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Flutter is more than just an engine, a set of widgets, and some tools; it also includes a large ecosystem of packages to add functionality to your apps beyond what comes out of the box. Some of the most popular packages are the set that supports Firebase (aka FlutterFire). As part of our continued focus on quality for all aspects of Flutter, we recently announced that Invertase, a consulting firm with deep expertise in Dart, Flutter, and Firebase, would be taking over the bulk of the development and maintenance of the FlutterFire plugins. In just the short amount of time since that announcement, they’ve made a tremendous amount of progress, including a new set of Core, Authentication, and Firestore plugins that provide new functionality and align the APIs more closely with other Firebase SDKs. In addition, they’ve created a whole site of Flutter-specific documentation for each of the Firebase plugins that includes installation instructions and code snippets for common scenarios, as well as a migration guide to help you move your code to this new version. And finally, in addition to all of that great work, this release represents 300+ issues resolved and 80+ pull requests merged.

Flutter不仅仅是一个引擎,一组小部件和一些工具; 它还包括一个庞大的软件包生态系统,可以为您的应用程序添加功能,而不仅仅是开箱即用。 一些最受欢迎的软件包是支持Firebase(又名FlutterFire)的套件。 为了继续关注Flutter各个方面的质量, 我们最近宣布 ,在Dart,Flutter和Firebase方面拥有深厚专业知识的咨询公司Invertase将接手FlutterFire插件的大部分开发和维护。 自发布以来的短时间内,他们取得了长足的进步,包括一组新的Core,Authentication和Firestore插件,这些插件提供了新功能,并使API与其他Firebase SDK更紧密地保持一致。 此外,他们还为每个Firebase插件创建了一个Flutter专用文档的整个站点,其中包括针对常见场景的安装说明和代码段,以及可帮助您将代码移至新版本的迁移指南。 最后,除了所有出色的工作之外,此版本还解决了300多个问题,合并了80多个拉取请求。

原则 (Principles)

Historically, the Firebase plugins for Flutter grew organically due to passionate team members contributing when they could. With the transfer of plugin engineering to Invertase, the Flutter team and Invertase together took the opportunity to reexamine the basics. This exercise led to a number of principles:

从历史上看,Flutter的Firebase插件得到了有机增长,这是由于热情的团队成员在可能的情况下做出了贡献。 通过将插件工程转移到Invertase,Flutter团队和Invertase一起抓住了机会,重新检查了基础知识。 此练习导致了一些原则:

  • Features will be consistent with native Firebase SDKs, like the ability to access the currently logged-in user synchronously instead of asynchronously.

    功能将与本地Firebase SDK保持一致 ,例如能够以同步方式而非异步方式访问当前登录的用户。

  • Naming will be consistent with native Firebase SDKs, like the use of get() instead of getDocuments().

    命名将与本地Firebase SDK一致 ,例如使用get()而不是getDocuments()。

  • All plugins will depend on firebase_core and consistently require initialization using Firebase.initializeApp().

    所有插件都将取决于firebase_core,并且始终需要使用Firebase.initializeApp() 进行初始化

  • All plugins will depend on the same underlying native Firebase SDK version.

    所有插件都将依赖于相同的基础本机Firebase SDK版本。

  • All plugins will be updated to use federation, making it possible to support a wide range of platforms and not just mobile.

    所有插件都将更新为使用 联盟 ,从而有可能支持广泛的平台,而不仅仅是移动平台。

  • All plugins will require explicit adoption of the new firebase_core version, so that running flutter pub update won’t break your code.

    所有插件都需要显式采用新的firebase_core版本,以便运行flutter pub update不会破坏您的代码。

  • Old names will be deprecated to ease adoption as plugins are updated to meet these principles.


  • Important issues will be fixed and a full set of tests will be created for each set of plugins as they are updated.


The goal of these principles is to make for a better experience for new and existing Firebase users on Flutter. We’re also working hard to make sure that you’re able to adopt the changes to each set of 3-4 plugins as we release them instead of waiting for the whole set of 15 plugins to be updated.

这些原则的目的是为Flutter上的新老Firebase用户提供更好的体验。 我们也在努力确保您能够在发布3-4个插件时对每组3-4个插件进行更改,而不必等待整个15个插件的更新。

移民 (Migration)

Migration to the new Core, Authentication, and Firestore plugins is largely a matter of updating the versions in your pubspec.yaml file, pulling down those versions with flutter pub get, and adding a call to Firebase.initializeApp(). Once you do that, you may also choose to deal with the set of names that have been deprecated, although the old methods and properties will continue to work for now.

迁移到新的CoreAuthenticationFirestore插件很大程度上取决于更新pubspec.yaml文件中的版本,使用flutter pub get下拉这些版本,并添加对Firebase.initializeApp()的调用。 完成后,尽管旧的方法和属性现在仍可以继续使用,但您也可以选择处理已过时的名称集。

Not all of the work associated with these principles has been completed yet (in fact, we’re just getting started), but if you do adopt the new Core, you can continue to use the rest of the plugins that haven’t had any major changes yet; even plugins, like Storage and Messaging, have been updated to depend on the new Core. This means that you’ll get a more consistent experience across the board now with more changes coming that will just make things better.

尚未完成与这些原则相关的所有工作(实际上,我们才刚刚开始),但是,如果您采用新的Core,则可以继续使用其余尚未使用的插件。重大变化 甚至诸如存储和消息传递之类的插件也已更新,以依赖于新的Core。 这意味着您现在将获得更全面的一致体验,即将进行的更多更改将使事情变得更好。

For the full list of changes for the new versions of Core, Authentication, and Firestore, as well as detailed instructions on how to bring your Firebase code forward, I recommend that you read the Migration Guide.


平台支援 (Platform support)

The work that Invertase is doing is currently focused on Android and iOS, with macOS thrown in since it shares 99% of the same code with iOS. You can see the support for the Firebase plugins at the new documentation site for FlutterFire: https://firebase.flutter.dev/

目前,Invertase所做的工作主要集中在Android和iOS上,并加入了macOS,因为它与iOS共享了99%的相同代码。 您可以在FlutterFire的新文档站点上看到对Firebase插件的支持: https ://firebase.flutter.dev/

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Current status of the Firebase plugins for Flutter

You’ll notice that while every Firebase plugin supports mobile, which includes Android and iOS, not all of them support macOS. We’ll bring that support along as we work our way through the list. You’ll also notice that several of the plugins already support Flutter on the web as well as mobile. The breadth of support will continue to grow as work continues.

您会注意到,尽管每个Firebase插件都支持移动设备,其中包括Android和iOS,但并非所有人都支持macOS。 我们将在列表中逐步提供支持。 您还将注意到,一些插件已经在网络以及移动设备上支持Flutter。 随着工作的继续,支持范围将继续扩大。

文献资料 (Documentation)

In addition to providing a comprehensive migration guide and showing platform support for each plugin, we’ve also provided the first draft at a Flutter-centric set of documentation at https://firebase.flutter.dev/docs.


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No more reading the native Android or web Firebase docs and using that to guess the equivalent APIs to use in your Flutter apps! On this site, you’ll find docs for most of the Firebase plugins (many more than just Core, Authentication, and Firestore), Android, iOS, web-specific installation instructions, an overview of common scenarios with code snippets, and videos.

无需再阅读原生的Android或Web Firebase文档,并以此猜测在Flutter应用中要使用的等效API! 在此站点上,您将找到有关大多数Firebase插件(不仅仅是Core,Authentication和Firestore),Android,iOS,特定于Web的安装说明,带有代码段的常见场景概述和视频的文档。

下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

Today we’ve announced the first round of updates for the Core, Authentication, and Firestore plugins. To make sure that we’re working on the highest impact plugins for Flutter developers, our next round will likely be Crashlytics, Functions, Messaging, and Storage. Once those are in shape, we’ll circle back and make sure that web support for those 7 plugins lives up to our principles as well. This is a first big step on a journey to ensure that Flutter developers have the full range of services that other Firebase SDKs have to offer. If we make any missteps along the way, please let us know.

今天,我们宣布了针对Core,Authentication和Firestore插件的第一轮更新。 为了确保我们正在为Flutter开发人员开发影响最大的插件,我们的下一轮工作可能是Crashlytics,Functions,Messaging和Storage。 一旦它们成形,我们将回头并确保对这7个插件的网络支持也符合我们的原则。 这是确保Flutter开发人员拥有其他Firebase SDK必须提供的全方位服务的第一步。 如果我们在此过程中有任何失误, 请告知我们

翻译自: https://medium.com/flutter/updates-on-flutter-and-firebase-8076f70bc90e


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