实施。

If you lead a team, you have great power and even greater responsibility. This is a topic of great importance and complexity and needs to be approached with great diligence.

如果您领导团队,那么您将拥有强大的力量甚至更大的责任感。 这是一个非常重要和复杂的话题,需要认真研究。

计划并坚持您的路线图 (Plan and stick to your roadmap)

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You can easily get lost in all the trends, trying to catch a lot that will not make sense for you in the future.


  • Outline your roadmap,

  • Outline who do you want to become,

  • What values you hold strongly to,

  • What do you want to do,

  • What kind of people you want to work with,

  • Reflect, adjust, and stick to YOUR roadmap.


Know what is important in the upcoming day. Prioritize your goals for the day, focus on having one task that will make that day worthwhile. The rest of the tasks are there to bring balance to the day. Reflect at the end of the day and go into the next one with clarity.

知道在接下来的一天中什么是重要的。 优先考虑当天的目标,集中精力完成一项使这一天有价值的任务。 剩下的所有任务都可以使您每天保持平衡。 在一天结束时进行反思,并清楚地进入下一个。

Scaling daily planning onto the week, month, and year interval, with regular reflections, will keep you on track with your roadmap.


When interacting with other people, see where you are, and pick your projects and jobs that are relevant to you and that are aligned with your roadmap. This is the way to be true to any endeavor you take.

与他人互动时,请查看您的位置,并选择与您相关且与路线图保持一致的项目和工作。 这是您所做的任何努力的真实方式。

Your life is YOU and the PEOPLE around you, and not “Web Development”

您的生活就是您和您周围的人,而不是“ Web开发”

Meaning you have in your life will come from the good people around you and the interactions you have with them, and not the jobs you do.


  • Don’t expect better treatment for yourself than the one you give to others. What goes around, comes around.

    不要期望自己得到比别人给予更好的待遇。 善有善报恶有恶报。
  • The people surrounding you and their interactions with you are reflections of you. Change your ways if you wish the World to interact with you differently.

    周围的人及其与您的互动是对您的反映。 如果您希望世界与您互动,请改变您的方式。
  • Know that there are many things in life you can do. Know that time carves beauty if you love what you do and don’t underestimate the power of a single step, and weight of the path it continues or sets.

    知道生活中您可以做很多事情。 如果您热爱自己所做的事情,并且不低估了一步的力量以及步伐继续或设定的重要性,那么就知道时间可以雕刻出美丽。
  • You can work however you wish and however you think is the best for you; to provide as much as you can to others. If there are other things you need to be doing to have a balance in your life, do them!

    您可以随心所欲地工作,但是认为自己最适合自己。 为他人提供尽可能多的服务。 如果您需要做其他事情来平衡自己的生活,那就去做吧!

选择技术栈 (Choosing your technology stack)

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If you are going to build your own product, you wish to find the easiest-to-understand-and-prototype tools out there, that also have a great community.


If the community invested a lot of time into their website, guides, and the onboarding — I’m interested! They probably invested as much diligence into making that language or framework to be easy to use. And that’s what will help us build great things, quicker.

如果社区在他们的网站,指南和入门上投入了大量时间,我很感兴趣! 他们可能会尽最大的努力使该语言或框架易于使用。 这将帮助我们更快地构建伟大的事物。

To be noted here, there is no reason to chase getting everything done quicker if you don’t have time to relax with a cup of coffee and have a normal and balanced life.


My technology stack




  • HTML5,

  • CSS3,

  • ES6 (JavaScript), TypeScript,




  • Frontend: Vue.js (JavaScript, TypeScript)

  • Backend: Nest.js (Node.js), Laravel (PHP)


Your technology stack


Beyond the basics stated above…


Most of the people start with Frontend development. I think it’s fairly safe to say, following the principles outlined in the article, you will land a job in 3–6 months of working smart and hard. Besides HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, take a look at Angular, React, and Vue. Vue seems easiest to get started.

大多数人都从Frontend开发开始。 我认为可以肯定地说,按照本文概述的原则,您将在3到6个月的勤奋工作中找到一份工作。 除了HTML,CSS和JavaScript,还要看一下Angular,React和Vue。 Vue似乎最容易上手。

Developing a Backend or an API is what allows sites we created to persist data and allow others to interact with that data. Backend or an API could be built in all sorts of ways, I’ll note Node.js, Laravel, and Go here.

开发后端或API可以使我们创建的网站保留数据并允许其他人与该数据进行交互。 后端或API可以通过各种方式构建,我会注意Node.js,Laravel和Go here。

面容 (Postface)

Thank you for reading.


There are many experts and more qualified people in the fields I’ve covered. Learn from them, their mistakes, and successes.

在我介绍的领域中,有很多专家和更多合格的人。 向他们学习,他们的错误和成功。

But most importantly, do your own mistakes and successes. Do you. We are all here, eager to see how your unique life perspective, with all bolts and twitches, pans out.

但最重要的是,自己做错和成功。 你呢。 我们都在这里,渴望看到您的独特生活视角,以及所有的螺栓和抽搐。

You can always pass the enthusiasm to someone else, so mentor people around you, that’s all that is needed to spark something great in someone.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or interesting challenges, feel free to leave a comment or get in touch with me.

如果您有任何疑问,建议或有趣的挑战,请随时发表评论或 与我联系

If you wish to join an open-source project written in Vue.js and TypeScript, take a look at Habitus — Anonymous Habit Tracker.

如果您希望加入一个用Vue.js和TypeScript编写的开源项目,请查看Habitus-Anonymous Habit Tracker

All the best,




翻译自: https://medium.com/andromeda-technology/web-development-invest-your-time-wisely-d0c260b656d8


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